path: root/doc/user_guide/ide-integration.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user_guide/ide-integration.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/ide-integration.rst b/doc/user_guide/ide-integration.rst
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--- a/doc/user_guide/ide-integration.rst
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-Using Pylint through Flymake in Emacs
-To enable Flymake for Python, insert the following into your .emacs:
-.. sourcecode:: common-lisp
- ;; Configure Flymake for Python
- (when (load "flymake" t)
- (defun flymake-pylint-init ()
- (let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy
- 'flymake-create-temp-inplace))
- (local-file (file-relative-name
- temp-file
- (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
- (list "epylint" (list local-file))))
- (add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
- '("\\.py\\'" flymake-pylint-init)))
- ;; Set as a minor mode for Python
- (add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda () (flymake-mode)))
-Above stuff is in ``pylint/elisp/pylint-flymake.el``, which should be automatically
-installed on Debian systems, in which cases you don't have to put it in your ``.emacs`` file.
-Other things you may find useful to set:
-.. sourcecode:: common-lisp
- ;; Configure to wait a bit longer after edits before starting
- (setq-default flymake-no-changes-timeout '3)
- ;; Keymaps to navigate to the errors
- (add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda () (define-key python-mode-map "\C-cn" 'flymake-goto-next-error)))
- (add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda () (define-key python-mode-map "\C-cp" 'flymake-goto-prev-error)))
-Finally, by default Flymake only displays the extra information about the error when you
-hover the mouse over the highlighted line. The following will use the minibuffer to display
-messages when you the cursor is on the line.
-.. sourcecode:: common-lisp
- ;; To avoid having to mouse hover for the error message, these functions make Flymake error messages
- ;; appear in the minibuffer
- (defun show-fly-err-at-point ()
- "If the cursor is sitting on a Flymake error, display the message in the minibuffer"
- (require 'cl)
- (interactive)
- (let ((line-no (line-number-at-pos)))
- (dolist (elem flymake-err-info)
- (if (eq (car elem) line-no)
- (let ((err (car (second elem))))
- (message "%s" (flymake-ler-text err)))))))
- (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'show-fly-err-at-point)
-Alternative, if you only wish to pollute the minibuffer after an explicit flymake-goto-* then use
-the following instead of a post-command-hook
-.. sourcecode:: common-lisp
- (defadvice flymake-goto-next-error (after display-message activate compile)
- "Display the error in the mini-buffer rather than having to mouse over it"
- (show-fly-err-at-point))
- (defadvice flymake-goto-prev-error (after display-message activate compile)
- "Display the error in the mini-buffer rather than having to mouse over it"
- (show-fly-err-at-point))
-.. _pylint_in_pycharm:
-Integrate Pylint with PyCharm
-Install Pylint the usual way::
- pip install pylint
-Remember the path at which it's installed::
- which pylint
-Using pylint-pycharm plugin
-#. In PyCharm go to *Preferences* > *Plugins* > *Browse repositories...*
-#. Right-click on the plugin named **Pylint**, select **Download and Install** and restart PyCharm when prompted
-If the plugin is not finding the Pylint executable (e.g. is not inside the PATH environmental variable), you can
-specify it manually using the plugin settings:
-#. *Preferences* > *Other Settings* > *Pylint* or simply click the gear icon from the side bar of the Pylint tool window
-#. Type the path directly or use the Browse button to open a file selection dialog
-#. Press the Test button to check if the plugin is able to run the executable
-For more info on how to use the plugin please check the `official plugin documentation <>`_.
-Using External Tools
-Within PyCharm:
-#. Navigate to the preferences window
-#. Select "External Tools"
-#. Click the plus sign at the bottom of the dialog to add a new external task
-#. In the dialog, populate the following fields:
- :Name: Pylint
- :Description: A Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells.
- :Synchronize files after execution: unchecked
- :Program: ``/path/to/pylint``
- :Parameters: ``$FilePath$``
-#. Click OK
-The option to check the current file with Pylint should now be available in *Tools* > *External Tools* > *Pylint*.
-.. _pylint_in_textmate:
-Integrate Pylint with TextMate
-Install Pylint in the usual way::
- pip install pylint
-Install the `Python bundle for TextMate <>`_:
-#. select *TextMate* > *Preferences*
-#. select the *Bundles* tab
-#. find and tick the *Python* bundle in the list
-You should now see it in *Bundles* > *Python*.
-In *Preferences*, select the *Variables* tab. If a ``TM_PYCHECKER`` variable is not already listed, add
-it, with the value ``pylint``.
-The default keyboard shortcut to run the syntax checker is *Control-Shift-V* - open a ``.py`` file
-in Textmate, and try it.
-You should see the output in a new window:
- PyCheckMate 1.2 – Pylint 1.4.4
- No config file found, using default configuration
-Then all is well, and most likely Pylint will have expressed some opinions about your Python code
-(or will exit with ``0`` if your code already conforms to its expectations).
-If you receive a message:
- Please install PyChecker, PyFlakes, Pylint, PEP 8 or flake8 for more extensive code checking.
-That means that Pylint wasn't found, which is likely an issue with command paths - TextMate needs
-be looking for Pylint on the right paths.
-Check where Pylint has been installed, using ``which``::
- $ which pylint
- /usr/local/bin/pylint
-The output will tell you where Pylint can be found; in this case, in ``/usr/local/bin``.
-#. select *TextMate* > *Preferences*
-#. select the *Variables* tab
-#. find and check that a ``PATH`` variable exists, and that it contains the appropriate path (if
- the path to Pylint were ``/usr/local/bin/pylint`` as above, then the variable would need to
- contain ``/usr/local/bin``). An actual example in this case might be
- ``$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin``, which includes other paths.
-... and try running Pylint again.
-Integrate Pylint with Visual Studio Code
-Command-line arguments and configuration files
-See `Pylint command line arguments`_ for general switches. Command line
-arguments can be used to load Pylint plugins, such as that for Django:
- "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugins", "pylint_django"]
-Options can also be specified in a ``pylintrc`` or ``.pylintrc`` file in
-the workspace folder, as described on `Pylint command line arguments`_.
-To control which Pylint messages are shown, add the following contents
-to an options file:
-.. code:: ini
- # Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
- # either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
- # multiple time.
- #enable=
- # Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
- # can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
- # multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
- # it should appear only once).
- #disable=
-Message category mapping
-The Python extension maps Pylint message categories to VS Code
-categories through the following settings. If desired, change the
-setting to change the mapping.
-| Pylint category | Applicable setting | VS Code category |
-| | (python.linting.) | mapping |
-| convention | pylintCategorySeverity.convention | Information |
-| refactor | pylintCategorySeverity.refactor | Hint |
-| warning | pylintCategorySeverity.warning | Warning |
-| error | pylintCategorySeverity.error | Error |
-| fatal | pylintCategorySeverity.fatal | Error |
-.. _Pylint command line arguments: