# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Command line test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import print_function import io import os import re import sys import tempfile import unittest import support from pygments import cmdline, highlight from pygments.util import BytesIO, StringIO TESTFILE, TESTDIR = support.location(__file__) TESTCODE = '''\ def func(args): pass ''' def run_cmdline(*args, **kwds): saved_stdin = sys.stdin saved_stdout = sys.stdout saved_stderr = sys.stderr if sys.version_info > (3,): stdin_buffer = BytesIO() stdout_buffer = BytesIO() stderr_buffer = BytesIO() new_stdin = sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(stdin_buffer, 'utf-8') new_stdout = sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(stdout_buffer, 'utf-8') new_stderr = sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(stderr_buffer, 'utf-8') else: stdin_buffer = new_stdin = sys.stdin = StringIO() stdout_buffer = new_stdout = sys.stdout = StringIO() stderr_buffer = new_stderr = sys.stderr = StringIO() new_stdin.write(kwds.get('stdin', '')) new_stdin.seek(0, 0) try: ret = cmdline.main(['pygmentize'] + list(args)) finally: sys.stdin = saved_stdin sys.stdout = saved_stdout sys.stderr = saved_stderr new_stdout.flush() new_stderr.flush() out, err = stdout_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8'), \ stderr_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8') return (ret, out, err) class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase): def check_success(self, *cmdline, **kwds): code, out, err = run_cmdline(*cmdline, **kwds) self.assertEqual(code, 0) self.assertEqual(err, '') return out def check_failure(self, *cmdline, **kwds): expected_code = kwds.pop('code', 1) code, out, err = run_cmdline(*cmdline, **kwds) self.assertEqual(code, expected_code) self.assertEqual(out, '') return err def test_normal(self): # test that cmdline gives the same output as library api from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter filename = TESTFILE with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: code = fp.read() output = highlight(code, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter()) o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-fhtml', filename) self.assertEqual(o, output) def test_stdin(self): o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-fhtml', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o) # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip()) # guess if no lexer given o = self.check_success('-fhtml', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o) # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip()) def test_outfile(self): # test that output file works with and without encoding fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) for opts in [['-fhtml', '-o', name, TESTFILE], ['-flatex', '-o', name, TESTFILE], ['-fhtml', '-o', name, '-O', 'encoding=utf-8', TESTFILE]]: try: self.check_success(*opts) finally: os.unlink(name) def test_load_from_file(self): lexer_file = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'support', 'python_lexer.py') formatter_file = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'support', 'html_formatter.py') # By default, use CustomLexer o = self.check_success('-l', lexer_file, '-f', 'html', '-x', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o) # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip()) # If user specifies a name, use it o = self.check_success('-f', 'html', '-x', '-l', lexer_file + ':LexerWrapper', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o) # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip()) # Should also work for formatters o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-f', formatter_file + ':HtmlFormatterWrapper', '-x', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', o) # rstrip is necessary since HTML inserts a \n after the last self.assertEqual(o.rstrip(), TESTCODE.rstrip()) def test_stream_opt(self): o = self.check_success('-lpython', '-s', '-fterminal', stdin=TESTCODE) o = re.sub(r'\x1b\[.*?m', '', o) self.assertEqual(o.replace('\r\n', '\n'), TESTCODE) def test_h_opt(self): o = self.check_success('-h') self.assertTrue('Usage:' in o) def test_L_opt(self): o = self.check_success('-L') self.assertTrue('Lexers' in o and 'Formatters' in o and 'Filters' in o and 'Styles' in o) o = self.check_success('-L', 'lexer') self.assertTrue('Lexers' in o and 'Formatters' not in o) self.check_success('-L', 'lexers') def test_O_opt(self): filename = TESTFILE o = self.check_success('-Ofull=1,linenos=true,foo=bar', '-fhtml', filename) self.assertTrue('foo, bar=baz=,' in o) def test_F_opt(self): filename = TESTFILE o = self.check_success('-Fhighlight:tokentype=Name.Blubb,' 'names=TESTFILE filename', '-fhtml', filename) self.assertTrue('