# Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Sylvain Thenault (thenault@gmail.com). # Copyright (c) 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). # http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ %prog [options] module_or_package Check that a module satisfy a coding standard (and more !). %prog --help Display this help message and exit. %prog --help-msg [,] Display help messages about given message identifiers and exit. """ # import this first to avoid further builtins pollution possibilities from pylint.checkers import utils import sys import os import re import tokenize from os.path import dirname, basename, splitext, exists, isdir, join, normpath from logilab.common.configuration import OptionsManagerMixIn, check_csv from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, get_module_files, \ file_from_modpath, load_module_from_name from logilab.common.interface import implements from logilab.common.textutils import get_csv from logilab.common.fileutils import norm_open from logilab.common.ureports import Table, Text from logilab.common.__pkginfo__ import version as common_version from logilab.astng import ASTNGManager from logilab.astng.__pkginfo__ import version as astng_version from pylint.utils import UnknownMessage, MessagesHandlerMixIn, \ ReportsHandlerMixIn, MSG_TYPES, sort_checkers from pylint.interfaces import ILinter, IRawChecker, IASTNGChecker from pylint.checkers import BaseRawChecker, EmptyReport, \ table_lines_from_stats from pylint.reporters.text import TextReporter, ParseableTextReporter, \ VSTextReporter, ColorizedTextReporter from pylint.reporters.html import HTMLReporter from pylint import config from pylint.__pkginfo__ import version OPTION_RGX = re.compile('\s*#*\s*pylint:(.*)') REPORTER_OPT_MAP = {'text': TextReporter, 'parseable': ParseableTextReporter, 'msvs': VSTextReporter, 'colorized': ColorizedTextReporter, 'html': HTMLReporter,} # Python Linter class ######################################################### MSGS = { 'F0001': ('%s', 'Used when an error occured preventing the analysis of a \ module (unable to find it for instance).'), 'F0002': ('%s: %s', 'Used when an unexpected error occured while building the ASTNG \ representation. This is usually accompanied by a traceback. \ Please report such errors !'), 'F0003': ('ignored builtin module %s', 'Used to indicate that the user asked to analyze a builtin module\ which has been skipped.'), 'F0004': ('unexpected infered value %s', 'Used to indicate that some value of an unexpected type has been \ infered.'), 'I0001': ('Unable to run raw checkers on built-in module %s', 'Used to inform that a built-in module has not been checked \ using the raw checkers.'), 'I0010': ('Unable to consider inline option %r', 'Used when an inline option is either badly formatted or can\'t \ be used inside modules.'), 'I0011': ('Locally disabling %s', 'Used when an inline option disables a message or a messages \ category.'), 'I0012': ('Locally enabling %s', 'Used when an inline option enables a message or a messages \ category.'), 'I0013': ('Ignoring entire file', 'Used to inform that the file will not be checked'), 'E0001': ('%s', 'Used when a syntax error is raised for a module.'), 'E0011': ('Unrecognized file option %r', 'Used when an unknown inline option is encountered.'), 'E0012': ('Bad option value %r', 'Used when a bad value for an inline option is encountered.'), } class PyLinter(OptionsManagerMixIn, MessagesHandlerMixIn, ReportsHandlerMixIn, BaseRawChecker): """lint Python modules using external checkers. This is the main checker controlling the other ones and the reports generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astng checker in order to: * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...) """ __implements__ = (ILinter, IRawChecker, IASTNGChecker) name = 'master' priority = 0 msgs = MSGS may_be_disabled = False options = (('ignore', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '', 'dest' : 'black_list', 'default' : ('CVS',), 'help' : 'Add to the black list. It \ should be a base name, not a path. You may set this option multiple times.'}), ('enable-checker', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Enable only checker(s) with the given id(s).\ This option conflicts with the disable-checker option'}), ('disable-checker', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Enable all checker(s) except those with the \ given id(s).\ This option conflicts with the enable-checker option'}), ('persistent', {'default': True, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'help' : 'Pickle collected data for later comparisons.'}), ('cache-size', {'default': 500, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar': '', 'help' : 'Set the cache size for astng objects.'}), ('load-plugins', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '', 'default' : (), 'help' : 'List of plugins (as comma separated values of \ python modules names) to load, usually to register additional checkers.'}), ('output-format', {'default': 'text', 'type': 'choice', 'metavar' : '', 'choices': ('text', 'parseable', 'msvs', 'colorized', 'html'), 'short': 'f', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Set the output format. Available formats are text,\ parseable, colorized, msvs (visual studio) and html'}), ('include-ids', {'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'default' : 0, 'short': 'i', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Include message\'s id in output'}), ('files-output', {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Put messages in a separate file for each module / \ package specified on the command line instead of printing them on stdout. \ Reports (if any) will be written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]".'}), ('reports', {'default': 1, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'short': 'r', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Tells wether to display a full report or only the\ messages'}), ('evaluation', {'type' : 'string', 'metavar' : '', 'group': 'Reports', 'default': '10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + \ convention) / statement) * 10)', 'help' : 'Python expression which should return a note less \ than 10 (10 is the highest note). You have access to the variables errors \ warning, statement which respectivly contain the number of errors / warnings\ messages and the total number of statements analyzed. This is used by the \ global evaluation report (R0004).'}), ('comment', {'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Add a comment according to your evaluation note. \ This is used by the global evaluation report (R0004).'}), ('enable-report', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Enable the report(s) with the given id(s).'}), ('disable-report', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Reports', 'help' : 'Disable the report(s) with the given id(s).'}), ('enable-msg-cat', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Enable all messages in the listed categories.'}), ('disable-msg-cat', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Disable all messages in the listed categories.'}), ('enable-msg', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Enable the message(s) with the given id(s).'}), ('disable-msg', {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'Messages control', 'help' : 'Disable the message(s) with the given id(s).'}), ) option_groups = ( ('Messages control', 'Options controling analysis messages'), ('Reports', 'Options related to output formating and reporting'), ) def __init__(self, options=(), reporter=None, option_groups=(), pylintrc=None): # some stuff has to be done before ancestors initialization... # # checkers / reporter / astng manager self.reporter = None self.manager = ASTNGManager() self._checkers = {} self._ignore_file = False # visit variables self.base_name = None self.base_file = None self.current_name = None self.current_file = None self.stats = None # init options self.options = options + PyLinter.options self.option_groups = option_groups + PyLinter.option_groups self._options_methods = { 'enable-report': self.enable_report, 'disable-report': self.disable_report, 'enable-msg': self.enable_message, 'disable-msg': self.disable_message, 'enable-msg-cat': self.enable_message_category, 'disable-msg-cat': self.disable_message_category} full_version = '%%prog %s, \nastng %s, common %s\nPython %s' % ( version, astng_version, common_version, sys.version) OptionsManagerMixIn.__init__(self, usage=__doc__, version=full_version, config_file=pylintrc or config.PYLINTRC) MessagesHandlerMixIn.__init__(self) ReportsHandlerMixIn.__init__(self) BaseRawChecker.__init__(self) # provided reports self.reports = (('R0001', 'Messages by category', report_total_messages_stats), ('R0002', '% errors / warnings by module', report_messages_by_module_stats), ('R0003', 'Messages', report_messages_stats), ('R0004', 'Global evaluation', self.report_evaluation), ) self.register_checker(self) self._dynamic_plugins = [] self.load_provider_defaults() self.set_reporter(reporter or TextReporter(sys.stdout)) def load_plugin_modules(self, modnames): """take a list of module names which are pylint plugins and load and register them """ for modname in modnames: if modname in self._dynamic_plugins: continue self._dynamic_plugins.append(modname) module = load_module_from_name(modname) module.register(self) def set_reporter(self, reporter): """set the reporter used to display messages and reports""" self.reporter = reporter reporter.linter = self def set_option(self, opt_name, value, action=None, opt_dict=None): """overridden from configuration.OptionsProviderMixin to handle some special options """ if opt_name in self._options_methods: if value: meth = self._options_methods[opt_name] value = check_csv(None, opt_name, value) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for _id in value : meth(_id) else : meth(value) elif opt_name == 'cache-size': self.manager.set_cache_size(int(value)) elif opt_name == 'output-format': self.set_reporter(REPORTER_OPT_MAP[value.lower()]()) elif opt_name in ('enable-checker', 'disable-checker'): if not value: return checkerids = [v.lower() for v in check_csv(None, opt_name, value)] self.enable_checkers(checkerids, opt_name == 'enable-checker') BaseRawChecker.set_option(self, opt_name, value, action, opt_dict) # checkers manipulation methods ########################################### def register_checker(self, checker): """register a new checker checker is an object implementing IRawChecker or / and IASTNGChecker """ assert checker.priority <= 0, 'checker priority can\'t be >= 0' self._checkers[checker.name] = checker if hasattr(checker, 'reports'): for r_id, r_title, r_cb in checker.reports: self.register_report(r_id, r_title, r_cb, checker) self.register_options_provider(checker) if hasattr(checker, 'msgs'): self.register_messages(checker) checker.load_defaults() def enable_checkers(self, listed, enabled): """only enable/disable checkers from the given list""" if enabled: # if we are activating a checker; deactivate them all first for checker in self._checkers.values(): if not checker.may_be_disabled: continue checker.enable(not enabled) for checkerid in listed: try: checker = self._checkers[checkerid] except KeyError: raise Exception('no checker named %s' % checkerid) checker.enable(enabled) def disable_noerror_checkers(self): """disable all checkers without error messages, and the 'miscellaneous' checker which can be safely deactivated in debug mode """ for checker in self._checkers.values(): if checker.name == 'miscellaneous': checker.enable(False) continue # if checker is already explicitly disabled (e.g. rpython), don't # enable it if checker.enabled: for msgid in getattr(checker, 'msgs', {}).keys(): if msgid[0] == 'E': checker.enable(True) break else: checker.enable(False) # block level option handling ############################################# # # see func_block_disable_msg.py test case for expected behaviour def process_tokens(self, tokens): """process tokens from the current module to search for module/block level options """ comment = tokenize.COMMENT newline = tokenize.NEWLINE #line_num = 0 for (tok_type, _, start, _, line) in tokens: if tok_type not in (comment, newline): continue #if start[0] == line_num: # continue match = OPTION_RGX.search(line) if match is None: continue if match.group(1).strip() == "disable-all": self.add_message('I0013', line=start[0]) self._ignore_file = True return try: opt, value = match.group(1).split('=', 1) except ValueError: self.add_message('I0010', args=match.group(1).strip(), line=start[0]) continue opt = opt.strip() #line_num = start[0] if opt in self._options_methods and not opt.endswith('-report'): meth = self._options_methods[opt] for msgid in get_csv(value): try: meth(msgid, 'module', start[0]) except UnknownMessage: self.add_message('E0012', args=msgid, line=start[0]) else: self.add_message('E0011', args=opt, line=start[0]) def collect_block_lines(self, node, msg_state): """walk ast to collect block level options line numbers""" # recurse on children (depth first) for child in node.getChildNodes(): self.collect_block_lines(child, msg_state) first = node.source_line() last = node.last_source_line() for msgid, lines in msg_state.items(): for lineno, state in lines.items(): if first <= lineno <= last: # set state for all lines for this block first, last = node.block_range(lineno) for line in xrange(first, last+1): # do not override existing entries if not line in self._module_msgs_state.get(msgid, ()): if line in lines: # state change in the same block state = lines[line] try: self._module_msgs_state[msgid][line] = state except KeyError: self._module_msgs_state[msgid] = {line: state} del lines[lineno] # code checking methods ################################################### def check(self, files_or_modules): """main checking entry: check a list of files or modules from their name. """ self.reporter.include_ids = self.config.include_ids if not isinstance(files_or_modules, (list, tuple)): files_or_modules = (files_or_modules,) filemods = self.expand_files(files_or_modules) checkers = sort_checkers(self._checkers.values()) # notify global begin for checker in checkers: checker.open() # build ast and check modules or packages for descr in filemods[:]: modname, filepath = descr['name'], descr['path'] self.set_current_module(modname, filepath) # get the module representation astng = self.get_astng(filepath, modname) if astng is None: filemods.remove(descr) continue descr['astng'] = astng self.base_name = descr['basename'] self.base_file = descr['basepath'] if self.config.files_output: reportfile = 'pylint_%s.%s' % (modname, self.reporter.extension) self.reporter.set_output(open(reportfile, 'w')) self._ignore_file = False # fix the current file (if the source file was not available or # if it's actually a c extension) self.current_file = astng.file self.check_astng_module(astng, checkers) # notify global end self.set_current_module('') checkers.reverse() for checker in checkers: checker.close() def expand_files(self, files_or_modules): """take a list of files/modules/packages and return the list of tuple (file, module name) which have to be actually checked """ result = [] for something in files_or_modules: if exists(something): # this is a file or a directory try: modname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(something)) except ImportError: modname = splitext(basename(something))[0] if isdir(something): filepath = join(something, '__init__.py') else: filepath = something else: # suppose it's a module or package modname = something try: filepath = file_from_modpath(modname.split('.')) if filepath is None: self.set_current_module(modname) self.add_message('F0003', args=modname) continue except ImportError, ex: #if __debug__: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() self.set_current_module(modname) msg = str(ex).replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, '') self.add_message('F0001', args=msg) continue filepath = normpath(filepath) result.append( {'path': filepath, 'name': modname, 'basepath': filepath, 'basename': modname} ) if not (modname.endswith('.__init__') or modname == '__init__') \ and '__init__.py' in filepath: for subfilepath in get_module_files(dirname(filepath), self.config.black_list): if filepath == subfilepath: continue submodname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(subfilepath)) result.append( {'path': subfilepath, 'name': submodname, 'basepath': filepath, 'basename': modname} ) return result def set_current_module(self, modname, filepath=None): """set the name of the currently analyzed module and init statistics for it """ if not modname and filepath is None: return self.current_name = modname self.current_file = filepath or modname self.stats['by_module'][modname] = {} self.stats['by_module'][modname]['statement'] = 0 for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values(): self.stats['by_module'][modname][msg_cat] = 0 # XXX hack, to be correct we need to keep module_msgs_state # for every analyzed module (the problem stands with localized # messages which are only detected in the .close step) if modname: self._module_msgs_state = {} self._module_msg_cats_state = {} def get_astng(self, filepath, modname): """return a astng representation for a module""" try: return self.manager.astng_from_file(filepath, modname) except SyntaxError, ex: self.add_message('E0001', line=ex.lineno, args=ex.msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, ex: #if __debug__: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() self.add_message('F0002', args=(ex.__class__, ex)) def check_astng_module(self, astng, checkers): """check a module from its astng representation, real work""" # call raw checkers if possible if not astng.pure_python: self.add_message('I0001', args=astng.name) else: #assert astng.file.endswith('.py') stream = norm_open(astng.file) # invoke IRawChecker interface on self to fetch module/block # level options self.process_module(stream) if self._ignore_file: return False # walk ast to collect line numbers orig_state = self._module_msgs_state.copy() self._module_msgs_state = {} self.collect_block_lines(astng, orig_state) for checker in checkers: if implements(checker, IRawChecker) and checker is not self: stream.seek(0) checker.process_module(stream) # generate events to astng checkers self.astng_events(astng, [checker for checker in checkers if implements(checker, IASTNGChecker)]) return True def astng_events(self, astng, checkers, _reversed_checkers=None): """generate event to astng checkers according to the current astng node and recurse on its children """ if _reversed_checkers is None: _reversed_checkers = checkers[:] _reversed_checkers.reverse() if astng.is_statement(): self.stats['statement'] += 1 # generate events for this node on each checker for checker in checkers: checker.visit(astng) # recurse on children for child in astng.getChildNodes(): self.astng_events(child, checkers, _reversed_checkers) for checker in _reversed_checkers: checker.leave(astng) # IASTNGChecker interface ################################################# def open(self): """initialize counters""" self.stats = { 'by_module' : {}, 'by_msg' : {}, 'statement' : 0 } for msg_cat in MSG_TYPES.values(): self.stats[msg_cat] = 0 def close(self): """close the whole package /module, it's time to make reports ! if persistent run, pickle results for later comparison """ if self.base_name is not None: # load old results if any old_stats = config.load_results(self.base_name) if self.config.reports: self.make_reports(self.stats, old_stats) # save results if persistent run if self.config.persistent: config.save_results(self.stats, self.base_name) # specific reports ######################################################## def report_evaluation(self, sect, stats, old_stats): """make the global evaluation report""" # check with at least check 1 statements (usually 0 when there is a # syntax error preventing pylint from further processing) if stats['statement'] == 0: raise EmptyReport() # get a global note for the code evaluation = self.config.evaluation try: note = eval(evaluation, {}, self.stats) except Exception, ex: msg = 'An exception occured while rating: %s' % ex else: stats['global_note'] = note msg = 'Your code has been rated at %.2f/10' % note if old_stats.has_key('global_note'): msg += ' (previous run: %.2f/10)' % old_stats['global_note'] if self.config.comment: msg = '%s\n%s' % (msg, config.get_note_message(note)) sect.append(Text(msg)) # some reporting functions #################################################### def report_total_messages_stats(sect, stats, old_stats): """make total errors / warnings report""" lines = ['type', 'number', 'previous', 'difference'] lines += table_lines_from_stats(stats, old_stats, ('convention', 'refactor', 'warning', 'error')) sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=4, rheaders=1)) def report_messages_stats(sect, stats, _): """make messages type report""" if not stats['by_msg']: # don't print this report when we didn't detected any errors raise EmptyReport() in_order = [(value, msg_id) for msg_id, value in stats['by_msg'].items() if not msg_id.startswith('I')] in_order.sort() in_order.reverse() lines = ('message id', 'occurences') for value, msg_id in in_order: lines += (msg_id, str(value)) sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=2, rheaders=1)) def report_messages_by_module_stats(sect, stats, _): """make errors / warnings by modules report""" if len(stats['by_module']) == 1: # don't print this report when we are analysing a single module raise EmptyReport() by_mod = {} for m_type in ('fatal', 'error', 'warning', 'refactor', 'convention'): total = stats[m_type] for module in stats['by_module'].keys(): mod_total = stats['by_module'][module][m_type] if total == 0: percent = 0 else: percent = float((mod_total)*100) / total by_mod.setdefault(module, {})[m_type] = percent sorted_result = [] for module, mod_info in by_mod.items(): sorted_result.append((mod_info['error'], mod_info['warning'], mod_info['refactor'], mod_info['convention'], module)) sorted_result.sort() sorted_result.reverse() lines = ['module', 'error', 'warning', 'refactor', 'convention'] for line in sorted_result: if line[0] == 0 and line[1] == 0: break lines.append(line[-1]) for val in line[:-1]: lines.append('%.2f' % val) if len(lines) == 5: raise EmptyReport() sect.append(Table(children=lines, cols=5, rheaders=1)) # utilities ################################################################### # this may help to import modules using gettext try: __builtins__._ = str except AttributeError: __builtins__['_'] = str def preprocess_options(args, search_for): """look for some options (keys of ) which have to be processed before others values of are callback functions to call when the option is found """ i = 0 while i < len(args): arg = args[i] if arg.startswith('--'): try: option, val = arg[2:].split('=', 1) except ValueError: option, val = arg[2:], None try: cb, takearg = search_for[option] del args[i] if takearg and val is None: val = args[i] del args[i] cb(option, val) except KeyError: i += 1 else: i += 1 class Run: """helper class to use as main for pylint : run(*sys.argv[1:]) """ LinterClass = PyLinter option_groups = ( ('Commands', 'Options which are actually commands. Options in this \ group are mutually exclusive.'), ) def __init__(self, args, reporter=None): self._rcfile = None self._plugins = [] preprocess_options(args, { # option: (callback, takearg) 'rpython-mode': (self.cb_rpython_mode, False), 'rcfile': (self.cb_set_rcfile, True), 'load-plugins': (self.cb_add_plugins, True), }) self.linter = linter = self.LinterClass(( ('rcfile', {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : lambda *args: 1, 'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'help' : 'Specify a configuration file.'}), ('init-hook', {'action' : 'callback', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '', 'callback' : cb_init_hook, 'help' : 'Python code to execute, usually for sys.path \ manipulation such as pygtk.require().'}), ('rpython-mode', {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : lambda *args: 1, 'help' : 'enable the rpython checker which is disabled by default' }), #'help' : 'Run into Restricted Python analysis mode.'}), ('help-msg', {'action' : 'callback', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '', 'callback' : self.cb_help_message, 'group': 'Commands', 'help' : '''Display a help message for the given message id and \ exit. The value may be a comma separated list of message ids.'''}), ('list-msgs', {'action' : 'callback', 'metavar': '', 'callback' : self.cb_list_messages, 'group': 'Commands', 'help' : "Generate pylint's full documentation."}), ('generate-rcfile', {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_generate_config, 'group': 'Commands', 'help' : '''Generate a sample configuration file according to \ the current configuration. You can put other options before this one to get \ them in the generated configuration.'''}), ('generate-man', {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_generate_manpage, 'group': 'Commands', 'help' : "Generate pylint's man page."}), ('errors-only', {'action' : 'callback', 'callback' : self.cb_debug_mode, 'short': 'e', 'help' : '''In debug mode, checkers without error messages are \ disabled and for others, only the ERROR messages are displayed, and no reports \ are done by default'''}), ('profile', {'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'default': False, 'help' : 'Profiled execution.'}), ), option_groups=self.option_groups, reporter=reporter, pylintrc=self._rcfile) # register standard checkers from pylint import checkers checkers.initialize(linter) # load command line plugins linter.load_plugin_modules(self._plugins) # add some help section linter.add_help_section('Environment variables', config.ENV_HELP) linter.add_help_section('Output', ''' Using the default text output, the message format is : MESSAGE_TYPE: LINE_NUM:[OBJECT:] MESSAGE There are 5 kind of message types : * (C) convention, for programming standard violation * (R) refactor, for bad code smell * (W) warning, for python specific problems * (E) error, for probable bugs in the code * (F) fatal, if an error occured which prevented pylint from doing further \ processing. ''') # read configuration #linter.load_provider_defaults() linter.read_config_file() # is there some additional plugins in the file configuration, in config_parser = linter._config_parser if config_parser.has_option('MASTER', 'load-plugins'): plugins = get_csv(config_parser.get('MASTER', 'load-plugins')) linter.load_plugin_modules(plugins) # now we can load file config and command line, plugins (which can # provide options) have been registered linter.load_config_file() if reporter: # if a custom reporter is provided as argument, it may be overriden # by file parameters, so re-set it here, but before command line # parsing so it's still overrideable by command line option linter.set_reporter(reporter) args = linter.load_command_line_configuration(args) if not args: print linter.help() sys.exit(1) # insert current working directory to the python path to have a correct # behaviour sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) if self.linter.config.profile: print >> sys.stderr, '** profiled run' from hotshot import Profile, stats prof = Profile('stones.prof') prof.runcall(linter.check, args) prof.close() data = stats.load('stones.prof') data.strip_dirs() data.sort_stats('time', 'calls') data.print_stats(30) else: linter.check(args) sys.path.pop(0) def cb_rpython_mode(self, name, value): from pylint.checkers.rpython import RPythonChecker RPythonChecker.enabled = True #from pylint.rlint import RPyLinter #self.LinterClass = RPyLinter def cb_set_rcfile(self, name, value): """callback for option preprocessing (ie before optik parsing)""" self._rcfile = value def cb_add_plugins(self, name, value): """callback for option preprocessing (ie before optik parsing)""" self._plugins.extend(get_csv(value)) def cb_debug_mode(self, *args, **kwargs): """debug mode: * checkers without error messages are disabled * for others, only the ERROR messages are displayed * disable reports * do not save execution information """ self.linter.disable_noerror_checkers() self.linter.set_option('disable-msg-cat', ('W', 'C', 'R', 'F', 'I')) self.linter.set_option('reports', False) self.linter.set_option('persistent', False) def cb_generate_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """optik callback for sample config file generation""" self.linter.generate_config(skipsections=('COMMANDS',)) sys.exit(0) def cb_generate_manpage(self, *args, **kwargs): """optik callback for sample config file generation""" from pylint import __pkginfo__ self.linter.generate_manpage(__pkginfo__) sys.exit(0) def cb_help_message(self, option, opt_name, value, parser): """optik callback for printing some help about a particular message""" self.linter.help_message(get_csv(value)) sys.exit(0) def cb_list_messages(self, option, opt_name, value, parser): """optik callback for printing available messages""" self.linter.list_messages() sys.exit(0) def cb_init_hook(option, opt_name, value, parser): """exec arbitrary code to set sys.path for instance""" exec value if __name__ == '__main__': Run(sys.argv[1:])