# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pygments tests with example files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import pprint import difflib import pickle from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename, get_lexer_by_name from pygments.token import Error from pygments.util import ClassNotFound import support STORE_OUTPUT = False STATS = {} TESTDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Jython generates a StackOverflowError for repetitions of the form (a|b)+, # which are commonly used in string patterns, when matching more than about 1000 # chars. These tests do not complete. See http://bugs.jython.org/issue1965 BAD_FILES_FOR_JYTHON = ('Object.st', 'all.nit', 'genclass.clj', 'ragel-cpp_rlscan') def test_example_files(): global STATS STATS = {} outdir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles', 'output') if STORE_OUTPUT and not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles')): if fn.startswith('.') or fn.endswith('#'): continue absfn = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles', fn) if not os.path.isfile(absfn): continue print(absfn) with open(absfn, 'rb') as f: code = f.read() try: code = code.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeError: code = code.decode('latin1') lx = None if '_' in fn: try: lx = get_lexer_by_name(fn.split('_')[0]) except ClassNotFound: pass if lx is None: try: lx = get_lexer_for_filename(absfn, code=code) except ClassNotFound: raise AssertionError('file %r has no registered extension, ' 'nor is of the form _filename ' 'for overriding, thus no lexer found.' % fn) yield check_lexer, lx, fn N = 7 stats = list(STATS.items()) stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][1]) print('\nExample files that took longest absolute time:') for fn, t in stats[-N:]: print('%-30s %6d chars %8.2f ms %7.3f ms/char' % ((fn,) + t)) print() stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][2]) print('\nExample files that took longest relative time:') for fn, t in stats[-N:]: print('%-30s %6d chars %8.2f ms %7.3f ms/char' % ((fn,) + t)) def check_lexer(lx, fn): if os.name == 'java' and fn in BAD_FILES_FOR_JYTHON: raise support.SkipTest absfn = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles', fn) with open(absfn, 'rb') as fp: text = fp.read() text = text.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') text = text.strip(b'\n') + b'\n' try: text = text.decode('utf-8') if text.startswith(u'\ufeff'): text = text[len(u'\ufeff'):] except UnicodeError: text = text.decode('latin1') ntext = [] tokens = [] import time t1 = time.time() for type, val in lx.get_tokens(text): ntext.append(val) assert type != Error, \ 'lexer %s generated error token for %s: %r at position %d' % \ (lx, absfn, val, len(u''.join(ntext))) tokens.append((type, val)) t2 = time.time() STATS[os.path.basename(absfn)] = (len(text), 1000 * (t2 - t1), 1000 * (t2 - t1) / len(text)) if u''.join(ntext) != text: print('\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(u''.join(ntext).splitlines(), text.splitlines()))) raise AssertionError('round trip failed for ' + absfn) # check output against previous run if enabled if STORE_OUTPUT: # no previous output -- store it outfn = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'examplefiles', 'output', fn) if not os.path.isfile(outfn): with open(outfn, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(tokens, fp) return # otherwise load it and compare with open(outfn, 'rb') as fp: stored_tokens = pickle.load(fp) if stored_tokens != tokens: f1 = pprint.pformat(stored_tokens) f2 = pprint.pformat(tokens) print('\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(f1.splitlines(), f2.splitlines()))) assert False, absfn