@load notice @load utils/thresholds module SSH; export { redef enum Log::ID += { SSH }; redef enum Notice::Type += { Login, Password_Guessing, Login_By_Password_Guesser, Login_From_Interesting_Hostname, Bytecount_Inconsistency, }; type Info: record { ts: time &log; uid: string &log; id: conn_id &log; status: string &log &optional; direction: string &log &optional; remote_location: geo_location &log &optional; client: string &log &optional; server: string &log &optional; resp_size: count &log &default=0; ## Indicate if the SSH session is done being watched. done: bool &default=F; }; const password_guesses_limit = 30 &redef; # The size in bytes at which the SSH connection is presumed to be # successful. const authentication_data_size = 5500 &redef; # The amount of time to remember presumed non-successful logins to build # model of a password guesser. const guessing_timeout = 30 mins &redef; # The set of countries for which you'd like to throw notices upon successful login # requires Bro compiled with libGeoIP support const watched_countries: set[string] = {"RO"} &redef; # Strange/bad host names to originate successful SSH logins const interesting_hostnames = /^d?ns[0-9]*\./ | /^smtp[0-9]*\./ | /^mail[0-9]*\./ | /^pop[0-9]*\./ | /^imap[0-9]*\./ | /^www[0-9]*\./ | /^ftp[0-9]*\./ &redef; # This is a table with orig subnet as the key, and subnet as the value. const ignore_guessers: table[subnet] of subnet &redef; # If true, we tell the event engine to not look at further data # packets after the initial SSH handshake. Helps with performance # (especially with large file transfers) but precludes some # kinds of analyses (e.g., tracking connection size). const skip_processing_after_detection = F &redef; # Keeps count of how many rejections a host has had global password_rejections: table[addr] of TrackCount &write_expire=guessing_timeout &synchronized; # Keeps track of hosts identified as guessing passwords # TODO: guessing_timeout doesn't work correctly here. If a user redefs # the variable, it won't take effect. global password_guessers: set[addr] &read_expire=guessing_timeout+1hr &synchronized; global log_ssh: event(rec: Info); } # Configure DPD and the packet filter redef capture_filters += { ["ssh"] = "tcp port 22" }; redef dpd_config += { [ANALYZER_SSH] = [$ports = set(22/tcp)] }; redef record connection += { ssh: Info &optional; }; event bro_init() { Log::create_stream(SSH, [$columns=Info, $ev=log_ssh]); } function set_session(c: connection) { if ( ! c?$ssh ) { local info: Info; info$ts=network_time(); info$uid=c$uid; info$id=c$id; c$ssh = info; } } function check_ssh_connection(c: connection, done: bool) { # If done watching this connection, just return. if ( c$ssh$done ) return; # If this is still a live connection and the byte count has not # crossed the threshold, just return and let the resheduled check happen later. if ( !done && c$resp$size < authentication_data_size ) return; # Make sure the server has sent back more than 50 bytes to filter out # hosts that are just port scanning. Nothing is ever logged if the server # doesn't send back at least 50 bytes. if ( c$resp$size < 50 ) return; local status = "failure"; local direction = Site::is_local_addr(c$id$orig_h) ? "to" : "from"; local location: geo_location; location = (direction == "to") ? lookup_location(c$id$resp_h) : lookup_location(c$id$orig_h); if ( done && c$resp$size < authentication_data_size ) { # presumed failure if ( c$id$orig_h !in password_rejections ) password_rejections[c$id$orig_h] = new_track_count(); # Track the number of rejections if ( !(c$id$orig_h in ignore_guessers && c$id$resp_h in ignore_guessers[c$id$orig_h]) ) ++password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n; if ( default_check_threshold(password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]) ) { add password_guessers[c$id$orig_h]; NOTICE([$note=Password_Guessing, $conn=c, $msg=fmt("SSH password guessing by %s", c$id$orig_h), $sub=fmt("%d failed logins", password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n), $n=password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n]); } } # TODO: This is to work around a quasi-bug in Bro which occasionally # causes the byte count to be oversized. # Watch for Gregors work that adds an actual counter of bytes transferred. else if ( c$resp$size < 20000000 ) { # presumed successful login status = "success"; c$ssh$done = T; if ( c$id$orig_h in password_rejections && password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n > password_guesses_limit && c$id$orig_h !in password_guessers ) { add password_guessers[c$id$orig_h]; NOTICE([$note=Login_By_Password_Guesser, $conn=c, $n=password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n, $msg=fmt("Successful SSH login by password guesser %s", c$id$orig_h), $sub=fmt("%d failed logins", password_rejections[c$id$orig_h]$n)]); } local message = fmt("SSH login %s %s \"%s\" \"%s\" %f %f %s (triggered with %d bytes)", direction, location$country_code, location$region, location$city, location$latitude, location$longitude, id_string(c$id), c$resp$size); NOTICE([$note=Login, $conn=c, $msg=message, $sub=location$country_code]); # Check to see if this login came from an interesting hostname when ( local hostname = lookup_addr(c$id$orig_h) ) { if ( interesting_hostnames in hostname ) { NOTICE([$note=Login_From_Interesting_Hostname, $conn=c, $msg=fmt("Strange login from %s", hostname), $sub=hostname]); } } if ( location$country_code in watched_countries ) { } } else if ( c$resp$size >= 200000000 ) { NOTICE([$note=Bytecount_Inconsistency, $conn=c, $msg="During byte counting in SSH analysis, an overly large value was seen.", $sub=fmt("%d",c$resp$size)]); } c$ssh$remote_location = location; c$ssh$status = status; c$ssh$direction = direction; c$ssh$resp_size = c$resp$size; Log::write(SSH, c$ssh); # Set the "done" flag to prevent the watching event from rescheduling # after detection is done. c$ssh$done; # Stop watching this connection, we don't care about it anymore. if ( skip_processing_after_detection ) { skip_further_processing(c$id); set_record_packets(c$id, F); } } event connection_state_remove(c: connection) &priority=-5 { if ( c?$ssh ) check_ssh_connection(c, T); } event ssh_watcher(c: connection) { local id = c$id; # don't go any further if this connection is gone already! if ( !connection_exists(id) ) return; check_ssh_connection(c, F); if ( ! c$ssh$done ) schedule +15secs { ssh_watcher(c) }; } event ssh_server_version(c: connection, version: string) &priority=5 { set_session(c); c$ssh$server = version; } event ssh_client_version(c: connection, version: string) &priority=5 { set_session(c); c$ssh$client = version; schedule +15secs { ssh_watcher(c) }; }