# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2006-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2014 Vlad Temian # Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014 Arun Persaud # Copyright (c) 2015 Ionel Cristian Maries # Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson # Copyright (c) 2016 Moises Lopez # Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre Sassoulas # Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 Thomas Hisch # Copyright (c) 2017 hippo91 # Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Miller # Copyright (c) 2017 Bryce Guinta # Copyright (c) 2017 Ville Skyttä # Copyright (c) 2018 Sushobhit <31987769+sushobhit27@users.noreply.github.com> # Copyright (c) 2018 Jason Owen # Copyright (c) 2018 Jace Browning # Copyright (c) 2018 Reverb C # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Pierre Sassoulas # Copyright (c) 2019 Hugues # Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade # Copyright (c) 2019 Ashley Whetter # Copyright (c) 2020 Pieter Engelbrecht # Copyright (c) 2020 Clément Pit-Claudel # Copyright (c) 2020 Anthony Sottile # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods import configparser import contextlib import json import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import textwrap import warnings from io import StringIO from os.path import abspath, dirname, join from unittest import mock import pytest from pylint.constants import MAIN_CHECKER_NAME, MSG_TYPES_STATUS from pylint.lint import Run from pylint.reporters import JSONReporter from pylint.reporters.text import BaseReporter, ColorizedTextReporter, TextReporter from pylint.utils import utils HERE = abspath(dirname(__file__)) CLEAN_PATH = re.escape(dirname(dirname(__file__)) + "/") @contextlib.contextmanager def _patch_streams(out): sys.stderr = sys.stdout = out try: yield finally: sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ @contextlib.contextmanager def _configure_lc_ctype(lc_ctype): lc_ctype_env = "LC_CTYPE" original_lctype = os.environ.get(lc_ctype_env) os.environ[lc_ctype_env] = lc_ctype try: yield finally: os.environ.pop(lc_ctype_env) if original_lctype: os.environ[lc_ctype_env] = original_lctype class MultiReporter(BaseReporter): def __init__(self, reporters): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # We don't call it because there is an attribute "linter" that is set inside the base class # and we have another setter here using yet undefined attribute. # I don't think fixing the init order in a test class used once is worth it. self._reporters = reporters self.path_strip_prefix = os.getcwd() + os.sep def on_set_current_module(self, *args, **kwargs): for rep in self._reporters: rep.on_set_current_module(*args, **kwargs) def handle_message(self, msg): for rep in self._reporters: rep.handle_message(msg) def _display(self, layout): pass @property def out(self): return self._reporters[0].out @property def linter(self): return self._linter @linter.setter def linter(self, value): self._linter = value for rep in self._reporters: rep.linter = value class TestRunTC: def _runtest(self, args, reporter=None, out=None, code=None): if out is None: out = StringIO() pylint_code = self._run_pylint(args, reporter=reporter, out=out) if reporter: output = reporter.out.getvalue() elif hasattr(out, "getvalue"): output = out.getvalue() else: output = None msg = "expected output status %s, got %s" % (code, pylint_code) if output is not None: msg = "%s. Below pylint output: \n%s" % (msg, output) assert pylint_code == code, msg @staticmethod def _run_pylint(args, out, reporter=None): args = args + ["--persistent=no"] with _patch_streams(out): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as cm: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Run(args, reporter=reporter) return cm.value.code @staticmethod def _clean_paths(output): """Normalize path to the tests directory.""" return re.sub(CLEAN_PATH, "", output.replace("\\", "/"), flags=re.MULTILINE) def _test_output(self, args, expected_output): out = StringIO() self._run_pylint(args, out=out) actual_output = self._clean_paths(out.getvalue()) expected_output = self._clean_paths(expected_output) assert expected_output.strip() in actual_output.strip() def test_pkginfo(self): """Make pylint check itself.""" self._runtest(["pylint.__pkginfo__"], reporter=TextReporter(StringIO()), code=0) def test_all(self): """Make pylint check itself.""" reporters = [ TextReporter(StringIO()), ColorizedTextReporter(StringIO()), JSONReporter(StringIO()), ] self._runtest( [join(HERE, "functional", "a", "arguments.py")], reporter=MultiReporter(reporters), code=2, ) def test_no_ext_file(self): self._runtest([join(HERE, "input", "noext")], code=0) def test_w0704_ignored(self): self._runtest([join(HERE, "input", "ignore_except_pass_by_default.py")], code=0) def test_exit_zero(self): self._runtest( ["--exit-zero", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "syntax_error.py")], code=0 ) def test_generate_config_option(self): self._runtest(["--generate-rcfile"], code=0) def test_generate_config_option_order(self): out1 = StringIO() out2 = StringIO() self._runtest(["--generate-rcfile"], code=0, out=out1) self._runtest(["--generate-rcfile"], code=0, out=out2) output1 = out1.getvalue() output2 = out2.getvalue() assert output1 == output2 def test_generate_config_disable_symbolic_names(self): # Test that --generate-rcfile puts symbolic names in the --disable # option. out = StringIO() self._run_pylint(["--generate-rcfile", "--rcfile="], out=out) output = out.getvalue() # Get rid of the pesky messages that pylint emits if the # configuration file is not found. pattern = rf"\[{MAIN_CHECKER_NAME.upper()}" master = re.search(pattern, output) assert master is not None, f"{pattern} not found in {output}" out = StringIO(output[master.start() :]) parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() parser.read_file(out) messages = utils._splitstrip(parser.get("MESSAGES CONTROL", "disable")) assert "suppressed-message" in messages def test_generate_rcfile_no_obsolete_methods(self): out = StringIO() self._run_pylint(["--generate-rcfile"], out=out) output = out.getvalue() assert "profile" not in output def test_nonexistent_config_file(self): self._runtest(["--rcfile=/tmp/this_file_does_not_exist"], code=32) def test_help_message_option(self): self._runtest(["--help-msg", "W0101"], code=0) def test_error_help_message_option(self): self._runtest(["--help-msg", "WX101"], code=0) def test_error_missing_arguments(self): self._runtest([], code=32) def test_no_out_encoding(self): """test redirection of stdout with non ascii caracters""" # This test reproduces bug #48066 ; it happens when stdout is redirected # through '>' : the sys.stdout.encoding becomes then None, and if the # output contains non ascii, pylint will crash strio = StringIO() assert strio.encoding is None self._runtest( [join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "no_stdout_encoding.py"), "--enable=all"], out=strio, code=28, ) def test_parallel_execution(self): out = StringIO() self._runtest( [ "-j 2", join(HERE, "functional", "a", "arguments.py"), ], out=out, # We expect similarities to fail and an error code=MSG_TYPES_STATUS["E"], ) assert ( "Unexpected keyword argument 'fourth' in function call" in out.getvalue().strip() ) def test_parallel_execution_missing_arguments(self): self._runtest(["-j 2", "not_here", "not_here_too"], code=1) def test_py3k_option(self): # Test that --py3k flag works. rc_code = 0 self._runtest( [join(HERE, "functional", "u", "unnecessary_lambda.py"), "--py3k"], code=rc_code, ) def test_py3k_jobs_option(self): rc_code = 0 self._runtest( [join(HERE, "functional", "u", "unnecessary_lambda.py"), "--py3k", "-j 2"], code=rc_code, ) def test_abbreviations_are_not_supported(self): expected = "no such option: --load-plugin" self._test_output([".", "--load-plugin"], expected_output=expected) def test_enable_all_works(self): module = join(HERE, "data", "clientmodule_test.py") expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" ************* Module data.clientmodule_test {module}:10:8: W0612: Unused variable 'local_variable' (unused-variable) {module}:18:4: C0116: Missing function or method docstring (missing-function-docstring) {module}:22:0: C0115: Missing class docstring (missing-class-docstring) """ ) self._test_output( [module, "--disable=all", "--enable=all", "-rn"], expected_output=expected ) def test_wrong_import_position_when_others_disabled(self): module1 = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "import_something.py") module2 = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "wrong_import_position.py") expected_output = textwrap.dedent( f""" ************* Module wrong_import_position {module2}:11:0: C0413: Import "import os" should be placed at the top of the module (wrong-import-position) """ ) args = [ module2, module1, "--disable=all", "--enable=wrong-import-position", "-rn", "-sn", ] out = StringIO() self._run_pylint(args, out=out) actual_output = self._clean_paths(out.getvalue().strip()) to_remove = "No config file found, using default configuration" if to_remove in actual_output: actual_output = actual_output[len(to_remove) :] if actual_output.startswith("Using config file "): # If ~/.pylintrc is present remove the # Using config file... line actual_output = actual_output[actual_output.find("\n") :] assert self._clean_paths(expected_output.strip()) == actual_output.strip() def test_import_itself_not_accounted_for_relative_imports(self): expected = "Your code has been rated at 10.00/10" package = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "dummy") self._test_output( [package, "--disable=locally-disabled", "-rn"], expected_output=expected ) def test_reject_empty_indent_strings(self): expected = "indent string can't be empty" module = join(HERE, "data", "clientmodule_test.py") self._test_output([module, "--indent-string="], expected_output=expected) def test_json_report_when_file_has_syntax_error(self): out = StringIO() module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "syntax_error.py") self._runtest([module], code=2, reporter=JSONReporter(out)) output = json.loads(out.getvalue()) assert isinstance(output, list) assert len(output) == 1 assert isinstance(output[0], dict) # So each version wants a different column number... if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy": column = 9 elif sys.version_info >= (3, 8): column = 9 else: column = 15 expected = { "obj": "", "column": column, "line": 1, "type": "error", "symbol": "syntax-error", "module": "syntax_error", } message = output[0] for key, value in expected.items(): assert key in message assert message[key] == value assert "invalid syntax" in message["message"].lower() assert "" in message["message"].lower() def test_json_report_when_file_is_missing(self): out = StringIO() module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "totally_missing.py") self._runtest([module], code=1, reporter=JSONReporter(out)) output = json.loads(out.getvalue()) assert isinstance(output, list) assert len(output) == 1 assert isinstance(output[0], dict) expected = { "obj": "", "column": 0, "line": 1, "type": "fatal", "symbol": "fatal", "module": module, } message = output[0] for key, value in expected.items(): assert key in message assert message[key] == value assert message["message"].startswith("No module named") def test_json_report_does_not_escape_quotes(self): out = StringIO() module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "unused_variable.py") self._runtest([module], code=4, reporter=JSONReporter(out)) output = json.loads(out.getvalue()) assert isinstance(output, list) assert len(output) == 1 assert isinstance(output[0], dict) expected = { "symbol": "unused-variable", "module": "unused_variable", "column": 4, "message": "Unused variable 'variable'", "message-id": "W0612", "line": 4, "type": "warning", } message = output[0] for key, value in expected.items(): assert key in message assert message[key] == value def test_information_category_disabled_by_default(self): expected = "Your code has been rated at 10.00/10" path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "meta.py") self._test_output([path], expected_output=expected) def test_error_mode_shows_no_score(self): module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "application_crash.py") expected_output = textwrap.dedent( f""" ************* Module application_crash {module}:1:6: E0602: Undefined variable 'something_undefined' (undefined-variable) """ ) self._test_output([module, "-E"], expected_output=expected_output) def test_evaluation_score_shown_by_default(self): expected_output = "Your code has been rated at " module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "application_crash.py") self._test_output([module], expected_output=expected_output) def test_confidence_levels(self): expected = "Your code has been rated at" path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "meta.py") self._test_output( [path, "--confidence=HIGH,INFERENCE"], expected_output=expected ) def test_bom_marker(self): path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "meta.py") config_path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", ".pylintrc") expected = "Your code has been rated at 10.00/10" self._test_output( [path, "--rcfile=%s" % config_path, "-rn"], expected_output=expected ) def test_pylintrc_plugin_duplicate_options(self): dummy_plugin_path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "dummy_plugin") # Enable --load-plugins=dummy_plugin sys.path.append(dummy_plugin_path) config_path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "dummy_plugin.rc") expected = ( ":dummy-message-01 (I9061): *Dummy short desc 01*\n" " Dummy long desc This message belongs to the dummy_plugin checker.\n\n" ":dummy-message-02 (I9060): *Dummy short desc 02*\n" " Dummy long desc This message belongs to the dummy_plugin checker." ) self._test_output( [ "--rcfile=%s" % config_path, "--help-msg=dummy-message-01,dummy-message-02", ], expected_output=expected, ) expected = ( "[DUMMY_PLUGIN]\n\n# Dummy option 1\ndummy_option_1=dummy value 1\n\n" "# Dummy option 2\ndummy_option_2=dummy value 2" ) self._test_output( ["--rcfile=%s" % config_path, "--generate-rcfile"], expected_output=expected ) sys.path.remove(dummy_plugin_path) def test_pylintrc_comments_in_values(self): path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "test_pylintrc_comments.py") config_path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "comments_pylintrc") expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" ************* Module test_pylintrc_comments {path}:2:0: W0311: Bad indentation. Found 1 spaces, expected 4 (bad-indentation) {path}:1:0: C0114: Missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring) {path}:1:0: C0116: Missing function or method docstring (missing-function-docstring) """ ) self._test_output( [path, "--rcfile=%s" % config_path, "-rn"], expected_output=expected ) def test_no_crash_with_formatting_regex_defaults(self): self._runtest( ["--ignore-patterns=a"], reporter=TextReporter(StringIO()), code=32 ) def test_getdefaultencoding_crashes_with_lc_ctype_utf8(self): module = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "application_crash.py") expected_output = textwrap.dedent( f""" {module}:1:6: E0602: Undefined variable 'something_undefined' (undefined-variable) """ ) with _configure_lc_ctype("UTF-8"): self._test_output([module, "-E"], expected_output=expected_output) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="only occurs on *nix") def test_parseable_file_path(self): file_name = "test_target.py" fake_path = HERE + os.getcwd() module = join(fake_path, file_name) try: # create module under directories which have the same name as reporter.path_strip_prefix # e.g. /src/some/path/src/test_target.py when reporter.path_strip_prefix = /src/ os.makedirs(fake_path) with open(module, "w") as test_target: test_target.write("a,b = object()") self._test_output( [module, "--output-format=parseable"], expected_output=file_name ) finally: os.remove(module) os.removedirs(fake_path) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_path,module,expected_path", [ (join(HERE, "mymodule.py"), "mymodule", join(HERE, "mymodule.py")), ("mymodule.py", "mymodule", "mymodule.py"), ], ) def test_stdin(self, input_path, module, expected_path): expected_output = f"""************* Module {module} {expected_path}:1:0: W0611: Unused import os (unused-import) """ with mock.patch( "pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value="import os\n" ) as mock_stdin: self._test_output( ["--from-stdin", input_path, "--disable=all", "--enable=unused-import"], expected_output=expected_output, ) assert mock_stdin.call_count == 1 def test_stdin_missing_modulename(self): self._runtest(["--from-stdin"], code=32) @pytest.mark.parametrize("write_bpy_to_disk", [False, True]) def test_relative_imports(self, write_bpy_to_disk, tmpdir): a = tmpdir.join("a") b_code = textwrap.dedent( """ from .c import foobar from .d import bla # module does not exist foobar('hello') bla() """ ) c_code = textwrap.dedent( """ def foobar(arg): pass """ ) a.mkdir() a.join("__init__.py").write("") if write_bpy_to_disk: a.join("b.py").write(b_code) a.join("c.py").write(c_code) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): # why don't we start pylint in a subprocess? expected = ( "************* Module a.b\n" "a/b.py:3:0: E0401: Unable to import 'a.d' (import-error)\n\n" ) if write_bpy_to_disk: # --from-stdin is not used here self._test_output( ["a/b.py", "--disable=all", "--enable=import-error"], expected_output=expected, ) # this code needs to work w/ and w/o a file named a/b.py on the # harddisk. with mock.patch("pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value=b_code): self._test_output( [ "--from-stdin", join("a", "b.py"), "--disable=all", "--enable=import-error", ], expected_output=expected, ) def test_stdin_syntaxerror(self): expected_output = ( "************* Module a\n" "a.py:1:4: E0001: invalid syntax (, line 1) (syntax-error)" ) with mock.patch( "pylint.lint.pylinter._read_stdin", return_value="for\n" ) as mock_stdin: self._test_output( ["--from-stdin", "a.py", "--disable=all", "--enable=syntax-error"], expected_output=expected_output, ) assert mock_stdin.call_count == 1 def test_version(self): def check(lines): assert lines[0].startswith("pylint ") assert lines[1].startswith("astroid ") assert lines[2].startswith("Python ") out = StringIO() self._run_pylint(["--version"], out=out) check(out.getvalue().splitlines()) result = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "-m", "pylint", "--version"]) result = result.decode("utf-8") check(result.splitlines()) def test_fail_under(self): self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "5", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=0, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "6", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=0, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "5.5", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=0, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "7", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=16, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "6.7", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=16, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "0", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_minus6.py"), ], code=22, ) self._runtest( [ "--fail-under", "-10", "--enable=all", join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "fail_under_plus6.py"), ], code=0, ) @staticmethod def test_do_not_import_files_from_local_directory(tmpdir): p_astroid = tmpdir / "astroid.py" p_astroid.write("'Docstring'\nimport completely_unknown\n") p_hmac = tmpdir / "hmac.py" p_hmac.write("'Docstring'\nimport completely_unknown\n") with tmpdir.as_cwd(): subprocess.check_output( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pylint", "astroid.py", "--disable=import-error,unused-import", ], cwd=str(tmpdir), ) # Linting this astroid file does not import it with tmpdir.as_cwd(): subprocess.check_output( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pylint", "-j2", "astroid.py", "--disable=import-error,unused-import", ], cwd=str(tmpdir), ) # Test with multiple jobs for hmac.py for which we have a # CVE against: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/959 with tmpdir.as_cwd(): subprocess.call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pylint", "-j2", "hmac.py", "--disable=import-error,unused-import", ], cwd=str(tmpdir), ) def test_allow_import_of_files_found_in_modules_during_parallel_check(self, tmpdir): test_directory = tmpdir / "test_directory" test_directory.mkdir() spam_module = test_directory / "spam.py" spam_module.write("'Empty'") init_module = test_directory / "__init__.py" init_module.write("'Empty'") # For multiple jobs we could not find the `spam.py` file. with tmpdir.as_cwd(): self._runtest( [ "-j2", "--disable=missing-docstring, missing-final-newline", "test_directory", ], code=0, ) # A single job should be fine as well with tmpdir.as_cwd(): self._runtest( [ "-j1", "--disable=missing-docstring, missing-final-newline", "test_directory", ], code=0, ) def test_can_list_directories_without_dunder_init(self, tmpdir): test_directory = tmpdir / "test_directory" test_directory.mkdir() spam_module = test_directory / "spam.py" spam_module.write("'Empty'") with tmpdir.as_cwd(): self._runtest( [ "--disable=missing-docstring, missing-final-newline", "test_directory", ], code=0, ) def test_jobs_score(self): path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "unused_variable.py") expected = "Your code has been rated at 7.50/10" self._test_output([path, "--jobs=2", "-ry"], expected_output=expected) def test_duplicate_code_raw_strings(self): path = join(HERE, "regrtest_data", "duplicate_data_raw_strings") expected_output = "Similar lines in 2 files" self._test_output( [path, "--disable=all", "--enable=duplicate-code"], expected_output=expected_output, ) def test_regression_parallel_mode_without_filepath(self): # Test that parallel mode properly passes filepath # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3564 path = join( HERE, "regrtest_data", "regression_missing_init_3564", "subdirectory/" ) self._test_output([path, "-j2"], expected_output="No such file or directory")