# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Pygments terminal formatter tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import print_function import unittest import re from pygments.util import StringIO from pygments.lexers.sql import PlPgsqlLexer from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter, Terminal256Formatter, \ HtmlFormatter, LatexFormatter from pygments.style import Style from pygments.token import Token from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer from pygments import highlight DEMO_TEXT = '''\ -- comment select * from bar; ''' DEMO_LEXER = PlPgsqlLexer DEMO_TOKENS = list(DEMO_LEXER().get_tokens(DEMO_TEXT)) ANSI_RE = re.compile(r'\x1b[\w\W]*?m') def strip_ansi(x): return ANSI_RE.sub('', x) class TerminalFormatterTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_reasonable_output(self): out = StringIO() TerminalFormatter().format(DEMO_TOKENS, out) plain = strip_ansi(out.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(DEMO_TEXT.count('\n'), plain.count('\n')) print(repr(plain)) for a, b in zip(DEMO_TEXT.splitlines(), plain.splitlines()): self.assertEqual(a, b) def test_reasonable_output_lineno(self): out = StringIO() TerminalFormatter(linenos=True).format(DEMO_TOKENS, out) plain = strip_ansi(out.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(DEMO_TEXT.count('\n') + 1, plain.count('\n')) print(repr(plain)) for a, b in zip(DEMO_TEXT.splitlines(), plain.splitlines()): self.assertTrue(a in b) class MyStyle(Style): styles = { Token.Comment: '#ansidarkgray', Token.String: '#ansiblue bg:#ansidarkred', Token.Number: '#ansigreen bg:#ansidarkgreen', Token.Number.Hex: '#ansidarkgreen bg:#ansired', } class Terminal256FormatterTest(unittest.TestCase): code = ''' # this should be a comment print("Hello World") async def function(a,b,c, *d, **kwarg:Bool)->Bool: pass return 123, 0xb3e3 ''' def test_style_html(self): style = HtmlFormatter(style=MyStyle).get_style_defs() self.assertTrue('#555555' in style, "ansigray for comment not html css style") def test_others_work(self): """check other formatters don't crash""" highlight(self.code, Python3Lexer(), LatexFormatter(style=MyStyle)) highlight(self.code, Python3Lexer(), HtmlFormatter(style=MyStyle)) def test_256esc_seq(self): """ test that a few escape sequences are actualy used when using #ansi<> color codes """ def termtest(x): return highlight(x, Python3Lexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style=MyStyle)) self.assertTrue('32;41' in termtest('0x123')) self.assertTrue('32;42' in termtest('123')) self.assertTrue('30;01' in termtest('#comment')) self.assertTrue('34;41' in termtest('"String"'))