path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a77fc0288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Sylvain Thenault (
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2006 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
+# --
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+""" %prog [options] module_or_package
+ Check that a module satisfy a coding standard (and more !).
+ %prog --help
+ Display this help message and exit.
+ %prog --help-msg <msg-id>[,<msg-id>]
+ Display help messages about given message identifiers and exit.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.115 2006-04-19 09:17:40 syt Exp $"
+# import this first to avoid further builtins pollution possibilities
+from pylint.checkers import utils
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import tokenize
+from os.path import dirname, basename, splitext, exists, isdir, join, normpath
+from logilab.common.configuration import OptionsManagerMixIn, \
+ check_yn, check_csv
+from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, get_module_files, \
+ file_from_modpath, load_module_from_name
+from logilab.common.interface import implements
+from logilab.common.textutils import get_csv
+from logilab.common.fileutils import norm_open
+from logilab.common.ureports import Table, Text
+from logilab.common.compat import enumerate
+from logilab.common.__pkginfo__ import version as common_version
+from logilab.astng import ASTNGManager
+from logilab.astng.__pkginfo__ import version as astng_version
+from pylint.utils import UnknownMessage, MessagesHandlerMixIn, \
+ ReportsHandlerMixIn, MSG_TYPES, sort_checkers
+from pylint.interfaces import ILinter, IRawChecker, IASTNGChecker
+from pylint.checkers import BaseRawChecker, EmptyReport, \
+ table_lines_from_stats
+from pylint.reporters.text import TextReporter, TextReporter2, \
+ ColorizedTextReporter
+from pylint.reporters.html import HTMLReporter
+from pylint import config
+from pylint.__pkginfo__ import version
+OPTION_RGX = re.compile('\s*#*\s*pylint:(.*)')
+REPORTER_OPT_MAP = {'html': HTMLReporter,
+ 'parseable': TextReporter2,
+ 'color': ColorizedTextReporter}
+# Python Linter class #########################################################
+MSGS = {
+ 'F0001': ('%s',
+ 'Used when an error occured preventing the analyzing of a \
+ module (unable to find it for instance).'),
+ 'F0002': ('%s: %s',
+ 'Used when an unexpected error occured while building the ASTNG \
+ representation. This is usually accomopagned by a traceback. \
+ Please report such errors !'),
+ 'F0003': ('ignored builtin module %s',
+ 'Used to indicate that the user asked to analyze a builtin module\
+ which has been skipped.'),
+ 'I0001': ('Unable to run raw checkers on built-in module %s',
+ 'Used to inform that a built-in module has not been checked \
+ using the raw checkers.'),
+ 'I0010': ('Unable to consider inline option %r',
+ 'Used when an inline option is either badly formatted or can\'t \
+be used inside modules.'),
+ 'I0011': ('Locally disabling %r',
+ 'Used when an inline option disable a message or a messages \
+ category.'),
+ 'I0012': ('Locally enabling %r',
+ 'Used when an inline option enable a message or a messages \
+ category.'),
+ 'E0001': ('%s',
+ 'Used when a syntax error is raised for a module.'),
+ 'E0011': ('Unrecognized file option %r',
+ 'Used when an unknown inline option is encountered.'),
+ 'E0012': ('Bad option value %r',
+ 'Used when an bad value for an inline option is encountered.'),
+ }
+class PyLinter(OptionsManagerMixIn, MessagesHandlerMixIn, ReportsHandlerMixIn,
+ BaseRawChecker):
+ """lint Python modules using external checkers.
+ This is the main checker controling the other ones and the reports
+ generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astng checker in order
+ to:
+ * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level
+ * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...)
+ """
+ __implements__ = (ILinter, IRawChecker, IASTNGChecker)
+ name = 'master'
+ priority = 0
+ msgs = MSGS
+ may_be_disabled = False
+ options = (('ignore',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '<file>',
+ 'dest' : 'black_list', 'default' : ('CVS',),
+ 'help' : 'Add <file or directory> to the black list. It \
+should be a base name, not a path. You may set this option multiple times.'}),
+ ('persistent',
+ {'default': 1, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'help' : 'Pickle collected data for later comparisons.'}),
+ ('cache-size',
+ {'default': 500, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar': '<size>',
+ 'help' : 'Set the cache size for astng objects.'}),
+ ('load-plugins',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '<modules>', 'default' : (),
+ 'help' : 'List of plugins (as comma separated values of \
+python modules names) to load, usually to register additional checkers.'}),
+ ('reports',
+ {'default': 1, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'short': 'r',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Tells wether to display a full report or only the\
+ messages'}),
+ ('html',
+ {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Use HTML as output format instead of text'}),
+ ('parseable',
+ {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'short': 'p',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Use a parseable text output format, so your favorite\
+ text editor will be able to jump to the line corresponding to a message.'}),
+ ('color',
+ {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Colorizes text output using ansi escape codes'}),
+ ('files-output',
+ {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Put messages in a separate file for each module / \
+package specified on the command line instead of printing them on stdout. \
+Reports (if any) will be written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]".'}),
+ ('evaluation',
+ {'type' : 'string', 'metavar' : '<python_expression>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'default': '10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + \
+convention) / statement) * 10)',
+ 'help' : 'Python expression which should return a note less \
+than 10 (10 is the highest note).You have access to the variables errors \
+warning, statement which respectivly contain the number of errors / warnings\
+ messages and the total number of statements analyzed. This is used by the \
+ global evaluation report (R0004).'}),
+ ('comment',
+ {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Add a comment according to your evaluation note. \
+This is used by the global evaluation report (R0004).'}),
+ ('include-ids',
+ {'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>', 'default' : 0,
+ 'short': 'i',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Include message\'s id in output'}),
+ ('enable-msg-cat',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<msg cats>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Enable all messages in the listed categories.'}),
+ ('disable-msg-cat',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<msg cats>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Disable all messages in the listed categories.'}),
+ ('enable-msg',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<msg ids>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Enable the message with the given id.'}),
+ ('disable-msg',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<msg ids>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Disable the message with the given id.'}),
+ ('enable-report',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<rpt ids>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Enable the report with the given id.'}),
+ ('disable-report',
+ {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '<rpt ids>',
+ 'group': 'Reports',
+ 'help' : 'Disable the report with the given id.'}),
+ )
+ option_groups = (
+ ('Reports', 'Options related to messages / statistics reporting'),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, options=(), reporter=None, option_groups=(),
+ pylintrc=None):
+ # some stuff has to be done before ancestors initialization...
+ #
+ # checkers / reporter / astng manager
+ self.reporter = None
+ self.set_reporter(reporter or TextReporter(sys.stdout))
+ self.manager = ASTNGManager()
+ self._checkers = {}
+ # visit variables
+ self.base_name = None
+ self.base_file = None
+ self.current_name = None
+ self.current_file = None
+ self.stats = None
+ # init options
+ self.options = options + PyLinter.options
+ self.option_groups = option_groups + PyLinter.option_groups
+ self._options_methods = {
+ 'enable-report': self.enable_report,
+ 'disable-report': self.disable_report,
+ 'enable-msg': self.enable_message,
+ 'disable-msg': self.disable_message,
+ 'enable-msg-cat': self.enable_message_category,
+ 'disable-msg-cat': self.disable_message_category}
+ full_version = '%%prog %s, \nastng %s, common %s\nPython %s' % (
+ version, astng_version, common_version, sys.version)
+ OptionsManagerMixIn.__init__(self, usage=__doc__,
+ version=full_version,
+ config_file=pylintrc or config.PYLINTRC)
+ MessagesHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
+ ReportsHandlerMixIn.__init__(self)
+ BaseRawChecker.__init__(self)
+ # provided reports
+ self.reports = (('R0001', 'Total errors / warnings',
+ report_error_warning_stats),
+ ('R0002', '% errors / warnings by module',
+ report_error_warning_by_module_stats),
+ ('R0003', 'Messages',
+ report_messages_stats),
+ ('R0004', 'Global evaluation',
+ self.report_evaluation),
+ )
+ self.register_checker(self)
+ self._dynamic_plugins = []
+ def load_plugin_modules(self, modnames):
+ """take a list of module names which are pylint plugins and load
+ and register them
+ """
+ for modname in modnames:
+ if modname in self._dynamic_plugins:
+ continue
+ self._dynamic_plugins.append(modname)
+ module = load_module_from_name(modname)
+ module.register(self)
+ def set_reporter(self, reporter):
+ """set the reporter used to display messages and reports"""
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ reporter.linter = self
+ def set_option(self, opt_name, value, action=None, opt_dict=None):
+ """overriden from configuration.OptionsProviderMixin to handle some
+ special options
+ """
+ if opt_name in self._options_methods:
+ if value:
+ meth = self._options_methods[opt_name]
+ value = check_csv(None, opt_name, value)
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ for _id in value :
+ meth(_id)
+ else :
+ meth(value)
+ elif opt_name == 'cache-size':
+ self.manager.set_cache_size(int(value))
+# elif opt_name = 'load-plugins':
+# self.load_plugin_modules(get_csv(value))
+ elif opt_name in REPORTER_OPT_MAP and check_yn(None, opt_name, value):
+ self.set_reporter(REPORTER_OPT_MAP[opt_name]())
+ BaseRawChecker.set_option(self, opt_name, value, action, opt_dict)
+ # checkers manipulation methods ###########################################
+ def register_checker(self, checker):
+ """register a new checker
+ checker is an object implementing IRawChecker or / and IASTNGChecker
+ """
+ assert checker.priority <= 0, 'checker priority can\'t be >= 0'
+ self._checkers[checker] = 1
+ if hasattr(checker, 'reports'):
+ for r_id, r_title, r_cb in checker.reports:
+ self.register_report(r_id, r_title, r_cb, checker)
+ if checker.__doc__ is None:
+ checker.__doc__ = 'no documentation available for this checker'
+ need_space = 80 - (len(checker.__doc__.splitlines()[-1]) % 80)
+ checker.__doc__ += """%s
+This checker also defines the following reports:
+ * %s
+""" % (' ' * need_space,
+ '\n * '.join(['% -76s' % ('%s: %s' % report[:2])
+ for report in checker.reports]))
+ self.register_options_provider(checker)
+ if hasattr(checker, 'msgs'):
+ self.register_messages(checker)
+ def disable_all_checkers(self):
+ """disable all possible checkers """
+ for checker in self._checkers.keys():
+ checker.enable(False)
+ def disable_noerror_checkers(self):
+ """disable all checkers without error messages, and the
+ 'miscellaneous' checker which can be safely deactivated in debug
+ mode
+ """
+ for checker in self._checkers.keys():
+ if == 'miscellaneous':
+ checker.enable(False)
+ continue
+ for msgid in getattr(checker, 'msgs', {}).keys():
+ if msgid[0] == 'E':
+ checker.enable(True)
+ break
+ else:
+ checker.enable(False)
+ # block level option handling #############################################
+ #
+ # see test case for expected behaviour
+ def process_tokens(self, tokens):
+ """process tokens from the current module to search for module/block
+ level options
+ """
+ comment = tokenize.COMMENT
+ newline = tokenize.NEWLINE
+ #line_num = 0
+ for (tok_type, _, start, _, line) in tokens:
+ if tok_type not in (comment, newline):
+ continue
+ #if start[0] == line_num:
+ # continue
+ match =
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ try:
+ opt, value ='=', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.add_message('I0010',,
+ line=start[0])
+ continue
+ opt = opt.strip()
+ #line_num = start[0]
+ if opt in self._options_methods and not opt.endswith('-report'):
+ meth = self._options_methods[opt]
+ for msgid in get_csv(value):
+ try:
+ meth(msgid, 'module', start[0])
+ except UnknownMessage:
+ self.add_message('E0012', args=msgid, line=start[0])
+ else:
+ self.add_message('E0011', args=opt, line=start[0])
+ def collect_block_lines(self, node, msg_state):
+ """walk ast to collect block level options line numbers"""
+ # recurse on children (depth first)
+ for child in node.getChildNodes():
+ self.collect_block_lines(child, msg_state)
+ for msgid, lines in msg_state.items():
+ #if msg in self._module_msgs_state:
+ # continue
+ for lineno, state in lines.items():
+ first = node.source_line()
+ last = node.last_source_line()
+ if lineno >= first and lineno <= last:
+ # set state for all lines for this block
+ first, last = node.block_range(lineno)
+ for line in xrange(first, last+1):
+ # do not override existing entries
+ if not line in self._module_msgs_state.get(msgid, ()):
+ try:
+ self._module_msgs_state[msgid][line] = state
+ except KeyError:
+ self._module_msgs_state[msgid] = {line: state}
+ del lines[lineno]
+ # code checking methods ###################################################
+ def check(self, files_or_modules):
+ """main checking entry: check a list of files or modules from their
+ name.
+ """
+ self.reporter.include_ids = self.config.include_ids
+ if not isinstance(files_or_modules, (list, tuple)):
+ files_or_modules = (files_or_modules,)
+ checkers = sort_checkers(self._checkers.keys())
+ rev_checkers = checkers[:]
+ rev_checkers.reverse()
+ # notify global begin
+ for checker in checkers:
+ # check modules or packages
+ for something in files_or_modules:
+ self.base_name = self.base_file = normpath(something)
+ if exists(something):
+ # this is a file or a directory
+ try:
+ modname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(something))
+ except ImportError:
+ modname = splitext(basename(something))[0]
+ if isdir(something):
+ filepath = join(something, '')
+ else:
+ filepath = something
+ else:
+ # suppose it's a module or package
+ modname = something
+ try:
+ filepath = file_from_modpath(modname.split('.'))
+ if filepath is None:
+ self.set_current_module(modname)
+ self.add_message('F0003', args=modname)
+ continue
+ except ImportError, ex:
+ #if __debug__:
+ # import traceback
+ # traceback.print_exc()
+ self.set_current_module(modname)
+ msg = str(ex).replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, '')
+ self.add_message('F0001', args=msg)
+ continue
+ if self.config.files_output:
+ reportfile = 'pylint_%s.%s' % (modname, self.reporter.extension)
+ self.reporter.set_output(open(reportfile, 'w'))
+ self.check_file(filepath, modname, checkers)
+ # notify global end
+ for checker in rev_checkers:
+ checker.close()
+ def check_file(self, filepath, modname, checkers):
+ """check a module or package from its name
+ if modname is a package, recurse on its subpackages / submodules
+ """
+## print 'CHECKING', filepath, modname
+ # get the given module representation
+ self.base_name = modname
+ self.base_file = normpath(filepath)
+ # check this module
+ astng = self._check_file(filepath, modname, checkers)
+ if astng is None:
+ return
+ # recurse in package except if __init__ was explicitly given
+ if not modname.endswith('.__init__') and astng.package:
+ for filepath in get_module_files(dirname(filepath),
+ self.config.black_list):
+ if filepath == self.base_file:
+ continue
+ modname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(filepath))
+ self._check_file(filepath, modname, checkers)
+ def _check_file(self, filepath, modname, checkers):
+ """check a module by building its astng representation"""
+ self.set_current_module(modname, filepath)
+ # get the module representation
+ astng = self.get_astng(filepath, modname)
+ if astng is not None:
+ # set the base file if necessary
+ self.base_file = self.base_file or astng.file
+ # fix the current file (if the source file was not available or
+ # if its actually a c extension
+ self.current_file = astng.file
+ # and check it
+ self.check_astng_module(astng, checkers)
+ return astng
+ def set_current_module(self, modname, filepath=None):
+ """set the name of the currently analyzed module and
+ init statistics for it
+ """
+ self.current_name = modname
+ self.current_file = filepath or modname
+ self.stats['by_module'][modname] = {}
+ self.stats['by_module'][modname]['statement'] = 0
+ for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
+ self.stats['by_module'][modname][msg_cat] = 0
+ self._module_msgs_state = {}
+ self._module_msg_cats_state = {}
+ def get_astng(self, filepath, modname):
+ """return a astng representation for a module"""
+ try:
+ return self.manager.astng_from_file(filepath, modname)
+ except SyntaxError, ex:
+ self.add_message('E0001', line=ex.lineno, args=ex.msg)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except Exception, ex:
+ #if __debug__:
+ # import traceback
+ # traceback.print_exc()
+ self.add_message('F0002', args=(ex.__class__, ex))
+ def check_astng_module(self, astng, checkers):
+ """check a module from its astng representation, real work"""
+ # call raw checkers if possible
+ if not astng.pure_python:
+ self.add_message('I0001',
+ else:
+ #assert astng.file.endswith('.py')
+ stream = norm_open(astng.file)
+ # invoke IRawChecker interface on self to fetch module/block
+ # level options
+ self.process_module(stream)
+ # walk ast to collect line numbers
+ orig_state = self._module_msgs_state.copy()
+ self._module_msgs_state = {}
+ self.collect_block_lines(astng, orig_state)
+ for checker in checkers:
+ if implements(checker, IRawChecker) and checker is not self:
+ checker.process_module(stream)
+ # generate events to astng checkers
+ self.astng_events(astng, [checker for checker in checkers
+ if implements(checker, IASTNGChecker)])
+ def astng_events(self, astng, checkers, _reversed_checkers=None):
+ """generate event to astng checkers according to the current astng
+ node and recurse on its children
+ """
+ if _reversed_checkers is None:
+ _reversed_checkers = checkers[:]
+ _reversed_checkers.reverse()
+ if astng.is_statement():
+ self.stats['statement'] += 1
+ # generate events for this node on each checkers
+ for checker in checkers:
+ checker.visit(astng)
+ # recurse on children
+ for child in astng.getChildNodes():
+ self.astng_events(child, checkers, _reversed_checkers)
+ for checker in _reversed_checkers:
+ checker.leave(astng)
+ # IASTNGChecker interface #################################################
+ def open(self):
+ """initialize counters"""
+ self.stats = { 'by_module' : {},
+ 'by_msg' : {},
+ 'statement' : 0
+ }
+ for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values():
+ self.stats[msg_cat] = 0
+ def close(self):
+ """close the whole package /module, it's time to make reports !
+ if persistent run, pickle results for later comparison
+ """
+ # load old results if any
+ old_stats = config.load_results(self.base_name)
+ if self.config.reports:
+ self.make_reports(self.stats, old_stats)
+ # save results if persistent run
+ if self.config.persistent:
+ config.save_results(self.stats, self.base_name)
+ # specific reports ########################################################
+ def report_evaluation(self, sect, stats, old_stats):
+ """make the global evaluation report"""
+ # check with at least check 1 statements (usually 0 when there is a
+ # syntax error preventing pylint from further processing)
+ if stats['statement'] == 0:
+ raise EmptyReport()
+ # get a global note for the code
+ evaluation = self.config.evaluation
+ try:
+ note = eval(evaluation, {}, self.stats)
+ except Exception, ex:
+ msg = 'An exception occured while rating: %s' % ex
+ else:
+ stats['global_note'] = note
+ msg = 'Your code has been rated at %.2f/10' % note
+ if old_stats.has_key('global_note'):
+ msg += ' (previous run: %.2f/10)' % old_stats['global_note']
+ if self.config.comment:
+ msg = '%s\n%s' % (msg, config.get_note_message(note))
+ sect.append(Text(msg))
+# some reporting functions ####################################################
+def report_error_warning_stats(sect, stats, old_stats):
+ """make total errors / warnings report"""
+ lines = ['type', 'number', 'previous', 'difference']
+ lines += table_lines_from_stats(stats, old_stats,
+ ('convention', 'refactor',
+ 'warning', 'error'))
+ sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=4, rheaders=1))
+def report_messages_stats(sect, stats, _):
+ """make messages type report"""
+ if not stats['by_msg']:
+ # don't print this report when we didn't detected any errors
+ raise EmptyReport()
+ in_order = [(value, msg_id)
+ for msg_id, value in stats['by_msg'].items()
+ if not msg_id.startswith('I')]
+ in_order.sort()
+ in_order.reverse()
+ lines = ('message id', 'occurences')
+ for value, msg_id in in_order:
+ lines += (msg_id, str(value))
+ sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=2, rheaders=1))
+def report_error_warning_by_module_stats(sect, stats, _):
+ """make errors / warnings by modules report"""
+ if len(stats['by_module']) == 1:
+ # don't print this report when we are analysing a single module
+ raise EmptyReport()
+ by_mod = {}
+ for m_type in ('fatal', 'error', 'warning', 'refactor', 'convention'):
+ total = stats[m_type]
+ for module in stats['by_module'].keys():
+ mod_total = stats['by_module'][module][m_type]
+ if total == 0:
+ percent = 0
+ else:
+ percent = float((mod_total)*100) / total
+ by_mod.setdefault(module, {})[m_type] = percent
+ sorted_result = []
+ for module, mod_info in by_mod.items():
+ sorted_result.append((mod_info['error'],
+ mod_info['warning'],
+ mod_info['refactor'],
+ mod_info['convention'],
+ module))
+ sorted_result.sort()
+ sorted_result.reverse()
+ lines = ['module', 'error', 'warning', 'refactor', 'convention']
+ for line in sorted_result:
+ if line[0] == 0 and line[1] == 0:
+ break
+ lines.append(line[-1])
+ for val in line[:-1]:
+ lines.append('%.2f' % val)
+ if len(lines) == 5:
+ raise EmptyReport()
+ sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=5, rheaders=1))
+# utilities ###################################################################
+# this may help to import modules using gettext
+ __builtins__._ = str
+except AttributeError:
+ __builtins__['_'] = str
+def preprocess_options(args, search_for):
+ """look for some options (keys of <search_for>) which have to be processed
+ before others
+ values of <search_for> are callback functions to call when the option is
+ found
+ """
+ for i, arg in enumerate(args):
+ for option in search_for:
+ ##print arg, option
+ if arg.startswith('--%s=' % option):
+ search_for[option](option, arg[len(option)+3:])
+ del args[i]
+ elif arg == '--%s' % option:
+ search_for[option](option, args[i + 1])
+ del args[i:i+2]
+class Run:
+ """helper class to use as main for pylint :
+ run(*sys.argv[1:])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, args, reporter=None, quiet=0):
+ self._rcfile = None
+ self._plugins = []
+ preprocess_options(args, {'rcfile': self.cb_set_rcfile,
+ 'load-plugins': self.cb_add_plugins})
+ self.linter = linter = PyLinter((
+ ('rcfile',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : lambda *args: 1,
+ 'type': 'string', 'metavar': '<file>',
+ 'help' : 'Specify a configuration file.'}),
+ ('disable-all',
+ {'action' : 'callback',
+ 'callback' : self.cb_disable_all_checkers,
+ 'help' : '''Disable all possible checkers. This option should
+ precede enable-* options.'''}),
+ ('help-msg',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<msg-id>',
+ 'callback' : self.cb_help_message,
+ 'help' : '''Display a help message for the given message id and \
+exit. This option may be a comma separated list.'''}),
+ ('list-msgs',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'metavar': '<msg-id>',
+ 'callback' : self.cb_list_messages,
+ 'help' : 'List and explain every available messages.'}),
+ ('generate-rcfile',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_generate_config,
+ 'help' : '''Generate a sample configuration file according to \
+the current configuration. You can put other options before this one to use \
+them in the configuration. This option causes the program to exit'''}),
+ ('generate-man',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_generate_manpage,
+ 'help' : '''Generate a man page for pylint. This option causes \
+the program to exit'''}),
+ ('debug-mode',
+ {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_debug_mode,
+ 'help' : '''In debug mode, checkers without error messages are \
+disabled and for others, only the ERROR messages are displayed, and no reports \
+are done by default'''}),
+ ('profile',
+ {'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
+ 'default': False,
+ 'help' : 'Profiled execution.'}),
+ ), reporter=reporter, pylintrc=self._rcfile)
+ linter.quiet = quiet
+ # register standard checkers
+ from pylint import checkers
+ checkers.initialize(linter)
+ # load command line plugins
+ linter.load_plugin_modules(self._plugins)
+ # add some help section
+ linter.add_help_section('Environment variables', config.ENV_HELP)
+ linter.add_help_section('Output', '''
+Using the default text output, the message format is :
+There are 5 kind of message types :
+ * (C) convention, for programming standard violation
+ * (R) refactor, for bad code smell
+ * (W) warning, for python specific problems
+ * (E) error, for much probably bugs in the code
+ * (F) fatal, if an error occured which prevented pylint from doing further \
+ ''')
+ # read configuration
+ linter.read_config_file()
+ # is there some additional plugins in the file configuration, in
+ config_parser = linter._config_parser
+ if config_parser.has_option('master', 'load-plugins'):
+ plugins = get_csv(config_parser.get('master', 'load-plugins'))
+ linter.load_plugin_modules(plugins)
+ # now we can load file config and command line, plugins (which can
+ # provide options) have been registered
+ linter.load_config_file()
+ args = linter.load_command_line_configuration(args)
+ if not args:
+ print
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # insert current working directory to the python path to have a correct
+ # behaviour
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
+ if self.linter.config.profile:
+ print >> sys.stderr, '** profiled run'
+ from hotshot import Profile, stats
+ prof = Profile('')
+ prof.runcall(linter.check, args)
+ prof.close()
+ data = stats.load('')
+ data.strip_dirs()
+ data.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+ data.print_stats(30)
+ else:
+ linter.check(args)
+ sys.path.pop(0)
+ def cb_set_rcfile(self, name, value):
+ """callback for option preprocessing (ie before optik parsing)"""
+ self._rcfile = value
+ def cb_add_plugins(self, name, value):
+ """callback for option preprocessing (ie before optik parsing)"""
+ self._plugins.extend(get_csv(value))
+ def cb_disable_all_checkers(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """optik callback for disabling all checkers"""
+ self.linter.disable_all_checkers()
+ def cb_debug_mode(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """debug mode:
+ * checkers without error messages are disabled
+ * for others, only the ERROR messages are displayed
+ * disable reports
+ * do not save execution information
+ """
+ self.linter.disable_noerror_checkers()
+ self.linter.set_option('disable-msg-cat', ('W', 'C', 'R', 'F', 'I'))
+ self.linter.set_option('reports', False)
+ self.linter.set_option('persistent', False)
+ def cb_generate_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """optik callback for sample config file generation"""
+ self.linter.generate_config()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def cb_generate_manpage(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """optik callback for sample config file generation"""
+ from pylint import __pkginfo__
+ self.linter.generate_manpage(__pkginfo__)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def cb_help_message(self, option, opt_name, value, parser):
+ """optik callback for printing some help about a particular message"""
+ self.linter.help_message(get_csv(value))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def cb_list_messages(self, option, opt_name, value, parser):
+ """optik callback for printing available messages"""
+ self.linter.list_messages()
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Run(sys.argv[1:])