import sys import os from os.path import exists import unittest import six from pylint.checkers import initialize, imports from pylint.lint import PyLinter from pylint.testutils import TestReporter class DependenciesGraphTC(unittest.TestCase): """test the imports graph function""" dest = '' def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.dest) def test_dependencies_graph(self): imports.dependencies_graph(self.dest, {'labas': ['hoho', 'yep'], 'hoho': ['yep']}) with open(self.dest) as stream: self.assertEqual(, ''' digraph "dependencies_graph" { rankdir=LR charset="utf-8" URL="." node[shape="box"] "hoho" []; "yep" []; "labas" []; "yep" -> "hoho" []; "hoho" -> "labas" []; "yep" -> "labas" []; } '''.strip()) class ImportCheckerTC(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.linter = l = PyLinter(reporter=TestReporter()) initialize(l) def test_checker_dep_graphs(self): l = self.linter l.global_set_option('persistent', False) l.global_set_option('enable', 'imports') l.global_set_option('import-graph', '') l.global_set_option('ext-import-graph', '') l.global_set_option('int-import-graph', '') l.global_set_option('int-import-graph', '') # ignore this file causing spurious MemoryError w/ some python version (>=2.3?) l.global_set_option('ignore', ('',)) try: l.check('input') l.generate_reports() self.assertTrue(exists('')) self.assertTrue(exists('')) self.assertTrue(exists('')) finally: for fname in ('', '', ''): try: os.remove(fname) except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()