diff options
authorPierre Sassoulas <>2020-04-26 14:18:03 +0200
committerPierre Sassoulas <>2020-04-26 15:18:01 +0200
commit1e0a6b85d6cd8c4f8de195111fc11685764c296b (patch)
parent05c48bfb5fe81e937082536c6b883d5951549f3e (diff)
[lint package refactor] Create a file for pylinter
4 files changed, 1185 insertions, 1174 deletions
diff --git a/pylint/lint/ b/pylint/lint/
index 009b1ae54..1b274a36f 100644
--- a/pylint/lint/
+++ b/pylint/lint/
@@ -57,34 +57,12 @@
Display help messages about given message identifiers and exit.
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import functools
-import operator
import os
import sys
-import tokenize
-import traceback
-import warnings
-from io import TextIOWrapper
-import astroid
-from astroid import modutils
-from astroid.__pkginfo__ import version as astroid_version
-from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder
-from pylint import (
- __pkginfo__,
- checkers,
- config,
- exceptions,
- extensions,
- interfaces,
- reporters,
-from pylint.__pkginfo__ import version
-from pylint.constants import MAIN_CHECKER_NAME, MSG_TYPES
+from pylint import __pkginfo__, config, extensions, interfaces
from pylint.lint.check_parallel import check_parallel
+from pylint.lint.pylinter import PyLinter
from pylint.lint.report_functions import (
@@ -96,15 +74,7 @@ from pylint.lint.utils import (
-from pylint.message import MessageDefinitionStore, MessagesHandlerMixIn
-from pylint.reporters.ureports import nodes as report_nodes
-from pylint.utils import ASTWalker, FileState, utils
-from pylint.utils.pragma_parser import (
- InvalidPragmaError,
- UnRecognizedOptionError,
- parse_pragma,
+from pylint.utils import utils
import multiprocessing
@@ -112,95 +82,6 @@ except ImportError:
multiprocessing = None # type: ignore
-def _read_stdin():
- #
- sys.stdin = TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.detach(), encoding="utf-8")
- return
-# Python Linter class #########################################################
-MSGS = {
- "F0001": (
- "%s",
- "fatal",
- "Used when an error occurred preventing the analysis of a \
- module (unable to find it for instance).",
- ),
- "F0002": (
- "%s: %s",
- "astroid-error",
- "Used when an unexpected error occurred while building the "
- "Astroid representation. This is usually accompanied by a "
- "traceback. Please report such errors !",
- ),
- "F0010": (
- "error while code parsing: %s",
- "parse-error",
- "Used when an exception occurred while building the Astroid "
- "representation which could be handled by astroid.",
- ),
- "I0001": (
- "Unable to run raw checkers on built-in module %s",
- "raw-checker-failed",
- "Used to inform that a built-in module has not been checked "
- "using the raw checkers.",
- ),
- "I0010": (
- "Unable to consider inline option %r",
- "bad-inline-option",
- "Used when an inline option is either badly formatted or can't "
- "be used inside modules.",
- ),
- "I0011": (
- "Locally disabling %s (%s)",
- "locally-disabled",
- "Used when an inline option disables a message or a messages category.",
- ),
- "I0013": (
- "Ignoring entire file",
- "file-ignored",
- "Used to inform that the file will not be checked",
- ),
- "I0020": (
- "Suppressed %s (from line %d)",
- "suppressed-message",
- "A message was triggered on a line, but suppressed explicitly "
- "by a disable= comment in the file. This message is not "
- "generated for messages that are ignored due to configuration "
- "settings.",
- ),
- "I0021": (
- "Useless suppression of %s",
- "useless-suppression",
- "Reported when a message is explicitly disabled for a line or "
- "a block of code, but never triggered.",
- ),
- "I0022": (
- 'Pragma "%s" is deprecated, use "%s" instead',
- "deprecated-pragma",
- "Some inline pylint options have been renamed or reworked, "
- "only the most recent form should be used. "
- "NOTE:skip-all is only available with pylint >= 0.26",
- {"old_names": [("I0014", "deprecated-disable-all")]},
- ),
- "E0001": ("%s", "syntax-error", "Used when a syntax error is raised for a module."),
- "E0011": (
- "Unrecognized file option %r",
- "unrecognized-inline-option",
- "Used when an unknown inline option is encountered.",
- ),
- "E0012": (
- "Bad option value %r",
- "bad-option-value",
- "Used when a bad value for an inline option is encountered.",
- ),
def _cpu_count() -> int:
"""Use sched_affinity if available for virtualized or containerized environments."""
sched_getaffinity = getattr(os, "sched_getaffinity", None)
@@ -212,1054 +93,6 @@ def _cpu_count() -> int:
return 1
-# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
-class PyLinter(
- config.OptionsManagerMixIn,
- MessagesHandlerMixIn,
- reporters.ReportsHandlerMixIn,
- checkers.BaseTokenChecker,
- """lint Python modules using external checkers.
- This is the main checker controlling the other ones and the reports
- generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astroid checker in order
- to:
- * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level
- * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...)
- IDE plugin developers: you may have to call
- `astroid.builder.MANAGER.astroid_cache.clear()` across runs if you want
- to ensure the latest code version is actually checked.
- This class needs to support pickling for parallel linting to work. The exception
- is reporter member; see check_parallel function for more details.
- """
- __implements__ = (interfaces.ITokenChecker,)
- priority = 0
- level = 0
- msgs = MSGS
- @staticmethod
- def make_options():
- return (
- (
- "ignore",
- {
- "type": "csv",
- "metavar": "<file>[,<file>...]",
- "dest": "black_list",
- "default": ("CVS",),
- "help": "Add files or directories to the blacklist. "
- "They should be base names, not paths.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "ignore-patterns",
- {
- "type": "regexp_csv",
- "metavar": "<pattern>[,<pattern>...]",
- "dest": "black_list_re",
- "default": (),
- "help": "Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the"
- " blacklist. The regex matches against base names, not paths.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "persistent",
- {
- "default": True,
- "type": "yn",
- "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
- "level": 1,
- "help": "Pickle collected data for later comparisons.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "load-plugins",
- {
- "type": "csv",
- "metavar": "<modules>",
- "default": (),
- "level": 1,
- "help": "List of plugins (as comma separated values of "
- "python module names) to load, usually to register "
- "additional checkers.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "output-format",
- {
- "default": "text",
- "type": "string",
- "metavar": "<format>",
- "short": "f",
- "group": "Reports",
- "help": "Set the output format. Available formats are text,"
- " parseable, colorized, json and msvs (visual studio)."
- " You can also give a reporter class, e.g. mypackage.mymodule."
- "MyReporterClass.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "reports",
- {
- "default": False,
- "type": "yn",
- "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
- "short": "r",
- "group": "Reports",
- "help": "Tells whether to display a full report or only the "
- "messages.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "evaluation",
- {
- "type": "string",
- "metavar": "<python_expression>",
- "group": "Reports",
- "level": 1,
- "default": "10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + "
- "convention) / statement) * 10)",
- "help": "Python expression which should return a score less "
- "than or equal to 10. You have access to the variables "
- "'error', 'warning', 'refactor', and 'convention' which "
- "contain the number of messages in each category, as well as "
- "'statement' which is the total number of statements "
- "analyzed. This score is used by the global "
- "evaluation report (RP0004).",
- },
- ),
- (
- "score",
- {
- "default": True,
- "type": "yn",
- "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
- "short": "s",
- "group": "Reports",
- "help": "Activate the evaluation score.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "fail-under",
- {
- "default": 10,
- "type": "int",
- "metavar": "<score>",
- "help": "Specify a score threshold to be exceeded before program exits with error.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "confidence",
- {
- "type": "multiple_choice",
- "metavar": "<levels>",
- "default": "",
- "choices": [ for c in interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVELS],
- "group": "Messages control",
- "help": "Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels."
- " Leave empty to show all. Valid levels: %s."
- % (", ".join( for c in interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVELS),),
- },
- ),
- (
- "enable",
- {
- "type": "csv",
- "metavar": "<msg ids>",
- "short": "e",
- "group": "Messages control",
- "help": "Enable the message, report, category or checker with the "
- "given id(s). You can either give multiple identifier "
- "separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple time "
- "(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
- "where it should appear only once). "
- 'See also the "--disable" option for examples.',
- },
- ),
- (
- "disable",
- {
- "type": "csv",
- "metavar": "<msg ids>",
- "short": "d",
- "group": "Messages control",
- "help": "Disable the message, report, category or checker "
- "with the given id(s). You can either give multiple identifiers "
- "separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple times "
- "(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
- "where it should appear only once). "
- 'You can also use "--disable=all" to disable everything first '
- "and then reenable specific checks. For example, if you want "
- "to run only the similarities checker, you can use "
- '"--disable=all --enable=similarities". '
- "If you want to run only the classes checker, but have no "
- "Warning level messages displayed, use "
- '"--disable=all --enable=classes --disable=W".',
- },
- ),
- (
- "msg-template",
- {
- "type": "string",
- "metavar": "<template>",
- "group": "Reports",
- "help": (
- "Template used to display messages. "
- "This is a python new-style format string "
- "used to format the message information. "
- "See doc for all details."
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "jobs",
- {
- "type": "int",
- "metavar": "<n-processes>",
- "short": "j",
- "default": 1,
- "help": "Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. Specifying 0 will "
- "auto-detect the number of processors available to use.",
- },
- ),
- (
- "unsafe-load-any-extension",
- {
- "type": "yn",
- "metavar": "<yn>",
- "default": False,
- "hide": True,
- "help": (
- "Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions"
- " are imported into the active Python interpreter and"
- " may run arbitrary code."
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "limit-inference-results",
- {
- "type": "int",
- "metavar": "<number-of-results>",
- "default": 100,
- "help": (
- "Control the amount of potential inferred values when inferring "
- "a single object. This can help the performance when dealing with "
- "large functions or complex, nested conditions. "
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "extension-pkg-whitelist",
- {
- "type": "csv",
- "metavar": "<pkg[,pkg]>",
- "default": [],
- "help": (
- "A comma-separated list of package or module names"
- " from where C extensions may be loaded. Extensions are"
- " loading into the active Python interpreter and may run"
- " arbitrary code."
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "suggestion-mode",
- {
- "type": "yn",
- "metavar": "<yn>",
- "default": True,
- "help": (
- "When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common "
- "misconfiguration and emit user-friendly hints instead "
- "of false-positive error messages."
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "exit-zero",
- {
- "action": "store_true",
- "help": (
- "Always return a 0 (non-error) status code, even if "
- "lint errors are found. This is primarily useful in "
- "continuous integration scripts."
- ),
- },
- ),
- (
- "from-stdin",
- {
- "action": "store_true",
- "help": (
- "Interpret the stdin as a python script, whose filename "
- "needs to be passed as the module_or_package argument."
- ),
- },
- ),
- )
- option_groups = (
- ("Messages control", "Options controlling analysis messages"),
- ("Reports", "Options related to output formatting and reporting"),
- )
- def __init__(self, options=(), reporter=None, option_groups=(), pylintrc=None):
- # some stuff has to be done before ancestors initialization...
- #
- # messages store / checkers / reporter / astroid manager
- self.msgs_store = MessageDefinitionStore()
- self.reporter = None
- self._reporter_name = None
- self._reporters = {}
- self._checkers = collections.defaultdict(list)
- self._pragma_lineno = {}
- self._ignore_file = False
- # visit variables
- self.file_state = FileState()
- self.current_name = None
- self.current_file = None
- self.stats = None
- # init options
- self._external_opts = options
- self.options = options + PyLinter.make_options()
- self.option_groups = option_groups + PyLinter.option_groups
- self._options_methods = {"enable": self.enable, "disable": self.disable}
- self._bw_options_methods = {
- "disable-msg": self.disable,
- "enable-msg": self.enable,
- }
- full_version = "pylint %s\nastroid %s\nPython %s" % (
- version,
- astroid_version,
- sys.version,
- )
- MessagesHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
- reporters.ReportsHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
- super().__init__(
- usage=__doc__,
- version=full_version,
- config_file=pylintrc or next(config.find_default_config_files(), None),
- )
- checkers.BaseTokenChecker.__init__(self)
- # provided reports
- self.reports = (
- ("RP0001", "Messages by category", report_total_messages_stats),
- (
- "RP0002",
- "% errors / warnings by module",
- report_messages_by_module_stats,
- ),
- ("RP0003", "Messages", report_messages_stats),
- )
- self.register_checker(self)
- self._dynamic_plugins = set()
- self._python3_porting_mode = False
- self._error_mode = False
- self.load_provider_defaults()
- if reporter:
- self.set_reporter(reporter)
- def load_default_plugins(self):
- checkers.initialize(self)
- reporters.initialize(self)
- # Make sure to load the default reporter, because
- # the option has been set before the plugins had been loaded.
- if not self.reporter:
- self._load_reporter()
- def load_plugin_modules(self, modnames):
- """take a list of module names which are pylint plugins and load
- and register them
- """
- for modname in modnames:
- if modname in self._dynamic_plugins:
- continue
- self._dynamic_plugins.add(modname)
- module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modname)
- module.register(self)
- def load_plugin_configuration(self):
- """Call the configuration hook for plugins
- This walks through the list of plugins, grabs the "load_configuration"
- hook, if exposed, and calls it to allow plugins to configure specific
- settings.
- """
- for modname in self._dynamic_plugins:
- module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modname)
- if hasattr(module, "load_configuration"):
- module.load_configuration(self)
- def _load_reporter(self):
- name = self._reporter_name.lower()
- if name in self._reporters:
- self.set_reporter(self._reporters[name]())
- else:
- try:
- reporter_class = self._load_reporter_class()
- except (ImportError, AttributeError):
- raise exceptions.InvalidReporterError(name)
- else:
- self.set_reporter(reporter_class())
- def _load_reporter_class(self):
- qname = self._reporter_name
- module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modutils.get_module_part(qname))
- class_name = qname.split(".")[-1]
- reporter_class = getattr(module, class_name)
- return reporter_class
- def set_reporter(self, reporter):
- """set the reporter used to display messages and reports"""
- self.reporter = reporter
- reporter.linter = self
- def set_option(self, optname, value, action=None, optdict=None):
- """overridden from config.OptionsProviderMixin to handle some
- special options
- """
- if optname in self._options_methods or optname in self._bw_options_methods:
- if value:
- try:
- meth = self._options_methods[optname]
- except KeyError:
- meth = self._bw_options_methods[optname]
- warnings.warn(
- "%s is deprecated, replace it by %s"
- % (optname, optname.split("-")[0]),
- DeprecationWarning,
- )
- value = utils._check_csv(value)
- if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
- for _id in value:
- meth(_id, ignore_unknown=True)
- else:
- meth(value)
- return # no need to call set_option, disable/enable methods do it
- elif optname == "output-format":
- self._reporter_name = value
- # If the reporters are already available, load
- # the reporter class.
- if self._reporters:
- self._load_reporter()
- try:
- checkers.BaseTokenChecker.set_option(self, optname, value, action, optdict)
- except config.UnsupportedAction:
- print("option %s can't be read from config file" % optname, file=sys.stderr)
- def register_reporter(self, reporter_class):
- self._reporters[] = reporter_class
- def report_order(self):
- reports = sorted(self._reports, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "name", ""))
- try:
- # Remove the current reporter and add it
- # at the end of the list.
- reports.pop(reports.index(self))
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- reports.append(self)
- return reports
- # checkers manipulation methods ############################################
- def register_checker(self, checker):
- """register a new checker
- checker is an object implementing IRawChecker or / and IAstroidChecker
- """
- assert checker.priority <= 0, "checker priority can't be >= 0"
- self._checkers[].append(checker)
- for r_id, r_title, r_cb in checker.reports:
- self.register_report(r_id, r_title, r_cb, checker)
- self.register_options_provider(checker)
- if hasattr(checker, "msgs"):
- self.msgs_store.register_messages_from_checker(checker)
- checker.load_defaults()
- # Register the checker, but disable all of its messages.
- if not getattr(checker, "enabled", True):
- self.disable(
- def disable_noerror_messages(self):
- for msgcat, msgids in self.msgs_store._msgs_by_category.items():
- # enable only messages with 'error' severity and above ('fatal')
- if msgcat in ["E", "F"]:
- for msgid in msgids:
- self.enable(msgid)
- else:
- for msgid in msgids:
- self.disable(msgid)
- def disable_reporters(self):
- """disable all reporters"""
- for _reporters in self._reports.values():
- for report_id, _, _ in _reporters:
- self.disable_report(report_id)
- def error_mode(self):
- """error mode: enable only errors; no reports, no persistent"""
- self._error_mode = True
- self.disable_noerror_messages()
- self.disable("miscellaneous")
- if self._python3_porting_mode:
- self.disable("all")
- for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
- if msg_id.startswith("E"):
- self.enable(msg_id)
- config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
- if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
- value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
- self.global_set_option("disable", value)
- else:
- self.disable("python3")
- self.set_option("reports", False)
- self.set_option("persistent", False)
- self.set_option("score", False)
- def python3_porting_mode(self):
- """Disable all other checkers and enable Python 3 warnings."""
- self.disable("all")
- # re-enable some errors, or 'print', 'raise', 'async', 'await' will mistakenly lint fine
- self.enable("fatal") # F0001
- self.enable("astroid-error") # F0002
- self.enable("parse-error") # F0010
- self.enable("syntax-error") # E0001
- self.enable("python3")
- if self._error_mode:
- # The error mode was activated, using the -E flag.
- # So we'll need to enable only the errors from the
- # Python 3 porting checker.
- for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
- if msg_id.startswith("E"):
- self.enable(msg_id)
- else:
- self.disable(msg_id)
- config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
- if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
- value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
- self.global_set_option("disable", value)
- self._python3_porting_mode = True
- def list_messages_enabled(self):
- enabled = [
- " %s (%s)" % (message.symbol, message.msgid)
- for message in self.msgs_store.messages
- if self.is_message_enabled(message.msgid)
- ]
- disabled = [
- " %s (%s)" % (message.symbol, message.msgid)
- for message in self.msgs_store.messages
- if not self.is_message_enabled(message.msgid)
- ]
- print("Enabled messages:")
- for msg in sorted(enabled):
- print(msg)
- print("\nDisabled messages:")
- for msg in sorted(disabled):
- print(msg)
- print("")
- # block level option handling #############################################
- #
- # see test case for expected behaviour
- def process_tokens(self, tokens):
- """process tokens from the current module to search for module/block
- level options
- """
- control_pragmas = {"disable", "enable"}
- prev_line = None
- saw_newline = True
- seen_newline = True
- for (tok_type, content, start, _, _) in tokens:
- if prev_line and prev_line != start[0]:
- saw_newline = seen_newline
- seen_newline = False
- prev_line = start[0]
- if tok_type in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE):
- seen_newline = True
- if tok_type != tokenize.COMMENT:
- continue
- match =
- if match is None:
- continue
- try:
- for pragma_repr in parse_pragma(
- if pragma_repr.action in ("disable-all", "skip-file"):
- if pragma_repr.action == "disable-all":
- self.add_message(
- "deprecated-pragma",
- line=start[0],
- args=("disable-all", "skip-file"),
- )
- self.add_message("file-ignored", line=start[0])
- self._ignore_file = True
- return
- try:
- meth = self._options_methods[pragma_repr.action]
- except KeyError:
- meth = self._bw_options_methods[pragma_repr.action]
- # found a "(dis|en)able-msg" pragma deprecated suppression
- self.add_message(
- "deprecated-pragma",
- line=start[0],
- args=(
- pragma_repr.action,
- pragma_repr.action.replace("-msg", ""),
- ),
- )
- for msgid in pragma_repr.messages:
- # Add the line where a control pragma was encountered.
- if pragma_repr.action in control_pragmas:
- self._pragma_lineno[msgid] = start[0]
- if (pragma_repr.action, msgid) == ("disable", "all"):
- self.add_message(
- "deprecated-pragma",
- line=start[0],
- args=("disable=all", "skip-file"),
- )
- self.add_message("file-ignored", line=start[0])
- self._ignore_file = True
- return
- # If we did not see a newline between the previous line and now,
- # we saw a backslash so treat the two lines as one.
- l_start = start[0]
- if not saw_newline:
- l_start -= 1
- try:
- meth(msgid, "module", l_start)
- except exceptions.UnknownMessageError:
- self.add_message(
- "bad-option-value", args=msgid, line=start[0]
- )
- except UnRecognizedOptionError as err:
- self.add_message(
- "unrecognized-inline-option", args=err.token, line=start[0]
- )
- continue
- except InvalidPragmaError as err:
- self.add_message("bad-inline-option", args=err.token, line=start[0])
- continue
- # code checking methods ###################################################
- def get_checkers(self):
- """return all available checkers as a list"""
- return [self] + [
- c
- for _checkers in self._checkers.values()
- for c in _checkers
- if c is not self
- ]
- def get_checker_names(self):
- """Get all the checker names that this linter knows about."""
- current_checkers = self.get_checkers()
- return sorted(
- {
- for checker in current_checkers
- }
- )
- def prepare_checkers(self):
- """return checkers needed for activated messages and reports"""
- if not self.config.reports:
- self.disable_reporters()
- # get needed checkers
- needed_checkers = [self]
- for checker in self.get_checkers()[1:]:
- messages = {msg for msg in checker.msgs if self.is_message_enabled(msg)}
- if messages or any(self.report_is_enabled(r[0]) for r in checker.reports):
- needed_checkers.append(checker)
- # Sort checkers by priority
- needed_checkers = sorted(
- needed_checkers, key=operator.attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True
- )
- return needed_checkers
- # pylint: disable=unused-argument
- @staticmethod
- def should_analyze_file(modname, path, is_argument=False):
- """Returns whether or not a module should be checked.
- This implementation returns True for all python source file, indicating
- that all files should be linted.
- Subclasses may override this method to indicate that modules satisfying
- certain conditions should not be linted.
- :param str modname: The name of the module to be checked.
- :param str path: The full path to the source code of the module.
- :param bool is_argument: Whetter the file is an argument to pylint or not.
- Files which respect this property are always
- checked, since the user requested it explicitly.
- :returns: True if the module should be checked.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- if is_argument:
- return True
- return path.endswith(".py")
- # pylint: enable=unused-argument
- def initialize(self):
- """Initialize linter for linting
- This method is called before any linting is done.
- """
- # initialize msgs_state now that all messages have been registered into
- # the store
- for msg in self.msgs_store.messages:
- if not msg.may_be_emitted():
- self._msgs_state[msg.msgid] = False
- def check(self, files_or_modules):
- """main checking entry: check a list of files or modules from their name.
- files_or_modules is either a string or list of strings presenting modules to check.
- """
- self.initialize()
- if not isinstance(files_or_modules, (list, tuple)):
- files_or_modules = (files_or_modules,)
- if self.config.from_stdin:
- if len(files_or_modules) != 1:
- raise exceptions.InvalidArgsError(
- "Missing filename required for --from-stdin"
- )
- filepath = files_or_modules[0]
- with fix_import_path(files_or_modules):
- self._check_files(
- functools.partial(self.get_ast, data=_read_stdin()),
- [self._get_file_descr_from_stdin(filepath)],
- )
- elif == 1:
- with fix_import_path(files_or_modules):
- self._check_files(
- self.get_ast, self._iterate_file_descrs(files_or_modules)
- )
- else:
- check_parallel(
- self,
- self._iterate_file_descrs(files_or_modules),
- files_or_modules,
- )
- def check_single_file(self, name, filepath, modname):
- """Check single file
- The arguments are the same that are documented in _check_files
- The initialize() method should be called before calling this method
- """
- with self._astroid_module_checker() as check_astroid_module:
- self._check_file(
- self.get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname
- )
- def _check_files(self, get_ast, file_descrs):
- """Check all files from file_descrs
- The file_descrs should be iterable of tuple (name, filepath, modname)
- where
- - name: full name of the module
- - filepath: path of the file
- - modname: module name
- """
- with self._astroid_module_checker() as check_astroid_module:
- for name, filepath, modname in file_descrs:
- self._check_file(get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname)
- def _check_file(self, get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname):
- """Check a file using the passed utility functions (get_ast and check_astroid_module)
- :param callable get_ast: callable returning AST from defined file taking the following arguments
- - filepath: path to the file to check
- - name: Python module name
- :param callable check_astroid_module: callable checking an AST taking the following arguments
- - ast: AST of the module
- :param str name: full name of the module
- :param str filepath: path to checked file
- :param str modname: name of the checked Python module
- """
- self.set_current_module(name, filepath)
- # get the module representation
- ast_node = get_ast(filepath, name)
- if ast_node is None:
- return
- self._ignore_file = False
- self.file_state = FileState(modname)
- # fix the current file (if the source file was not available or
- # if it's actually a c extension)
- self.current_file = ast_node.file # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
- check_astroid_module(ast_node)
- # warn about spurious inline messages handling
- spurious_messages = self.file_state.iter_spurious_suppression_messages(
- self.msgs_store
- )
- for msgid, line, args in spurious_messages:
- self.add_message(msgid, line, None, args)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_file_descr_from_stdin(filepath):
- """Return file description (tuple of module name, file path, base name) from given file path
- This method is used for creating suitable file description for _check_files when the
- source is standard input.
- """
- try:
- # Note that this function does not really perform an
- # __import__ but may raise an ImportError exception, which
- # we want to catch here.
- modname = ".".join(modutils.modpath_from_file(filepath))
- except ImportError:
- modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
- return (modname, filepath, filepath)
- def _iterate_file_descrs(self, files_or_modules):
- """Return generator yielding file descriptions (tuples of module name, file path, base name)
- The returned generator yield one item for each Python module that should be linted.
- """
- for descr in self._expand_files(files_or_modules):
- name, filepath, is_arg = descr["name"], descr["path"], descr["isarg"]
- if self.should_analyze_file(name, filepath, is_argument=is_arg):
- yield (name, filepath, descr["basename"])
- def _expand_files(self, modules):
- """get modules and errors from a list of modules and handle errors
- """
- result, errors = utils.expand_modules(
- modules, self.config.black_list, self.config.black_list_re
- )
- for error in errors:
- message = modname = error["mod"]
- key = error["key"]
- self.set_current_module(modname)
- if key == "fatal":
- message = str(error["ex"]).replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, "")
- self.add_message(key, args=message)
- return result
- def set_current_module(self, modname, filepath=None):
- """set the name of the currently analyzed module and
- init statistics for it
- """
- if not modname and filepath is None:
- return
- self.reporter.on_set_current_module(modname, filepath)
- self.current_name = modname
- self.current_file = filepath or modname
- self.stats["by_module"][modname] = {}
- self.stats["by_module"][modname]["statement"] = 0
- for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
- self.stats["by_module"][modname][msg_cat] = 0
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _astroid_module_checker(self):
- """Context manager for checking ASTs
- The value in the context is callable accepting AST as its only argument.
- """
- walker = ASTWalker(self)
- _checkers = self.prepare_checkers()
- tokencheckers = [
- c
- for c in _checkers
- if interfaces.implements(c, interfaces.ITokenChecker) and c is not self
- ]
- rawcheckers = [
- c for c in _checkers if interfaces.implements(c, interfaces.IRawChecker)
- ]
- # notify global begin
- for checker in _checkers:
- if interfaces.implements(checker, interfaces.IAstroidChecker):
- walker.add_checker(checker)
- yield functools.partial(
- self.check_astroid_module,
- walker=walker,
- tokencheckers=tokencheckers,
- rawcheckers=rawcheckers,
- )
- # notify global end
- self.stats["statement"] = walker.nbstatements
- for checker in reversed(_checkers):
- checker.close()
- def get_ast(self, filepath, modname, data=None):
- """Return an ast(roid) representation of a module or a string.
- :param str filepath: path to checked file.
- :param str modname: The name of the module to be checked.
- :param str data: optional contents of the checked file.
- :returns: the AST
- :rtype: astroid.nodes.Module
- """
- try:
- if data is None:
- return MANAGER.ast_from_file(filepath, modname, source=True)
- return AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build(data, modname, filepath)
- except astroid.AstroidSyntaxError as ex:
- # pylint: disable=no-member
- self.add_message(
- "syntax-error",
- line=getattr(ex.error, "lineno", 0),
- col_offset=getattr(ex.error, "offset", None),
- args=str(ex.error),
- )
- except astroid.AstroidBuildingException as ex:
- self.add_message("parse-error", args=ex)
- except Exception as ex:
- traceback.print_exc()
- self.add_message("astroid-error", args=(ex.__class__, ex))
- def check_astroid_module(self, ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers):
- """Check a module from its astroid representation.
- For return value see _check_astroid_module
- """
- before_check_statements = walker.nbstatements
- retval = self._check_astroid_module(
- ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers
- )
- self.stats["by_module"][self.current_name]["statement"] = (
- walker.nbstatements - before_check_statements
- )
- return retval
- def _check_astroid_module(self, ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers):
- """Check given AST node with given walker and checkers
- :param astroid.nodes.Module ast_node: AST node of the module to check
- :param pylint.utils.ast_walker.ASTWalker walker: AST walker
- :param list rawcheckers: List of token checkers to use
- :param list tokencheckers: List of raw checkers to use
- :returns: True if the module was checked, False if ignored,
- None if the module contents could not be parsed
- :rtype: bool
- """
- try:
- tokens = utils.tokenize_module(ast_node)
- except tokenize.TokenError as ex:
- self.add_message("syntax-error", line=ex.args[1][0], args=ex.args[0])
- return None
- if not ast_node.pure_python:
- self.add_message("raw-checker-failed",
- else:
- # assert astroid.file.endswith('.py')
- # invoke ITokenChecker interface on self to fetch module/block
- # level options
- self.process_tokens(tokens)
- if self._ignore_file:
- return False
- # walk ast to collect line numbers
- self.file_state.collect_block_lines(self.msgs_store, ast_node)
- # run raw and tokens checkers
- for checker in rawcheckers:
- checker.process_module(ast_node)
- for checker in tokencheckers:
- checker.process_tokens(tokens)
- # generate events to astroid checkers
- walker.walk(ast_node)
- return True
- # IAstroidChecker interface #################################################
- def open(self):
- """initialize counters"""
- self.stats = {"by_module": {}, "by_msg": {}}
- MANAGER.always_load_extensions = self.config.unsafe_load_any_extension
- MANAGER.max_inferable_values = self.config.limit_inference_results
- MANAGER.extension_package_whitelist.update(self.config.extension_pkg_whitelist)
- for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
- self.stats[msg_cat] = 0
- def generate_reports(self):
- """close the whole package /module, it's time to make reports !
- if persistent run, pickle results for later comparison
- """
- # Display whatever messages are left on the reporter.
- self.reporter.display_messages(report_nodes.Section())
- if self.file_state.base_name is not None:
- # load previous results if any
- previous_stats = config.load_results(self.file_state.base_name)
- self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, previous_stats)
- if self.config.reports:
- sect = self.make_reports(self.stats, previous_stats)
- else:
- sect = report_nodes.Section()
- if self.config.reports:
- self.reporter.display_reports(sect)
- score_value = self._report_evaluation()
- # save results if persistent run
- if self.config.persistent:
- config.save_results(self.stats, self.file_state.base_name)
- else:
- self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, {})
- score_value = None
- return score_value
- def _report_evaluation(self):
- """make the global evaluation report"""
- # check with at least check 1 statements (usually 0 when there is a
- # syntax error preventing pylint from further processing)
- note = None
- previous_stats = config.load_results(self.file_state.base_name)
- if self.stats["statement"] == 0:
- return note
- # get a global note for the code
- evaluation = self.config.evaluation
- try:
- note = eval(evaluation, {}, self.stats) # pylint: disable=eval-used
- except Exception as ex:
- msg = "An exception occurred while rating: %s" % ex
- else:
- self.stats["global_note"] = note
- msg = "Your code has been rated at %.2f/10" % note
- pnote = previous_stats.get("global_note")
- if pnote is not None:
- msg += " (previous run: %.2f/10, %+.2f)" % (pnote, note - pnote)
- if self.config.score:
- sect = report_nodes.EvaluationSection(msg)
- self.reporter.display_reports(sect)
- return note
class Run:
"""helper class to use as main for pylint :
diff --git a/pylint/lint/ b/pylint/lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70c01bc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylint/lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+# Licensed under the GPL:
+# For details:
+# pylint: disable=broad-except
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import functools
+import operator
+import os
+import sys
+import tokenize
+import traceback
+import warnings
+from io import TextIOWrapper
+import astroid
+from astroid import modutils
+from astroid.__pkginfo__ import version as astroid_version
+from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder
+from pylint import checkers, config, exceptions, interfaces, reporters
+from pylint.__pkginfo__ import version
+from pylint.constants import MAIN_CHECKER_NAME, MSG_TYPES
+from pylint.lint.check_parallel import check_parallel
+from pylint.lint.report_functions import (
+ report_messages_by_module_stats,
+ report_messages_stats,
+ report_total_messages_stats,
+from pylint.lint.utils import fix_import_path
+from pylint.message import MessageDefinitionStore, MessagesHandlerMixIn
+from pylint.reporters.ureports import nodes as report_nodes
+from pylint.utils import ASTWalker, FileState, utils
+from pylint.utils.pragma_parser import (
+ InvalidPragmaError,
+ UnRecognizedOptionError,
+ parse_pragma,
+def _read_stdin():
+ #
+ sys.stdin = TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.detach(), encoding="utf-8")
+ return
+# Python Linter class #########################################################
+MSGS = {
+ "F0001": (
+ "%s",
+ "fatal",
+ "Used when an error occurred preventing the analysis of a \
+ module (unable to find it for instance).",
+ ),
+ "F0002": (
+ "%s: %s",
+ "astroid-error",
+ "Used when an unexpected error occurred while building the "
+ "Astroid representation. This is usually accompanied by a "
+ "traceback. Please report such errors !",
+ ),
+ "F0010": (
+ "error while code parsing: %s",
+ "parse-error",
+ "Used when an exception occurred while building the Astroid "
+ "representation which could be handled by astroid.",
+ ),
+ "I0001": (
+ "Unable to run raw checkers on built-in module %s",
+ "raw-checker-failed",
+ "Used to inform that a built-in module has not been checked "
+ "using the raw checkers.",
+ ),
+ "I0010": (
+ "Unable to consider inline option %r",
+ "bad-inline-option",
+ "Used when an inline option is either badly formatted or can't "
+ "be used inside modules.",
+ ),
+ "I0011": (
+ "Locally disabling %s (%s)",
+ "locally-disabled",
+ "Used when an inline option disables a message or a messages category.",
+ ),
+ "I0013": (
+ "Ignoring entire file",
+ "file-ignored",
+ "Used to inform that the file will not be checked",
+ ),
+ "I0020": (
+ "Suppressed %s (from line %d)",
+ "suppressed-message",
+ "A message was triggered on a line, but suppressed explicitly "
+ "by a disable= comment in the file. This message is not "
+ "generated for messages that are ignored due to configuration "
+ "settings.",
+ ),
+ "I0021": (
+ "Useless suppression of %s",
+ "useless-suppression",
+ "Reported when a message is explicitly disabled for a line or "
+ "a block of code, but never triggered.",
+ ),
+ "I0022": (
+ 'Pragma "%s" is deprecated, use "%s" instead',
+ "deprecated-pragma",
+ "Some inline pylint options have been renamed or reworked, "
+ "only the most recent form should be used. "
+ "NOTE:skip-all is only available with pylint >= 0.26",
+ {"old_names": [("I0014", "deprecated-disable-all")]},
+ ),
+ "E0001": ("%s", "syntax-error", "Used when a syntax error is raised for a module."),
+ "E0011": (
+ "Unrecognized file option %r",
+ "unrecognized-inline-option",
+ "Used when an unknown inline option is encountered.",
+ ),
+ "E0012": (
+ "Bad option value %r",
+ "bad-option-value",
+ "Used when a bad value for an inline option is encountered.",
+ ),
+# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
+class PyLinter(
+ config.OptionsManagerMixIn,
+ MessagesHandlerMixIn,
+ reporters.ReportsHandlerMixIn,
+ checkers.BaseTokenChecker,
+ """lint Python modules using external checkers.
+ This is the main checker controlling the other ones and the reports
+ generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astroid checker in order
+ to:
+ * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level
+ * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...)
+ IDE plugin developers: you may have to call
+ `astroid.builder.MANAGER.astroid_cache.clear()` across runs if you want
+ to ensure the latest code version is actually checked.
+ This class needs to support pickling for parallel linting to work. The exception
+ is reporter member; see check_parallel function for more details.
+ """
+ __implements__ = (interfaces.ITokenChecker,)
+ priority = 0
+ level = 0
+ msgs = MSGS
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_options():
+ return (
+ (
+ "ignore",
+ {
+ "type": "csv",
+ "metavar": "<file>[,<file>...]",
+ "dest": "black_list",
+ "default": ("CVS",),
+ "help": "Add files or directories to the blacklist. "
+ "They should be base names, not paths.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "ignore-patterns",
+ {
+ "type": "regexp_csv",
+ "metavar": "<pattern>[,<pattern>...]",
+ "dest": "black_list_re",
+ "default": (),
+ "help": "Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the"
+ " blacklist. The regex matches against base names, not paths.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "persistent",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
+ "level": 1,
+ "help": "Pickle collected data for later comparisons.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "load-plugins",
+ {
+ "type": "csv",
+ "metavar": "<modules>",
+ "default": (),
+ "level": 1,
+ "help": "List of plugins (as comma separated values of "
+ "python module names) to load, usually to register "
+ "additional checkers.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "output-format",
+ {
+ "default": "text",
+ "type": "string",
+ "metavar": "<format>",
+ "short": "f",
+ "group": "Reports",
+ "help": "Set the output format. Available formats are text,"
+ " parseable, colorized, json and msvs (visual studio)."
+ " You can also give a reporter class, e.g. mypackage.mymodule."
+ "MyReporterClass.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "reports",
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
+ "short": "r",
+ "group": "Reports",
+ "help": "Tells whether to display a full report or only the "
+ "messages.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "evaluation",
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "metavar": "<python_expression>",
+ "group": "Reports",
+ "level": 1,
+ "default": "10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + "
+ "convention) / statement) * 10)",
+ "help": "Python expression which should return a score less "
+ "than or equal to 10. You have access to the variables "
+ "'error', 'warning', 'refactor', and 'convention' which "
+ "contain the number of messages in each category, as well as "
+ "'statement' which is the total number of statements "
+ "analyzed. This score is used by the global "
+ "evaluation report (RP0004).",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "score",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y_or_n>",
+ "short": "s",
+ "group": "Reports",
+ "help": "Activate the evaluation score.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "fail-under",
+ {
+ "default": 10,
+ "type": "int",
+ "metavar": "<score>",
+ "help": "Specify a score threshold to be exceeded before program exits with error.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "confidence",
+ {
+ "type": "multiple_choice",
+ "metavar": "<levels>",
+ "default": "",
+ "choices": [ for c in interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVELS],
+ "group": "Messages control",
+ "help": "Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels."
+ " Leave empty to show all. Valid levels: %s."
+ % (", ".join( for c in interfaces.CONFIDENCE_LEVELS),),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "enable",
+ {
+ "type": "csv",
+ "metavar": "<msg ids>",
+ "short": "e",
+ "group": "Messages control",
+ "help": "Enable the message, report, category or checker with the "
+ "given id(s). You can either give multiple identifier "
+ "separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple time "
+ "(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
+ "where it should appear only once). "
+ 'See also the "--disable" option for examples.',
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "disable",
+ {
+ "type": "csv",
+ "metavar": "<msg ids>",
+ "short": "d",
+ "group": "Messages control",
+ "help": "Disable the message, report, category or checker "
+ "with the given id(s). You can either give multiple identifiers "
+ "separated by comma (,) or put this option multiple times "
+ "(only on the command line, not in the configuration file "
+ "where it should appear only once). "
+ 'You can also use "--disable=all" to disable everything first '
+ "and then reenable specific checks. For example, if you want "
+ "to run only the similarities checker, you can use "
+ '"--disable=all --enable=similarities". '
+ "If you want to run only the classes checker, but have no "
+ "Warning level messages displayed, use "
+ '"--disable=all --enable=classes --disable=W".',
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "msg-template",
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "metavar": "<template>",
+ "group": "Reports",
+ "help": (
+ "Template used to display messages. "
+ "This is a python new-style format string "
+ "used to format the message information. "
+ "See doc for all details."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "jobs",
+ {
+ "type": "int",
+ "metavar": "<n-processes>",
+ "short": "j",
+ "default": 1,
+ "help": "Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. Specifying 0 will "
+ "auto-detect the number of processors available to use.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "unsafe-load-any-extension",
+ {
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<yn>",
+ "default": False,
+ "hide": True,
+ "help": (
+ "Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions"
+ " are imported into the active Python interpreter and"
+ " may run arbitrary code."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "limit-inference-results",
+ {
+ "type": "int",
+ "metavar": "<number-of-results>",
+ "default": 100,
+ "help": (
+ "Control the amount of potential inferred values when inferring "
+ "a single object. This can help the performance when dealing with "
+ "large functions or complex, nested conditions. "
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "extension-pkg-whitelist",
+ {
+ "type": "csv",
+ "metavar": "<pkg[,pkg]>",
+ "default": [],
+ "help": (
+ "A comma-separated list of package or module names"
+ " from where C extensions may be loaded. Extensions are"
+ " loading into the active Python interpreter and may run"
+ " arbitrary code."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "suggestion-mode",
+ {
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<yn>",
+ "default": True,
+ "help": (
+ "When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common "
+ "misconfiguration and emit user-friendly hints instead "
+ "of false-positive error messages."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "exit-zero",
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "help": (
+ "Always return a 0 (non-error) status code, even if "
+ "lint errors are found. This is primarily useful in "
+ "continuous integration scripts."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "from-stdin",
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "help": (
+ "Interpret the stdin as a python script, whose filename "
+ "needs to be passed as the module_or_package argument."
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ option_groups = (
+ ("Messages control", "Options controlling analysis messages"),
+ ("Reports", "Options related to output formatting and reporting"),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, options=(), reporter=None, option_groups=(), pylintrc=None):
+ # some stuff has to be done before ancestors initialization...
+ #
+ # messages store / checkers / reporter / astroid manager
+ self.msgs_store = MessageDefinitionStore()
+ self.reporter = None
+ self._reporter_name = None
+ self._reporters = {}
+ self._checkers = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ self._pragma_lineno = {}
+ self._ignore_file = False
+ # visit variables
+ self.file_state = FileState()
+ self.current_name = None
+ self.current_file = None
+ self.stats = None
+ # init options
+ self._external_opts = options
+ self.options = options + PyLinter.make_options()
+ self.option_groups = option_groups + PyLinter.option_groups
+ self._options_methods = {"enable": self.enable, "disable": self.disable}
+ self._bw_options_methods = {
+ "disable-msg": self.disable,
+ "enable-msg": self.enable,
+ }
+ full_version = "pylint %s\nastroid %s\nPython %s" % (
+ version,
+ astroid_version,
+ sys.version,
+ )
+ MessagesHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
+ reporters.ReportsHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
+ super().__init__(
+ usage=__doc__,
+ version=full_version,
+ config_file=pylintrc or next(config.find_default_config_files(), None),
+ )
+ checkers.BaseTokenChecker.__init__(self)
+ # provided reports
+ self.reports = (
+ ("RP0001", "Messages by category", report_total_messages_stats),
+ (
+ "RP0002",
+ "% errors / warnings by module",
+ report_messages_by_module_stats,
+ ),
+ ("RP0003", "Messages", report_messages_stats),
+ )
+ self.register_checker(self)
+ self._dynamic_plugins = set()
+ self._python3_porting_mode = False
+ self._error_mode = False
+ self.load_provider_defaults()
+ if reporter:
+ self.set_reporter(reporter)
+ def load_default_plugins(self):
+ checkers.initialize(self)
+ reporters.initialize(self)
+ # Make sure to load the default reporter, because
+ # the option has been set before the plugins had been loaded.
+ if not self.reporter:
+ self._load_reporter()
+ def load_plugin_modules(self, modnames):
+ """take a list of module names which are pylint plugins and load
+ and register them
+ """
+ for modname in modnames:
+ if modname in self._dynamic_plugins:
+ continue
+ self._dynamic_plugins.add(modname)
+ module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modname)
+ module.register(self)
+ def load_plugin_configuration(self):
+ """Call the configuration hook for plugins
+ This walks through the list of plugins, grabs the "load_configuration"
+ hook, if exposed, and calls it to allow plugins to configure specific
+ settings.
+ """
+ for modname in self._dynamic_plugins:
+ module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modname)
+ if hasattr(module, "load_configuration"):
+ module.load_configuration(self)
+ def _load_reporter(self):
+ name = self._reporter_name.lower()
+ if name in self._reporters:
+ self.set_reporter(self._reporters[name]())
+ else:
+ try:
+ reporter_class = self._load_reporter_class()
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ raise exceptions.InvalidReporterError(name)
+ else:
+ self.set_reporter(reporter_class())
+ def _load_reporter_class(self):
+ qname = self._reporter_name
+ module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modutils.get_module_part(qname))
+ class_name = qname.split(".")[-1]
+ reporter_class = getattr(module, class_name)
+ return reporter_class
+ def set_reporter(self, reporter):
+ """set the reporter used to display messages and reports"""
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ reporter.linter = self
+ def set_option(self, optname, value, action=None, optdict=None):
+ """overridden from config.OptionsProviderMixin to handle some
+ special options
+ """
+ if optname in self._options_methods or optname in self._bw_options_methods:
+ if value:
+ try:
+ meth = self._options_methods[optname]
+ except KeyError:
+ meth = self._bw_options_methods[optname]
+ warnings.warn(
+ "%s is deprecated, replace it by %s"
+ % (optname, optname.split("-")[0]),
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ value = utils._check_csv(value)
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ for _id in value:
+ meth(_id, ignore_unknown=True)
+ else:
+ meth(value)
+ return # no need to call set_option, disable/enable methods do it
+ elif optname == "output-format":
+ self._reporter_name = value
+ # If the reporters are already available, load
+ # the reporter class.
+ if self._reporters:
+ self._load_reporter()
+ try:
+ checkers.BaseTokenChecker.set_option(self, optname, value, action, optdict)
+ except config.UnsupportedAction:
+ print("option %s can't be read from config file" % optname, file=sys.stderr)
+ def register_reporter(self, reporter_class):
+ self._reporters[] = reporter_class
+ def report_order(self):
+ reports = sorted(self._reports, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "name", ""))
+ try:
+ # Remove the current reporter and add it
+ # at the end of the list.
+ reports.pop(reports.index(self))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ reports.append(self)
+ return reports
+ # checkers manipulation methods ############################################
+ def register_checker(self, checker):
+ """register a new checker
+ checker is an object implementing IRawChecker or / and IAstroidChecker
+ """
+ assert checker.priority <= 0, "checker priority can't be >= 0"
+ self._checkers[].append(checker)
+ for r_id, r_title, r_cb in checker.reports:
+ self.register_report(r_id, r_title, r_cb, checker)
+ self.register_options_provider(checker)
+ if hasattr(checker, "msgs"):
+ self.msgs_store.register_messages_from_checker(checker)
+ checker.load_defaults()
+ # Register the checker, but disable all of its messages.
+ if not getattr(checker, "enabled", True):
+ self.disable(
+ def disable_noerror_messages(self):
+ for msgcat, msgids in self.msgs_store._msgs_by_category.items():
+ # enable only messages with 'error' severity and above ('fatal')
+ if msgcat in ["E", "F"]:
+ for msgid in msgids:
+ self.enable(msgid)
+ else:
+ for msgid in msgids:
+ self.disable(msgid)
+ def disable_reporters(self):
+ """disable all reporters"""
+ for _reporters in self._reports.values():
+ for report_id, _, _ in _reporters:
+ self.disable_report(report_id)
+ def error_mode(self):
+ """error mode: enable only errors; no reports, no persistent"""
+ self._error_mode = True
+ self.disable_noerror_messages()
+ self.disable("miscellaneous")
+ if self._python3_porting_mode:
+ self.disable("all")
+ for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
+ if msg_id.startswith("E"):
+ self.enable(msg_id)
+ config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
+ if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
+ value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
+ self.global_set_option("disable", value)
+ else:
+ self.disable("python3")
+ self.set_option("reports", False)
+ self.set_option("persistent", False)
+ self.set_option("score", False)
+ def python3_porting_mode(self):
+ """Disable all other checkers and enable Python 3 warnings."""
+ self.disable("all")
+ # re-enable some errors, or 'print', 'raise', 'async', 'await' will mistakenly lint fine
+ self.enable("fatal") # F0001
+ self.enable("astroid-error") # F0002
+ self.enable("parse-error") # F0010
+ self.enable("syntax-error") # E0001
+ self.enable("python3")
+ if self._error_mode:
+ # The error mode was activated, using the -E flag.
+ # So we'll need to enable only the errors from the
+ # Python 3 porting checker.
+ for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
+ if msg_id.startswith("E"):
+ self.enable(msg_id)
+ else:
+ self.disable(msg_id)
+ config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
+ if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
+ value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
+ self.global_set_option("disable", value)
+ self._python3_porting_mode = True
+ def list_messages_enabled(self):
+ enabled = [
+ " %s (%s)" % (message.symbol, message.msgid)
+ for message in self.msgs_store.messages
+ if self.is_message_enabled(message.msgid)
+ ]
+ disabled = [
+ " %s (%s)" % (message.symbol, message.msgid)
+ for message in self.msgs_store.messages
+ if not self.is_message_enabled(message.msgid)
+ ]
+ print("Enabled messages:")
+ for msg in sorted(enabled):
+ print(msg)
+ print("\nDisabled messages:")
+ for msg in sorted(disabled):
+ print(msg)
+ print("")
+ # block level option handling #############################################
+ #
+ # see test case for expected behaviour
+ def process_tokens(self, tokens):
+ """process tokens from the current module to search for module/block
+ level options
+ """
+ control_pragmas = {"disable", "enable"}
+ prev_line = None
+ saw_newline = True
+ seen_newline = True
+ for (tok_type, content, start, _, _) in tokens:
+ if prev_line and prev_line != start[0]:
+ saw_newline = seen_newline
+ seen_newline = False
+ prev_line = start[0]
+ if tok_type in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE):
+ seen_newline = True
+ if tok_type != tokenize.COMMENT:
+ continue
+ match =
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ try:
+ for pragma_repr in parse_pragma(
+ if pragma_repr.action in ("disable-all", "skip-file"):
+ if pragma_repr.action == "disable-all":
+ self.add_message(
+ "deprecated-pragma",
+ line=start[0],
+ args=("disable-all", "skip-file"),
+ )
+ self.add_message("file-ignored", line=start[0])
+ self._ignore_file = True
+ return
+ try:
+ meth = self._options_methods[pragma_repr.action]
+ except KeyError:
+ meth = self._bw_options_methods[pragma_repr.action]
+ # found a "(dis|en)able-msg" pragma deprecated suppression
+ self.add_message(
+ "deprecated-pragma",
+ line=start[0],
+ args=(
+ pragma_repr.action,
+ pragma_repr.action.replace("-msg", ""),
+ ),
+ )
+ for msgid in pragma_repr.messages:
+ # Add the line where a control pragma was encountered.
+ if pragma_repr.action in control_pragmas:
+ self._pragma_lineno[msgid] = start[0]
+ if (pragma_repr.action, msgid) == ("disable", "all"):
+ self.add_message(
+ "deprecated-pragma",
+ line=start[0],
+ args=("disable=all", "skip-file"),
+ )
+ self.add_message("file-ignored", line=start[0])
+ self._ignore_file = True
+ return
+ # If we did not see a newline between the previous line and now,
+ # we saw a backslash so treat the two lines as one.
+ l_start = start[0]
+ if not saw_newline:
+ l_start -= 1
+ try:
+ meth(msgid, "module", l_start)
+ except exceptions.UnknownMessageError:
+ self.add_message(
+ "bad-option-value", args=msgid, line=start[0]
+ )
+ except UnRecognizedOptionError as err:
+ self.add_message(
+ "unrecognized-inline-option", args=err.token, line=start[0]
+ )
+ continue
+ except InvalidPragmaError as err:
+ self.add_message("bad-inline-option", args=err.token, line=start[0])
+ continue
+ # code checking methods ###################################################
+ def get_checkers(self):
+ """return all available checkers as a list"""
+ return [self] + [
+ c
+ for _checkers in self._checkers.values()
+ for c in _checkers
+ if c is not self
+ ]
+ def get_checker_names(self):
+ """Get all the checker names that this linter knows about."""
+ current_checkers = self.get_checkers()
+ return sorted(
+ {
+ for checker in current_checkers
+ }
+ )
+ def prepare_checkers(self):
+ """return checkers needed for activated messages and reports"""
+ if not self.config.reports:
+ self.disable_reporters()
+ # get needed checkers
+ needed_checkers = [self]
+ for checker in self.get_checkers()[1:]:
+ messages = {msg for msg in checker.msgs if self.is_message_enabled(msg)}
+ if messages or any(self.report_is_enabled(r[0]) for r in checker.reports):
+ needed_checkers.append(checker)
+ # Sort checkers by priority
+ needed_checkers = sorted(
+ needed_checkers, key=operator.attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True
+ )
+ return needed_checkers
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ @staticmethod
+ def should_analyze_file(modname, path, is_argument=False):
+ """Returns whether or not a module should be checked.
+ This implementation returns True for all python source file, indicating
+ that all files should be linted.
+ Subclasses may override this method to indicate that modules satisfying
+ certain conditions should not be linted.
+ :param str modname: The name of the module to be checked.
+ :param str path: The full path to the source code of the module.
+ :param bool is_argument: Whetter the file is an argument to pylint or not.
+ Files which respect this property are always
+ checked, since the user requested it explicitly.
+ :returns: True if the module should be checked.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if is_argument:
+ return True
+ return path.endswith(".py")
+ # pylint: enable=unused-argument
+ def initialize(self):
+ """Initialize linter for linting
+ This method is called before any linting is done.
+ """
+ # initialize msgs_state now that all messages have been registered into
+ # the store
+ for msg in self.msgs_store.messages:
+ if not msg.may_be_emitted():
+ self._msgs_state[msg.msgid] = False
+ def check(self, files_or_modules):
+ """main checking entry: check a list of files or modules from their name.
+ files_or_modules is either a string or list of strings presenting modules to check.
+ """
+ self.initialize()
+ if not isinstance(files_or_modules, (list, tuple)):
+ files_or_modules = (files_or_modules,)
+ if self.config.from_stdin:
+ if len(files_or_modules) != 1:
+ raise exceptions.InvalidArgsError(
+ "Missing filename required for --from-stdin"
+ )
+ filepath = files_or_modules[0]
+ with fix_import_path(files_or_modules):
+ self._check_files(
+ functools.partial(self.get_ast, data=_read_stdin()),
+ [self._get_file_descr_from_stdin(filepath)],
+ )
+ elif == 1:
+ with fix_import_path(files_or_modules):
+ self._check_files(
+ self.get_ast, self._iterate_file_descrs(files_or_modules)
+ )
+ else:
+ check_parallel(
+ self,
+ self._iterate_file_descrs(files_or_modules),
+ files_or_modules,
+ )
+ def check_single_file(self, name, filepath, modname):
+ """Check single file
+ The arguments are the same that are documented in _check_files
+ The initialize() method should be called before calling this method
+ """
+ with self._astroid_module_checker() as check_astroid_module:
+ self._check_file(
+ self.get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname
+ )
+ def _check_files(self, get_ast, file_descrs):
+ """Check all files from file_descrs
+ The file_descrs should be iterable of tuple (name, filepath, modname)
+ where
+ - name: full name of the module
+ - filepath: path of the file
+ - modname: module name
+ """
+ with self._astroid_module_checker() as check_astroid_module:
+ for name, filepath, modname in file_descrs:
+ self._check_file(get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname)
+ def _check_file(self, get_ast, check_astroid_module, name, filepath, modname):
+ """Check a file using the passed utility functions (get_ast and check_astroid_module)
+ :param callable get_ast: callable returning AST from defined file taking the following arguments
+ - filepath: path to the file to check
+ - name: Python module name
+ :param callable check_astroid_module: callable checking an AST taking the following arguments
+ - ast: AST of the module
+ :param str name: full name of the module
+ :param str filepath: path to checked file
+ :param str modname: name of the checked Python module
+ """
+ self.set_current_module(name, filepath)
+ # get the module representation
+ ast_node = get_ast(filepath, name)
+ if ast_node is None:
+ return
+ self._ignore_file = False
+ self.file_state = FileState(modname)
+ # fix the current file (if the source file was not available or
+ # if it's actually a c extension)
+ self.current_file = ast_node.file # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
+ check_astroid_module(ast_node)
+ # warn about spurious inline messages handling
+ spurious_messages = self.file_state.iter_spurious_suppression_messages(
+ self.msgs_store
+ )
+ for msgid, line, args in spurious_messages:
+ self.add_message(msgid, line, None, args)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_file_descr_from_stdin(filepath):
+ """Return file description (tuple of module name, file path, base name) from given file path
+ This method is used for creating suitable file description for _check_files when the
+ source is standard input.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Note that this function does not really perform an
+ # __import__ but may raise an ImportError exception, which
+ # we want to catch here.
+ modname = ".".join(modutils.modpath_from_file(filepath))
+ except ImportError:
+ modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
+ return (modname, filepath, filepath)
+ def _iterate_file_descrs(self, files_or_modules):
+ """Return generator yielding file descriptions (tuples of module name, file path, base name)
+ The returned generator yield one item for each Python module that should be linted.
+ """
+ for descr in self._expand_files(files_or_modules):
+ name, filepath, is_arg = descr["name"], descr["path"], descr["isarg"]
+ if self.should_analyze_file(name, filepath, is_argument=is_arg):
+ yield (name, filepath, descr["basename"])
+ def _expand_files(self, modules):
+ """get modules and errors from a list of modules and handle errors
+ """
+ result, errors = utils.expand_modules(
+ modules, self.config.black_list, self.config.black_list_re
+ )
+ for error in errors:
+ message = modname = error["mod"]
+ key = error["key"]
+ self.set_current_module(modname)
+ if key == "fatal":
+ message = str(error["ex"]).replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, "")
+ self.add_message(key, args=message)
+ return result
+ def set_current_module(self, modname, filepath=None):
+ """set the name of the currently analyzed module and
+ init statistics for it
+ """
+ if not modname and filepath is None:
+ return
+ self.reporter.on_set_current_module(modname, filepath)
+ self.current_name = modname
+ self.current_file = filepath or modname
+ self.stats["by_module"][modname] = {}
+ self.stats["by_module"][modname]["statement"] = 0
+ for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
+ self.stats["by_module"][modname][msg_cat] = 0
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _astroid_module_checker(self):
+ """Context manager for checking ASTs
+ The value in the context is callable accepting AST as its only argument.
+ """
+ walker = ASTWalker(self)
+ _checkers = self.prepare_checkers()
+ tokencheckers = [
+ c
+ for c in _checkers
+ if interfaces.implements(c, interfaces.ITokenChecker) and c is not self
+ ]
+ rawcheckers = [
+ c for c in _checkers if interfaces.implements(c, interfaces.IRawChecker)
+ ]
+ # notify global begin
+ for checker in _checkers:
+ if interfaces.implements(checker, interfaces.IAstroidChecker):
+ walker.add_checker(checker)
+ yield functools.partial(
+ self.check_astroid_module,
+ walker=walker,
+ tokencheckers=tokencheckers,
+ rawcheckers=rawcheckers,
+ )
+ # notify global end
+ self.stats["statement"] = walker.nbstatements
+ for checker in reversed(_checkers):
+ checker.close()
+ def get_ast(self, filepath, modname, data=None):
+ """Return an ast(roid) representation of a module or a string.
+ :param str filepath: path to checked file.
+ :param str modname: The name of the module to be checked.
+ :param str data: optional contents of the checked file.
+ :returns: the AST
+ :rtype: astroid.nodes.Module
+ """
+ try:
+ if data is None:
+ return MANAGER.ast_from_file(filepath, modname, source=True)
+ return AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build(data, modname, filepath)
+ except astroid.AstroidSyntaxError as ex:
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ self.add_message(
+ "syntax-error",
+ line=getattr(ex.error, "lineno", 0),
+ col_offset=getattr(ex.error, "offset", None),
+ args=str(ex.error),
+ )
+ except astroid.AstroidBuildingException as ex:
+ self.add_message("parse-error", args=ex)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.add_message("astroid-error", args=(ex.__class__, ex))
+ def check_astroid_module(self, ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers):
+ """Check a module from its astroid representation.
+ For return value see _check_astroid_module
+ """
+ before_check_statements = walker.nbstatements
+ retval = self._check_astroid_module(
+ ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers
+ )
+ self.stats["by_module"][self.current_name]["statement"] = (
+ walker.nbstatements - before_check_statements
+ )
+ return retval
+ def _check_astroid_module(self, ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers):
+ """Check given AST node with given walker and checkers
+ :param astroid.nodes.Module ast_node: AST node of the module to check
+ :param pylint.utils.ast_walker.ASTWalker walker: AST walker
+ :param list rawcheckers: List of token checkers to use
+ :param list tokencheckers: List of raw checkers to use
+ :returns: True if the module was checked, False if ignored,
+ None if the module contents could not be parsed
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ try:
+ tokens = utils.tokenize_module(ast_node)
+ except tokenize.TokenError as ex:
+ self.add_message("syntax-error", line=ex.args[1][0], args=ex.args[0])
+ return None
+ if not ast_node.pure_python:
+ self.add_message("raw-checker-failed",
+ else:
+ # assert astroid.file.endswith('.py')
+ # invoke ITokenChecker interface on self to fetch module/block
+ # level options
+ self.process_tokens(tokens)
+ if self._ignore_file:
+ return False
+ # walk ast to collect line numbers
+ self.file_state.collect_block_lines(self.msgs_store, ast_node)
+ # run raw and tokens checkers
+ for checker in rawcheckers:
+ checker.process_module(ast_node)
+ for checker in tokencheckers:
+ checker.process_tokens(tokens)
+ # generate events to astroid checkers
+ walker.walk(ast_node)
+ return True
+ # IAstroidChecker interface #################################################
+ def open(self):
+ """initialize counters"""
+ self.stats = {"by_module": {}, "by_msg": {}}
+ MANAGER.always_load_extensions = self.config.unsafe_load_any_extension
+ MANAGER.max_inferable_values = self.config.limit_inference_results
+ MANAGER.extension_package_whitelist.update(self.config.extension_pkg_whitelist)
+ for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
+ self.stats[msg_cat] = 0
+ def generate_reports(self):
+ """close the whole package /module, it's time to make reports !
+ if persistent run, pickle results for later comparison
+ """
+ # Display whatever messages are left on the reporter.
+ self.reporter.display_messages(report_nodes.Section())
+ if self.file_state.base_name is not None:
+ # load previous results if any
+ previous_stats = config.load_results(self.file_state.base_name)
+ self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, previous_stats)
+ if self.config.reports:
+ sect = self.make_reports(self.stats, previous_stats)
+ else:
+ sect = report_nodes.Section()
+ if self.config.reports:
+ self.reporter.display_reports(sect)
+ score_value = self._report_evaluation()
+ # save results if persistent run
+ if self.config.persistent:
+ config.save_results(self.stats, self.file_state.base_name)
+ else:
+ self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, {})
+ score_value = None
+ return score_value
+ def _report_evaluation(self):
+ """make the global evaluation report"""
+ # check with at least check 1 statements (usually 0 when there is a
+ # syntax error preventing pylint from further processing)
+ note = None
+ previous_stats = config.load_results(self.file_state.base_name)
+ if self.stats["statement"] == 0:
+ return note
+ # get a global note for the code
+ evaluation = self.config.evaluation
+ try:
+ note = eval(evaluation, {}, self.stats) # pylint: disable=eval-used
+ except Exception as ex:
+ msg = "An exception occurred while rating: %s" % ex
+ else:
+ self.stats["global_note"] = note
+ msg = "Your code has been rated at %.2f/10" % note
+ pnote = previous_stats.get("global_note")
+ if pnote is not None:
+ msg += " (previous run: %.2f/10, %+.2f)" % (pnote, note - pnote)
+ if self.config.score:
+ sect = report_nodes.EvaluationSection(msg)
+ self.reporter.display_reports(sect)
+ return note
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 727b96a75..7c54bb888 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def test_check_package___init__(finalize_linter):
def test_pylint_config_attr():
- mod = astroid.MANAGER.ast_from_module_name("pylint.lint")
+ mod = astroid.MANAGER.ast_from_module_name("pylint.lint.pylinter")
pylinter = mod["PyLinter"]
expect = [
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c4478e98f..5e4bd5994 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class TestRunTC:
).format(path=expected_path, module=module)
with mock.patch(
- "pylint.lint._read_stdin", return_value="import os\n"
+ "pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value="import os\n"
) as mock_stdin:
["--from-stdin", input_path, "--disable=all", "--enable=unused-import"],
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class TestRunTC:
# this code needs to work w/ and w/o a file named a/ on the
# harddisk.
- with mock.patch("pylint.lint._read_stdin", return_value=b_code):
+ with mock.patch("pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value=b_code):
@@ -606,7 +606,9 @@ class TestRunTC:
" E0001: invalid syntax (<unknown>, line 1) (syntax-error)"
- with mock.patch("pylint.lint._read_stdin", return_value="for\n") as mock_stdin:
+ with mock.patch(
+ "pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value="for\n"
+ ) as mock_stdin:
["--from-stdin", "", "--disable=all", "--enable=syntax-error"],