# pylint: disable=R0903,import-error,missing-docstring,wrong-import-position,useless-super-delegation, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass """test for __init__ not called """ from __future__ import print_function class AAAA: """ancestor 1""" def __init__(self): print('init', self) class BBBB: """ancestor 2""" def __init__(self): print('init', self) class CCCC: """ancestor 3""" class ZZZZ(AAAA, BBBB, CCCC): """derived class""" def __init__(self): # [super-init-not-called] AAAA.__init__(self) class NewStyleA(object): """new style class""" def __init__(self): super(NewStyleA, self).__init__() print('init', self) class NewStyleB(NewStyleA): """derived new style class""" def __init__(self): super(NewStyleB, self).__init__() class NoInit(object): """No __init__ defined""" class Init(NoInit): """Don't complain for not calling the super __init__""" def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = arg class NewStyleC(object): """__init__ defined by assignment.""" def xx_init(self): """Initializer.""" pass __init__ = xx_init class AssignedInit(NewStyleC): """No init called.""" def __init__(self): # [super-init-not-called] self.arg = 0 from missing import Missing class UnknownBases(Missing): """Don't emit no-init if the bases aren't known."""