# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for pygments.regexopt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re import random import unittest import itertools from pygments.regexopt import regex_opt ALPHABET = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] try: from itertools import combinations_with_replacement N_TRIES = 15 except ImportError: # Python 2.6 def combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r): pool = tuple(iterable) n = len(pool) for indices in itertools.product(range(n), repeat=r): if sorted(indices) == list(indices): yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices) N_TRIES = 9 class RegexOptTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def generate_keywordlist(self, length): return [''.join(p) for p in combinations_with_replacement(ALPHABET, length)] def test_randomly(self): # generate a list of all possible keywords of a certain length using # a restricted alphabet, then choose some to match and make sure only # those do for n in range(3, N_TRIES): kwlist = self.generate_keywordlist(n) to_match = random.sample(kwlist, random.randint(1, len(kwlist) - 1)) no_match = set(kwlist) - set(to_match) rex = re.compile(regex_opt(to_match)) self.assertEqual(rex.groups, 1) for w in to_match: self.assertTrue(rex.match(w)) for w in no_match: self.assertFalse(rex.match(w)) def test_prefix(self): opt = regex_opt(('a', 'b'), prefix=r':{1,2}') print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) self.assertFalse(rex.match('a')) self.assertTrue(rex.match('::a')) self.assertFalse(rex.match(':::')) # fullmatch def test_suffix(self): opt = regex_opt(('a', 'b'), suffix=r':{1,2}') print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) self.assertFalse(rex.match('a')) self.assertTrue(rex.match('a::')) self.assertFalse(rex.match(':::')) # fullmatch def test_suffix_opt(self): # test that detected suffixes remain sorted. opt = regex_opt(('afoo', 'abfoo')) print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) m = rex.match('abfoo') self.assertEqual(5, m.end()) def test_different_length_grouping(self): opt = regex_opt(('a', 'xyz')) print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) self.assertTrue(rex.match('a')) self.assertTrue(rex.match('xyz')) self.assertFalse(rex.match('b')) self.assertEqual(1, rex.groups) def test_same_length_grouping(self): opt = regex_opt(('a', 'b')) print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) self.assertTrue(rex.match('a')) self.assertTrue(rex.match('b')) self.assertFalse(rex.match('x')) self.assertEqual(1, rex.groups) groups = rex.match('a').groups() self.assertEqual(('a',), groups) def test_same_length_suffix_grouping(self): opt = regex_opt(('a', 'b'), suffix='(m)') print(opt) rex = re.compile(opt) self.assertTrue(rex.match('am')) self.assertTrue(rex.match('bm')) self.assertFalse(rex.match('xm')) self.assertFalse(rex.match('ax')) self.assertEqual(2, rex.groups) groups = rex.match('am').groups() self.assertEqual(('a', 'm'), groups)