path: root/tests/functional/n/name/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional/n/name/')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/n/name/ b/tests/functional/n/name/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..394c82826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/n/name/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+"""Test for the invalid-name warning."""
+# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass, unnecessary-comprehension
+from __future__ import print_function
+import abc
+import collections
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import ClassVar
+bad_const_name = 0 # [invalid-name]
+def BADFUNCTION_name(): # [invalid-name]
+ """Bad function name."""
+ BAD_LOCAL_VAR = 1 # [invalid-name]
+ print(BAD_LOCAL_VAR)
+def func_bad_argname(NOT_GOOD): # [invalid-name]
+ """Function with a badly named argument."""
+ return NOT_GOOD
+def no_nested_args(arg1, arg21, arg22):
+ """Well-formed function."""
+ print(arg1, arg21, arg22)
+class bad_class_name(object): # [invalid-name]
+ """Class with a bad name."""
+class CorrectClassName(object):
+ """Class with a good name."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._good_private_name = 10
+ self.__good_real_private_name = 11
+ self.good_attribute_name = 12
+ self._Bad_AtTR_name = None # [invalid-name]
+ self.Bad_PUBLIC_name = None # [invalid-name]
+ zz = 'Why Was It Bad Class Attribute?'
+ GOOD_CLASS_ATTR = 'Good Class Attribute'
+ def BadMethodName(self): # [invalid-name]
+ """A Method with a bad name."""
+ def good_method_name(self):
+ """A method with a good name."""
+ def __DunDER_IS_not_free_for_all__(self): # [invalid-name]
+ """Another badly named method."""
+class DerivedFromCorrect(CorrectClassName):
+ """A derived class with an invalid inherited members.
+ Derived attributes and methods with invalid names do not trigger warnings.
+ """
+ zz = 'Now a good class attribute'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._Bad_AtTR_name = None # Ignored
+ def BadMethodName(self):
+ """Ignored since the method is in the interface."""
+V = [WHAT_Ever_inListComp for WHAT_Ever_inListComp in GOOD_CONST_NAME]
+def class_builder():
+ """Function returning a class object."""
+ class EmbeddedClass(object):
+ """Useless class."""
+ return EmbeddedClass
+# +1:[invalid-name]
+BAD_NAME_FOR_CLASS = collections.namedtuple('Named', ['tuple'])
+NEXT_BAD_NAME_FOR_CLASS = class_builder() # [invalid-name]
+GoodName = collections.namedtuple('Named', ['tuple'])
+ToplevelClass = class_builder()
+# Aliases for classes have the same name constraints.
+AlsoCorrect = CorrectClassName
+NOT_CORRECT = CorrectClassName # [invalid-name]
+def test_globals():
+ """Names in global statements are also checked."""
+ global NOT_CORRECT
+ global AlsoCorrect # [invalid-name]
+ AlsoCorrect = 2
+class FooClass(object):
+ """A test case for property names.
+ Since by default, the regex for attributes is the same as the one
+ for method names, we check the warning messages to contain the
+ string 'attribute'.
+ """
+ @property
+ def PROPERTY_NAME(self): # [invalid-name]
+ """Ignored."""
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractproperty
+ def ABSTRACT_PROPERTY_NAME(self): # [invalid-name]
+ """Ignored."""
+ pass
+ def PROPERTY_NAME_SETTER(self): # [invalid-name]
+ """Ignored."""
+ pass
+ def _nice_and_long_descriptive_private_method_name(self):
+ """private method with long name"""
+ pass
+def good_public_function_name(good_arg_name):
+ """This is a perfect public function"""
+ good_variable_name = 1
+ return good_variable_name + good_arg_name
+def _private_scope_function_with_long_descriptive_name():
+ """Private scope function are cool with long descriptive names"""
+ return 12
+# We don't emit for non-const nodes
+good_name_for_funcs = lambda: None
+good_name_for_lists = [1, 2, 3]
+class _AnExceptionalExceptionThatOccursVeryVeryRarely(Exception):
+ """A very exceptional exception with a nice descriptive name"""
+ pass
+class FooEnum(Enum):
+ """A test case for enum names."""
+ bad_enum_name = 2 # [invalid-name]
+class Bar:
+ """Class with class constants annotated with ClassVar."""
+ CLASS_CONST: ClassVar[int] = 42
+ CLASS_CONST2: ClassVar = "const"
+ variable: ClassVar[str] = "invalid name" # [invalid-name]