************************** What's New in Pylint 2.7 ************************** :Release: 2.7 :Date: 2021-02-XX Summary -- Release highlights ============================= * No more duplicate messages when using multiple jobs. * Handling of the new typing provided by mypy 0.8 * Python 3.6+ is now required. New checkers ============ * Add `nan-comparison` check for comparison of NaN values * Add support to ``ignored-argument-names`` in DocstringParameterChecker and adds `useless-param-doc` and `useless-type-doc` messages. * Add `empty-comment` check for empty comments. * Add `simplifiable-condition` check for extraneous constants in conditionals using and/or. * Add `condition-evals-to-constant` check for conditionals using and/or that evaluate to a constant. Other Changes ============= * Fix false positive for ``builtin-not-iterating`` when ``zip`` or ``map`` receives iterable * Fix linter multiprocessing pool shutdown which triggered warnings when runned in parallels with other pytest plugins. * Enums are now required to be named in UPPER_CASE by ``invalid-name``. * Fix bug that lead to duplicate messages when using ``--jobs 2`` or more. * Adds option ``check-protected-access-in-special-methods`` in the ClassChecker to activate/deactivate ``protected-access`` message emission for single underscore prefixed attribute in special methods. * ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message is now emitted if one of ``try/except`` statement is not returning explicitly while the other do. * Fix false positive message ``useless-super-delegation`` when default keyword argument is a dictionary. * Fix vulnerable regular expressions in ``pyreverse``. The ambiguities of vulnerable regular expressions are removed, making the repaired regular expressions safer and faster matching. * `len-as-conditions` is now triggered only for classes that are inheriting directly from list, dict, or set and not implementing the `__bool__` function, or from generators like range or list/dict/set comprehension. This should reduce the false positive for other classes, like pandas's DataFrame or numpy's Array. * Fixes duplicate code detection for --jobs=2+