# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,pointless-statement,expression-not-assigned,too-few-public-methods,import-error,wrong-import-position,no-else-return, comparison-with-itself, redundant-u-string-prefix comparison-of-constants # standard types 1 in [1, 2, 3] 1 in {'a': 1, 'b': 2} 1 in {1, 2, 3} 1 in (1, 2, 3) '1' in "123" '1' in u"123" '1' in bytearray(b"123") 1 in frozenset([1, 2, 3]) # comprehensions 1 in [x ** 2 % 10 for x in range(10)] 1 in {x ** 2 % 10 for x in range(10)} 1 in {x: x ** 2 % 10 for x in range(10)} # iterators 1 in iter([1, 2, 3]) # generator def count(upto=float("inf")): i = 0 while True: if i > upto: break yield i i += 1 10 in count(upto=10) # custom instance class UniversalContainer: def __contains__(self, key): return True 42 in UniversalContainer() # custom iterable class CustomIterable: def __iter__(self): return iter((1, 2, 3)) 3 in CustomIterable() # old-style iterable class OldStyleIterable: def __getitem__(self, key): if key < 10: return 2 ** key else: raise IndexError("bad index") 64 in OldStyleIterable() # do not emit warning if class has unknown bases from some_missing_module import ImportedClass class MaybeIterable(ImportedClass): pass 10 in MaybeIterable() # do not emit warning inside mixins/abstract/base classes class UsefulMixin: stuff = None def get_stuff(self): return self.stuff def act(self, thing): stuff = self.get_stuff() if thing in stuff: pass class BaseThing: valid_values = None def validate(self, value): if self.valid_values is None: return True else: # error should not be emitted here return value in self.valid_values class AbstractThing: valid_values = None def validate(self, value): if self.valid_values is None: return True else: # error should not be emitted here return value in self.valid_values # class is not named as abstract # but still is deduceably abstract class Thing: valid_values = None def __init__(self): self._init_values() def validate(self, value): if self.valid_values is None: return True else: # error should not be emitted here return value in self.valid_values def _init_values(self): raise NotImplementedError # error cases 42 in 42 # [unsupported-membership-test] 42 not in None # [unsupported-membership-test] 42 in 8.5 # [unsupported-membership-test] class EmptyClass: pass 42 not in EmptyClass() # [unsupported-membership-test] 42 in EmptyClass # [unsupported-membership-test] 42 not in count # [unsupported-membership-test] 42 in range # [unsupported-membership-test]