-- -- Example of a fragment of an openEHR Archetype, written in the Object Data Instance Notation (ODIN) -- Definition available here: https://github.com/openEHR/odin -- Author: Thomas Beale -- original_author = < ["name"] = <"Dr J Joyce"> ["organisation"] = <"NT Health Service"> ["date"] = <2003-08-03> > term_bindings = < ["umls"] = < ["id1"] = -- apgar result ["id2"] = -- 1-minute event > > lifecycle_state = <"initial"> resource_package_uri = <"http://www.aihw.org.au/data_sets/diabetic_archetypes.html"> details = < ["en"] = < language = <[iso_639-1::en]> purpose = <"archetype for diabetic patient review"> use = <"used for all hospital or clinic-based diabetic reviews, including first time. Optional sections are removed according to the particular review" > misuse = <"not appropriate for pre-diagnosis use"> original_resource_uri = <"http://www.healthdata.org.au/data_sets/diabetic_review_data_set_1.html"> > ["de"] = < language = <[iso_639-1::de]> purpose = <"Archetyp für die Untersuchung von Patienten mit Diabetes"> use = <"wird benutzt für alle Diabetes-Untersuchungen im Krankenhaus, inklusive der ersten Vorstellung. Optionale Abschnitte werden in Abhängigkeit von der speziellen Vorstellung entfernt." > misuse = <"nicht geeignet für Benutzung vor Diagnosestellung"> original_resource_uri = <"http://www.healthdata.org.au/data_sets/diabetic_review_data_set_1.html"> > >