you_lose_msg = "Either that person does not exist, or has a different password."; if (!(caller in {#0, this})) return E_PERM; "...caller isn't :do_login_command..."; elseif (args && (args[1] == "test")) return this:test(@listdelete(args, 1)); elseif (!(length(args) in {1, 2})) notify(player, tostr("Usage: ", verb, " ")); elseif (!valid(candidate = this:_match_player(name = strsub(args[1], " ", "_")))) if (name == "guest") "must be no guests"; this:notify_lines(this:registration_text("guest")); else notify(player, you_lose_msg); endif "...unknown player..."; elseif (is_clear_property(candidate, "password") || ((typeof(candidate.password) == STR) && ((length(candidate.password) < 2) || (crypt({@args, ""}[2], candidate.password) != candidate.password)))) notify(player, you_lose_msg); "...bad password..."; server_log(tostr("FAILED CONNECT: ", args[1], " (", candidate, ") on ", connection_name(player), ($string_utils:connection_hostname(connection_name(player)) in candidate.all_connect_places) ? "" | "******")); elseif ((( == "guest") && this.sitematch_guests) && valid(foreigner = $country_db:get_guest())) notify(player, tostr("Okay,... Logging you in as `", foreigner:name(), "'")); this:record_connection(foreigner); return foreigner; elseif ((parent(candidate) == $guest) && (!valid(candidate = candidate:defer()))) if (candidate == #-3) notify(player, "Sorry, guest characters are not allowed from your site right now."); elseif (candidate == #-2) this:notify_lines(this:registration_text("blacklisted", "Sorry, guest characters are not allowed from your site.")); elseif (candidate == #-4) this:notify_lines(this:registration_text("guest")); else notify(player, "Sorry, all of our guest characters are in use right now."); endif else if ((!(name in candidate.aliases)) && (name != tostr(candidate))) notify(player, tostr("Okay,... ", name, " is in use. Logging you in as `", candidate:name(), "'")); endif if (this:is_newted(candidate)) notify(player, ""); notify(player, this:newt_message_for(candidate)); notify(player, ""); else this:record_connection(candidate); if (verb[1] == "s") candidate.use_do_command = 0; endif return candidate; endif endif return 0;