#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) AB Strakt 2001, All rights reserved # Copyright (C) Jean-Paul Calderone 2008-2010, All rights reserved # """ Installation script for the OpenSSL module """ import sys, os from distutils.core import Extension, setup from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext # XXX Deduplicate this __version__ = '0.12' crypto_src = ['OpenSSL/crypto/crypto.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509name.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkey.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509store.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509req.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/netscape_spki.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/revoked.c', 'OpenSSL/crypto/crl.c', 'OpenSSL/util.c'] crypto_dep = ['OpenSSL/crypto/crypto.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509name.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkey.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509store.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509req.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs7.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/pkcs12.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/netscape_spki.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/revoked.h', 'OpenSSL/crypto/crl.h', 'OpenSSL/util.h'] rand_src = ['OpenSSL/rand/rand.c', 'OpenSSL/util.c'] rand_dep = ['OpenSSL/util.h'] ssl_src = ['OpenSSL/ssl/connection.c', 'OpenSSL/ssl/context.c', 'OpenSSL/ssl/ssl.c', 'OpenSSL/util.c'] ssl_dep = ['OpenSSL/ssl/connection.h', 'OpenSSL/ssl/context.h', 'OpenSSL/ssl/ssl.h', 'OpenSSL/util.h'] IncludeDirs = None LibraryDirs = None # Add more platforms here when needed if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'win32': Libraries = ['Ws2_32'] class BuildExtension(build_ext): """ A custom command that semiautomatically finds dependencies required by PyOpenSSL. """ user_options = (build_ext.user_options + [("with-openssl=", None, "directory where OpenSSL is installed")]) with_openssl = None openssl_dlls = () openssl_mingw = False def finalize_options(self): """ Update build options with details about OpenSSL. """ build_ext.finalize_options(self) if self.with_openssl is None: self.find_openssl() self.find_openssl_dlls() self.add_openssl_compile_info() def find_openssl(self): """ Find OpenSSL's install directory. """ potentials = [] dirs = os.environ.get("PATH").split(os.pathsep) for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "openssl.exe")): ssldir, bin = os.path.split(d) if not bin: ssldir, bin = os.path.split(ssldir) potentials.append(ssldir) childdirs = os.listdir(ssldir) if "lib" in childdirs and "include" in childdirs: self.with_openssl = ssldir return if potentials: raise DistutilsFileError( "Only found improper OpenSSL directories: %r" % ( potentials,)) else: raise DistutilsFileError("Could not find 'openssl.exe'") def find_openssl_dlls(self): """ Find OpenSSL's shared libraries. """ self.openssl_dlls = [] self.find_openssl_dll("libssl32.dll", False) if self.openssl_dlls: self.openssl_mingw = True else: self.find_openssl_dll("ssleay32.dll", True) self.find_openssl_dll("libeay32.dll", True) # add zlib to the mix if it looks like OpenSSL # was linked with a private copy of it self.find_openssl_dll("zlib1.dll", False) def find_openssl_dll(self, name, required): """ Find OpenSSL's shared library and its path after installation. """ dllpath = os.path.join(self.with_openssl, "bin", name) if not os.path.exists(dllpath): if required: raise DistutilsFileError("could not find '%s'" % name) else: return newpath = os.path.join(self.build_lib, "OpenSSL", name) self.openssl_dlls.append((dllpath, newpath)) def add_openssl_compile_info(self): """ Set up various compile and link parameters. """ if self.compiler == "mingw32": if self.openssl_mingw: # Library path and library names are sane when OpenSSL is # built with MinGW . libdir = "lib" libs = ["eay32", "ssl32"] else: libdir = "" libs = [] # Unlike when using the binary installer, which creates # an atypical shared library name 'ssleay32', so we have # to use this workaround. if self.link_objects is None: self.link_objects = [] for dllpath, _ in self.openssl_dlls: dllname = os.path.basename(dllpath) libname = os.path.splitext(dllname)[0] + ".a" libpath = os.path.join(self.with_openssl, "lib", "MinGW", libname) self.link_objects.append(libpath) else: libdir = "lib" libs = ["libeay32", "ssleay32"] self.include_dirs.append(os.path.join(self.with_openssl, "include")) self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(self.with_openssl, libdir)) self.libraries.extend(libs) def run(self): """ Build extension modules and copy shared libraries. """ build_ext.run(self) for dllpath, newpath in self.openssl_dlls: self.copy_file(dllpath, newpath) def get_outputs(self): """ Return a list of file paths built by this comand. """ output = [pathpair[1] for pathpair in self.openssl_dlls] output.extend(build_ext.get_outputs(self)) return output else: Libraries = ['ssl', 'crypto'] BuildExtension = build_ext def mkExtension(name): modname = 'OpenSSL.' + name src = globals()[name.lower() + '_src'] dep = globals()[name.lower() + '_dep'] return Extension(modname, src, libraries=Libraries, depends=dep, include_dirs=IncludeDirs, library_dirs=LibraryDirs) setup(name='pyOpenSSL', version=__version__, packages = ['OpenSSL'], package_dir = {'OpenSSL': 'OpenSSL'}, ext_modules = [mkExtension('crypto'), mkExtension('rand'), mkExtension('SSL')], py_modules = ['OpenSSL.__init__', 'OpenSSL.tsafe', 'OpenSSL.version', 'OpenSSL.test.__init__', 'OpenSSL.test.util', 'OpenSSL.test.test_crypto', 'OpenSSL.test.test_rand', 'OpenSSL.test.test_ssl'], zip_safe = False, cmdclass = {"build_ext": BuildExtension}, description = 'Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library', author = 'Martin Sjögren, AB Strakt', author_email = 'msjogren@gmail.com', maintainer = 'Jean-Paul Calderone', maintainer_email = 'exarkun@twistedmatrix.com', url = 'http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/', license = 'APL2', long_description = """\ High-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library, includes * SSL.Connection objects, wrapping the methods of Python's portable sockets * Callbacks written in Python * Extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes ... and much more ;)""" )