"""Tests that onjects used in a with statement implement context manager protocol""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, invalid-name, import-error, missing-docstring # pylint: disable=no-init,wrong-import-position, useless-object-inheritance # Tests no messages for objects that implement the protocol class Manager(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): pass with Manager(): pass class AnotherManager(Manager): pass with AnotherManager(): pass # Tests message for class that doesn't implement the protocol class NotAManager(object): pass with NotAManager(): #[not-context-manager] pass # Tests contextlib.contextmanager usage is recognized as correct. from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def dec(): yield with dec(): # valid use pass # Tests a message is produced when a contextlib.contextmanager # decorated function is used without being called. with dec: # [not-context-manager] pass # Tests no messages about context manager protocol # if the type can't be inferred. from missing import Missing with Missing(): pass # Tests context managers as names. def penelopa(): return 42 hopa = dec() tropa = penelopa() with tropa: # [not-context-manager] pass with hopa: pass # Tests that no messages are emitted for function calls # which return managers def wrapper(): return dec() with wrapper(): pass # Tests for properties returning managers. class Property(object): @property def ctx(self): return dec() @property def not_ctx(self): return 42 lala = Property() with lala.ctx: # Don't emit when the context manager is the # result of accessing a property. pass with lala.not_ctx: # [not-context-manager] pass class TestKnownBases(Missing): pass with TestKnownBases(): pass # Ignore mixins. class ManagerMixin(object): def test(self): with self: pass class FullContextManager(ManagerMixin): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): pass # Test a false positive with returning a generator # from a context manager. def generator(): yield 42 @contextmanager def context_manager_returning_generator(): return generator() with context_manager_returning_generator(): pass FIRST = [context_manager_returning_generator()] with FIRST[0]: pass def other_indirect_func(): return generator() def not_context_manager(): return other_indirect_func() with not_context_manager(): # [not-context-manager] pass