from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient from pymemcache.client.base import Client, PooledClient from pymemcache.exceptions import MemcacheError, MemcacheUnknownError from pymemcache import pool from .test_client import ClientTestMixin, MockSocket import unittest import os import pytest from unittest import mock import socket class TestHashClient(ClientTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): def make_client_pool(self, hostname, mock_socket_values, serializer=None, **kwargs): mock_client = Client(hostname, serializer=serializer, **kwargs) mock_client.sock = MockSocket(mock_socket_values) client = PooledClient(hostname, serializer=serializer) client.client_pool = pool.ObjectPool(lambda: mock_client) return mock_client def make_client(self, *mock_socket_values, **kwargs): current_port = 11012 client = HashClient([], **kwargs) ip = "" for vals in mock_socket_values: s = f"{ip}:{current_port}" c = self.make_client_pool((ip, current_port), vals, **kwargs) client.clients[s] = c client.hasher.add_node(s) current_port += 1 return client def make_unix_client(self, sockets, *mock_socket_values, **kwargs): client = HashClient([], **kwargs) for socket_, vals in zip(sockets, mock_socket_values): c = self.make_client_pool(socket_, vals, **kwargs) client.clients[socket_] = c client.hasher.add_node(socket_) return client def test_setup_client_without_pooling(self): client_class = "pymemcache.client.hash.HashClient.client_class" with mock.patch(client_class) as internal_client: client = HashClient([], timeout=999, key_prefix="foo_bar_baz") client.add_server(("", "11211")) assert internal_client.call_args[0][0] == ("", "11211") kwargs = internal_client.call_args[1] assert kwargs["timeout"] == 999 assert kwargs["key_prefix"] == "foo_bar_baz" def test_get_many_unix(self): pid = os.getpid() sockets = [ "/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid, "/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid, ] client = self.make_unix_client( sockets, *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ], ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid else: return "/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid client.hasher.get_node = get_node result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) result = client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key3": b"value2"} def test_get_many_unix_with_server_key(self): pid = os.getpid() sockets = [ "/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid, "/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid, ] client = self.make_unix_client( sockets, *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nVALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [], ], ) def get_node(key): if key == b"server_key": return "/tmp/pymemcache.1.%d" % pid else: return "/tmp/pymemcache.2.%d" % pid client.hasher.get_node = get_node result = client.set((b"server_key", b"key1"), b"value1", noreply=False) result = client.set((b"server_key", b"key3"), b"value2", noreply=False) result = client.get_many([(b"server_key", b"key1"), (b"server_key", b"key3")]) assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key3": b"value2"} def test_get_many_all_found(self): client = self.make_client( *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ] ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "" else: return "" client.hasher.get_node = get_node result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) result = client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) assert result == {b"key1": b"value1", b"key3": b"value2"} def test_get_many_some_found(self): client = self.make_client( *[ [ b"END\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ] ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "" else: return "" client.hasher.get_node = get_node result = client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) assert result == {b"key1": b"value1"} def test_get_many_bad_server_data(self): client = self.make_client( *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ] ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "" else: return "" client.hasher.get_node = get_node with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError): client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) def test_get_many_bad_server_data_ignore(self): client = self.make_client( *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VAXLUE key3 0 6\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VAXLUE key1 0 6\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ], ignore_exc=True, ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "" else: return "" client.hasher.get_node = get_node client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) result = client.get_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) assert result == {} def test_gets_many(self): client = self.make_client( *[ [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key3 0 6 1\r\nvalue2\r\nEND\r\n", ], [ b"STORED\r\n", b"VALUE key1 0 6 1\r\nvalue1\r\nEND\r\n", ], ] ) def get_node(key): if key == b"key3": return "" else: return "" client.hasher.get_node = get_node assert client.set(b"key1", b"value1", noreply=False) is True assert client.set(b"key3", b"value2", noreply=False) is True result = client.gets_many([b"key1", b"key3"]) assert result == {b"key1": (b"value1", b"1"), b"key3": (b"value2", b"1")} def test_touch_not_found(self): client = self.make_client([b"NOT_FOUND\r\n"]) result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False) assert result is False def test_touch_no_expiry_found(self): client = self.make_client([b"TOUCHED\r\n"]) result = client.touch(b"key", noreply=False) assert result is True def test_touch_with_expiry_found(self): client = self.make_client([b"TOUCHED\r\n"]) result = client.touch(b"key", 1, noreply=False) assert result is True def test_close(self): client = self.make_client([]) assert all(c.sock is not None for c in client.clients.values()) result = client.close() assert result is None assert all(c.sock is None for c in client.clients.values()) def test_quit(self): client = self.make_client([]) assert all(c.sock is not None for c in client.clients.values()) result = client.quit() assert result is None assert all(c.sock is None for c in client.clients.values()) def test_no_servers_left(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) hashed_client = client._get_client("foo") assert hashed_client == (None, "foo") def test_no_servers_left_raise_exception(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=False, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) with pytest.raises(MemcacheError) as e: client._get_client("foo") assert str(e.value) == "All servers seem to be down right now" def test_unavailable_servers_zero_retry_raise_exception(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [("", 11211)], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=False, retry_attempts=0, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1, ) with pytest.raises(socket.error): client.get("foo") def test_no_servers_left_with_commands_return_default_value(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) result = client.get("foo") assert result is None result = client.get("foo", default="default") assert result == "default" result = client.set("foo", "bar") assert result is False def test_no_servers_left_return_positional_default(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) # Ensure compatibility with clients that pass the default as a # positional argument result = client.get("foo", "default") assert result == "default" def test_no_servers_left_with_set_many(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) result = client.set_many({"foo": "bar"}) assert result == ["foo"] def test_no_servers_left_with_get_many(self): from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient client = HashClient( [], use_pooling=True, ignore_exc=True, timeout=1, connect_timeout=1 ) result = client.get_many(["foo", "bar"]) assert result == {} def test_ignore_exec_set_many(self): values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"} with pytest.raises(MemcacheUnknownError): client = self.make_client( *[ [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], ] ) client.set_many(values, noreply=False) client = self.make_client( *[ [b"STORED\r\n", b"UNKNOWN\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], ], ignore_exc=True, ) result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False) assert len(result) == 0 def test_noreply_set_many(self): values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"} client = self.make_client( *[ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], ] ) result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False) assert len(result) == 1 client = self.make_client( *[ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], ] ) result = client.set_many(values, noreply=True) assert result == [] def test_noreply_flush(self): client = self.make_client() client.flush_all(noreply=True) def test_set_many_unix(self): values = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"} pid = os.getpid() sockets = ["/tmp/pymemcache.%d" % pid] client = self.make_unix_client( sockets, *[ [b"STORED\r\n", b"NOT_STORED\r\n", b"STORED\r\n"], ], ) result = client.set_many(values, noreply=False) assert len(result) == 1 def test_server_encoding_pooled(self): """ test passed encoding from hash client to pooled clients """ encoding = "utf8" from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient hash_client = HashClient( [("", 11211)], use_pooling=True, encoding=encoding ) for client in hash_client.clients.values(): assert client.encoding == encoding def test_server_encoding_client(self): """ test passed encoding from hash client to clients """ encoding = "utf8" from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient hash_client = HashClient([("", 11211)], encoding=encoding) for client in hash_client.clients.values(): assert client.encoding == encoding @mock.patch("pymemcache.client.hash.HashClient.client_class") def test_dead_server_comes_back(self, client_patch): client = HashClient([], dead_timeout=0, retry_attempts=0) client.add_server(("", 11211)) test_client = client_patch.return_value test_client.server = ("", 11211) test_client.get.side_effect = socket.timeout() with pytest.raises(socket.timeout): client.get(b"key", noreply=False) # Client gets removed because of socket timeout assert ("", 11211) in client._dead_clients test_client.get.side_effect = lambda *_, **_kw: "Some value" # Client should be retried and brought back assert client.get(b"key") == "Some value" assert ("", 11211) not in client._dead_clients @mock.patch("pymemcache.client.hash.HashClient.client_class") def test_failed_is_retried(self, client_patch): client = HashClient([], retry_attempts=1, retry_timeout=0) client.add_server(("", 11211)) assert client_patch.call_count == 1 test_client = client_patch.return_value test_client.server = ("", 11211) test_client.get.side_effect = socket.timeout() with pytest.raises(socket.timeout): client.get(b"key", noreply=False) test_client.get.side_effect = lambda *_, **_kw: "Some value" assert client.get(b"key") == "Some value" assert client_patch.call_count == 1 def test_custom_client(self): class MyClient(Client): pass client = HashClient([]) client.client_class = MyClient client.add_server(("host", 11211)) assert isinstance(client.clients["host:11211"], MyClient) def test_custom_client_with_pooling(self): class MyClient(Client): pass client = HashClient([], use_pooling=True) client.client_class = MyClient client.add_server(("host", 11211)) assert isinstance(client.clients["host:11211"], PooledClient) pool = client.clients["host:11211"].client_pool with pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as c: assert isinstance(c, MyClient) def test_mixed_inet_and_unix_sockets(self): expected = { f"/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}", ("", 11211), ("::1", 11211), } client = HashClient( [ f"/tmp/pymemcache.{os.getpid()}", "", "", "[::1]", "[::1]:11211", ("", 11211), ("::1", 11211), ] ) assert expected == {c.server for c in client.clients.values()} def test_legacy_add_remove_server_signature(self): server = ("", 11211) client = HashClient([]) assert client.clients == {} client.add_server(*server) # Unpack (host, port) tuple. assert ("%s:%s" % server) in client.clients client._mark_failed_server(server) assert server in client._failed_clients client.remove_server(*server) # Unpack (host, port) tuple. assert server in client._dead_clients assert server not in client._failed_clients # Ensure that server is a string if passing port argument: with pytest.raises(TypeError): client.add_server(server, server[-1]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): client.remove_server(server, server[-1]) # TODO: Test failover logic