# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, multiple-statements, import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, bare-except, broad-except # pylint: disable=using-constant-test, import-error, global-variable-not-assigned, unnecessary-comprehension # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment from typing import TYPE_CHECKING DEFINED = 1 if DEFINED != 1: if DEFINED in (unknown, DEFINED): # [undefined-variable] DEFINED += 1 def in_method(var): """method doc""" var = nomoreknown # [undefined-variable] assert var DEFINED = {DEFINED:__revision__} # [undefined-variable] # +1:[undefined-variable] DEFINED[__revision__] = OTHER = 'move this is astroid test' OTHER += '$' def bad_default(var, default=unknown2): # [undefined-variable] """function with default arg's value set to an nonexistent name""" print(var, default) print(xxxx) # [undefined-variable] augvar += 1 # [undefined-variable] del vardel # [undefined-variable] LMBD = lambda x, y=doesnotexist: x+y # [undefined-variable] LMBD2 = lambda x, y: x+z # [undefined-variable] try: POUET # [used-before-assignment] except NameError: POUET = 'something' try: POUETT # [used-before-assignment] except Exception: # pylint:disable = broad-except POUETT = 'something' try: POUETTT # [used-before-assignment] except: # pylint:disable = bare-except POUETTT = 'something' print(POUET, POUETT, POUETTT) try: PLOUF # [used-before-assignment] except ValueError: PLOUF = 'something' print(PLOUF) def if_branch_test(something): """hop""" if something == 0: if xxx == 1: # [used-before-assignment] pass else: print(xxx) xxx = 3 def decorator(arg): """Decorator with one argument.""" return lambda: list(arg) @decorator(arg=[i * 2 for i in range(15)]) def func1(): """A function with a decorator that contains a listcomp.""" @decorator(arg=(i * 2 for i in range(15))) def func2(): """A function with a decorator that contains a genexpr.""" @decorator(lambda x: x > 0) def main(): """A function with a decorator that contains a lambda.""" # Test shared scope. def test_arguments(arg=TestClass): # [used-before-assignment] """ TestClass isn't defined yet. """ return arg class TestClass(Ancestor): # [used-before-assignment] """ contains another class, which uses an undefined ancestor. """ class MissingAncestor(Ancestor1): # [used-before-assignment] """ no op """ def test1(self): """ It should trigger here, because the two classes have the same scope. """ class UsingBeforeDefinition(Empty): # [used-before-assignment] """ uses Empty before definition """ class Empty: """ no op """ return UsingBeforeDefinition def test(self): """ Ancestor isn't defined yet, but we don't care. """ class MissingAncestor1(Ancestor): """ no op """ return MissingAncestor1 class Self: """ Detect when using the same name inside the class scope. """ obj = Self # [undefined-variable] class Self1: """ No error should be raised here. """ def test(self): """ empty """ return Self1 class Ancestor: """ No op """ class Ancestor1: """ No op """ NANA = BAT # [undefined-variable] del BAT # [undefined-variable] class KeywordArgument: """Test keyword arguments.""" enable = True def test(self, is_enabled=enable): """do nothing.""" def test1(self, is_enabled=enabled): # [used-before-assignment] """enabled is undefined at this point, but it is used before assignment.""" def test2(self, is_disabled=disabled): # [undefined-variable] """disabled is undefined""" enabled = True func = lambda arg=arg: arg * arg # [undefined-variable] arg2 = 0 func2 = lambda arg2=arg2: arg2 * arg2 # Don't emit if the code is protected by NameError try: unicode_1 except NameError: pass try: unicode_2 # [undefined-variable] except Exception: pass try: unicode_3 # [undefined-variable] except ValueError: pass # See https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/issue/111/ try: raise IOError(1, "a") except IOError as err: print(err) def test_conditional_comprehension(): methods = ['a', 'b', '_c', '_d'] my_methods = sum(1 for method in methods if not method.startswith('_')) return my_methods class MyError: pass class MyClass: class MyError(MyError): pass def dec(inp): def inner(func): print(inp) return func return inner # Make sure lambdas with expressions # referencing parent class do not raise undefined variable # because at the time of their calling, the class name will # be populated # See https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/704 class LambdaClass: myattr = 1 mylambda = lambda: LambdaClass.myattr # Need different classes to make sure # consumed variables don't get in the way class LambdaClass2: myattr = 1 # Different base_scope scope but still applies mylambda2 = lambda: [LambdaClass2.myattr for _ in [1, 2]] class LambdaClass3: myattr = 1 # Nested default argument in lambda # Should not raise error mylambda3 = lambda: lambda a=LambdaClass3: a class LambdaClass4: myattr = 1 mylambda4 = lambda a=LambdaClass4: lambda: a # [undefined-variable] # Make sure the first lambda does not consume the LambdaClass5 class # name although the expression is is valid # Consuming the class would cause the subsequent undefined-variable to be masked class LambdaClass5: myattr = 1 mylambda = lambda: LambdaClass5.myattr mylambda4 = lambda a=LambdaClass5: lambda: a # [undefined-variable] def nonlocal_in_ifexp(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def onclick(event): if event: nonlocal i i += 1 print(i) i = 0 fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) plt.show(block=True) if TYPE_CHECKING: from datetime import datetime def func_should_fail(_dt: datetime): # [used-before-assignment] pass # The following should not emit an error. # pylint: disable=invalid-name if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Literal AllowedValues = Literal['hello', 'world'] if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections import Counter from collections import OrderedDict from collections import defaultdict from collections import UserDict else: Counter = object OrderedDict = object def defaultdict(): return {} class UserDict(dict): pass def tick(counter: Counter, name: str, dictionary: OrderedDict) -> OrderedDict: counter[name] += 1 return dictionary defaultdict() UserDict() # pylint: disable=unused-argument def not_using_loop_variable_accordingly(iterator): for iteree in iteree: # [undefined-variable] yield iteree # pylint: enable=unused-argument class DunderClass: def method(self): # This name is not defined in the AST but it's present at runtime return __class__ # It is also present in inner methods def method_two(self): def inner_method(): return __class__ inner_method() def undefined_annotation(a:x): # [undefined-variable] if x == 2: # [used-before-assignment] for x in [1, 2]: pass return a # #3711's comment regression test lst = [] lst2 = [1, 2, 3] for item in lst: pass bigger = [ [ x for x in lst2 if x > item ] for item in lst ] # 3791 @decorator(x for x in range(3)) def decorated1(x): print(x) @decorator(x * x for x in range(3)) def decorated2(x): print(x) @decorator(x) # [undefined-variable] @decorator(x * x for x in range(3)) def decorated3(x): print(x) @decorator(x * x * y for x in range(3)) # [undefined-variable] def decorated4(x): print(x) # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/5111 # AssignAttr in orelse block of 'TYPE_CHECKING' shouldn't crash # Name being assigned must be imported in orelse block if TYPE_CHECKING: pass else: from types import GenericAlias object().__class_getitem__ = classmethod(GenericAlias) GLOBAL_VAR: int GLOBAL_VAR_TWO: int def global_var_mixed_assignment(): """One global variable never gets assigned a value""" global GLOBAL_VAR print(GLOBAL_VAR) # [undefined-variable] global GLOBAL_VAR_TWO print(GLOBAL_VAR_TWO) GLOBAL_VAR_TWO = 2 GLOBAL_VAR: int GLOBAL_VAR_TWO: int class RepeatedReturnAnnotations: def x(self, o: RepeatedReturnAnnotations) -> bool: # [undefined-variable] pass def y(self) -> RepeatedReturnAnnotations: # [undefined-variable] pass def z(self) -> RepeatedReturnAnnotations: # [undefined-variable] pass