# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Script used to generate the messages files.""" from __future__ import annotations import os from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum from inspect import getmodule from itertools import chain, groupby from pathlib import Path from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple from sphinx.application import Sphinx from pylint.checkers import initialize as initialize_checkers from pylint.constants import MSG_TYPES from pylint.extensions import initialize as initialize_extensions from pylint.lint import PyLinter from pylint.message import MessageDefinition from pylint.utils import get_rst_title PYLINT_BASE_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent """Base path to the project folder.""" PYLINT_MESSAGES_PATH = PYLINT_BASE_PATH / "doc/user_guide/messages" """Path to the messages documentation folder.""" PYLINT_MESSAGES_DATA_PATH = PYLINT_BASE_PATH / "doc" / "data" / "messages" """Path to the folder with data for the messages documentation.""" MSG_TYPES_DOC = {k: v if v != "info" else "information" for k, v in MSG_TYPES.items()} class MessageData(NamedTuple): checker: str id: str name: str definition: MessageDefinition example_code: str checker_module_name: str checker_module_path: str shared: bool = False default_enabled: bool = True class ExampleType(str, Enum): GOOD = "good" BAD = "bad" MessagesDict = Dict[str, List[MessageData]] OldMessagesDict = Dict[str, DefaultDict[Tuple[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]]]] """DefaultDict is indexed by tuples of (old name symbol, old name id) and values are tuples of (new name symbol, new name category). """ def _register_all_checkers_and_extensions(linter: PyLinter) -> None: """Registers all checkers and extensions found in the default folders.""" initialize_checkers(linter) initialize_extensions(linter) def _get_example_code(data_path: Path) -> str: """Get the example code from the specified path.""" if not data_path.exists(): raise AssertionError( f"Documentation examples path {data_path} does not exist. " "Please create it and add an example." ) good_code = _get_demo_code_for(data_path, ExampleType.GOOD) bad_code = _get_demo_code_for(data_path, ExampleType.BAD) pylintrc = _get_pylintrc_code(data_path) details = _get_titled_rst( title="Additional details", text=_get_rst_as_str(data_path / "details.rst") ) related = _get_titled_rst( title="Related links", text=_get_rst_as_str(data_path / "related.rst") ) _check_placeholders(data_path, bad_code, details, related) return "\n".join((bad_code, good_code, pylintrc, details, related)) + "\n" def _get_pylintrc_code(data_path: Path) -> str: if (data_path / "pylintrc").exists(): pylintrc = _get_titled_rst( title="Configuration file", text=_get_ini_as_rst(data_path / "pylintrc") ) else: pylintrc = "" return pylintrc def _get_demo_code_for(data_path: Path, example_type: ExampleType) -> str: """Get code examples while handling multi-file code templates.""" single_file_path = data_path / f"{example_type.value}.py" multiple_code_path = data_path / f"{example_type.value}" if single_file_path.exists() and multiple_code_path.exists(): raise ValueError( f"You cannot have a single file '{example_type.value}.py' and multiple files " f"example '{multiple_code_path}' existing at the same time." ) title = "Problematic code" if example_type is ExampleType.BAD else "Correct code" if single_file_path.exists(): return _get_titled_rst( title=title, text=_get_python_code_as_rst(single_file_path) ) if multiple_code_path.exists(): files: list[str] = [] # Sort so the order of the files makes sense for file_as_str in sorted([str(p) for p in multiple_code_path.iterdir()]): file = Path(file_as_str) if file.suffix == ".py": files.append( f"""\ ``{file.name}``: .. literalinclude:: /{file.relative_to(Path.cwd())} :language: python """ ) return _get_titled_rst(title=title, text="\n".join(files)) return "" def _check_placeholders( data_path: Path, bad_code: str, details: str, related: str ) -> None: # Check if the placeholder file can even be presented by checking if its path exists good_path = data_path / "good.py" if not good_path.exists(): return if bad_code or related: placeholder_details = "help us make the doc better" in details with open(good_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: placeholder_good = "placeholder" in f.read() assert_msg = ( f"Please remove placeholders in '{data_path}' " f"as you started completing the documentation" ) assert not placeholder_good and not placeholder_details, assert_msg def _get_titled_rst(title: str, text: str) -> str: """Return rst code with a title if there is anything in the section.""" return f"**{title}:**\n\n{text}" if text else "" def _get_rst_as_str(rst_path: Path) -> str: """Return the content of an 'rst' file or an empty string if the file does not exist. """ if not rst_path.exists(): return "" with open(rst_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: return f.read() def _get_python_code_as_rst(code_path: Path) -> str: """Return the 'rst' representation of a python file or an empty string if the file does not exist. """ if not code_path.exists(): return "" return f"""\ .. literalinclude:: /{code_path.relative_to(Path.cwd())} :language: python """ def _get_ini_as_rst(code_path: Path) -> str: return f"""\ .. literalinclude:: /{code_path.relative_to(Path.cwd())} :language: ini """ def _get_all_messages( linter: PyLinter, ) -> tuple[MessagesDict, OldMessagesDict]: """Get all messages registered to a linter and return a dictionary indexed by message type. Also return a dictionary of old message and the new messages they can be mapped to. """ messages_dict: MessagesDict = { "fatal": [], "error": [], "warning": [], "convention": [], "refactor": [], "information": [], } old_messages: OldMessagesDict = { "fatal": defaultdict(list), "error": defaultdict(list), "warning": defaultdict(list), "convention": defaultdict(list), "refactor": defaultdict(list), "information": defaultdict(list), } checker_message_mapping = chain.from_iterable( ((checker, msg) for msg in checker.messages) for checker in linter.get_checkers() ) for checker, message in checker_message_mapping: example_code = _get_example_code(_get_message_data_path(message)) checker_module = getmodule(checker) assert ( checker_module and checker_module.__file__ ), f"Cannot find module for checker {checker}" message_data = MessageData( message.checker_name, message.msgid, message.symbol, message, example_code, checker_module.__name__, checker_module.__file__, message.shared, message.default_enabled, ) msg_type = MSG_TYPES_DOC[message.msgid[0]] messages_dict[msg_type].append(message_data) if message.old_names: for old_name in message.old_names: category = MSG_TYPES_DOC[old_name[0][0]] # We check if the message is already in old_messages so # we don't duplicate shared messages. if (message.symbol, msg_type) not in old_messages[category][ (old_name[1], old_name[0]) ]: old_messages[category][(old_name[1], old_name[0])].append( (message.symbol, msg_type) ) return messages_dict, old_messages def _get_message_data_path(message: MessageDefinition) -> Path: return PYLINT_MESSAGES_DATA_PATH / message.symbol[0] / message.symbol def _message_needs_update(message_data: MessageData, category: str) -> bool: """Do we need to regenerate this message .rst ?""" message_path = _get_message_path(category, message_data) if not message_path.exists(): return True message_path_stats = message_path.stat().st_mtime checker_path_stats = Path(message_data.checker_module_path).stat().st_mtime return checker_path_stats > message_path_stats def _get_category_directory(category: str) -> Path: return PYLINT_MESSAGES_PATH / category def _get_message_path(category: str, message: MessageData) -> Path: category_dir = _get_category_directory(category) return category_dir / f"{message.name}.rst" def _write_message_page(messages_dict: MessagesDict) -> None: """Create or overwrite the file for each message.""" for category, messages in messages_dict.items(): category_dir = _get_category_directory(category) if not category_dir.exists(): category_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for message in messages: if message.shared: continue if not _message_needs_update(message, category): continue _write_single_message_page(category_dir, message) for _, shared_messages in groupby( sorted( (message for message in messages if message.shared), key=lambda m: m.id ), key=lambda m: m.id, ): shared_messages_list = list(shared_messages) if len(shared_messages_list) > 1: _write_single_shared_message_page(category_dir, shared_messages_list) else: _write_single_message_page(category_dir, shared_messages_list[0]) def _generate_single_message_body(message: MessageData) -> str: body = f""".. _{message.name}: {get_rst_title(f"{message.name} / {message.id}", "=")} **Message emitted:** ``{message.definition.msg}`` **Description:** *{message.definition.description}* """ if not message.default_enabled: body += f""" .. caution:: This message is disabled by default. To enable it, add ``{message.name}`` to the ``enable`` option. """ body += "\n" + message.example_code + "\n" if message.checker_module_name.startswith("pylint.extensions."): body += f""" .. note:: This message is emitted by the optional :ref:`'{message.checker}'<{message.checker_module_name}>` checker which requires the ``{message.checker_module_name}`` plugin to be loaded. """ return body def _generate_checker_url(message: MessageData) -> str: checker_module_rel_path = os.path.relpath( message.checker_module_path, PYLINT_BASE_PATH ) return f"https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/{checker_module_rel_path}" def _write_single_shared_message_page( category_dir: Path, messages: list[MessageData] ) -> None: message = messages[0] with open(category_dir / f"{message.name}.rst", "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream: stream.write(_generate_single_message_body(message)) checker_urls = ", ".join( [ f"`{message.checker} <{_generate_checker_url(message)}>`__" for message in messages ] ) stream.write(f"Created by the {checker_urls} checkers.") def _write_single_message_page(category_dir: Path, message: MessageData) -> None: with open(category_dir / f"{message.name}.rst", "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream: stream.write(_generate_single_message_body(message)) checker_url = _generate_checker_url(message) stream.write(f"Created by the `{message.checker} <{checker_url}>`__ checker.") def _write_messages_list_page( messages_dict: MessagesDict, old_messages_dict: OldMessagesDict ) -> None: """Create or overwrite the page with the list of all messages.""" messages_file = os.path.join(PYLINT_MESSAGES_PATH, "messages_overview.rst") with open(messages_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream: # Write header of file title = "Messages overview" stream.write( f""" .. _messages-overview: {"#" * len(title)} {get_rst_title(title, "#")} .. This file is auto-generated. Make any changes to the associated .. docs extension in 'doc/exts/pylint_messages.py'. Pylint can emit the following messages: """ ) # Iterate over tuple to keep same order for category in ( "fatal", "error", "warning", "convention", "refactor", "information", ): # We need to remove all duplicated shared messages messages = sorted( {msg.id: msg for msg in messages_dict[category]}.values(), key=lambda item: item.name, ) old_messages = sorted(old_messages_dict[category], key=lambda item: item[0]) messages_string = "".join( f" {category}/{message.name}\n" for message in messages ) old_messages_string = "".join( f" {category}/{old_message[0]}\n" for old_message in old_messages ) # Write list per category. We need the '-category' suffix in the reference # because 'fatal' is also a message's symbol stream.write( f""" .. _{category.lower()}-category: {get_rst_title(category.capitalize(), "*")} All messages in the {category} category: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: {messages_string} All renamed messages in the {category} category: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: {old_messages_string}""" ) def _write_redirect_pages(old_messages: OldMessagesDict) -> None: """Create redirect pages for old-messages.""" for category, old_names in old_messages.items(): category_dir = PYLINT_MESSAGES_PATH / category if not os.path.exists(category_dir): os.makedirs(category_dir) for old_name, new_names in old_names.items(): _write_redirect_old_page(category_dir, old_name, new_names) def _write_redirect_old_page( category_dir: Path, old_name: tuple[str, str], new_names: list[tuple[str, str]], ) -> None: old_name_file = os.path.join(category_dir, f"{old_name[0]}.rst") new_names_string = "".join( f" ../{new_name[1]}/{new_name[0]}.rst\n" for new_name in new_names ) content = f""".. _{old_name[0]}: {get_rst_title(" / ".join(old_name), "=")} '{old_name[0]}' has been renamed. The new message can be found at: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: {new_names_string} """ with open(old_name_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream: stream.write(content) # pylint: disable-next=unused-argument def build_messages_pages(app: Sphinx | None) -> None: """Overwrite messages files by printing the documentation to a stream. Documentation is written in ReST format. """ # Create linter, register all checkers and extensions and get all messages linter = PyLinter() _register_all_checkers_and_extensions(linter) messages, old_messages = _get_all_messages(linter) # Write message and category pages _write_message_page(messages) _write_messages_list_page(messages, old_messages) # Write redirect pages _write_redirect_pages(old_messages) def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None: """Connects the extension to the Sphinx process.""" # Register callback at the builder-inited Sphinx event # See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/extdev/appapi.html app.connect("builder-inited", build_messages_pages) if __name__ == "__main__": pass # Uncomment to allow running this script by your local python interpreter # build_messages_pages(None)