# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """This launches the configuration functional tests. This permits to test configuration files by providing a file with the appropriate extension in the ``tests/config/functional`` directory. Let's say you have a regression_list_crash.toml file to test. Then, if there is an error in the conf, add ``regression_list_crash.out`` alongside your file with the expected output of pylint in it. Use ``{relpath}`` and ``{abspath}`` for the path of the file. The exit code will have to be 2 (error) if this file exists. You must also define a ``regression_list_crash.result.json`` if you want to check the parsed configuration. This file will be loaded as a dict and will override the default value of the default pylint configuration. If you need to append or remove a value use the special key ``"functional_append"`` and ``"functional_remove":``. Check the existing code for examples. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name import logging import warnings from pathlib import Path import pytest from pytest import CaptureFixture, LogCaptureFixture from pylint.testutils.configuration_test import ( PylintConfiguration, get_expected_configuration, get_expected_output, run_using_a_configuration_file, ) HERE = Path(__file__).parent USER_SPECIFIC_PATH = HERE.parent.parent FUNCTIONAL_DIR = HERE / "functional" # We use string then recast to path, so we can use -k in pytest. # Otherwise, we get 'configuration_path0' as a test name. The path is relative to the functional # directory because otherwise the string would be very lengthy. ACCEPTED_CONFIGURATION_EXTENSIONS = ("toml", "ini", "cfg") CONFIGURATION_PATHS = [ str(path.relative_to(FUNCTIONAL_DIR)) for ext in ACCEPTED_CONFIGURATION_EXTENSIONS for path in FUNCTIONAL_DIR.rglob(f"*.{ext}") ] @pytest.fixture() def default_configuration( tmp_path: Path, file_to_lint_path: str ) -> PylintConfiguration: empty_pylintrc = tmp_path / "pylintrc" empty_pylintrc.write_text("") mock_exit, _, runner = run_using_a_configuration_file( str(empty_pylintrc), file_to_lint_path ) mock_exit.assert_called_once_with(0) return runner.linter.config.__dict__ @pytest.mark.parametrize("configuration_path", CONFIGURATION_PATHS) def test_functional_config_loading( configuration_path: str, default_configuration: PylintConfiguration, file_to_lint_path: str, capsys: CaptureFixture[str], caplog: LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: """Functional tests for configurations.""" # logging is helpful to see what's expected and why. The output of the # program is checked during the test so printing messes with the result. caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) configuration_path = str(FUNCTIONAL_DIR / configuration_path) msg = f"Wrong result with configuration {configuration_path}" expected_code, expected_output = get_expected_output( configuration_path, USER_SPECIFIC_PATH ) expected_loaded_configuration = get_expected_configuration( configuration_path, default_configuration ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="The use of 'MASTER'.*", category=UserWarning ) mock_exit, _, runner = run_using_a_configuration_file( configuration_path, file_to_lint_path ) mock_exit.assert_called_once_with(expected_code) out, err = capsys.readouterr() # 'rstrip()' applied, so we can have a final newline in the expected test file assert expected_output.rstrip() == out.rstrip(), msg assert sorted(expected_loaded_configuration.keys()) == sorted( runner.linter.config.__dict__.keys() ), msg for key, expected_value in expected_loaded_configuration.items(): key_msg = f"{msg} for key '{key}':" if isinstance(expected_value, list): assert sorted(expected_value) == sorted( runner.linter.config.__dict__[key] ), key_msg else: assert expected_value == runner.linter.config.__dict__[key], key_msg assert not err, msg