path: root/src/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples/')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/ b/src/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c759345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright 2010, Paul McGuire
+# A partial implementation of a parser of Excel formula expressions.
+from pyparsing import (CaselessKeyword, Suppress, Word, alphas,
+ alphanums, nums, Optional, Group, oneOf, Forward, Regex,
+ operatorPrecedence, opAssoc, dblQuotedString, delimitedList,
+ Combine, Literal, QuotedString)
+EQ,EXCL,LPAR,RPAR,COLON,COMMA = map(Suppress, '=!():,')
+EXCL, DOLLAR = map(Literal,"!$")
+sheetRef = Word(alphas, alphanums) | QuotedString("'",escQuote="''")
+colRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(alphas,max=2)
+rowRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(nums)
+cellRef = Combine(Group(Optional(sheetRef + EXCL)("sheet") + colRef("col") +
+ rowRef("row")))
+cellRange = (Group(cellRef("start") + COLON + cellRef("end"))("range")
+ | cellRef | Word(alphas,alphanums))
+expr = Forward()
+COMPARISON_OP = oneOf("< = > >= <= != <>")
+condExpr = expr + COMPARISON_OP + expr
+ifFunc = (CaselessKeyword("if") +
+ LPAR +
+ Group(condExpr)("condition") +
+ COMMA + expr("if_true") +
+ COMMA + expr("if_false") + RPAR)
+statFunc = lambda name : CaselessKeyword(name) + LPAR + delimitedList(expr) + RPAR
+sumFunc = statFunc("sum")
+minFunc = statFunc("min")
+maxFunc = statFunc("max")
+aveFunc = statFunc("ave")
+funcCall = ifFunc | sumFunc | minFunc | maxFunc | aveFunc
+multOp = oneOf("* /")
+addOp = oneOf("+ -")
+numericLiteral = Regex(r"\-?\d+(\.\d+)?")
+operand = numericLiteral | funcCall | cellRange | cellRef
+arithExpr = operatorPrecedence(operand,
+ [
+ (multOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
+ (addOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
+ ])
+textOperand = dblQuotedString | cellRef
+textExpr = operatorPrecedence(textOperand,
+ [
+ ('&', 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
+ ])
+expr << (arithExpr | textExpr)
+test1 = "=3*A7+5"
+test2 = "=3*Sheet1!$A$7+5"
+test2a ="=3*'Sheet 1'!$A$7+5"
+test2b ="=3*'O''Reilly''s sheet'!$A$7+5"
+test3 = "=if(Sum(A1:A25)>42,Min(B1:B25), " \
+ "if(Sum(C1:C25)>3.14, (Min(C1:C25)+3)*18,Max(B1:B25)))"
+test3a = "=sum(a1:a25,10,min(b1,c2,d3))"
+import pprint
+tests = [locals()[t] for t in locals().keys() if t.startswith("test")]
+for test in tests:
+ print test
+ pprint.pprint( (EQ + expr).parseString(test,parseAll=True).asList() )
+ print