path: root/pylint/checkers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pylint/checkers/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pylint/checkers/ b/pylint/checkers/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ad0df556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylint/checkers/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Carli Freudenberg <>
+# Licensed under the GPL:
+# For details:
+"""All alphanumeric unicode character are allowed in Python but due
+to similarities in how they look they can be confused.
+The following checkers are intended to make users are aware of these issues.
+import sys
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from astroid import nodes
+from pylint import constants, interfaces, lint
+from pylint.checkers import base_checker, utils
+if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7):
+ # pylint: disable-next=fixme
+ # TODO: Remove after 3.6 has been deprecated
+ Py37Str = str
+ class Py37Str(str):
+ # Allow Python 3.6 compatibility
+ def isascii(self: str) -> bool:
+ return all("\u0000" <= x <= "\u007F" for x in self)
+ "Used when the name contains at least one non-ASCII unicode character. "
+ "See"
+ " for a background why this could be bad. \n"
+ "If your programming guideline defines that you are programming in "
+ "English, then there should be no need for non ASCII characters in "
+ "Python Names. If not you can simply disable this check."
+class NonAsciiNameChecker(base_checker.BaseChecker):
+ """A strict name checker only allowing ASCII
+ Note: This check only checks Names, so it ignores the content of
+ docstrings and comments!
+ """
+ __implements__ = interfaces.IAstroidChecker
+ priority = -1
+ msgs = {
+ "C2401": (
+ '%s name "%s" contains a non-ASCII character, consider renaming it.',
+ "non-ascii-name",
+ {"old_names": [("C0144", "old-non-ascii-name")]},
+ ),
+ # First %s will always be "file"
+ "W2402": (
+ (
+ '%s name "%s" contains a non-ASCII character. PEP 3131 only allows '
+ "non-ascii identifiers, not file names."
+ ),
+ "non-ascii-file-name",
+ (
+ # Some = PyCharm at the time of writing didn't display the non_ascii_name_loł
+ # files and had big troubles with git.
+ # Probably only a bug shows the problem quite good.
+ # That's also why this is a warning and not only a convention!
+ "Some editors don't support non-ASCII file names properly. "
+ "Even though Python supports UTF-8 files since Python 3.5 this isn't "
+ "recommended for interoperability. Further reading:\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "-\n"
+ ),
+ ),
+ # First %s will always be "module"
+ "C2403": (
+ '%s name "%s" contains a non-ASCII character, use an ASCII-only alias for import.',
+ "non-ascii-module-import",
+ ),
+ }
+ name = "NonASCII-Checker"
+ def _check_name(
+ self, node_type: str, name: Optional[str], node: nodes.NodeNG
+ ) -> None:
+ """Check whether a name is using non-ASCII characters."""
+ if name is None:
+ # For some nodes i.e. *kwargs from a dict, the name will be empty
+ return
+ if not (Py37Str(name).isascii()):
+ type_label = constants.HUMAN_READABLE_TYPES[node_type]
+ args = (type_label.capitalize(), name)
+ msg = "non-ascii-name"
+ # Some node types have customized messages
+ if node_type == "file":
+ msg = "non-ascii-file-name"
+ elif node_type == "module":
+ msg = "non-ascii-module-import"
+ self.add_message(msg, node=node, args=args, confidence=interfaces.HIGH)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_module(self, node: nodes.Module) -> None:
+ self._check_name("file",".")[-1], node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_functiondef(
+ self, node: Union[nodes.FunctionDef, nodes.AsyncFunctionDef]
+ ) -> None:
+ self._check_name("function",, node)
+ # Check argument names
+ arguments = node.args
+ # Check position only arguments
+ if arguments.posonlyargs:
+ for pos_only_arg in arguments.posonlyargs:
+ self._check_name("argument",, pos_only_arg)
+ # Check "normal" arguments
+ if arguments.args:
+ for arg in arguments.args:
+ self._check_name("argument",, arg)
+ # Check key word only arguments
+ if arguments.kwonlyargs:
+ for kwarg in arguments.kwonlyargs:
+ self._check_name("argument",, kwarg)
+ visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_global(self, node: nodes.Global) -> None:
+ for name in node.names:
+ self._check_name("const", name, node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_assignname(self, node: nodes.AssignName) -> None:
+ """check module level assigned names"""
+ # The NameChecker from which this Checker originates knows a lot of different
+ # versions of variables, i.e. constants, inline variables etc.
+ # To simplify we use only `variable` here, as we don't need to apply different
+ # rules to different types of variables.
+ frame = node.frame()
+ if isinstance(frame, nodes.FunctionDef):
+ if node.parent in frame.body:
+ # Only perform the check if the assignment was done in within the body
+ # of the function (and not the function parameter definition
+ # (will be handled in visit_functiondef)
+ # or within a decorator (handled in visit_call)
+ self._check_name("variable",, node)
+ elif isinstance(frame, nodes.ClassDef):
+ self._check_name("attr",, node)
+ else:
+ # Possibilities here:
+ # - isinstance(node.assign_type(), nodes.Comprehension) == inlinevar
+ # - isinstance(frame, nodes.Module) == variable (constant?)
+ # - some other kind of assigment missed but still most likely a variable
+ self._check_name("variable",, node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_classdef(self, node: nodes.ClassDef) -> None:
+ self._check_name("class",, node)
+ for attr, anodes in node.instance_attrs.items():
+ if not any(node.instance_attr_ancestors(attr)):
+ self._check_name("attr", attr, anodes[0])
+ def _check_module_import(self, node: Union[nodes.ImportFrom, nodes.Import]) -> None:
+ for module_name, alias in node.names:
+ name = alias or module_name
+ self._check_name("module", name, node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_import(self, node: nodes.Import) -> None:
+ self._check_module_import(node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_importfrom(self, node: nodes.ImportFrom) -> None:
+ self._check_module_import(node)
+ @utils.check_messages("non-ascii-name")
+ def visit_call(self, node: nodes.Call) -> None:
+ """Check if the used keyword args are correct."""
+ for keyword in node.keywords:
+ self._check_name("argument", keyword.arg, keyword)
+def register(linter: lint.PyLinter) -> None:
+ linter.register_checker(NonAsciiNameChecker(linter))