""" Checks that reversed() receive proper argument """ # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,unused-variable # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def test(): def parent(): a = 42 def stuff(): nonlocal a c = 24 def parent2(): a = 42 def stuff(): def other_stuff(): nonlocal a nonlocal c b = 42 def func(): def other_func(): nonlocal b # [nonlocal-without-binding] # Case where `nonlocal-without-binding` was not emitted when # the nonlocal name was assigned later in the same scope. # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/6883 def other_func2(): nonlocal c # [nonlocal-without-binding] c = 1 class SomeClass: nonlocal x # [nonlocal-without-binding] def func(self): nonlocal some_attr # [nonlocal-without-binding] def func2(): nonlocal_ = None local = None class Class: nonlocal nonlocal_ nonlocal_ = 1 local = 1 return local + nonlocal_ def function(): """Test for `unused-variable` when multiple-assignment contains a `nonlocal`""" myint, mylist = 0, [] print(mylist) def inner(): nonlocal myint mylist.append(myint) myint += 1 return inner()