# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring, missing-module-docstring, invalid-name, import-outside-toplevel import codecs import contextlib import multiprocessing import pathlib import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile import threading import urllib import zipfile from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path def test_pathlib_open(): _ = pathlib.Path("foo").open(encoding="utf8") # [consider-using-with] _ = Path("foo").open(encoding="utf8") # [consider-using-with] path = Path("foo") _ = path.open(encoding="utf8") # [consider-using-with] with Path("foo").open(encoding="utf8") as file: # must not trigger _ = file.read() def test_codecs_open(): fh = codecs.open("test.txt", "utf8") # [consider-using-with] fh.close() def test_urlopen(): _ = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.python.org") # [consider-using-with] def test_temporary_file(): _ = tempfile.TemporaryFile("r") # ambiguous with NamedTemporaryFile def test_named_temporary_file(): _ = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("r") # [consider-using-with] def test_spooled_temporary_file(): _ = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile("r") # [consider-using-with] def test_temporary_directory(): _ = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # [consider-using-with] def test_zipfile(): myzip = zipfile.ZipFile("spam.zip", "w") # [consider-using-with] _ = myzip.open("eggs.txt") # [consider-using-with] def test_pyzipfile(): myzip = zipfile.PyZipFile("spam.zip", "w") # [consider-using-with] with zipfile.PyZipFile("spam.zip", "w"): # must not trigger pass _ = myzip.open("eggs.txt") # [consider-using-with] with myzip.open("eggs.txt"): # must not trigger pass def test_tarfile(): tf = tarfile.open("/tmp/test.tar", "w") # [consider-using-with] tf.close() with tarfile.open("/tmp/test.tar", "w"): # must not trigger pass tf = tarfile.TarFile("/tmp/test2.tar", "w") # [consider-using-with] tf.close() with tarfile.TarFile("/tmp/test2.tar", "w"): # must not trigger pass def test_lock_acquisition(): lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() # [consider-using-with] lock.release() with lock: # must not trigger pass rlock = threading.RLock() rlock.acquire() # [consider-using-with] rlock.release() with rlock: # must not trigger pass sema = threading.Semaphore() sema.acquire() # [consider-using-with] sema.release() with sema: # must not trigger pass bounded_sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore() bounded_sema.acquire() # [consider-using-with] bounded_sema.release() with bounded_sema: # must not trigger pass @contextlib.contextmanager def test_lock_acquisition_in_context_manager1(): """ The message must not be triggered if the resource allocation is done inside a context manager. """ lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() # must not trigger yield lock.release() class MyLockContext: """ The message must not be triggered if the resource allocation is done inside a context manager. """ def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() def __enter__(self): self.lock.acquire() # must not trigger def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.lock.release() def test_multiprocessing(): # the different Locks provided by multiprocessing would be candidates # for consider-using-with as well, but they lead to InferenceErrors. _ = multiprocessing.Pool() # [consider-using-with] with multiprocessing.Pool(): pass manager = multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager() manager.start() # [consider-using-with] with multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager(): pass manager = multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager() manager.start() # [consider-using-with] with multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager(): pass def test_popen(): _ = subprocess.Popen("sh") # [consider-using-with] with subprocess.Popen("sh"): pass def test_suppress_in_exit_stack(): """Regression test for issue #4654 (false positive)""" with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: _ = stack.enter_context( open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/hwid,location", "r", encoding="utf-8") ) # must not trigger def test_futures(): """ Regression test for issue #4689. ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor were formerly part of the callables that raised the R1732 message if used outside a with block, but there are legitimate use cases where Executor instances are used e.g. as a persistent background worker pool throughout the program. """ thread_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() thread_executor.submit(print, 1) process_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor() process_executor.submit(print, 2) thread_executor.shutdown() process_executor.shutdown() pool = multiprocessing.Pool() # must not trigger, as it is used later on with pool: pass global_pool = ( multiprocessing.Pool() ) # must not trigger, will be used in nested scope def my_nested_function(): with global_pool: pass # this must also work for tuple unpacking pool1, pool2 = ( multiprocessing.Pool(), # must not trigger multiprocessing.Pool(), # must not trigger ) with pool1: pass with pool2: pass unused_pool1, unused_pool2 = ( multiprocessing.Pool(), # [consider-using-with] multiprocessing.Pool(), # [consider-using-with] ) used_pool, unused_pool = ( multiprocessing.Pool(), # must not trigger multiprocessing.Pool(), # [consider-using-with] ) with used_pool: pass unused_pool, used_pool = ( multiprocessing.Pool(), # [consider-using-with] multiprocessing.Pool(), # must not trigger ) with used_pool: pass def test_subscript_assignment(): """ Regression test for issue https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4732. If a context manager is assigned to a list or dict, we are not able to tell if / how the context manager is used later on, as it is not assigned to a variable or attribute directly. In this case we can only emit the message directly. """ job_list = [None, None] job_list[0] = subprocess.Popen("ls") # [consider-using-with] job_dict = {} job_dict["myjob"] = subprocess.Popen("ls") # [consider-using-with]