class MemcacheError(Exception): "Base exception class" pass class MemcacheClientError(MemcacheError): """Raised when memcached fails to parse the arguments to a request, likely due to a malformed key and/or value, a bug in this library, or a version mismatch with memcached.""" pass class MemcacheUnknownCommandError(MemcacheClientError): """Raised when memcached fails to parse a request, likely due to a bug in this library or a version mismatch with memcached.""" pass class MemcacheIllegalInputError(MemcacheClientError): """Raised when a key or value is not legal for Memcache (see the class docs for Client for more details).""" pass class MemcacheServerError(MemcacheError): """Raised when memcached reports a failure while processing a request, likely due to a bug or transient issue in memcached.""" pass class MemcacheUnknownError(MemcacheError): """Raised when this library receives a response from memcached that it cannot parse, likely due to a bug in this library or a version mismatch with memcached.""" pass class MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError(MemcacheServerError): "Raised when the connection with memcached closes unexpectedly." pass