# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name, too-few-public-methods, line-too-long, unused-argument, protected-access from functools import partialmethod class AnotherClass(): def __test(self): # [unused-private-member] pass class HasUnusedInClass(): __my_secret = "I have no secrets" # [unused-private-member] __my_used_secret = "I have no secrets unused" @classmethod def __private_class_method_unused(cls): # [unused-private-member] print(cls.__my_used_secret) @classmethod def __private_class_method_used(cls): pass @staticmethod def __private_static_method_unused(): # [unused-private-member] pass @staticmethod def __private_static_method_used(): pass def __init__(self): # Will not trigger as it begins with __ and ends with __ self.__instance_secret = "I will never be initialized" # [unused-private-member] self.__another_secret = "hello world" def __str__(self): # Will not trigger as it begins with __ and ends with __ return "hello" def __test(self, x, y, z): # [unused-private-member] fn = HasUnusedInClass.__private_class_method_used fn() fn2 = HasUnusedInClass.__private_static_method_used fn2() def __my_print(self, string): print(self.__another_secret + string) another_obj = AnotherClass() another_obj.__test() # this class's test should still be unused def hey(self): # Will not trigger as it does not begin with __ self.__my_print("!") def __test_fn_as_var(self): pass def assign_fn_to_var(self): fn = self.__test_fn_as_var fn() def __test_recursive(self): # [unused-private-member] self.__test_recursive() # False positive: Singleton Pattern class MyCls: __class_var = None @classmethod def set_class_var(cls, var): cls.__class_var = var # should not emit a message, used in get_class_var() @classmethod def get_class_var(cls): return cls.__class_var class Bla: """Regression test for issue 4638""" def __init__(self): type(self).__a() self.__b() Bla.__c() @classmethod def __a(cls): pass @classmethod def __b(cls): pass @classmethod def __c(cls): pass class Klass: """Regression test for 4644""" __seventyseven = 77 __ninetyone = 91 def __init__(self): self.twentyone = 21 * (1 / (self.__seventyseven + 33)) % 100 self.ninetyfive = Klass.__ninetyone + 4 k = Klass() print(k.twentyone) print(k.ninetyfive) # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4657 # Mutation of class member with cls should not fire a false-positive class FalsePositive4657: """False positive tests for 4657""" __attr_a = None __attr_b = 'b' @classmethod def load_attrs(cls): """Load attributes.""" cls.__attr_a = 'a' @property def attr_a(self): """Get a.""" return self.__attr_a @property def attr_b(self): """Get b.""" return self.__attr_b # Test cases where we assign self.attr, but try to # access cls.attr def __init__(self): self.__attr_c = "this is an unused private instance attribute" # [unused-private-member] @property def attr_c(self): """Get c.""" return cls.__attr_c # [undefined-variable] # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4668 # Attributes assigned within __new__() has to be processed as part of the class class FalsePositive4668: # pylint: disable=protected-access, no-member, unreachable def __new__(cls, func, *args): if args: true_obj = super(FalsePositive4668, cls).__new__(cls) true_obj.func = func true_obj.__args = args # Do not emit message here return true_obj false_obj = super(FalsePositive4668, cls).__new__(cls) false_obj.func = func false_obj.__args = args # Do not emit message here false_obj.__secret_bool = False false_obj.__unused = None # [unused-private-member] return false_obj # unreachable but non-Name return value return 3+4 def exec(self): print(self.__secret_bool) return self.func(*self.__args) # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4673 # Nested functions shouldn't cause a false positive if they are properly used class FalsePositive4673: """ The testing class """ def __init__(self, in_thing): self.thing = False self.do_thing(in_thing) def do_thing(self, in_thing): """ Checks the false-positive condition, sets a property. """ def __false_positive(in_thing): print(in_thing) def __true_positive(in_thing): # [unused-private-member] print(in_thing) __false_positive(in_thing) self.thing = True def undo_thing(self): """ Unsets a property. """ self.thing = False def complicated_example(self, flag): def __inner_1(): pass def __inner_2(): pass def __inner_3(fn): return fn def __inner_4(): # [unused-private-member] pass fn_to_return = __inner_1 if flag else __inner_3(__inner_2) return fn_to_return # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4755 # Nested attributes shouldn't cause crash class Crash4755Context: def __init__(self): self.__messages = None # [unused-private-member] class Crash4755Command: def __init__(self): self.context = Crash4755Context() def method(self): self.context.__messages = [] for message in self.context.__messages: print(message) # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4681 # Accessing attributes of the class using the class name should not result in a false positive # as long as it is used within the class class FalsePositive4681: __instance = None __should_cause_error = None # [unused-private-member] @staticmethod def instance(): if FalsePositive4681.__instance is None: FalsePositive4681() return FalsePositive4681.__instance def __init__(self): try: FalsePositive4681.__instance = 42 # This should be fine FalsePositive4681.__should_cause_error = True # [unused-private-member] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Error") FalsePositive4681.__instance = False # This should be fine FalsePositive4681.__should_cause_error = False # [unused-private-member] # Accessing attributes of the class using `cls` should not result in a false positive # as long as it is used within the class class FalsePositive4681b: __instance = None @classmethod # Use class method here def instance(cls): if cls.__instance is None: cls() return cls.__instance def __init__(self): try: FalsePositive4681b.__instance = 42 # This should be fine except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Error") FalsePositive4681b.__instance = False # This should be fine # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4849 # Accessing private static methods from classmethods via `cls` should not result in a # false positive class FalsePositive4849: @staticmethod def __private_method(): """Is private and does nothing.""" # This should already be covered by `HasUnusedInClass` @staticmethod def __unused_private_method(): # [unused-private-member] """Is not used.""" @classmethod def use_private_method(cls): """Calls private method.""" cls.__private_method() # This should pass class Pony: """https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4837""" __defaults = {} __defaults_set = False def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __init_defaults(self): # [unused-private-member] if not self.__defaults_set: type(self).__defaults = { "fur": "pink" } type(self).__defaults_set = True def __get_fur_color(self): # [unused-private-member] color = lookup_attribute(self.__defaults, "fur") return color def lookup_attribute(mapping, key): return mapping[key] # Test for regression on checking __class__ attribute # See: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/5261 class Foo: __ham = 1 def method(self): print(self.__class__.__ham) # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/4756 # Check for false positives emitted when private functions are not referenced in the class body # with standard calls but passed as arguments to other functions. class FalsePositive4756a: def __bar(self, x): print(x) fizz = partialmethod(__bar, 'fizz') test = FalsePositive4756a() test.fizz() class FalsePositive4756b: def __get_prop(self): pass def __set_prop(self, value): pass def __del_prop(self): pass prop = property(__get_prop, __set_prop, __del_prop) class TypeSelfCallInMethod: """Regression test for issue 5569""" @classmethod def b(cls) -> None: cls.__a = '' # [unused-private-member] def a(self): return type(self).__a class Item: """Regression test for https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/6709""" def __init__(self, parent): self.__parent: Item = parent self.__item = self.__parent.__item # [unused-private-member]