""" Various tests for class members access. """ # pylint: disable=R0903,print-statement,no-absolute-import, metaclass-assignment,import-error,no-init,missing-docstring, wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position from missing import Missing class MyClass(object): """class docstring""" def __init__(self): """init""" self.correct = 1 def test(self): """test""" self.correct += 2 self.incorrect += 2 # [no-member] del self.havenot # [no-member] self.nonexistent1.truc() # [no-member] self.nonexistent2[1] = 'hehe' # [no-member] class XYZMixin(object): """access to undefined members should be ignored in mixin classes by default """ def __init__(self): print self.nonexistent class NewClass(object): """use object.__setattr__""" def __init__(self): self.__setattr__('toto', 'tutu') from abc import ABCMeta class TestMetaclass(object): """ Test attribute access for metaclasses. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta class Metaclass(type): """ metaclass """ @classmethod def test(mcs): """ classmethod """ class UsingMetaclass(object): """ empty """ __metaclass__ = Metaclass TestMetaclass.register(int) UsingMetaclass.test() TestMetaclass().register(int) # [no-member] UsingMetaclass().test() # [no-member] class NoKnownBases(Missing): """Don't emit no-member if we don't know the bases of a class.""" NoKnownBases().lalala() class MetaClass(object): """Look some methods in the implicit metaclass.""" @classmethod def whatever(cls): return cls.mro() + cls.missing() # [no-member]