diff options
64 files changed, 67 insertions, 2868 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index aed43aa9f..754392a27 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ Release date: TBA
Put new features here and also in 'doc/whatsnew/2.11.rst'
+* The python3 porting mode checker and it's ``py3k`` option were removed. You can still find it in older pylint
+ versions.
* Added new extension ``SetMembershipChecker`` with ``use-set-for-membership`` check:
Emitted when using an in-place defined ``list`` or ``tuple`` to do a membership test. ``sets`` are better optimized for that.
diff --git a/doc/faq.rst b/doc/faq.rst
index 02e252457..479d3c052 100644
--- a/doc/faq.rst
+++ b/doc/faq.rst
@@ -192,9 +192,7 @@ tricks like: ::
pylint does have some messages disabled by default, either because
they are prone to false positives or that they are opinionated enough
-for not being included as default messages. But most of the disabled
-messages are from the Python 3 porting checker, which is disabled by
-default. It needs special activation with the ``--py3k`` flag.
+for not being included as default messages.
You can see the plugin you need to explicitly `load in the technical reference`_
diff --git a/doc/whatsnew/2.11.rst b/doc/whatsnew/2.11.rst
index e91199fb0..8a9161c71 100644
--- a/doc/whatsnew/2.11.rst
+++ b/doc/whatsnew/2.11.rst
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ New checkers
Closes #3592
+Removed checkers
+* The python3 porting mode checker and it's ``py3k`` option were removed. You can still find it in older pylint
+ versions.
diff --git a/examples/pylintrc b/examples/pylintrc
index 8a50a5833..0bfe95939 100644
--- a/examples/pylintrc
+++ b/examples/pylintrc
@@ -69,17 +69,7 @@ confidence=
# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use "--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W".
- parameter-unpacking,
- unpacking-in-except,
- old-raise-syntax,
- backtick,
- long-suffix,
- old-ne-operator,
- old-octal-literal,
- import-star-module-level,
- non-ascii-bytes-literal,
- raw-checker-failed,
@@ -87,67 +77,6 @@ disable=print-statement,
- apply-builtin,
- basestring-builtin,
- buffer-builtin,
- cmp-builtin,
- coerce-builtin,
- execfile-builtin,
- file-builtin,
- long-builtin,
- raw_input-builtin,
- reduce-builtin,
- standarderror-builtin,
- unicode-builtin,
- xrange-builtin,
- coerce-method,
- delslice-method,
- getslice-method,
- setslice-method,
- no-absolute-import,
- old-division,
- dict-iter-method,
- dict-view-method,
- next-method-called,
- metaclass-assignment,
- indexing-exception,
- raising-string,
- reload-builtin,
- oct-method,
- hex-method,
- nonzero-method,
- cmp-method,
- input-builtin,
- round-builtin,
- intern-builtin,
- unichr-builtin,
- map-builtin-not-iterating,
- zip-builtin-not-iterating,
- range-builtin-not-iterating,
- filter-builtin-not-iterating,
- using-cmp-argument,
- eq-without-hash,
- div-method,
- idiv-method,
- rdiv-method,
- exception-message-attribute,
- invalid-str-codec,
- sys-max-int,
- bad-python3-import,
- deprecated-string-function,
- deprecated-str-translate-call,
- deprecated-itertools-function,
- deprecated-types-field,
- next-method-defined,
- dict-items-not-iterating,
- dict-keys-not-iterating,
- dict-values-not-iterating,
- deprecated-operator-function,
- deprecated-urllib-function,
- xreadlines-attribute,
- deprecated-sys-function,
- exception-escape,
- comprehension-escape
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
diff --git a/pylint/checkers/ b/pylint/checkers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c5e98a8..000000000
--- a/pylint/checkers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Claudiu Popa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Brett Cannon <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Simu Toni <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Pavel Roskin <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ionel Cristian Maries <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Cosmin Poieana <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Viorel Stirbu <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Jakub Wilk <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Roy Williams <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Roy Williams <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Łukasz Rogalski <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Erik <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017, 2020 hippo91 <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Ville Skyttä <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Miller <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017 ahirnish <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Anthony Sottile <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 sbagan <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Lucas Cimon <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Aivar Annamaa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 ssolanki <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Sushobhit <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Ashley Whetter <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 gaurikholkar <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Pierre Sassoulas <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Nick Drozd <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugues Bruant <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Gabriel R Sezefredo <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 bluesheeptoken <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Kolbus <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 谭九鼎 <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Federico Bond <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Athos Ribeiro <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 bot <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Tiago Honorato <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 tiagohonorato <>
-# Licensed under the GPL:
-# For details:
-"""Check Python 2 code for Python 2/3 source-compatible issues."""
-import itertools
-import re
-import tokenize
-from collections import namedtuple
-import astroid
-from astroid import nodes
-from pylint import checkers, interfaces
-from pylint.checkers import utils
-from pylint.checkers.utils import find_try_except_wrapper_node, node_ignores_exception
-from pylint.constants import WarningScope
-from pylint.interfaces import INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE
-_ZERO = re.compile("^0+$")
-def _is_old_octal(literal):
- if _ZERO.match(literal):
- return False
- if re.match(r"0\d+", literal):
- try:
- int(literal, 8)
- except ValueError:
- return False
- return True
- return None
-def _inferred_value_is_dict(value):
- if isinstance(value, nodes.Dict):
- return True
- return isinstance(value, astroid.Instance) and "dict" in value.basenames
-def _infer_if_relevant_attr(node, relevant_attrs):
- return node.expr.infer() if node.attrname in relevant_attrs else []
-def _is_builtin(node):
- return getattr(node, "name", None) in ("__builtin__", "builtins")
- "iter",
- "list",
- "tuple",
- "sorted",
- "set",
- "sum",
- "any",
- "all",
- "enumerate",
- "dict",
- "filter",
- "reversed",
- "max",
- "min",
- "frozenset",
- "OrderedDict",
- "zip",
- "map",
-ATTRIBUTES_ACCEPTS_ITERATOR = {"join", "from_iterable"}
- "builtins.list.extend",
- "builtins.dict.update",
- "builtins.set.update",
-DICT_METHODS = {"items", "keys", "values"}
-def _in_iterating_context(node):
- """Check if the node is being used as an iterator.
- Definition is taken from lib2to3.fixer_util.in_special_context().
- """
- parent = node.parent
- # Since a call can't be the loop variant we only need to know if the node's
- # parent is a 'for' loop to know it's being used as the iterator for the
- # loop.
- if isinstance(parent, nodes.For):
- return True
- # Need to make sure the use of the node is in the iterator part of the
- # comprehension.
- if isinstance(parent, nodes.Comprehension):
- if parent.iter == node:
- return True
- # Various built-ins can take in an iterable or list and lead to the same
- # value.
- elif isinstance(parent, nodes.Call):
- if isinstance(parent.func, nodes.Name):
- return True
- elif isinstance(parent.func, nodes.Attribute):
- if parent.func.attrname in ATTRIBUTES_ACCEPTS_ITERATOR:
- return True
- inferred = utils.safe_infer(parent.func)
- if inferred:
- if inferred.qname() in _BUILTIN_METHOD_ACCEPTS_ITERATOR:
- return True
- root = inferred.root()
- if root and == "itertools":
- return True
- # If the call is in an unpacking, there's no need to warn,
- # since it can be considered iterating.
- elif isinstance(parent, nodes.Assign) and isinstance(
- parent.targets[0], (nodes.List, nodes.Tuple)
- ):
- if len(parent.targets[0].elts) > 1:
- return True
- # If the call is in a containment check, we consider that to
- # be an iterating context
- elif (
- isinstance(parent, nodes.Compare)
- and len(parent.ops) == 1
- and parent.ops[0][0] in ["in", "not in"]
- ):
- return True
- # Also if it's an `yield from`, that's fair
- elif isinstance(parent, nodes.YieldFrom):
- return True
- if isinstance(parent, nodes.Starred):
- return True
- return False
-def _is_conditional_import(node):
- """Checks if an import node is in the context of a conditional."""
- parent = node.parent
- return isinstance(
- parent, (nodes.TryExcept, nodes.ExceptHandler, nodes.If, nodes.IfExp)
- )
-Branch = namedtuple("Branch", ["node", "is_py2_only"])
-class Python3Checker(checkers.BaseChecker):
- __implements__ = interfaces.IAstroidChecker
- enabled = False
- name = "python3"
- msgs = {
- # Errors for what will syntactically break in Python 3, warnings for
- # everything else.
- "E1601": (
- "print statement used",
- "print-statement",
- "Used when a print statement is used "
- "(`print` is a function in Python 3)",
- ),
- "E1602": (
- "Parameter unpacking specified",
- "parameter-unpacking",
- "Used when parameter unpacking is specified for a function"
- "(Python 3 doesn't allow it)",
- ),
- "E1603": (
- "Implicit unpacking of exceptions is not supported in Python 3",
- "unpacking-in-except",
- "Python3 will not allow implicit unpacking of "
- "exceptions in except clauses. "
- "See",
- {"old_names": [("W0712", "old-unpacking-in-except")]},
- ),
- "E1604": (
- "Use raise ErrorClass(args) instead of raise ErrorClass, args.",
- "old-raise-syntax",
- "Used when the alternate raise syntax "
- "'raise foo, bar' is used "
- "instead of 'raise foo(bar)'.",
- {"old_names": [("W0121", "old-old-raise-syntax")]},
- ),
- "E1605": (
- "Use of the `` operator",
- "backtick",
- 'Used when the deprecated "``" (backtick) operator is used '
- "instead of the str() function.",
- {"scope": WarningScope.NODE, "old_names": [("W0333", "old-backtick")]},
- ),
- "E1609": (
- "Import * only allowed at module level",
- "import-star-module-level",
- "Used when the import star syntax is used somewhere "
- "else than the module level.",
- {"maxversion": (3, 0)},
- ),
- "W1601": (
- "apply built-in referenced",
- "apply-builtin",
- "Used when the apply built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1602": (
- "basestring built-in referenced",
- "basestring-builtin",
- "Used when the basestring built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1603": (
- "buffer built-in referenced",
- "buffer-builtin",
- "Used when the buffer built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1604": (
- "cmp built-in referenced",
- "cmp-builtin",
- "Used when the cmp built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1605": (
- "coerce built-in referenced",
- "coerce-builtin",
- "Used when the coerce built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1606": (
- "execfile built-in referenced",
- "execfile-builtin",
- "Used when the execfile built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1607": (
- "file built-in referenced",
- "file-builtin",
- "Used when the file built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1608": (
- "long built-in referenced",
- "long-builtin",
- "Used when the long built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1609": (
- "raw_input built-in referenced",
- "raw_input-builtin",
- "Used when the raw_input built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1610": (
- "reduce built-in referenced",
- "reduce-builtin",
- "Used when the reduce built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1611": (
- "StandardError built-in referenced",
- "standarderror-builtin",
- "Used when the StandardError built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1612": (
- "unicode built-in referenced",
- "unicode-builtin",
- "Used when the unicode built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1613": (
- "xrange built-in referenced",
- "xrange-builtin",
- "Used when the xrange built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1614": (
- "__coerce__ method defined",
- "coerce-method",
- "Used when a __coerce__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1615": (
- "__delslice__ method defined",
- "delslice-method",
- "Used when a __delslice__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1616": (
- "__getslice__ method defined",
- "getslice-method",
- "Used when a __getslice__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1617": (
- "__setslice__ method defined",
- "setslice-method",
- "Used when a __setslice__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1618": (
- "import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`",
- "no-absolute-import",
- "Used when an import is not accompanied by "
- "``from __future__ import absolute_import`` "
- "(default behaviour in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1619": (
- "division w/o __future__ statement",
- "old-division",
- "Used for non-floor division w/o a float literal or "
- "``from __future__ import division`` "
- "(Python 3 returns a float for int division unconditionally)",
- ),
- "W1620": (
- "Calling a dict.iter*() method",
- "dict-iter-method",
- "Used for calls to dict.iterkeys(), itervalues() or iteritems() "
- "(Python 3 lacks these methods)",
- ),
- "W1621": (
- "Calling a dict.view*() method",
- "dict-view-method",
- "Used for calls to dict.viewkeys(), viewvalues() or viewitems() "
- "(Python 3 lacks these methods)",
- ),
- "W1622": (
- "Called a next() method on an object",
- "next-method-called",
- "Used when an object's next() method is called "
- "(Python 3 uses the next() built-in function)",
- ),
- "W1623": (
- "Assigning to a class's __metaclass__ attribute",
- "metaclass-assignment",
- "Used when a metaclass is specified by assigning to __metaclass__ "
- "(Python 3 specifies the metaclass as a class statement argument)",
- ),
- "W1624": (
- "Indexing exceptions will not work on Python 3",
- "indexing-exception",
- "Indexing exceptions will not work on Python 3. Use "
- "`exception.args[index]` instead.",
- {"old_names": [("W0713", "old-indexing-exception")]},
- ),
- "W1625": (
- "Raising a string exception",
- "raising-string",
- "Used when a string exception is raised. This will not "
- "work on Python 3.",
- {"old_names": [("W0701", "old-raising-string")]},
- ),
- "W1626": (
- "reload built-in referenced",
- "reload-builtin",
- "Used when the reload built-in function is referenced "
- "(missing from Python 3). You can use instead imp.reload "
- "or importlib.reload.",
- ),
- "W1627": (
- "__oct__ method defined",
- "oct-method",
- "Used when an __oct__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1628": (
- "__hex__ method defined",
- "hex-method",
- "Used when a __hex__ method is defined (method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1629": (
- "__nonzero__ method defined",
- "nonzero-method",
- "Used when a __nonzero__ method is defined "
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1630": (
- "__cmp__ method defined",
- "cmp-method",
- "Used when a __cmp__ method is defined (method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- # 'W1631': replaced by W1636
- "W1632": (
- "input built-in referenced",
- "input-builtin",
- "Used when the input built-in is referenced "
- "(backwards-incompatible semantics in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1633": (
- "round built-in referenced",
- "round-builtin",
- "Used when the round built-in is referenced "
- "(backwards-incompatible semantics in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1634": (
- "intern built-in referenced",
- "intern-builtin",
- "Used when the intern built-in is referenced "
- "(Moved to sys.intern in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1635": (
- "unichr built-in referenced",
- "unichr-builtin",
- "Used when the unichr built-in is referenced (Use chr in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1636": (
- "map built-in referenced when not iterating",
- "map-builtin-not-iterating",
- "Used when the map built-in is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- {"old_names": [("W1631", "implicit-map-evaluation")]},
- ),
- "W1637": (
- "zip built-in referenced when not iterating",
- "zip-builtin-not-iterating",
- "Used when the zip built-in is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1638": (
- "range built-in referenced when not iterating",
- "range-builtin-not-iterating",
- "Used when the range built-in is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns a range in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1639": (
- "filter built-in referenced when not iterating",
- "filter-builtin-not-iterating",
- "Used when the filter built-in is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1640": (
- "Using the cmp argument for list.sort / sorted",
- "using-cmp-argument",
- "Using the cmp argument for list.sort or the sorted "
- "builtin should be avoided, since it was removed in "
- "Python 3. Using either `key` or `functools.cmp_to_key` "
- "should be preferred.",
- ),
- "W1641": (
- "Implementing __eq__ without also implementing __hash__",
- "eq-without-hash",
- "Used when a class implements __eq__ but not __hash__. In Python 2, objects "
- "get object.__hash__ as the default implementation, in Python 3 objects get "
- "None as their default __hash__ implementation if they also implement __eq__.",
- ),
- "W1642": (
- "__div__ method defined",
- "div-method",
- "Used when a __div__ method is defined. Using `__truediv__` and setting"
- "__div__ = __truediv__ should be preferred."
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1643": (
- "__idiv__ method defined",
- "idiv-method",
- "Used when an __idiv__ method is defined. Using `__itruediv__` and setting"
- "__idiv__ = __itruediv__ should be preferred."
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1644": (
- "__rdiv__ method defined",
- "rdiv-method",
- "Used when a __rdiv__ method is defined. Using `__rtruediv__` and setting"
- "__rdiv__ = __rtruediv__ should be preferred."
- "(method is not used by Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1645": (
- "Exception.message removed in Python 3",
- "exception-message-attribute",
- "Used when the message attribute is accessed on an Exception. Use "
- "str(exception) instead.",
- ),
- "W1646": (
- "non-text encoding used in str.decode",
- "invalid-str-codec",
- "Used when using str.encode or str.decode with a non-text encoding. Use "
- "codecs module to handle arbitrary codecs.",
- ),
- "W1647": (
- "sys.maxint removed in Python 3",
- "sys-max-int",
- "Used when accessing sys.maxint. Use sys.maxsize instead.",
- ),
- "W1648": (
- "Module moved in Python 3",
- "bad-python3-import",
- "Used when importing a module that no longer exists in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1649": (
- "Accessing a deprecated function on the string module",
- "deprecated-string-function",
- "Used when accessing a string function that has been deprecated in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1650": (
- "Using str.translate with deprecated deletechars parameters",
- "deprecated-str-translate-call",
- "Used when using the deprecated deletechars parameters from str.translate. Use "
- "re.sub to remove the desired characters ",
- ),
- "W1651": (
- "Accessing a deprecated function on the itertools module",
- "deprecated-itertools-function",
- "Used when accessing a function on itertools that has been removed in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1652": (
- "Accessing a deprecated fields on the types module",
- "deprecated-types-field",
- "Used when accessing a field on types that has been removed in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1653": (
- "next method defined",
- "next-method-defined",
- "Used when a next method is defined that would be an iterator in Python 2 but "
- "is treated as a normal function in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1654": (
- "dict.items referenced when not iterating",
- "dict-items-not-iterating",
- "Used when dict.items is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1655": (
- "dict.keys referenced when not iterating",
- "dict-keys-not-iterating",
- "Used when dict.keys is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1656": (
- "dict.values referenced when not iterating",
- "dict-values-not-iterating",
- "Used when dict.values is referenced in a non-iterating "
- "context (returns an iterator in Python 3)",
- ),
- "W1657": (
- "Accessing a removed attribute on the operator module",
- "deprecated-operator-function",
- "Used when accessing a field on operator module that has been "
- "removed in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1658": (
- "Accessing a removed attribute on the urllib module",
- "deprecated-urllib-function",
- "Used when accessing a field on urllib module that has been "
- "removed or moved in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1659": (
- "Accessing a removed xreadlines attribute",
- "xreadlines-attribute",
- "Used when accessing the xreadlines() function on a file stream, "
- "removed in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1660": (
- "Accessing a removed attribute on the sys module",
- "deprecated-sys-function",
- "Used when accessing a field on sys module that has been "
- "removed in Python 3.",
- ),
- "W1661": (
- "Using an exception object that was bound by an except handler",
- "exception-escape",
- "Emitted when using an exception, that was bound in an except "
- "handler, outside of the except handler. On Python 3 these "
- "exceptions will be deleted once they get out "
- "of the except handler.",
- ),
- "W1662": (
- "Using a variable that was bound inside a comprehension",
- "comprehension-escape",
- "Emitted when using a variable, that was bound in a comprehension "
- "handler, outside of the comprehension itself. On Python 3 these "
- "variables will be deleted outside of the "
- "comprehension.",
- ),
- }
- _bad_builtins = frozenset(
- [
- "apply",
- "basestring",
- "buffer",
- "cmp",
- "coerce",
- "execfile",
- "file",
- "input", # Not missing, but incompatible semantics
- "intern",
- "long",
- "raw_input",
- "reduce",
- "round", # Not missing, but incompatible semantics
- "StandardError",
- "unichr",
- "unicode",
- "xrange",
- "reload",
- ]
- )
- _unused_magic_methods = frozenset(
- [
- "__coerce__",
- "__delslice__",
- "__getslice__",
- "__setslice__",
- "__oct__",
- "__hex__",
- "__nonzero__",
- "__cmp__",
- "__div__",
- "__idiv__",
- "__rdiv__",
- ]
- )
- _invalid_encodings = frozenset(
- [
- "base64_codec",
- "base64",
- "base_64",
- "bz2_codec",
- "bz2",
- "hex_codec",
- "hex",
- "quopri_codec",
- "quopri",
- "quotedprintable",
- "quoted_printable",
- "uu_codec",
- "uu",
- "zlib_codec",
- "zlib",
- "zip",
- "rot13",
- "rot_13",
- ]
- )
- _bad_python3_module_map = {
- "sys-max-int": {"sys": frozenset(["maxint"])},
- "deprecated-itertools-function": {
- "itertools": frozenset(
- ["izip", "ifilter", "imap", "izip_longest", "ifilterfalse"]
- )
- },
- "deprecated-types-field": {
- "types": frozenset(
- [
- "EllipsisType",
- "XRangeType",
- "ComplexType",
- "StringType",
- "TypeType",
- "LongType",
- "UnicodeType",
- "ClassType",
- "BufferType",
- "StringTypes",
- "NotImplementedType",
- "NoneType",
- "InstanceType",
- "FloatType",
- "SliceType",
- "UnboundMethodType",
- "ObjectType",
- "IntType",
- "TupleType",
- "ListType",
- "DictType",
- "FileType",
- "DictionaryType",
- "BooleanType",
- "DictProxyType",
- ]
- )
- },
- "bad-python3-import": frozenset(
- [
- "anydbm",
- "BaseHTTPServer",
- "__builtin__",
- "CGIHTTPServer",
- "ConfigParser",
- "copy_reg",
- "cPickle",
- "cStringIO",
- "Cookie",
- "cookielib",
- "dbhash",
- "dumbdbm",
- "dumbdb",
- "Dialog",
- "DocXMLRPCServer",
- "FileDialog",
- "FixTk",
- "gdbm",
- "htmlentitydefs",
- "HTMLParser",
- "httplib",
- "markupbase",
- "Queue",
- "repr",
- "robotparser",
- "ScrolledText",
- "SimpleDialog",
- "SimpleHTTPServer",
- "SimpleXMLRPCServer",
- "StringIO",
- "dummy_thread",
- "SocketServer",
- "test.test_support",
- "Tkinter",
- "Tix",
- "Tkconstants",
- "tkColorChooser",
- "tkCommonDialog",
- "Tkdnd",
- "tkFileDialog",
- "tkFont",
- "tkMessageBox",
- "tkSimpleDialog",
- "UserList",
- "UserString",
- "whichdb",
- "_winreg",
- "xmlrpclib",
- "audiodev",
- "Bastion",
- "bsddb185",
- "bsddb3",
- "Canvas",
- "cfmfile",
- "cl",
- "commands",
- "compiler",
- "dircache",
- "dl",
- "exception",
- "fpformat",
- "htmllib",
- "ihooks",
- "imageop",
- "imputil",
- "linuxaudiodev",
- "md5",
- "mhlib",
- "mimetools",
- "MimeWriter",
- "mimify",
- "multifile",
- "mutex",
- "new",
- "popen2",
- "posixfile",
- "pure",
- "rexec",
- "rfc822",
- "sets",
- "sha",
- "sgmllib",
- "sre",
- "stringold",
- "sunaudio",
- "sv",
- "test.testall",
- "thread",
- "timing",
- "toaiff",
- "user",
- "urllib2",
- "urlparse",
- ]
- ),
- "deprecated-string-function": {
- "string": frozenset(
- [
- "maketrans",
- "atof",
- "atoi",
- "atol",
- "capitalize",
- "expandtabs",
- "find",
- "rfind",
- "index",
- "rindex",
- "count",
- "lower",
- "letters",
- "split",
- "rsplit",
- "splitfields",
- "join",
- "joinfields",
- "lstrip",
- "rstrip",
- "strip",
- "swapcase",
- "translate",
- "upper",
- "ljust",
- "rjust",
- "center",
- "zfill",
- "replace",
- "lowercase",
- "letters",
- "uppercase",
- "atol_error",
- "atof_error",
- "atoi_error",
- "index_error",
- ]
- )
- },
- "deprecated-operator-function": {"operator": frozenset({"div"})},
- "deprecated-urllib-function": {
- "urllib": frozenset(
- {
- "addbase",
- "addclosehook",
- "addinfo",
- "addinfourl",
- "always_safe",
- "basejoin",
- "ftpcache",
- "ftperrors",
- "ftpwrapper",
- "getproxies",
- "getproxies_environment",
- "getproxies_macosx_sysconf",
- "main",
- "noheaders",
- "pathname2url",
- "proxy_bypass",
- "proxy_bypass_environment",
- "proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf",
- "quote",
- "quote_plus",
- "reporthook",
- "splitattr",
- "splithost",
- "splitnport",
- "splitpasswd",
- "splitport",
- "splitquery",
- "splittag",
- "splittype",
- "splituser",
- "splitvalue",
- "unquote",
- "unquote_plus",
- "unwrap",
- "url2pathname",
- "urlcleanup",
- "urlencode",
- "urlopen",
- "urlretrieve",
- }
- )
- },
- "deprecated-sys-function": {"sys": frozenset({"exc_clear"})},
- }
- _deprecated_attrs = frozenset(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- attr
- for module_map in _bad_python3_module_map.values()
- if isinstance(module_map, dict)
- for attr in module_map.values()
- )
- )
- _relevant_call_attrs = (
- DICT_METHODS | _deprecated_attrs | {"encode", "decode", "translate"}
- )
- _python_2_tests = frozenset(
- astroid.extract_node(x).repr_tree()
- for x in (
- "sys.version_info[0] == 2",
- "sys.version_info[0] < 3",
- "sys.version_info == (2, 7)",
- "sys.version_info <= (2, 7)",
- "sys.version_info < (3, 0)",
- )
- )
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self._future_division = False
- self._future_absolute_import = False
- self._modules_warned_about = set()
- self._branch_stack = []
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # pylint: disable=keyword-arg-before-vararg, arguments-differ
- def add_message(self, msg_id, always_warn=False, *args, **kwargs):
- if always_warn or not (
- self._branch_stack and self._branch_stack[-1].is_py2_only
- ):
- super().add_message(msg_id, *args, **kwargs)
- def _is_py2_test(self, node):
- if isinstance(node.test, nodes.Attribute) and isinstance(
- node.test.expr, nodes.Name
- ):
- if == "six" and node.test.attrname == "PY2":
- return True
- elif (
- isinstance(node.test, nodes.Compare)
- and node.test.repr_tree() in self._python_2_tests
- ):
- return True
- return False
- def visit_if(self, node):
- self._branch_stack.append(Branch(node, self._is_py2_test(node)))
- def leave_if(self, node):
- new_node = self._branch_stack.pop().node
- assert new_node == node
- def visit_ifexp(self, node):
- self._branch_stack.append(Branch(node, self._is_py2_test(node)))
- def leave_ifexp(self, node):
- new_node = self._branch_stack.pop()
- assert new_node.node == node
- def visit_module(self, node): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
- """Clear checker state after previous module."""
- self._future_division = False
- self._future_absolute_import = False
- def visit_functiondef(self, node):
- if node.is_method():
- if in self._unused_magic_methods:
- method_name =
- if"__"):
- method_name =[2:-2]
- self.add_message(method_name + "-method", node=node)
- elif == "next":
- # If there is a method named `next` declared, if it is invokable
- # with zero arguments then it implements the Iterator protocol.
- # This means if the method is an instance method or a
- # classmethod 1 argument should cause a failure, if it is a
- # staticmethod 0 arguments should cause a failure.
- failing_arg_count = 1
- if utils.decorated_with(node, ["builtins.staticmethod"]):
- failing_arg_count = 0
- if len(node.args.args) == failing_arg_count:
- self.add_message("next-method-defined", node=node)
- @utils.check_messages("parameter-unpacking")
- def visit_arguments(self, node):
- for arg in node.args:
- if isinstance(arg, nodes.Tuple):
- self.add_message("parameter-unpacking", node=arg)
- @utils.check_messages("comprehension-escape")
- def visit_listcomp(self, node):
- names = {
- for generator in node.generators
- if isinstance(, nodes.AssignName)
- }
- scope = node.parent.scope()
- scope_names = scope.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name, skip_klass=nodes.FunctionDef)
- has_redefined_assign_name = any(
- assign_name
- for assign_name in scope.nodes_of_class(
- nodes.AssignName, skip_klass=nodes.FunctionDef
- )
- if in names and assign_name.lineno > node.lineno
- )
- if has_redefined_assign_name:
- return
- emitted_for_names = set()
- scope_names = list(scope_names)
- for scope_name in scope_names:
- if (
- not in names
- or scope_name.lineno <= node.lineno
- or in emitted_for_names
- or scope_name.scope() == node
- ):
- continue
- emitted_for_names.add(
- self.add_message("comprehension-escape", node=scope_name)
- def visit_name(self, node):
- """Detect when a "bad" built-in is referenced."""
- found_node, _ = node.lookup(
- if not _is_builtin(found_node):
- return
- if not in self._bad_builtins:
- return
- if node_ignores_exception(node) or isinstance(
- find_try_except_wrapper_node(node), nodes.ExceptHandler
- ):
- return
- message = + "-builtin"
- self.add_message(message, node=node)
- @utils.check_messages("print-statement")
- def visit_print(self, node):
- self.add_message("print-statement", node=node, always_warn=True)
- def _warn_if_deprecated(self, node, module, attributes, report_on_modules=True):
- for message, module_map in self._bad_python3_module_map.items():
- if module in module_map and module not in self._modules_warned_about:
- if isinstance(module_map, frozenset):
- if report_on_modules:
- self._modules_warned_about.add(module)
- self.add_message(message, node=node)
- elif attributes and module_map[module].intersection(attributes):
- self.add_message(message, node=node)
- def visit_importfrom(self, node):
- if node.modname == "__future__":
- for name, _ in node.names:
- if name == "division":
- self._future_division = True
- elif name == "absolute_import":
- self._future_absolute_import = True
- else:
- if not self._future_absolute_import:
- if self.linter.is_message_enabled("no-absolute-import"):
- self.add_message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- self._future_absolute_import = True
- if not _is_conditional_import(node) and not node.level:
- self._warn_if_deprecated(node, node.modname, {x[0] for x in node.names})
- if node.names[0][0] == "*":
- if self.linter.is_message_enabled("import-star-module-level"):
- if not isinstance(node.scope(), nodes.Module):
- self.add_message("import-star-module-level", node=node)
- def visit_import(self, node):
- if not self._future_absolute_import:
- if self.linter.is_message_enabled("no-absolute-import"):
- self.add_message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- self._future_absolute_import = True
- if not _is_conditional_import(node):
- for name, _ in node.names:
- self._warn_if_deprecated(node, name, None)
- @utils.check_messages("metaclass-assignment")
- def visit_classdef(self, node):
- if "__metaclass__" in node.locals:
- self.add_message("metaclass-assignment", node=node)
- locals_and_methods = set(node.locals).union( for x in node.mymethods())
- if "__eq__" in locals_and_methods and "__hash__" not in locals_and_methods:
- self.add_message("eq-without-hash", node=node)
- @utils.check_messages("old-division")
- def visit_binop(self, node):
- if not self._future_division and node.op == "/":
- for arg in (node.left, node.right):
- inferred = utils.safe_infer(arg)
- # If we can infer the object and that object is not an int, bail out.
- if inferred and not (
- (
- isinstance(inferred, nodes.Const)
- and isinstance(inferred.value, int)
- )
- or (
- isinstance(inferred, astroid.Instance)
- and == "int"
- )
- ):
- break
- else:
- self.add_message("old-division", node=node)
- def _check_cmp_argument(self, node):
- # Check that the `cmp` argument is used
- kwargs = []
- if isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute) and node.func.attrname == "sort":
- inferred = utils.safe_infer(node.func.expr)
- if not inferred:
- return
- builtins_list = "builtins.list"
- if isinstance(inferred, nodes.List) or inferred.qname() == builtins_list:
- kwargs = node.keywords
- elif isinstance(node.func, nodes.Name) and == "sorted":
- inferred = utils.safe_infer(node.func)
- if not inferred:
- return
- builtins_sorted = "builtins.sorted"
- if inferred.qname() == builtins_sorted:
- kwargs = node.keywords
- for kwarg in kwargs or []:
- if kwarg.arg == "cmp":
- self.add_message("using-cmp-argument", node=node)
- return
- @staticmethod
- def _is_constant_string_or_name(node):
- if isinstance(node, nodes.Const):
- return isinstance(node.value, str)
- return isinstance(node, nodes.Name)
- @staticmethod
- def _is_none(node):
- return isinstance(node, nodes.Const) and node.value is None
- @staticmethod
- def _has_only_n_positional_args(node, number_of_args):
- return len(node.args) == number_of_args and all(node.args) and not node.keywords
- @staticmethod
- def _could_be_string(inferred_types):
- confidence = INFERENCE if inferred_types else INFERENCE_FAILURE
- for inferred_type in inferred_types:
- if inferred_type is astroid.Uninferable:
- confidence = INFERENCE_FAILURE
- elif not (
- isinstance(inferred_type, nodes.Const)
- and isinstance(inferred_type.value, str)
- ):
- return None
- return confidence
- def visit_call(self, node):
- self._check_cmp_argument(node)
- if isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute):
- inferred_types = set()
- try:
- for inferred_receiver in _infer_if_relevant_attr(
- node.func, self._relevant_call_attrs
- ):
- if inferred_receiver is astroid.Uninferable:
- continue
- inferred_types.add(inferred_receiver)
- if isinstance(inferred_receiver, nodes.Module):
- self._warn_if_deprecated(
- node,
- {node.func.attrname},
- report_on_modules=False,
- )
- if (
- _inferred_value_is_dict(inferred_receiver)
- and node.func.attrname in DICT_METHODS
- ):
- if not _in_iterating_context(node):
- checker = f"dict-{node.func.attrname}-not-iterating"
- self.add_message(checker, node=node)
- except astroid.InferenceError:
- pass
- if node.args:
- is_str_confidence = self._could_be_string(inferred_types)
- if is_str_confidence:
- if (
- node.func.attrname in ("encode", "decode")
- and len(node.args) >= 1
- and node.args[0]
- ):
- first_arg = node.args[0]
- self._validate_encoding(first_arg, node)
- if (
- node.func.attrname == "translate"
- and self._has_only_n_positional_args(node, 2)
- and self._is_none(node.args[0])
- and self._is_constant_string_or_name(node.args[1])
- ):
- # The above statement looking for calls of the form:
- #
- # foo.translate(None, 'abc123')
- #
- # or
- #
- # foo.translate(None, some_variable)
- #
- # This check is somewhat broad and _may_ have some false positives, but
- # after checking several large codebases it did not have any false
- # positives while finding several real issues. This call pattern seems
- # rare enough that the trade off is worth it.
- self.add_message(
- "deprecated-str-translate-call",
- node=node,
- confidence=is_str_confidence,
- )
- return
- if node.keywords:
- return
- if node.func.attrname == "next":
- self.add_message("next-method-called", node=node)
- elif node.func.attrname in ("iterkeys", "itervalues", "iteritems"):
- self.add_message("dict-iter-method", node=node)
- elif node.func.attrname in ("viewkeys", "viewvalues", "viewitems"):
- self.add_message("dict-view-method", node=node)
- elif isinstance(node.func, nodes.Name):
- found_node = node.func.lookup([0]
- if _is_builtin(found_node):
- if in ("filter", "map", "range", "zip"):
- if not _in_iterating_context(node):
- checker = f"{}-builtin-not-iterating"
- self.add_message(checker, node=node)
- elif == "open" and node.keywords:
- kwargs = node.keywords
- for kwarg in kwargs or []:
- if kwarg.arg == "encoding":
- self._validate_encoding(kwarg.value, node)
- break
- def _validate_encoding(self, encoding, node):
- if isinstance(encoding, nodes.Const):
- value = encoding.value
- if value in self._invalid_encodings:
- self.add_message("invalid-str-codec", node=node)
- @utils.check_messages("indexing-exception")
- def visit_subscript(self, node):
- """Look for indexing exceptions."""
- try:
- for inferred in node.value.infer():
- if not isinstance(inferred, astroid.Instance):
- continue
- if utils.inherit_from_std_ex(inferred):
- self.add_message("indexing-exception", node=node)
- except astroid.InferenceError:
- return
- def visit_assignattr(self, node):
- if isinstance(node.assign_type(), nodes.AugAssign):
- self.visit_attribute(node)
- def visit_delattr(self, node):
- self.visit_attribute(node)
- @utils.check_messages("exception-message-attribute", "xreadlines-attribute")
- def visit_attribute(self, node):
- """Look for removed attributes"""
- if node.attrname == "xreadlines":
- self.add_message("xreadlines-attribute", node=node)
- return
- exception_message = "message"
- try:
- for inferred in _infer_if_relevant_attr(
- node, self._deprecated_attrs | {exception_message}
- ):
- if isinstance(inferred, astroid.Instance) and utils.inherit_from_std_ex(
- inferred
- ):
- if node.attrname == exception_message:
- # Exceptions with .message clearly defined are an exception
- if exception_message in inferred.instance_attrs:
- continue
- self.add_message("exception-message-attribute", node=node)
- if isinstance(inferred, nodes.Module):
- self._warn_if_deprecated(
- node,, {node.attrname}, report_on_modules=False
- )
- except astroid.InferenceError:
- return
- @utils.check_messages("unpacking-in-except", "comprehension-escape")
- def visit_excepthandler(self, node):
- """Visit an except handler block and check for exception unpacking."""
- def _is_used_in_except_block(node, block):
- current = node
- while current and current is not block:
- current = current.parent
- return current is not None
- if isinstance(, (nodes.Tuple, nodes.List)):
- self.add_message("unpacking-in-except", node=node)
- return
- if not
- return
- # Find any names
- scope = node.parent.scope()
- scope_names = scope.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name, skip_klass=nodes.FunctionDef)
- scope_names = list(scope_names)
- potential_leaked_names = [
- scope_name
- for scope_name in scope_names
- if ==
- and scope_name.lineno > node.lineno
- and not _is_used_in_except_block(scope_name, node)
- ]
- reassignments_for_same_name = {
- assign_name.lineno
- for assign_name in scope.nodes_of_class(
- nodes.AssignName, skip_klass=nodes.FunctionDef
- )
- if ==
- }
- for leaked_name in potential_leaked_names:
- if any(
- node.lineno < elem < leaked_name.lineno
- for elem in reassignments_for_same_name
- ):
- continue
- self.add_message("exception-escape", node=leaked_name)
- @utils.check_messages("backtick")
- def visit_repr(self, node):
- self.add_message("backtick", node=node)
- @utils.check_messages("raising-string", "old-raise-syntax")
- def visit_raise(self, node):
- """Visit a raise statement and check for raising
- strings or old-raise-syntax.
- """
- # Ignore empty raise.
- if node.exc is None:
- return
- expr = node.exc
- if self._check_raise_value(node, expr):
- return
- try:
- value = next(astroid.unpack_infer(expr))
- except astroid.InferenceError:
- return
- self._check_raise_value(node, value)
- def _check_raise_value(self, node, expr):
- if isinstance(expr, nodes.Const):
- value = expr.value
- if isinstance(value, str):
- self.add_message("raising-string", node=node)
- return True
- return None
-class Python3TokenChecker(checkers.BaseTokenChecker):
- __implements__ = interfaces.ITokenChecker
- name = "python3"
- enabled = False
- msgs = {
- "E1606": (
- "Use of long suffix",
- "long-suffix",
- 'Used when "l" or "L" is used to mark a long integer. '
- "This will not work in Python 3, since `int` and `long` "
- "types have merged.",
- {"maxversion": (3, 0)},
- ),
- "E1607": (
- "Use of the <> operator",
- "old-ne-operator",
- 'Used when the deprecated "<>" operator is used instead '
- 'of "!=". This is removed in Python 3.',
- {"maxversion": (3, 0), "old_names": [("W0331", "old-old-ne-operator")]},
- ),
- "E1608": (
- "Use of old octal literal",
- "old-octal-literal",
- "Used when encountering the old octal syntax, "
- "removed in Python 3. To use the new syntax, "
- "prepend 0o on the number.",
- {"maxversion": (3, 0)},
- ),
- "E1610": (
- "Non-ascii bytes literals not supported in 3.x",
- "non-ascii-bytes-literal",
- "Used when non-ascii bytes literals are found in a program. "
- "They are no longer supported in Python 3.",
- {"maxversion": (3, 0)},
- ),
- }
- def process_tokens(self, tokens):
- for idx, (tok_type, token, start, _, _) in enumerate(tokens):
- if tok_type == tokenize.NUMBER:
- if token.lower().endswith("l"):
- # This has a different semantic than lowercase-l-suffix.
- self.add_message("long-suffix", line=start[0])
- elif _is_old_octal(token):
- self.add_message("old-octal-literal", line=start[0])
- if tokens[idx][1] == "<>":
- self.add_message("old-ne-operator", line=tokens[idx][2][0])
- if tok_type == tokenize.STRING and token.startswith("b"):
- if any(elem for elem in token if ord(elem) > 127):
- self.add_message("non-ascii-bytes-literal", line=start[0])
-def register(linter):
- linter.register_checker(Python3Checker(linter))
- linter.register_checker(Python3TokenChecker(linter))
diff --git a/pylint/lint/ b/pylint/lint/
index 8582f7637..59276a50a 100644
--- a/pylint/lint/
+++ b/pylint/lint/
@@ -536,7 +536,6 @@ class PyLinter(
self._dynamic_plugins = set()
- self._python3_porting_mode = False
self._error_mode = False
if reporter:
@@ -755,45 +754,10 @@ class PyLinter(
self._error_mode = True
- if self._python3_porting_mode:
- self.disable("all")
- for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
- if msg_id.startswith("E"):
- self.enable(msg_id)
- config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
- if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
- value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
- self.global_set_option("disable", value)
- else:
- self.disable("python3")
self.set_option("reports", False)
self.set_option("persistent", False)
self.set_option("score", False)
- def python3_porting_mode(self):
- """Disable all other checkers and enable Python 3 warnings."""
- self.disable("all")
- # re-enable some errors, or 'print', 'raise', 'async', 'await' will mistakenly lint fine
- self.enable("fatal") # F0001
- self.enable("astroid-error") # F0002
- self.enable("parse-error") # F0010
- self.enable("syntax-error") # E0001
- self.enable("python3")
- if self._error_mode:
- # The error mode was activated, using the -E flag.
- # So we'll need to enable only the errors from the
- # Python 3 porting checker.
- for msg_id in self._checker_messages("python3"):
- if msg_id.startswith("E"):
- self.enable(msg_id)
- else:
- self.disable(msg_id)
- config_parser = self.cfgfile_parser
- if config_parser.has_option("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable"):
- value = config_parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")
- self.global_set_option("disable", value)
- self._python3_porting_mode = True
def list_messages_enabled(self):
emittable, non_emittable = self.msgs_store.find_emittable_messages()
enabled = []
diff --git a/pylint/lint/ b/pylint/lint/
index ac4f586f4..d84ed2703 100644
--- a/pylint/lint/
+++ b/pylint/lint/
@@ -248,16 +248,6 @@ group are mutually exclusive.",
- "py3k",
- {
- "action": "callback",
- "callback": self.cb_python3_porting_mode,
- "help": "In Python 3 porting mode, all checkers will be "
- "disabled and only messages emitted by the porting "
- "checker will be displayed.",
- },
- ),
- (
"action": "callback",
@@ -469,9 +459,5 @@ group are mutually exclusive.",
- def cb_python3_porting_mode(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Activate only the python3 porting checker."""
- self.linter.python3_porting_mode()
def cb_verbose_mode(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.verbose = True
diff --git a/pylint/message/ b/pylint/message/
index c2dd4d0cb..00adfa5d9 100644
--- a/pylint/message/
+++ b/pylint/message/
@@ -94,9 +94,6 @@ class MessagesHandlerMixIn:
if msgid == "all":
for _msgid in MSG_TYPES:
self._set_msg_status(_msgid, enable, scope, line, ignore_unknown)
- if enable and not self._python3_porting_mode:
- # Don't activate the python 3 porting checker if it wasn't activated explicitly.
- self.disable("python3")
# msgid is a category?
diff --git a/tests/checkers/ b/tests/checkers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd78cd25..000000000
--- a/tests/checkers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Claudiu Popa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Brett Cannon <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ionel Cristian Maries <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Cosmin Poieana <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Viorel Stirbu <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Roy Williams <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Roy Williams <>
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson <>
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Miller <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Anthony Sottile <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 sbagan <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Aivar Annamaa <>
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Ville Skyttä <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Pierre Sassoulas <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Gabriel R Sezefredo <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade <>
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Ashley Whetter <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 hippo91 <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Federico Bond <>
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Athos Ribeiro <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Tiago Honorato <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 tiagohonorato <>
-# Copyright (c) 2021 David Gilman <>
-# Licensed under the GPL:
-# For details:
-"""Tests for the python3 checkers."""
-# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,redefined-outer-name
-import astroid
-from pylint import testutils
-from pylint.checkers import python3 as checker
-from pylint.interfaces import INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE
-# TODO(cpopa): Port these to the functional test framework instead. pylint: disable=fixme
-class TestPython3Checker(testutils.CheckerTestCase):
- CHECKER_CLASS = checker.Python3Checker
- def check_bad_builtin(self, builtin_name):
- node = astroid.extract_node(builtin_name + " #@")
- message = builtin_name.lower() + "-builtin"
- with self.assertAddsMessages(testutils.Message(message, node=node)):
- self.checker.visit_name(node)
- def test_bad_builtins(self):
- builtins = [
- "apply",
- "buffer",
- "cmp",
- "coerce",
- "execfile",
- "file",
- "input",
- "intern",
- "long",
- "raw_input",
- "round",
- "reduce",
- "StandardError",
- "unichr",
- "unicode",
- "xrange",
- "reload",
- ]
- for builtin in builtins:
- self.check_bad_builtin(builtin)
- def as_iterable_in_for_loop_test(self, fxn):
- code = f"for x in {fxn}(): pass"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_used_by_iterable_in_for_loop_test(self, fxn):
- checker = f"{fxn}-builtin-not-iterating"
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- for x in (whatever(
- {fxn}() #@
- )):
- pass
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def as_iterable_in_genexp_test(self, fxn):
- code = f"x = (x for x in {fxn}())"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_iterable_in_starred_context(self, fxn):
- code = f"x = test(*{fxn}())"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_iterable_in_listcomp_test(self, fxn):
- code = f"x = [x for x in {fxn}(None, [1])]"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_iterable_in_yield_from(self, fxn):
- code = f"yield from {fxn}()"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_used_in_variant_in_genexp_test(self, fxn):
- checker = f"{fxn}-builtin-not-iterating"
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- list(
- __({fxn}(x))
- for x in [1]
- )
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def as_used_in_variant_in_listcomp_test(self, fxn):
- checker = f"{fxn}-builtin-not-iterating"
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- [
- __({fxn}(None, x))
- for x in [[1]]]
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def as_argument_to_callable_constructor_test(self, fxn, callable_fn):
- module = astroid.parse(f"x = {callable_fn}({fxn}())")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_argument_to_materialized_filter(self, callable_fn):
- module = astroid.parse(f"list(filter(None, {callable_fn}()))")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_argument_to_random_fxn_test(self, fxn):
- checker = f"{fxn}-builtin-not-iterating"
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- y(
- {fxn}() #@
- )
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def as_argument_to_str_join_test(self, fxn):
- code = f"x = ''.join({fxn}())"
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_argument_to_itertools_functions(self, fxn):
- code = f"""
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import itertools
- from itertools import product
- for i,j in product({fxn}(), repeat=2):
- pass
- for i,j in itertools.product({fxn}(), repeat=2):
- pass
- """
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_argument_to_zip_test(self, fxn):
- module = astroid.parse(f"list(zip({fxn}))")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_argument_to_map_test(self, fxn):
- module = astroid.parse(f"list(map(__, {fxn}()))")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def as_iterable_in_unpacking(self, fxn):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- a, b = __({fxn}())
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def as_assignment(self, fxn):
- checker = f"{fxn}-builtin-not-iterating"
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- a = __({fxn}())
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def iterating_context_tests(self, fxn):
- """Helper for verifying a function isn't used as an iterator."""
- self.as_iterable_in_for_loop_test(fxn)
- self.as_used_by_iterable_in_for_loop_test(fxn)
- self.as_iterable_in_genexp_test(fxn)
- self.as_iterable_in_listcomp_test(fxn)
- self.as_used_in_variant_in_genexp_test(fxn)
- self.as_used_in_variant_in_listcomp_test(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_random_fxn_test(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_str_join_test(fxn)
- self.as_iterable_in_unpacking(fxn)
- self.as_assignment(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_materialized_filter(fxn)
- self.as_iterable_in_yield_from(fxn)
- self.as_iterable_in_starred_context(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_itertools_functions(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_zip_test(fxn)
- self.as_argument_to_map_test(fxn)
- for func in (
- "iter",
- "list",
- "tuple",
- "sorted",
- "set",
- "sum",
- "any",
- "all",
- "enumerate",
- "dict",
- "OrderedDict",
- ):
- self.as_argument_to_callable_constructor_test(fxn, func)
- def test_dict_subclasses_methods_in_iterating_context(self):
- iterating, not_iterating = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from collections import defaultdict
- d = defaultdict(list)
- a, b = d.keys() #@
- x = d.keys() #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(iterating.value)
- message = testutils.Message("dict-keys-not-iterating", node=not_iterating.value)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(not_iterating.value)
- def test_dict_methods_in_iterating_context(self):
- iterating_code = [
- "for x in {}(): pass",
- "(x for x in {}())",
- "[x for x in {}()]",
- "iter({}())",
- "a, b = {}()",
- "max({}())",
- "min({}())",
- "3 in {}()",
- "3 not in {}()",
- "set().update({}())",
- "[].extend({}())",
- "{{}}.update({}())",
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from itertools import chain
- chain.from_iterable({}())
- """,
- ]
- non_iterating_code = ["x = __({}())", "__({}())[0]"]
- for method in ("keys", "items", "values"):
- dict_method = f"{{}}.{method}"
- for code in iterating_code:
- with_value = code.format(dict_method)
- module = astroid.parse(with_value)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- for code in non_iterating_code:
- with_value = code.format(dict_method)
- node = astroid.extract_node(with_value)
- checker = f"dict-{method}-not-iterating"
- message = testutils.Message(checker, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_map_in_iterating_context(self):
- self.iterating_context_tests("map")
- def test_zip_in_iterating_context(self):
- self.iterating_context_tests("zip")
- def test_range_in_iterating_context(self):
- self.iterating_context_tests("range")
- def test_filter_in_iterating_context(self):
- self.iterating_context_tests("filter")
- def defined_method_test(self, method, warning):
- """Helper for verifying that a certain method is not defined."""
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- f"""
- class Foo(object):
- def __{method}__(self, other): #@
- pass"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message(warning, node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
- def test_delslice_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("delslice", "delslice-method")
- def test_getslice_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("getslice", "getslice-method")
- def test_setslice_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("setslice", "setslice-method")
- def test_coerce_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("coerce", "coerce-method")
- def test_oct_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("oct", "oct-method")
- def test_hex_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("hex", "hex-method")
- def test_nonzero_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("nonzero", "nonzero-method")
- def test_cmp_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("cmp", "cmp-method")
- def test_div_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("div", "div-method")
- def test_idiv_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("idiv", "idiv-method")
- def test_rdiv_method(self):
- self.defined_method_test("rdiv", "rdiv-method")
- def test_eq_and_hash_method(self):
- """Helper for verifying that a certain method is not defined."""
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object): #@
- def __eq__(self, other):
- pass
- def __hash__(self):
- pass"""
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_classdef(node)
- def test_eq_and_hash_is_none(self):
- """Helper for verifying that a certain method is not defined."""
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object): #@
- def __eq__(self, other):
- pass
- __hash__ = None"""
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_classdef(node)
- def test_eq_without_hash_method(self):
- """Helper for verifying that a certain method is not defined."""
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object): #@
- def __eq__(self, other):
- pass"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message("eq-without-hash", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_classdef(node)
- def test_relative_import(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node("import string #@")
- message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- # message should only be added once
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_relative_from_import(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node("from os import path #@")
- message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- # message should only be added once
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_absolute_import(self):
- module_import = astroid.parse(
- "from __future__ import absolute_import; import os"
- )
- module_from = astroid.parse(
- "from __future__ import absolute_import; from os import path"
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- for module in (module_import, module_from):
- self.walk(module)
- def test_import_star_module_level(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- def test():
- from lala import * #@
- """
- )
- absolute = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- star = testutils.Message("import-star-module-level", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute, star):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_division(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """\
- from _unknown import a, b
- 3 / 2 #@
- 3 / int(a) #@
- int(a) / 3 #@
- a / b #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- message = testutils.Message("old-division", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_binop(node)
- def test_division_with_future_statement(self):
- module = astroid.parse("from __future__ import division; 3 / 2")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_floor_division(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(" 3 // 2 #@")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_binop(node)
- def test_division_by_float(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """\
- 3.0 / 2 #@
- 3 / 2.0 #@
- 3 / float(a) #@
- float(a) / 3 #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- for node in nodes:
- self.checker.visit_binop(node)
- def test_division_different_types(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class A:
- pass
- A / 2 #@
- A() / 2 #@
- "a" / "a" #@
- class Path:
- def __div__(self, other):
- return 42
- Path() / 24 #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_binop(node)
- def test_dict_iter_method(self):
- for meth in ("keys", "values", "items"):
- node = astroid.extract_node(f"x.iter{meth}() #@")
- message = testutils.Message("dict-iter-method", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_dict_iter_method_on_dict(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from collections import defaultdict
- {}.iterkeys() #@
- defaultdict(list).iterkeys() #@
- class Someclass(dict):
- pass
- Someclass().iterkeys() #@
- # Emits even though we are not sure they are dicts
- x.iterkeys() #@
- def func(x):
- x.iterkeys() #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- message = testutils.Message("dict-iter-method", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_dict_not_iter_method(self):
- arg_node = astroid.extract_node("x.iterkeys(x) #@")
- stararg_node = astroid.extract_node("x.iterkeys(*x) #@")
- kwarg_node = astroid.extract_node("x.iterkeys(y=x) #@")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- for node in (arg_node, stararg_node, kwarg_node):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_dict_view_method(self):
- for meth in ("keys", "values", "items"):
- node = astroid.extract_node(f"x.view{meth}() #@")
- message = testutils.Message("dict-view-method", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_dict_viewkeys(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from collections import defaultdict
- {}.viewkeys() #@
- defaultdict(list).viewkeys() #@
- class Someclass(dict):
- pass
- Someclass().viewkeys() #@
- # Emits even though they might not be dicts
- x.viewkeys() #@
- def func(x):
- x.viewkeys() #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- message = testutils.Message("dict-view-method", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_next_method(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(" #@")
- message = testutils.Message("next-method-called", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_not_next_method(self):
- arg_node = astroid.extract_node(" #@")
- stararg_node = astroid.extract_node("*x) #@")
- kwarg_node = astroid.extract_node(" #@")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- for node in (arg_node, stararg_node, kwarg_node):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_metaclass_assignment(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object): #@
- __metaclass__ = type"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message("metaclass-assignment", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_classdef(node)
- def test_metaclass_global_assignment(self):
- module = astroid.parse("__metaclass__ = type")
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_xreadlines_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- f.xreadlines #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("xreadlines-attribute", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_exception_message_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- try:
- raise Exception("test")
- except Exception as e:
- e.message #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("exception-message-attribute", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_normal_message_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- e.message #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_invalid_codec(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node('foobar.encode("hex") #@')
- message = testutils.Message("invalid-str-codec", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_valid_codec(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node('foobar.encode("ascii", "ignore") #@')
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_visit_call_with_kwarg(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node('foobar.raz(encoding="hex") #@')
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_invalid_open_codec(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node('open(foobar, encoding="hex") #@')
- message = testutils.Message("invalid-str-codec", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_valid_open_codec(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node('open(foobar, encoding="palmos") #@')
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_using_cmp_argument(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- [].sort(cmp=lambda x: x) #@
- a = list(range(x))
- a.sort(cmp=lambda x: x) #@
- sorted([], cmp=lambda x: x) #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- message = testutils.Message("using-cmp-argument", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_sys_maxint(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import sys
- sys.maxint #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("sys-max-int", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_itertools_izip(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from itertools import izip #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-itertools-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_deprecated_types_fields(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from types import StringType #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-types-field", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_sys_maxint_imort_from(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from sys import maxint #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("sys-max-int", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_object_maxint(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- sys = object()
- sys.maxint #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_bad_import(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import urllib2, sys #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("bad-python3-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_turtle(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import turtle #@
- turtle.Turtle()
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_dbm(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from dbm import open as open_ #@
- open_("dummy.db")
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_bad_import_conditional(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import six
- if six.PY2:
- import urllib2 #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_try_except_handler(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- try:
- from hashlib import sha
- except:
- import sha #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_try(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- try:
- import md5 #@
- except:
- from hashlib import md5
- finally:
- pass
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_try_finally(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- try:
- import Queue #@
- finally:
- import queue
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("bad-python3-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_import(node)
- def test_bad_import_from(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from cStringIO import StringIO #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("bad-python3-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_bad_string_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import string
- string.maketrans #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-string-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_bad_operator_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import operator
- operator.div #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-operator-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_comprehension_escape(self):
- assign, escaped_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- a = [i for i in range(10)] #@
- i #@
- """
- )
- good_module = astroid.parse(
- """
- {c for c in range(10)} #@
- {j:j for j in range(10)} #@
- [image_child] = [x for x in range(10)]
- thumbnail = func(__(image_child))
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("comprehension-escape", node=escaped_node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_listcomp(assign.value)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(good_module)
- def test_comprehension_escape_newly_introduced(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- [i for i in range(3)]
- for i in range(3):
- i
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(node)
- def test_exception_escape(self):
- module = astroid.parse(
- """
- try: 1/0
- except ValueError as exc:
- pass
- exc #@
- try:
- 2/0
- except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
- exc = 2
- exc #@
- try:
- 2/0
- except (ValueError, TypeError): #@
- exc = 2
- exc #@
- try:
- 1/0
- except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
- foo(bar for bar in
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("exception-escape", node=module.body[1].value)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_excepthandler(module.body[0].handlers[0])
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_excepthandler(module.body[2].handlers[0])
- self.checker.visit_excepthandler(module.body[4].handlers[0])
- self.checker.visit_excepthandler(module.body[6].handlers[0])
- def test_bad_sys_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import sys
- sys.exc_clear #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-sys-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_bad_urllib_attribute(self):
- nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import urllib
- urllib.addbase #@
- urllib.splithost #@
- urllib.urlretrieve #@
- urllib.urlopen #@
- urllib.urlencode #@
- """
- )
- for node in nodes:
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-urllib-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_ok_string_attribute(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import string
- string.ascii_letters #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_attribute(node)
- def test_bad_string_call(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import string
- string.upper("hello world") #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-string-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_ok_shadowed_call(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import six.moves.configparser
- six.moves.configparser.ConfigParser() #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_ok_string_call(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import string
- string.Foramtter() #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_bad_string_import_from(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from string import atoi #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- message = testutils.Message("deprecated-string-function", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message, message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_ok_string_import_from(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from string import digits #@
- """
- )
- absolute_import_message = testutils.Message("no-absolute-import", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(absolute_import_message):
- self.checker.visit_importfrom(node)
- def test_bad_str_translate_call_string_literal(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- foobar.translate(None, 'abc123') #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(
- "deprecated-str-translate-call", node=node, confidence=INFERENCE_FAILURE
- )
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_bad_str_translate_call_variable(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- def raz(foobar):
- foobar.translate(None, 'hello') #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(
- "deprecated-str-translate-call", node=node, confidence=INFERENCE_FAILURE
- )
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_bad_str_translate_call_infer_str(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- foobar = "hello world"
- foobar.translate(None, foobar) #@
- """
- )
- message = testutils.Message(
- "deprecated-str-translate-call", node=node, confidence=INFERENCE
- )
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_ok_str_translate_call_integer(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- foobar.translate(None, 33) #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_ok_str_translate_call_keyword(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- foobar.translate(None, 'foobar', raz=33) #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_ok_str_translate_call_not_str(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- foobar = {}
- foobar.translate(None, 'foobar') #@
- """
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_call(node)
- def test_non_py2_conditional(self):
- code = """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import sys
- x = {}
- if sys.maxsize:
- x.iterkeys() #@
- """
- node = astroid.extract_node(code)
- module = node.parent.parent
- message = testutils.Message("dict-iter-method", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.walk(module)
- def test_six_conditional(self):
- code = """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import six
- x = {}
- if six.PY2:
- x.iterkeys()
- """
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_versioninfo_conditional(self):
- code = """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import sys
- x = {}
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- x.iterkeys()
- """
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_versioninfo_tuple_conditional(self):
- code = """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import sys
- x = {}
- if sys.version_info == (2, 7):
- x.iterkeys()
- """
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_six_ifexp_conditional(self):
- code = """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import six
- import string
- string.translate if six.PY2 else None
- """
- module = astroid.parse(code)
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.walk(module)
- def test_next_defined(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object):
- def next(self): #@
- pass"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message("next-method-defined", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
- def test_next_defined_too_many_args(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object):
- def next(self, foo=None): #@
- pass"""
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
- def test_next_defined_static_method_too_many_args(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object):
- @staticmethod
- def next(self): #@
- pass"""
- )
- with self.assertNoMessages():
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
- def test_next_defined_static_method(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object):
- @staticmethod
- def next(): #@
- pass"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message("next-method-defined", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
- def test_next_defined_class_method(self):
- node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Foo(object):
- @classmethod
- def next(cls): #@
- pass"""
- )
- message = testutils.Message("next-method-defined", node=node)
- with self.assertAddsMessages(message):
- self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/abstract/ b/tests/functional/a/abstract/
index d174669a5..d63389c50 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/abstract/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/abstract/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
""" This should not warn about `prop` being abstract in Child """
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-absolute-import,metaclass-assignment, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance
import abc
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/access/ b/tests/functional/a/access/
index 00b7e40ed..fbad8c377 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/access/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/access/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-public-methods,attribute-defined-outside-init
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import, useless-object-inheritance,too-few-public-methods
+# pylint: disable= useless-object-inheritance,too-few-public-methods
"""This module demonstrates a possible problem of pyLint with calling __init__ s
from inherited classes.
Initializations done there are not considered, which results in Error E0203 for
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/access/ b/tests/functional/a/access/
index 82dcdbe78..1a622824b 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/access/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/access/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, print-statement, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance
"""test access to __name__ gives undefined member on new/old class instances
but not on new/old class object
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/access/ b/tests/functional/a/access/
index 06438400a..ffbfabf15 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/access/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/access/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, super-init-not-called, print-statement
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, super-init-not-called
# pylint: disable=no-classmethod-decorator,useless-object-inheritance
"""Test external access to protected class members."""
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/ b/tests/functional/a/
index e1a8005aa..9e66ff18d 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-absolute-import,missing-docstring,import-error,wrong-import-position
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring,import-error,wrong-import-position
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, useless-object-inheritance,unnecessary-lambda, consider-using-f-string
def decorator(fun):
diff --git a/tests/functional/a/assign/ b/tests/functional/a/assign/
index 4789014ff..cf673692f 100644
--- a/tests/functional/a/assign/
+++ b/tests/functional/a/assign/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
""" Checks assigning attributes not found in class slots
will trigger assigning-non-slot warning.
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-init, missing-docstring, no-absolute-import, import-error, useless-object-inheritance, redundant-u-string-prefix
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-init, missing-docstring, import-error, useless-object-inheritance, redundant-u-string-prefix
from collections import deque
from missing import Unknown
diff --git a/tests/functional/b/ b/tests/functional/b/
index 0d7b84da0..101123330 100644
--- a/tests/functional/b/
+++ b/tests/functional/b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
""" Checks that reversed() receive proper argument """
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, useless-object-inheritance
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use,no-absolute-import
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use
from collections import deque, OrderedDict
from enum import IntEnum
diff --git a/tests/functional/b/ b/tests/functional/b/
index 08e2828ec..b77ec2b8d 100644
--- a/tests/functional/b/
+++ b/tests/functional/b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# pylint:disable=no-self-use, print-statement
+# pylint:disable=no-self-use
# pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance
"""Checks that class variables are seen as inherited !"""
-__revision__ = ''
class BaseClass(object):
"""A simple base class
diff --git a/tests/functional/c/ b/tests/functional/c/
index d2c1fb4a5..5520fe949 100644
--- a/tests/functional/c/
+++ b/tests/functional/c/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=print-statement, unnecessary-comprehension,missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods
+# pylint: disable= unnecessary-comprehension,missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods
"""Tests for loopvar-in-closure."""
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/c/confidence_filter.rc b/tests/functional/c/confidence_filter.rc
index 74953b686..5d21cb56e 100644
--- a/tests/functional/c/confidence_filter.rc
+++ b/tests/functional/c/confidence_filter.rc
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[Messages Control]
diff --git a/tests/functional/d/ b/tests/functional/d/
index d5bdb4db0..98e5077a6 100644
--- a/tests/functional/d/
+++ b/tests/functional/d/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""Check for definitions and usage happening on the same line."""
-#pylint: disable=missing-docstring,multiple-statements,no-absolute-import,parameter-unpacking,wrong-import-position,unnecessary-comprehension,unspecified-encoding
+#pylint: disable=missing-docstring,multiple-statements,wrong-import-position,unnecessary-comprehension,unspecified-encoding
from __future__ import print_function
for index in range(10)])
diff --git a/tests/functional/d/ b/tests/functional/d/
index 2c82d89a3..89826179a 100644
--- a/tests/functional/d/
+++ b/tests/functional/d/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from ..n.non import non_init_parent_called
-__revision__ = 'yo'
class Aaaa(non_init_parent_called.AAAA): # [too-few-public-methods]
"""test dotted name in ancestors"""
diff --git a/tests/functional/d/dotted_ancestor.txt b/tests/functional/d/dotted_ancestor.txt
index 4aa47e7c2..20f9dbee8 100644
--- a/tests/functional/d/dotted_ancestor.txt
+++ b/tests/functional/d/dotted_ancestor.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-too-few-public-methods:8:0:Aaaa:Too few public methods (0/2)
+too-few-public-methods:7:0:Aaaa:Too few public methods (0/2):HIGH
diff --git a/tests/functional/g/generated_members.rc b/tests/functional/g/generated_members.rc
index 8b61b4996..31b87ffd0 100644
--- a/tests/functional/g/generated_members.rc
+++ b/tests/functional/g/generated_members.rc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[Messages Control]
diff --git a/tests/functional/i/ b/tests/functional/i/
index 09bf5560e..21c06d1e3 100644
--- a/tests/functional/i/
+++ b/tests/functional/i/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
""" Test that import errors are detected. """
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-import, no-absolute-import, bare-except, broad-except, wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-import, bare-except, broad-except, wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
import totally_missing # [import-error]
diff --git a/tests/functional/i/ b/tests/functional/i/
index becd529d7..1f4928f3e 100644
--- a/tests/functional/i/
+++ b/tests/functional/i/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""test module importing itself"""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import,using-constant-test
+# pylint: disable=using-constant-test
from __future__ import print_function
from . import import_itself # [import-self]
diff --git a/tests/functional/i/ b/tests/functional/i/
index ee9ef508c..bbee6bd9a 100644
--- a/tests/functional/i/
+++ b/tests/functional/i/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
a class emits a warning. """
# pylint: disable=no-init, import-error, invalid-name, using-constant-test, useless-object-inheritance
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, too-few-public-methods, no-absolute-import
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, too-few-public-methods
from missing import Missing
diff --git a/tests/functional/i/invalid/e/ b/tests/functional/i/invalid/e/
index 5cb6c84b8..c0298a06e 100644
--- a/tests/functional/i/invalid/e/
+++ b/tests/functional/i/invalid/e/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance, use-list-literal
-# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, no-absolute-import, import-error, multiple-imports,wrong-import-position
+# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, import-error, multiple-imports,wrong-import-position
from __future__ import print_function
import socket, binascii, abc, six
diff --git a/tests/functional/i/invalid/ b/tests/functional/i/invalid/
index 07ad99b80..9ec81bfbf 100644
--- a/tests/functional/i/invalid/
+++ b/tests/functional/i/invalid/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
""" Tests for invalid-name checker. """
-# pylint: disable=unused-import, no-absolute-import, wrong-import-position,import-outside-toplevel
+# pylint: disable=unused-import, wrong-import-position,import-outside-toplevel
AAA = 24
diff --git a/tests/functional/l/ b/tests/functional/l/
index 2cbefcbe7..ceeedb549 100644
--- a/tests/functional/l/
+++ b/tests/functional/l/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,import-error, no-absolute-import,missing-docstring, misplaced-comparison-constant
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,import-error, missing-docstring, misplaced-comparison-constant
# pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation,wrong-import-position,invalid-name, wrong-import-order, condition-evals-to-constant
if len('TEST'): # [len-as-condition]
diff --git a/tests/functional/l/ b/tests/functional/l/
index 782e3834b..5670ad57c 100644
--- a/tests/functional/l/
+++ b/tests/functional/l/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=no-member, no-absolute-import, import-error,line-too-long
+# pylint: disable=no-member, import-error,line-too-long
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring,wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position, consider-using-f-string
import __builtin__ as builtins
diff --git a/tests/functional/m/member/ b/tests/functional/m/member/
index ee79d1012..c1b6a22fb 100644
--- a/tests/functional/m/member/
+++ b/tests/functional/m/member/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=print-statement,missing-docstring,no-self-use,too-few-public-methods,bare-except,broad-except, useless-object-inheritance, unused-private-member
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-use,too-few-public-methods,bare-except,broad-except, useless-object-inheritance, unused-private-member
# pylint: disable=using-constant-test,expression-not-assigned, assigning-non-slot, unused-variable,pointless-statement, wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position,import-outside-toplevel
from __future__ import print_function
class Provider(object):
diff --git a/tests/functional/m/ b/tests/functional/m/
index e6bf1cccb..50f9712fa 100644
--- a/tests/functional/m/
+++ b/tests/functional/m/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, metaclass-assignment, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance
"""test attribute access on metaclass"""
from __future__ import print_function
class Meta(type):
"""the meta class"""
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dictionary):
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class Meta(type):
print(cls, cls._meta_args)
delattr(cls, '_meta_args')
class Test(object):
"""metaclassed class"""
__metaclass__ = Meta
diff --git a/tests/functional/m/ b/tests/functional/m/
index 47031d8d0..cdbe323e2 100644
--- a/tests/functional/m/
+++ b/tests/functional/m/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,print-statement, useless-object-inheritance,missing-docstring
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance,missing-docstring
"""check method hidding ancestor attribute
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/name/ b/tests/functional/n/name/
index a9d74356c..27e6e1044 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/name/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/name/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""Test for the invalid-name warning."""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass, unnecessary-comprehension, unused-private-member
+# pylint: disable= useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass, unnecessary-comprehension, unused-private-member
from __future__ import print_function
import abc
import collections
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/name/ b/tests/functional/n/name/
index 9b2840acc..c5d17cd80 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/name/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/name/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use, no-absolute-import,import-error, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use, import-error, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass
"""Test Pylint's use of __all__.
* NonExistant is not defined in this module, and it is listed in
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/ b/tests/functional/n/
index 7a2a59a17..b70c6e097 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
__revision__ = None
-class File(file): # pylint: disable=file-builtin,undefined-variable
+class File(file): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
""" Testing new-style class inheritance from file"""
def __init__(self, name, mode="r", buffering=-1, verbose=False):
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/no/ b/tests/functional/n/no/
index e3ea9469b..ba67fbdb7 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/no/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/no/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-import,no-absolute-import,invalid-name,import-error,
+# pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-import,invalid-name,import-error
# pylint: disable=bare-except,broad-except,wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports,wrong-import-position
"""check nonexistent names imported are reported"""
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/non/ b/tests/functional/n/non/
index 1ecc8f16a..97489accf 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/non/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/non/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# pylint: disable=protected-access,import-self,too-few-public-methods,line-too-long
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import,wrong-import-order, useless-object-inheritance,
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, useless-object-inheritance,
"""test for call to __init__ from a non ancestor class
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/ b/tests/functional/n/
index be3c00371..22887bcee 100644
--- a/tests/functional/n/
+++ b/tests/functional/n/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
""" Checks that reversed() receive proper argument """
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,unused-variable, useless-object-inheritance
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use,no-absolute-import
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use
def test():
def parent():
diff --git a/tests/functional/s/ b/tests/functional/s/
index c8cfd04e0..79912b65c 100644
--- a/tests/functional/s/
+++ b/tests/functional/s/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
""" Checks that classes uses valid __slots__ """
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring, no-absolute-import, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring, useless-object-inheritance
# pylint: disable=using-constant-test, wrong-import-position, no-else-return, line-too-long, unused-private-member
from collections import deque
diff --git a/tests/functional/s/string/ b/tests/functional/s/string/
index 6d2b18665..8372a4373 100644
--- a/tests/functional/s/string/
+++ b/tests/functional/s/string/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""Test for Python 3 string formatting error"""
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, import-error, unused-argument, line-too-long, no-absolute-import,
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, import-error, unused-argument, line-too-long,
# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, consider-using-f-string
import os
import sys
diff --git a/tests/functional/s/string/ b/tests/functional/s/string/
index d48b47d3f..681fedd56 100644
--- a/tests/functional/s/string/
+++ b/tests/functional/s/string/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""test string format error"""
-# pylint: disable=print-statement,unsupported-binary-operation,line-too-long, consider-using-f-string
+# pylint: disable=unsupported-binary-operation,line-too-long, consider-using-f-string
from __future__ import print_function
PARG_1 = PARG_2 = PARG_3 = 1
diff --git a/tests/functional/s/string/ b/tests/functional/s/string/
index e03d47f59..3bed980f7 100644
--- a/tests/functional/s/string/
+++ b/tests/functional/s/string/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
-"""Test checking of log format strings
+Test checking of log format strings
import logging
-__revision__ = ''
def pprint():
- """Test string format in logging statements.
+ Test string format in logging statements.
+ """
# These should all emit lint errors:, '') # [logging-too-many-args]'', '') # [logging-too-many-args]
diff --git a/tests/functional/s/super/ b/tests/functional/s/super/
index 3f132dff1..277feae7e 100644
--- a/tests/functional/s/super/
+++ b/tests/functional/s/super/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,import-error, no-absolute-import,missing-docstring, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,import-error, missing-docstring, useless-object-inheritance
# pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation,wrong-import-position,invalid-name, wrong-import-order
# pylint: disable=super-with-arguments
from unknown import Missing
diff --git a/tests/functional/u/ b/tests/functional/u/
index c681641ca..b7ea2189c 100644
--- a/tests/functional/u/
+++ b/tests/functional/u/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""Check unpacking non-sequences in assignments. """
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, invalid-name, attribute-defined-outside-init, unused-variable, no-absolute-import
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, invalid-name, attribute-defined-outside-init, unused-variable
# pylint: disable=using-constant-test, no-init, missing-docstring, wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position,no-else-return, useless-object-inheritance
from os import rename as nonseq_func
from functional.u.unpacking import nonseq
diff --git a/tests/functional/u/unused/ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
index c5f534259..a3fd4e6ab 100644
--- a/tests/functional/u/unused/
+++ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def metadata_from_dict(key):
return {key: str(value) for key, value in key.items()}
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, print-statement, misplaced-future,wrong-import-position
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, misplaced-future,wrong-import-position
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/functional/u/unused/ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
index c6c2f20be..3bf17c6c9 100644
--- a/tests/functional/u/unused/
+++ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""unused import"""
-# pylint: disable=undefined-all-variable, import-error, no-absolute-import, too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring,wrong-import-position, useless-object-inheritance, multiple-imports
+# pylint: disable=undefined-all-variable, import-error, too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring,wrong-import-position, useless-object-inheritance, multiple-imports
import xml.etree # [unused-import]
import xml.sax # [unused-import]
import os.path as test # [unused-import]
diff --git a/tests/functional/u/unused/ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
index 56f5b600e..292d40f95 100644
--- a/tests/functional/u/unused/
+++ b/tests/functional/u/unused/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"""check unused import from a wildcard import"""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import,line-too-long
+# pylint: disable=line-too-long
from .unused_argument_py3 import * # [unused-wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import]
diff --git a/tests/functional/w/ b/tests/functional/w/
index 66ae63d9e..4034162e0 100644
--- a/tests/functional/w/
+++ b/tests/functional/w/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import,missing-docstring,import-error,unused-wildcard-import
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,import-error,unused-wildcard-import
from indirect1 import * # [wildcard-import]
# This is an unresolved import which still generates the wildcard-import
# warning.
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
index 54ad935bc..d844c5603 100644
--- a/tests/input/
+++ b/tests/input/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""test relative import"""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from __future__ import print_function
import func_w0401
__revision__ = filter(None, map(str, (1, 2, 3)))
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a38e8c0d..000000000
--- a/tests/input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"""check use of l as long int marker
-# pylint: disable=long-suffix
-__revision__ = 1l
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
index 12227bc9a..f8fae2447 100644
--- a/tests/input/
+++ b/tests/input/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""test cyclic import
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from __future__ import print_function
from . import w0401_cycle
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
index 966706caf..955188f08 100644
--- a/tests/input/
+++ b/tests/input/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""test cyclic import
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from __future__ import print_function
from . import w0401_cycle # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
index 69f266863..c0013d831 100644
--- a/tests/input/
+++ b/tests/input/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""Test disabling of cyclic import check inside a function
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import,import-outside-toplevel
+# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/input/func_w0401_package/ b/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
index b8bd47b9e..64556e1be 100644
--- a/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
+++ b/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""All the things!"""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from .thing1 import THING1
from .thing2 import THING2
from .thing2 import THING1_PLUS_THING2
diff --git a/tests/input/func_w0401_package/ b/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
index 80bec1dd8..d7a0f2239 100644
--- a/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
+++ b/tests/input/func_w0401_package/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""The second thing."""
-# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from .all_the_things import THING1
__revision__ = None
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69059417f..000000000
--- a/tests/input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-""" Puts issue #2672 under test (-j 1 vs -j N)
-Here we use a simple file to ensure configs are treated exactly the same way in -j 1 and
--j N """
-import os # pylint: disable=unused-import
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
index ddb42557e..37be7c562 100644
--- a/tests/input/
+++ b/tests/input/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"""w0401 dependency
-# pylint: disable=print-statement, no-absolute-import
from __future__ import print_function
from . import func_w0401
diff --git a/tests/lint/ b/tests/lint/
index fee47c9cf..110a2061c 100644
--- a/tests/lint/
+++ b/tests/lint/
@@ -575,15 +575,6 @@ def test_analyze_explicit_script(linter):
assert ["C: 2: Line too long (175/100)"] == linter.reporter.messages
-def test_python3_checker_disabled(linter):
- checker_names = [ for c in linter.prepare_checkers()]
- assert "python3" not in checker_names
- linter.set_option("enable", "python3")
- checker_names = [ for c in linter.prepare_checkers()]
- assert "python3" in checker_names
def test_full_documentation(linter):
out = StringIO()
@@ -592,9 +583,9 @@ def test_full_documentation(linter):
for re_str in (
# autogenerated text
"^Pylint global options and switches$",
- "Verbatim name of the checker is ``python3``",
+ "Verbatim name of the checker is ``variables``",
# messages
- "^:old-octal-literal \\(E1608\\):",
+ "^:undefined-loop-variable \\(W0631\\): *",
# options
diff --git a/tests/regrtest_data/ b/tests/regrtest_data/
index 36198db2b..8a94ab4f3 100644
--- a/tests/regrtest_data/
+++ b/tests/regrtest_data/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# pylint: disable=C0302,bare-except,print-statement, useless-object-inheritance
+# pylint: disable=C0302,bare-except, useless-object-inheritance
"""pylint option block-disable"""
from __future__ import print_function
diff --git a/tests/regrtest_data/py3k-disabled.rc b/tests/regrtest_data/py3k-disabled.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d775778..000000000
--- a/tests/regrtest_data/py3k-disabled.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/regrtest_data/ b/tests/regrtest_data/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bead4102..000000000
--- a/tests/regrtest_data/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"""Contains both normal error messages and Python3 porting error messages."""
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-raise Exception, 1 # Error emitted here with the Python 3 checker.
-class Test(object):
- """dummy"""
- def __init__(self):
- return 42
diff --git a/tests/regrtest_data/ b/tests/regrtest_data/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d033e86c..000000000
--- a/tests/regrtest_data/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-"""Contains both normal error messages and Python3 porting error messages."""
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-# error: import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`
-import sys
-# error: Use raise ErrorClass(args) instead of raise ErrorClass, args.
-raise Exception, 1
-class Test(object):
- """dummy"""
- def __init__(self):
- # warning: Calling a dict.iter*() method
- {1: 2}.iteritems()
- return 42
-# error: print statement used
-print 'not in python3'
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 519899021..2bf635176 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -290,32 +290,9 @@ class TestRunTC:
in out.getvalue().strip()
- def test_parallel_execution_bug_2674(self):
- """Tests that disabling absolute imports works the same in -j1/j2"""
- expected_ret_code = 0 # we are disabling the check, should pass
- for jobs in (1, 2):
- self._runtest(
- [
- "--py3k",
- "--disable=no-absolute-import",
- f"-j {int(jobs)}",
- join(HERE, "input", ""),
- ],
- code=expected_ret_code,
- )
def test_parallel_execution_missing_arguments(self):
self._runtest(["-j 2", "not_here", "not_here_too"], code=1)
- def test_py3k_option(self):
- # Test that --py3k flag works.
- rc_code = 0
- self._runtest([UNNECESSARY_LAMBDA, "--py3k"], code=rc_code)
- def test_py3k_jobs_option(self):
- rc_code = 0
- self._runtest([UNNECESSARY_LAMBDA, "--py3k", "-j 2"], code=rc_code)
def test_abbreviations_are_not_supported(self):
expected = "no such option: --load-plugin"
self._test_output([".", "--load-plugin"], expected_output=expected)