# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Data Tests ~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import pytest from pygments.lexers import JsonLexer, JsonBareObjectLexer from pygments.token import Token @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def lexer(): yield JsonLexer() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def lexer_bare(): yield JsonBareObjectLexer() def test_basic_json(lexer): fragment = u'{"foo": "bar", "foo2": [1, 2, 3]}\n' tokens = [ (Token.Punctuation, u'{'), (Token.Name.Tag, u'"foo"'), (Token.Punctuation, u':'), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.String.Double, u'"bar"'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Name.Tag, u'"foo2"'), (Token.Punctuation, u':'), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Punctuation, u'['), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'1'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'2'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'3'), (Token.Punctuation, u']'), (Token.Punctuation, u'}'), (Token.Text, u'\n'), ] assert list(lexer.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens def test_basic_bare(lexer_bare): # This is the same as testBasic for JsonLexer above, except the # enclosing curly braces are removed. fragment = u'"foo": "bar", "foo2": [1, 2, 3]\n' tokens = [ (Token.Name.Tag, u'"foo"'), (Token.Punctuation, u':'), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.String.Double, u'"bar"'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Name.Tag, u'"foo2"'), (Token.Punctuation, u':'), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Punctuation, u'['), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'1'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'2'), (Token.Punctuation, u','), (Token.Text, u' '), (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, u'3'), (Token.Punctuation, u']'), (Token.Text, u'\n'), ] assert list(lexer_bare.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens def test_closing_curly(lexer_bare): # This can be an Error token, but should not be a can't-pop-from-stack # exception. fragment = '}"a"\n' tokens = [ (Token.Error, '}'), (Token.Name.Tag, '"a"'), (Token.Text, '\n'), ] assert list(lexer_bare.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens def test_closing_curly_in_value(lexer_bare): fragment = '"": ""}\n' tokens = [ (Token.Name.Tag, '""'), (Token.Punctuation, ':'), (Token.Text, ' '), (Token.Literal.String.Double, '""'), (Token.Error, '}'), (Token.Text, '\n'), ] assert list(lexer_bare.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens