path: root/doc/api/ssl.rst
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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/ssl.rst b/doc/api/ssl.rst
index d892dbb..8a0bd64 100644
--- a/doc/api/ssl.rst
+++ b/doc/api/ssl.rst
@@ -118,11 +118,7 @@ Context, Connection.
for details.
-.. py:function:: SSLeay_version(type)
- Retrieve a string describing some aspect of the underlying OpenSSL version. The
- type passed in should be one of the :py:const:`SSLEAY_*` constants defined in
- this module.
+.. autofunction:: SSLeay_version
.. py:data:: ContextType
@@ -130,23 +126,9 @@ Context, Connection.
See :py:class:`Context`.
-.. py:class:: Context(method)
- A class representing SSL contexts. Contexts define the parameters of one or
- more SSL connections.
- *method* should be :py:const:`SSLv2_METHOD`, :py:const:`SSLv3_METHOD`,
- :py:const:`SSLv23_METHOD`, :py:const:`TLSv1_METHOD`, :py:const:`TLSv1_1_METHOD`,
- or :py:const:`TLSv1_2_METHOD`.
+.. autoclass:: Context
-.. py:class:: Session()
- A class representing an SSL session. A session defines certain connection
- parameters which may be re-used to speed up the setup of subsequent
- connections.
- .. versionadded:: 0.14
+.. autoclass:: Session
.. py:data:: ConnectionType
@@ -236,283 +218,8 @@ Context objects
Context objects have the following methods:
-.. :py:class:: OpenSSL.SSL.Context
-.. py:method:: Context.check_privatekey()
- Check if the private key (loaded with :py:meth:`use_privatekey`) matches the
- certificate (loaded with :py:meth:`use_certificate`). Returns
- :py:data:`None` if they match, raises :py:exc:`Error` otherwise.
-.. py:method:: Context.get_app_data()
- Retrieve application data as set by :py:meth:`set_app_data`.
-.. py:method:: Context.get_cert_store()
- Retrieve the certificate store (a X509Store object) that the context uses.
- This can be used to add "trusted" certificates without using the
- :py:meth:`load_verify_locations` method.
-.. py:method:: Context.get_timeout()
- Retrieve session timeout, as set by :py:meth:`set_timeout`. The default is 300
- seconds.
-.. py:method:: Context.get_verify_depth()
- Retrieve the Context object's verify depth, as set by
- :py:meth:`set_verify_depth`.
-.. py:method:: Context.get_verify_mode()
- Retrieve the Context object's verify mode, as set by :py:meth:`set_verify`.
-.. automethod:: Context.load_client_ca
-.. py:method:: Context.set_client_ca_list(certificate_authorities)
- Replace the current list of preferred certificate signers that would be
- sent to the client when requesting a client certificate with the
- *certificate_authorities* sequence of :py:class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509Name`'s.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
-.. py:method:: Context.add_client_ca(certificate_authority)
- Extract a :py:class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509Name` from the *certificate_authority*
- :py:class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` certificate and add it to the list of preferred
- certificate signers sent to the client when requesting a client certificate.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
-.. py:method:: Context.load_verify_locations(pemfile, capath)
- Specify where CA certificates for verification purposes are located. These
- are trusted certificates. Note that the certificates have to be in PEM
- format. If capath is passed, it must be a directory prepared using the
- ``c_rehash`` tool included with OpenSSL. Either, but not both, of
- *pemfile* or *capath* may be :py:data:`None`.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_default_verify_paths()
- Specify that the platform provided CA certificates are to be used for verification purposes.
- This method has some caveats related to the binary wheels that cryptography (pyOpenSSL's primary dependency) ships:
- * macOS will only load certificates using this method if the user has the ``openssl@1.1`` `Homebrew <>`_ formula installed in the default location.
- * Windows will not work.
- * manylinux1 cryptography wheels will work on most common Linux distributions in pyOpenSSL 17.1.0 and above.
- pyOpenSSL detects the manylinux1 wheel and attempts to load roots via a fallback path.
-.. py:method:: Context.load_tmp_dh(dhfile)
- Load parameters for Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman from *dhfile*.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_tmp_ecdh(curve)
- Select a curve to use for ECDHE key exchange.
- The valid values of *curve* are the objects returned by
- :py:func:`OpenSSL.crypto.get_elliptic_curves` or
- :py:func:`OpenSSL.crypto.get_elliptic_curve`.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_app_data(data)
- Associate *data* with this Context object. *data* can be retrieved
- later using the :py:meth:`get_app_data` method.
-.. automethod:: Context.set_cipher_list
-.. py:method:: Context.set_info_callback(callback)
- Set the information callback to *callback*. This function will be called
- from time to time during SSL handshakes.
- *callback* should take three arguments: a Connection object and two integers.
- The first integer specifies where in the SSL handshake the function was
- called, and the other the return code from a (possibly failed) internal
- function call.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_options(options)
- Add SSL options. Options you have set before are not cleared!
- This method should be used with the :py:const:`OP_*` constants.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_mode(mode)
- Add SSL mode. Modes you have set before are not cleared! This method should
- be used with the :py:const:`MODE_*` constants.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_passwd_cb(callback[, userdata])
- Set the passphrase callback to *callback*. This function will be called
- when a private key with a passphrase is loaded. *callback* must accept
- three positional arguments. First, an integer giving the maximum length of
- the passphrase it may return. If the returned passphrase is longer than
- this, it will be truncated. Second, a boolean value which will be true if
- the user should be prompted for the passphrase twice and the callback should
- verify that the two values supplied are equal. Third, the value given as the
- *userdata* parameter to :py:meth:`set_passwd_cb`. The *callback* must return
- a byte string. If an error occurs, *callback* should return a false value
- (e.g. an empty string).
-.. py:method:: Context.set_session_cache_mode(mode)
- Set the behavior of the session cache used by all connections using this
- Context. The previously set mode is returned. See :py:const:`SESS_CACHE_*`
- for details about particular modes.
- .. versionadded:: 0.14
-.. py:method:: Context.get_session_cache_mode()
- Get the current session cache mode.
- .. versionadded:: 0.14
-.. automethod:: Context.set_session_id
-.. py:method:: Context.set_timeout(timeout)
- Set the timeout for newly created sessions for this Context object to
- *timeout*. *timeout* must be given in (whole) seconds. The default
- value is 300 seconds. See the OpenSSL manual for more information (e.g.
- :manpage:`SSL_CTX_set_timeout(3)`).
-.. py:method:: Context.set_verify(mode, callback)
- Set the verification flags for this Context object to *mode* and specify
- that *callback* should be used for verification callbacks. *mode* should be
- one of :py:const:`VERIFY_NONE` and :py:const:`VERIFY_PEER`. If
- :py:const:`VERIFY_PEER` is used, *mode* can be OR:ed with
- :py:const:`VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT` and :py:const:`VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE`
- to further control the behaviour.
- *callback* should take five arguments: A Connection object, an X509 object,
- and three integer variables, which are in turn potential error number, error
- depth and return code. *callback* should return true if verification passes
- and false otherwise.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_verify_depth(depth)
- Set the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification that shall be
- allowed for this Context object.
-.. py:method:: Context.use_certificate(cert)
- Use the certificate *cert* which has to be a X509 object.
-.. py:method:: Context.add_extra_chain_cert(cert)
- Adds the certificate *cert*, which has to be a X509 object, to the
- certificate chain presented together with the certificate.
-.. py:method:: Context.use_certificate_chain_file(file)
- Load a certificate chain from *file* which must be PEM encoded.
-.. py:method:: Context.use_privatekey(pkey)
- Use the private key *pkey* which has to be a PKey object.
-.. py:method:: Context.use_certificate_file(file[, format])
- Load the first certificate found in *file*. The certificate must be in the
- format specified by *format*, which is either :py:const:`FILETYPE_PEM` or
- :py:const:`FILETYPE_ASN1`. The default is :py:const:`FILETYPE_PEM`.
-.. py:method:: Context.use_privatekey_file(file[, format])
- Load the first private key found in *file*. The private key must be in the
- format specified by *format*, which is either :py:const:`FILETYPE_PEM` or
- :py:const:`FILETYPE_ASN1`. The default is :py:const:`FILETYPE_PEM`.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_tlsext_servername_callback(callback)
- Specify a one-argument callable to use as the TLS extension server name
- callback. When a connection using the server name extension is made using
- this context, the callback will be invoked with the :py:class:`Connection`
- instance.
- .. versionadded:: 0.13
-.. py:method:: Context.set_npn_advertise_callback(callback)
- Specify a callback function that will be called when offering `Next
- Protocol Negotiation
- <>`_ as a server.
- *callback* should be the callback function. It will be invoked with one
- argument, the :py:class:`Connection` instance. It should return a list of
- bytestrings representing the advertised protocols, like
- ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``.
- .. versionadded:: 0.15
-.. py:method:: Context.set_npn_select_callback(callback):
- Specify a callback function that will be called when a server offers Next
- Protocol Negotiation options.
- *callback* should be the callback function. It will be invoked with two
- arguments: the :py:class:`Connection`, and a list of offered protocols as
- bytestrings, e.g. ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``. It should return one of
- those bytestrings, the chosen protocol.
- .. versionadded:: 0.15
-.. py:method:: Context.set_alpn_protos(protos)
- Specify the protocols that the client is prepared to speak after the TLS
- connection has been negotiated using Application Layer Protocol
- Negotiation.
- *protos* should be a list of protocols that the client is offering, each
- as a bytestring. For example, ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``.
-.. py:method:: Context.set_alpn_select_callback(callback)
- Specify a callback function that will be called on the server when a client
- offers protocols using Application Layer Protocol Negotiation.
- *callback* should be the callback function. It will be invoked with two
- arguments: the :py:class:`Connection` and a list of offered protocols as
- bytestrings, e.g. ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``. It should return one of
- these bytestrings, the chosen protocol.
+.. autoclass:: OpenSSL.SSL.Context
+ :members:
.. _openssl-session: