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authorDmitry Pribysh <>2015-10-08 02:53:46 +0300
committerDmitry Pribysh <>2015-10-08 02:53:46 +0300
commit892108e5313120e0040cb1f260612030e9ed61d6 (patch)
parent675f4a4b7325224b714c321e3f545c1c1ef1a760 (diff)
Add more positive functional tests for the iterable context checker
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/pylint/test/functional/ b/pylint/test/functional/
index 8282683..0571583 100644
--- a/pylint/test/functional/
+++ b/pylint/test/functional/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Checks that primitive values are not used in an
iterating/mapping context.
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods,no-init
from __future__ import print_function
# for-statement
@@ -12,25 +12,87 @@ for i in 42: # [not-an-iterable]
for i in True: # [not-an-iterable]
-# funcall-starargs
-def test(*args, **kwargs):
- print(args, kwargs)
+for i in range(10):
+ pass
+for i in ''.join(x ** 2 for x in range(10)):
+ pass
+numbers = [1, 2, 3]
+inumbers = iter(numbers)
+for i in inumbers:
+ pass
+for i in "123":
+ pass
+for i in u"123":
+ pass
+for i in set(numbers):
+ pass
+for i in frozenset(numbers):
+ pass
+for i in dict(a=1, b=2):
+ pass
+for i in [x for x in range(10)]:
+ pass
-test(*1) # [not-an-iterable]
-test(*False) # [not-an-iterable]
+for i in {x for x in range(1, 100, 2)}:
+ pass
+for i in {x: 10 - x for x in range(10)}:
+ pass
+def powers_of_two():
+ k = 0
+ while k < 10:
+ yield 2 ** k
+ k += 1
+for i in powers_of_two():
+ pass
+# check for old-style iterator
+class C(object):
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ if k > 10:
+ raise IndexError
+ return k + 1
+ def __len__(self):
+ return 10
-# funcall-kwargs
-test(**1) # [not-a-mapping]
-test(**None) # [not-a-mapping]
+for i in C():
+ print(i)
-# list-comprehension
-test([3 ** x for x in 10]) # [not-an-iterable]
-# dict-comprehension
-test({k: chr(k) for k in 128}) # [not-an-iterable]
+# check for custom iterators
+class A:
+ pass
+class B:
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ return 1
+ def next(self):
+ return 1
-# set-comprehension
-test({x for x in 32}) # [not-an-iterable]
-# generator-expression
-test(str(x) for x in 10) # [not-an-iterable]
+def test(*args):
+ pass
+test(*A()) # [not-an-iterable]
+for i in A(): # [not-an-iterable]
+ pass
diff --git a/pylint/test/functional/iterable_context.txt b/pylint/test/functional/iterable_context.txt
index 8c9f098..b618ffb 100644
--- a/pylint/test/functional/iterable_context.txt
+++ b/pylint/test/functional/iterable_context.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
not-an-iterable:9::Non-iterable value 42 is used in an iterating context
not-an-iterable:12::Non-iterable value True is used in an iterating context
-not-an-iterable:19::Non-iterable value 1 is used in an iterating context
-not-an-iterable:20::Non-iterable value False is used in an iterating context
-not-a-mapping:23::Non-mapping value 1 is used in a mapping context
-not-a-mapping:24::Non-mapping value None is used in a mapping context
-not-an-iterable:27::Non-iterable value 10 is used in an iterating context
-not-an-iterable:30::Non-iterable value 128 is used in an iterating context
-not-an-iterable:33::Non-iterable value 32 is used in an iterating context
-not-an-iterable:36::Non-iterable value 10 is used in an iterating context