# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,no-self-use, no-absolute-import,import-error """Test Pylint's use of __all__. * NonExistant is not defined in this module, and it is listed in __all__. An error is expected. * This module imports path and republished it in __all__. No errors are expected. """ from __future__ import print_function from os import path from collections import deque from missing import Missing __all__ = [ 'Dummy', '', # [undefined-all-variable] Missing, SomeUndefined, # [undefined-variable] 'NonExistant', # [undefined-all-variable] 'path', 'func', # [undefined-all-variable] 'inner', # [undefined-all-variable] 'InnerKlass', deque.__name__] # [undefined-all-variable] class Dummy(object): """A class defined in this module.""" pass DUMMY = Dummy() def function(): """Function docstring """ pass function() class Klass(object): """A klass which contains a function""" def func(self): """A klass method""" inner = None print(inner) class InnerKlass(object): """A inner klass""" pass