.. _faq: ========================== Frequently Asked Questions ========================== How do I install Pylint? ------------------------ .. include:: short_text_installation.rst How do I contribute to Pylint? ------------------------------ .. include:: short_text_contribute.rst Does Pylint follow a versioning scheme? ---------------------------------------- See :ref:`upgrading pylint in the installation guide `. How do I find the name corresponding to a specific command line option? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- See :ref:`the configuration documentation `. What is the format of the configuration file? --------------------------------------------- The configuration file can be an ``ini`` or ``toml`` file. See the :ref:`exhaustive list of possible options `. How to disable a particular message? ------------------------------------ Read :ref:`message-control` for details and examples. Pylint gave my code a negative rating out of ten. That can't be right! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to Pylint 2.13.0, the score formula used by default had no lower bound. The new default score formula is :: max(0, 0 if fatal else 10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)) If your project contains a configuration file created by an earlier version of Pylint, you can set ``evaluation`` to the above expression to get the new behavior. Likewise, since negative values are still technically supported, ``evaluation`` can be set to a version of the above expression that does not enforce a floor of zero. How do I avoid getting unused argument warnings for API I do not control? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prefix (ui) the callback's name by `cb_` (callback), as in cb_onclick(...). By doing so arguments usage won't be checked. Another solution is to use one of the names defined in the "dummy-variables" configuration variable for unused argument ("_" and "dummy" by default). Why are there a bunch of messages disabled by default? ------------------------------------------------------ Either because they are prone to false positives or that they are opinionated enough to not be included as default messages. You can see the plugin you need to explicitly :ref:`load in the technical reference `. Which messages should I disable to avoid duplicates if I use other popular linters ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pycodestyle_: bad-indentation, bare-except, line-too-long, missing-final-newline, multiple-statements, singleton-comparison, trailing-whitespace, unnecessary-semicolon, unneeded-not, wrong-import-position pyflakes_: undefined-variable, unused-import, unused-variable mccabe_: too-many-branches pydocstyle_: missing-module-docstring, missing-class-docstring, missing-function-docstring pep8-naming_: invalid-name, bad-classmethod-argument, bad-mcs-classmethod-argument, no-self-argument isort_ and flake8-import-order_: wrong-import-order .. _`pycodestyle`: https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle .. _`pyflakes`: https://github.com/PyCQA/pyflakes .. _`mccabe`: https://github.com/PyCQA/mccabe .. _`pydocstyle`: https://github.com/PyCQA/pydocstyle .. _`pep8-naming`: https://github.com/PyCQA/pep8-naming .. _`isort`: https://github.com/pycqa/isort .. _`flake8-import-order`: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-import-order How do I avoid "access to undefined member" messages in my mixin classes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should add the ``no-member`` message to your ``ignored-checks-for-mixins`` option and name your mixin class with a name which ends with "Mixin" or "mixin" (default) or change the default value by changing the ``mixin-class-rgx`` option. Where is the persistent data stored to compare between successive runs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis data are stored as a pickle file in a directory which is localized using the following rules: * value of the PYLINTHOME environment variable if set * "pylint" subdirectory of the user's XDG_CACHE_HOME if the environment variable is set, otherwise - Linux: "~/.cache/pylint" - macOS: "~/Library/Caches/pylint" - Windows: "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\pylint" * ".pylint.d" directory in the current directory