# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from __future__ import annotations import sys import pytest from pylint.constants import PY38_PLUS from pylint.interfaces import HIGH, INFERENCE, Confidence from pylint.message import Message from pylint.testutils.output_line import OutputLine from pylint.typing import MessageLocationTuple if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Protocol else: from typing_extensions import Protocol class _MessageCallable(Protocol): def __call__(self, confidence: Confidence = HIGH) -> Message: ... @pytest.fixture() def message() -> _MessageCallable: def inner(confidence: Confidence = HIGH) -> Message: return Message( symbol="missing-docstring", msg_id="C0123", location=MessageLocationTuple( "abspath", "path", "module", "obj", 1, 2, 1, 3 ), msg="msg", confidence=confidence, ) return inner def test_output_line() -> None: """Test that the OutputLine NamedTuple is instantiated correctly.""" output_line = OutputLine( symbol="missing-docstring", lineno=1, column=2, end_lineno=1, end_column=4, object="", msg="Missing docstring's bad.", confidence=HIGH.name, ) assert output_line.symbol == "missing-docstring" assert output_line.lineno == 1 assert output_line.column == 2 assert output_line.end_lineno == 1 assert output_line.end_column == 4 assert output_line.object == "" assert output_line.msg == "Missing docstring's bad." assert output_line.confidence == "HIGH" def test_output_line_from_message(message: _MessageCallable) -> None: """Test that the OutputLine NamedTuple is instantiated correctly with from_msg.""" expected_column = 2 if PY38_PLUS else 0 output_line = OutputLine.from_msg(message()) assert output_line.symbol == "missing-docstring" assert output_line.lineno == 1 assert output_line.column == expected_column assert output_line.end_lineno == 1 assert output_line.end_column == 3 assert output_line.object == "obj" assert output_line.msg == "msg" assert output_line.confidence == "HIGH" output_line_with_end = OutputLine.from_msg(message(), True) assert output_line_with_end.symbol == "missing-docstring" assert output_line_with_end.lineno == 1 assert output_line_with_end.column == expected_column assert output_line_with_end.end_lineno == 1 assert output_line_with_end.end_column == 3 assert output_line_with_end.object == "obj" assert output_line_with_end.msg == "msg" assert output_line_with_end.confidence == "HIGH" output_line_without_end = OutputLine.from_msg(message(), False) assert output_line_without_end.symbol == "missing-docstring" assert output_line_without_end.lineno == 1 assert output_line_without_end.column == expected_column assert output_line_without_end.end_lineno is None assert output_line_without_end.end_column is None assert output_line_without_end.object == "obj" assert output_line_without_end.msg == "msg" assert output_line_without_end.confidence == "HIGH" @pytest.mark.parametrize("confidence", [HIGH, INFERENCE]) def test_output_line_to_csv(confidence: Confidence, message: _MessageCallable) -> None: """Test that the OutputLine NamedTuple is instantiated correctly with from_msg and then converted to csv. """ output_line = OutputLine.from_msg(message(confidence), True) csv = output_line.to_csv() expected_column = "2" if PY38_PLUS else "0" assert csv == ( "missing-docstring", "1", expected_column, "1", "3", "obj", "msg", confidence.name, ) output_line_without_end = OutputLine.from_msg(message(confidence), False) csv = output_line_without_end.to_csv() expected_column = "2" if PY38_PLUS else "0" assert csv == ( "missing-docstring", "1", expected_column, "None", "None", "obj", "msg", confidence.name, ) def test_output_line_from_csv_error() -> None: """Test that errors are correctly raised for incorrect OutputLine's.""" # Test a csv-string which does not have a number for line and column with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match="msg-symbolic-name:42:27:MyClass.my_function:The message", ): OutputLine.from_csv("'missing-docstring', 'line', 'column', 'obj', 'msg'", True) # Test a tuple which does not have a number for line and column with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match="we got 'missing-docstring:line:column:obj:msg'" ): csv = ("missing-docstring", "line", "column", "obj", "msg") OutputLine.from_csv(csv, True) # Test a csv-string that is too long with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match="msg-symbolic-name:42:27:MyClass.my_function:The message", ): OutputLine.from_csv( "'missing-docstring', 1, 2, 'obj', 'msg', 'func', 'message', 'conf', 'too_long'", True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "confidence,expected_confidence", [[None, "UNDEFINED"], ["INFERENCE", "INFERENCE"]] ) def test_output_line_from_csv_deprecated( confidence: str | None, expected_confidence: str ) -> None: """Test that the OutputLine NamedTuple is instantiated correctly with from_csv. Test OutputLine's of length 5 or 6. """ if confidence: proper_csv = [ "missing-docstring", "1", "2", "obj", "msg", confidence, ] else: proper_csv = ["missing-docstring", "1", "2", "obj", "msg"] with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning) as records: output_line = OutputLine.from_csv(proper_csv, True) assert len(records) == 1 expected_column = 2 if PY38_PLUS else 0 assert output_line == OutputLine( symbol="missing-docstring", lineno=1, column=expected_column, end_lineno=None, end_column=None, object="obj", msg="msg", confidence=expected_confidence, ) def test_output_line_from_csv() -> None: """Test that the OutputLine NamedTuple is instantiated correctly with from_csv. Test OutputLine of length 8. """ proper_csv = [ "missing-docstring", "1", "2", "1", "None", "obj", "msg", "HIGH", ] expected_column = 2 if PY38_PLUS else 0 output_line = OutputLine.from_csv(proper_csv) assert output_line == OutputLine( symbol="missing-docstring", lineno=1, column=expected_column, end_lineno=1, end_column=None, object="obj", msg="msg", confidence="HIGH", ) output_line_with_end = OutputLine.from_csv(proper_csv, True) assert output_line_with_end == OutputLine( symbol="missing-docstring", lineno=1, column=expected_column, end_lineno=1, end_column=None, object="obj", msg="msg", confidence="HIGH", ) output_line_without_end = OutputLine.from_csv(proper_csv, False) assert output_line_without_end == OutputLine( symbol="missing-docstring", lineno=1, column=expected_column, end_lineno=None, end_column=None, object="obj", msg="msg", confidence="HIGH", )