"""Checks that class variables are seen as inherited ! """ # pylint: disable=print-statement, too-few-public-methods __revision__ = '' class MyClass(object): """Inherits from nothing """ def __init__(self): self.var = {} def met(self): """Checks that base_var is seen as defined outside '__init__' """ self.var[1] = 'one' self.base_var = 'one' print self.base_var, self.var def met2(self): """dummy method""" print self class MySubClass(MyClass): """Inherits from MyClass """ class_attr = 1 def __init__(self): MyClass.__init__(self) self.var2 = 2 print self.__doc__ print self.__dict__ print self.__class__ def met2(self): """Checks that var is seen as defined outside '__init__' """ self.var[1] = 'one' self.var2 += 1 print self.class_attr if __name__ == '__main__': OBJ = MyClass() OBJ.met()