path: root/src/examples/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples/')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/ b/src/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5817105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2006, Paul McGuire
+# Updated 2012 - latest pyparsing API
+from pyparsing import *
+import random
+import string
+def aOrAn( item ):
+ if item.desc[0] in "aeiou":
+ return "an " + item.desc
+ else:
+ return "a " + item.desc
+def enumerateItems(l):
+ if len(l) == 0: return "nothing"
+ out = []
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ out.append(', '.join(aOrAn(item) for item in l[:-1]))
+ out.append('and')
+ out.append(aOrAn(l[-1]))
+ return " ".join(out)
+def enumerateDoors(l):
+ if len(l) == 0: return ""
+ out = []
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ out.append(', '.join(l[:-1]))
+ out.append("and")
+ out.append(l[-1])
+ return " ".join(out)
+class Room(object):
+ def __init__(self, desc):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.inv = []
+ self.gameOver = False
+ self.doors = [None,None,None,None]
+ def __getattr__(self,attr):
+ return \
+ {
+ "n":self.doors[0],
+ "s":self.doors[1],
+ "e":self.doors[2],
+ "w":self.doors[3],
+ }[attr]
+ def enter(self,player):
+ if self.gameOver:
+ player.gameOver = True
+ def addItem(self, it):
+ self.inv.append(it)
+ def removeItem(self,it):
+ self.inv.remove(it)
+ def describe(self):
+ print self.desc
+ visibleItems = [ it for it in self.inv if it.isVisible ]
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ if len(visibleItems) > 1:
+ is_form = "are"
+ else:
+ is_form = "is"
+ print "There %s %s here." % (is_form, enumerateItems(visibleItems))
+ else:
+ print "You see %s." % (enumerateItems(visibleItems))
+class Exit(Room):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Exit,self).__init__("")
+ def enter(self,player):
+ player.gameOver = True
+class Item(object):
+ items = {}
+ def __init__(self, desc):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.isDeadly = False
+ self.isFragile = False
+ self.isBroken = False
+ self.isTakeable = True
+ self.isVisible = True
+ self.isOpenable = False
+ self.useAction = None
+ self.usableConditionTest = None
+ self.cantTakeMessage = "You can't take that!"
+ Item.items[desc] = self
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.desc
+ def breakItem(self):
+ if not self.isBroken:
+ print "<Crash!>"
+ self.desc = "broken " + self.desc
+ self.isBroken = True
+ def isUsable(self, player, target):
+ if self.usableConditionTest:
+ return self.usableConditionTest( player, target )
+ else:
+ return False
+ def useItem(self, player, target):
+ if self.useAction:
+ self.useAction(player, self, target)
+class OpenableItem(Item):
+ def __init__(self, desc, contents=None):
+ super(OpenableItem,self).__init__(desc)
+ self.isOpenable = True
+ self.isOpened = False
+ if contents is not None:
+ if isinstance(contents, Item):
+ self.contents = [contents,]
+ else:
+ self.contents = contents
+ else:
+ self.contents = []
+ def openItem(self, player):
+ if not self.isOpened:
+ self.isOpened = not self.isOpened
+ if self.contents is not None:
+ for item in self.contents:
+ item )
+ self.contents = []
+ self.desc = "open " + self.desc
+ def closeItem(self, player):
+ if self.isOpened:
+ self.isOpened = not self.isOpened
+ if self.desc.startswith("open "):
+ self.desc = self.desc[5:]
+class Command(object):
+ "Base class for commands"
+ def __init__(self, verb, verbProg):
+ self.verb = verb
+ self.verbProg = verbProg
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return ""
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ pass
+ def __call__(self, player ):
+ print self.verbProg.capitalize()+"..."
+ self._doCommand(player)
+class MoveCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(MoveCommand,self).__init__("MOVE", "moving")
+ self.direction = quals.direction[0]
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return """MOVE or GO - go NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST
+ (can abbreviate as 'GO N' and 'GO W', or even just 'E' and 'S')"""
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ nextRoom = rm.doors[
+ {
+ "N":0,
+ "S":1,
+ "E":2,
+ "W":3,
+ }[self.direction]
+ ]
+ if nextRoom:
+ player.moveTo( nextRoom )
+ else:
+ print "Can't go that way."
+class TakeCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(TakeCommand,self).__init__("TAKE", "taking")
+ self.subject = quals.item
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "TAKE or PICKUP or PICK UP - pick up an object (but some are deadly)"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ subj = Item.items[self.subject]
+ if subj in rm.inv and subj.isVisible:
+ if subj.isTakeable:
+ rm.removeItem(subj)
+ player.take(subj)
+ else:
+ print subj.cantTakeMessage
+ else:
+ print "There is no %s here." % subj
+class DropCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(DropCommand,self).__init__("DROP", "dropping")
+ self.subject = quals.item
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "DROP or LEAVE - drop an object (but fragile items may break)"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ subj = Item.items[self.subject]
+ if subj in player.inv:
+ rm.addItem(subj)
+ player.drop(subj)
+ else:
+ print "You don't have %s." % (aOrAn(subj))
+class InventoryCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(InventoryCommand,self).__init__("INV", "taking inventory")
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "INVENTORY or INV or I - lists what items you have"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ print "You have %s." % enumerateItems( player.inv )
+class LookCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(LookCommand,self).__init__("LOOK", "looking")
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "LOOK or L - describes the current room and any objects in it"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+class DoorsCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(DoorsCommand,self).__init__("DOORS", "looking for doors")
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "DOORS - display what doors are visible from this room"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ numDoors = sum([1 for r in rm.doors if r is not None])
+ if numDoors == 0:
+ reply = "There are no doors in any direction."
+ else:
+ if numDoors == 1:
+ reply = "There is a door to the "
+ else:
+ reply = "There are doors to the "
+ doorNames = [ {0:"north", 1:"south", 2:"east", 3:"west"}[i]
+ for i,d in enumerate(rm.doors) if d is not None ]
+ #~ print doorNames
+ reply += enumerateDoors( doorNames )
+ reply += "."
+ print reply
+class UseCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(UseCommand,self).__init__("USE", "using")
+ self.subject = Item.items[quals.usedObj]
+ if quals.targetObj:
+ = Item.items[quals.targetObj]
+ else:
+ = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "USE or U - use an object, optionally IN or ON another object"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ availItems = rm.inv + player.inv
+ if self.subject in availItems:
+ if self.subject.isUsable( player, ):
+ self.subject.useItem( player, )
+ else:
+ print "You can't use that here."
+ else:
+ print "There is no %s here to use." % self.subject
+class OpenCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(OpenCommand,self).__init__("OPEN", "opening")
+ self.subject = Item.items[quals.item]
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "OPEN or O - open an object"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ availItems = rm.inv+player.inv
+ if self.subject in availItems:
+ if self.subject.isOpenable:
+ if not self.subject.isOpened:
+ self.subject.openItem( player )
+ else:
+ print "It's already open."
+ else:
+ print "You can't open that."
+ else:
+ print "There is no %s here to open." % self.subject
+class CloseCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(CloseCommand,self).__init__("CLOSE", "closing")
+ self.subject = Item.items[quals.item]
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "CLOSE or CL - close an object"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ rm =
+ availItems = rm.inv+player.inv
+ if self.subject in availItems:
+ if self.subject.isOpenable:
+ if self.subject.isOpened:
+ self.subject.closeItem( player )
+ else:
+ print "You can't close that, it's not open."
+ else:
+ print "You can't close that."
+ else:
+ print "There is no %s here to close." % self.subject
+class QuitCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(QuitCommand,self).__init__("QUIT", "quitting")
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "QUIT or Q - ends the game"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ print "Ok...."
+ player.gameOver = True
+class HelpCommand(Command):
+ def __init__(self, quals):
+ super(HelpCommand,self).__init__("HELP", "helping")
+ @staticmethod
+ def helpDescription():
+ return "HELP or H or ? - displays this help message"
+ def _doCommand(self, player):
+ print "Enter any of the following commands (not case sensitive):"
+ for cmd in [
+ InventoryCommand,
+ DropCommand,
+ TakeCommand,
+ UseCommand,
+ OpenCommand,
+ CloseCommand,
+ MoveCommand,
+ LookCommand,
+ DoorsCommand,
+ QuitCommand,
+ HelpCommand,
+ ]:
+ print " - %s" % cmd.helpDescription()
+ print
+class AppParseException(ParseException):
+ pass
+class Parser(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.bnf = self.makeBNF()
+ def makeBNF(self):
+ invVerb = oneOf("INV INVENTORY I", caseless=True)
+ dropVerb = oneOf("DROP LEAVE", caseless=True)
+ takeVerb = oneOf("TAKE PICKUP", caseless=True) | \
+ (CaselessLiteral("PICK") + CaselessLiteral("UP") )
+ moveVerb = oneOf("MOVE GO", caseless=True) | empty
+ useVerb = oneOf("USE U", caseless=True)
+ openVerb = oneOf("OPEN O", caseless=True)
+ closeVerb = oneOf("CLOSE CL", caseless=True)
+ quitVerb = oneOf("QUIT Q", caseless=True)
+ lookVerb = oneOf("LOOK L", caseless=True)
+ doorsVerb = CaselessLiteral("DOORS")
+ helpVerb = oneOf("H HELP ?",caseless=True)
+ itemRef = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).setParseAction( self.validateItemName )
+ nDir = oneOf("N NORTH",caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith("N"))
+ sDir = oneOf("S SOUTH",caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith("S"))
+ eDir = oneOf("E EAST",caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith("E"))
+ wDir = oneOf("W WEST",caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith("W"))
+ moveDirection = nDir | sDir | eDir | wDir
+ invCommand = invVerb
+ dropCommand = dropVerb + itemRef("item")
+ takeCommand = takeVerb + itemRef("item")
+ useCommand = useVerb + itemRef("usedObj") + \
+ Optional(oneOf("IN ON",caseless=True)) + \
+ Optional(itemRef,default=None)("targetObj")
+ openCommand = openVerb + itemRef("item")
+ closeCommand = closeVerb + itemRef("item")
+ moveCommand = moveVerb + moveDirection("direction")
+ quitCommand = quitVerb
+ lookCommand = lookVerb
+ doorsCommand = doorsVerb
+ helpCommand = helpVerb
+ # attach command classes to expressions
+ invCommand.setParseAction(InventoryCommand)
+ dropCommand.setParseAction(DropCommand)
+ takeCommand.setParseAction(TakeCommand)
+ useCommand.setParseAction(UseCommand)
+ openCommand.setParseAction(OpenCommand)
+ closeCommand.setParseAction(CloseCommand)
+ moveCommand.setParseAction(MoveCommand)
+ quitCommand.setParseAction(QuitCommand)
+ lookCommand.setParseAction(LookCommand)
+ doorsCommand.setParseAction(DoorsCommand)
+ helpCommand.setParseAction(HelpCommand)
+ # define parser using all command expressions
+ return ( invCommand |
+ useCommand |
+ openCommand |
+ closeCommand |
+ dropCommand |
+ takeCommand |
+ moveCommand |
+ lookCommand |
+ doorsCommand |
+ helpCommand |
+ quitCommand )("command") + LineEnd()
+ def validateItemName(self,s,l,t):
+ iname = " ".join(t)
+ if iname not in Item.items:
+ raise AppParseException(s,l,"No such item '%s'." % iname)
+ return iname
+ def parseCmd(self, cmdstr):
+ try:
+ ret = self.bnf.parseString(cmdstr)
+ return ret
+ except AppParseException, pe:
+ print pe.msg
+ except ParseException, pe:
+ print random.choice([ "Sorry, I don't understand that.",
+ "Huh?",
+ "Excuse me?",
+ "???",
+ "What?" ] )
+class Player(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ self.gameOver = False
+ self.inv = []
+ def moveTo(self, rm):
+ = rm
+ rm.enter(self)
+ if self.gameOver:
+ if rm.desc:
+ rm.describe()
+ print "Game over!"
+ else:
+ rm.describe()
+ def take(self,it):
+ if it.isDeadly:
+ print "Aaaagh!...., the %s killed me!" % it
+ self.gameOver = True
+ else:
+ self.inv.append(it)
+ def drop(self,it):
+ self.inv.remove(it)
+ if it.isFragile:
+ it.breakItem()
+def createRooms( rm ):
+ """
+ create rooms, using multiline string showing map layout
+ string contains symbols for the following:
+ A-Z, a-z indicate rooms, and rooms will be stored in a dictionary by
+ reference letter
+ -, | symbols indicate connection between rooms
+ <, >, ^, . symbols indicate one-way connection between rooms
+ """
+ # start with empty dictionary of rooms
+ ret = {}
+ # look for room symbols, and initialize dictionary
+ # - exit room is always marked 'Z'
+ for c in rm:
+ if c in string.ascii_letters:
+ if c != "Z":
+ ret[c] = Room(c)
+ else:
+ ret[c] = Exit()
+ # scan through input string looking for connections between rooms
+ rows = rm.split("\n")
+ for row,line in enumerate(rows):
+ for col,c in enumerate(line):
+ if c in string.ascii_letters:
+ room = ret[c]
+ n = None
+ s = None
+ e = None
+ w = None
+ # look in neighboring cells for connection symbols (must take
+ # care to guard that neighboring cells exist before testing
+ # contents)
+ if col > 0 and line[col-1] in "<-":
+ other = line[col-2]
+ w = ret[other]
+ if col < len(line)-1 and line[col+1] in "->":
+ other = line[col+2]
+ e = ret[other]
+ if row > 1 and col < len(rows[row-1]) and rows[row-1][col] in '|^':
+ other = rows[row-2][col]
+ n = ret[other]
+ if row < len(rows)-1 and col < len(rows[row+1]) and rows[row+1][col] in '|.':
+ other = rows[row+2][col]
+ s = ret[other]
+ # set connections to neighboring rooms
+ room.doors=[n,s,e,w]
+ return ret
+# put items in rooms
+def putItemInRoom(i,r):
+ if isinstance(r,basestring):
+ r = rooms[r]
+ r.addItem( Item.items[i] )
+def playGame(p,startRoom):
+ # create parser
+ parser = Parser()
+ p.moveTo( startRoom )
+ while not p.gameOver:
+ cmdstr = raw_input(">> ")
+ cmd = parser.parseCmd(cmdstr)
+ if cmd is not None:
+ cmd.command( p )
+ print
+ print "You ended the game with:"
+ for i in p.inv:
+ print " -", aOrAn(i)
+# start game definition
+roomMap = """
+ d-Z
+ |
+ f-c-e
+ . |
+ q<b
+ |
+ A
+rooms = createRooms( roomMap )
+rooms["A"].desc = "You are standing on the front porch of a wooden shack."
+rooms["b"].desc = "You are in a garden."
+rooms["c"].desc = "You are in a kitchen."
+rooms["d"].desc = "You are on the back porch."
+rooms["e"].desc = "You are in a library."
+rooms["f"].desc = "You are on the patio."
+rooms["q"].desc = "You are sinking in quicksand. You're dead..."
+rooms["q"].gameOver = True
+# define global variables for referencing rooms
+frontPorch = rooms["A"]
+garden = rooms["b"]
+kitchen = rooms["c"]
+backPorch = rooms["d"]
+library = rooms["e"]
+patio = rooms["f"]
+# create items
+itemNames = """ bar""".split(".")
+for itemName in itemNames:
+ Item( itemName )
+Item.items["apple"].isDeadly = True
+Item.items["mirror"].isFragile = True
+Item.items["coin"].isVisible = False
+Item.items["shovel"].usableConditionTest = ( lambda p,t: is garden )
+def useShovel(p,subj,target):
+ coin = Item.items["coin"]
+ if not coin.isVisible and coin in
+ coin.isVisible = True
+Item.items["shovel"].useAction = useShovel
+Item.items["telescope"].isTakeable = False
+def useTelescope(p,subj,target):
+ print "You don't see anything."
+Item.items["telescope"].useAction = useTelescope
+OpenableItem("treasure chest", Item.items["gold bar"])
+Item.items["chest"] = Item.items["treasure chest"]
+Item.items["chest"].isTakeable = False
+Item.items["chest"].cantTakeMessage = "It's too heavy!"
+Item.items["mailbox"].isTakeable = False
+Item.items["mailbox"].cantTakeMessage = "It's nailed to the wall!"
+putItemInRoom("mailbox", frontPorch)
+putItemInRoom("shovel", frontPorch)
+putItemInRoom("coin", garden)
+putItemInRoom("flower", garden)
+putItemInRoom("apple", library)
+putItemInRoom("mirror", library)
+putItemInRoom("telescope", library)
+putItemInRoom("book", kitchen)
+putItemInRoom("diamond", backPorch)
+putItemInRoom("treasure chest", patio)
+# create player
+plyr = Player("Bob")
+plyr.take( Item.items["sword"] )
+# start game
+playGame( plyr, frontPorch )