path: root/src/examples/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples/')
1 files changed, 1387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/ b/src/examples/
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+# Python/pyparsing educational microC compiler v1.0
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Zarko Zivanov
+# (largely based on flex/bison microC compiler by Zorica Suvajdzin, used with her permission;
+# current version can be found at, under "Programski Prevodioci" [Serbian site])
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at <>.
+from pyparsing import *
+from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr, argv, exit
+#defines debug level
+# 0 - no debug
+# 1 - print parsing results
+# 2 - print parsing results and symbol table
+# 3 - print parsing results only, without executing parse actions (grammar-only testing)
+DEBUG = 0
+# About microC language and microC compiler
+# microC language and microC compiler are educational tools, and their goal is to show some basic principles
+# of writing a C language compiler. Compiler represents one (relatively simple) solution, not necessarily the best one.
+# This Python/pyparsing version is made using Python 2.6.4 and pyparsing 1.5.2 (and it may contain errors :) )
+# Model of the used hypothetical processor
+# The reason behind using a hypothetical processor is to simplify code generation and to concentrate on the compiler itself.
+# This compiler can relatively easily be ported to x86, but one must know all the little details about which register
+# can be used for what, which registers are default for various operations, etc.
+# The hypothetical processor has 16 registers, called %0 to %15. Register %13 is used for the function return value (x86's eax),
+# %14 is the stack frame pointer (x86's ebp) and %15 is the stack pointer (x86's esp). All data-handling instructions can be
+# unsigned (suffix U), or signed (suffix S). These are ADD, SUB, MUL and DIV. These are three-address instructions,
+# the first two operands are input, the third one is output. Whether these operands are registers, memory or constant
+# is not relevant, all combinations are possible (except that output cannot be a constant). Constants are writen with a $ prefix (10-base only).
+# Conditional jumps are handled by JXXY instructions, where XX is LT, GT, LE, GE, EQ, NE (less than, greater than, less than or equal, etc.)
+# and Y is U or S (unsigned or signed, except for JEQ i JNE). Unconditional jump is JMP. The move instruction is MOV.
+# Function handling is done using CALL, RET, PUSH and POP (C style function calls). Static data is defined using the WORD directive
+# (example: variable: WORD 1), whose only argument defines the number of locations that are reserved.
+# Grammar of The microC Programming Language
+# (small subset of C made for compiler course at Faculty of Technical Sciences, Chair for Applied Computer Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia)
+# Patterns:
+# letter
+# -> "_" | "a" | "A" | "b" | "B" | "c" | "C" | "d" | "D" | "e" | "E" | "f"
+# | "F" | "g" | "G" | "h" | "H" | "i" | "I" | "j" | "J" | "k" | "K" | "l"
+# | "L" | "m" | "M" | "n" | "N" | "o" | "O" | "p" | "P" | "q" | "Q" | "r"
+# | "R" | "s" | "S" | "t" | "T" | "u" | "U" | "v" | "V" | "w" | "W" | "x"
+# | "X" | "y" | "Y" | "z" | "Z"
+# digit
+# -> "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
+# identifier
+# -> letter ( letter | digit )*
+# int_constant
+# -> digit +
+# unsigned_constant
+# -> digit + ( "u" | "U" )
+# Productions:
+# program
+# -> variable_list function_list
+# -> function_list
+# variable_list
+# -> variable ";"
+# -> variable_list variable ";"
+# variable
+# -> type identifier
+# type
+# -> "int"
+# -> "unsigned"
+# function_list
+# -> function
+# -> function_list function
+# function
+# -> type identifier "(" parameters ")" body
+# parameters
+# -> <empty>
+# -> parameter_list
+# parameter_list
+# -> variable
+# -> parameter_list "," variable
+# body
+# -> "{" variable_list statement_list "}"
+# -> "{" statement_list "}"
+# statement_list
+# -> <empty>
+# -> statement_list statement
+# statement
+# -> assignement_statement
+# -> function_call_statement
+# -> if_statement
+# -> while_statement
+# -> return_statement
+# -> compound_statement
+# assignement_statement
+# -> identifier "=" num_exp ";"
+# num_exp
+# -> mul_exp
+# -> num_exp "+" mul_exp
+# -> num_exp "-" mul_exp
+# mul_exp
+# -> exp
+# -> mul_exp "*" exp
+# -> mul_exp "/" exp
+# exp
+# -> constant
+# -> identifier
+# -> function_call
+# -> "(" num_exp ")"
+# -> "+" exp
+# -> "-" exp
+# constant
+# -> int_constant
+# -> unsigned_constant
+# function_call
+# -> identifier "(" arguments ")"
+# arguments
+# -> <empty>
+# -> argument_list
+# argument_list
+# -> num_exp
+# -> argument_list "," num_exp
+# function_call_statement
+# -> function_call ";"
+# if_statement
+# -> "if" "(" log_exp ")" statement
+# -> "if" "(" log_exp ")" statement "else" statement
+# -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 2
+# log_exp
+# -> and_exp
+# -> log_exp "||" and_exp
+# and_exp
+# -> rel_exp
+# -> and_exp "&&" rel_exp
+# rel_exp
+# -> num_exp "<" num_exp
+# -> num_exp ">" num_exp
+# -> num_exp "<=" num_exp
+# -> num_exp ">=" num_exp
+# -> num_exp "==" num_exp
+# -> num_exp "!=" num_exp
+# while_statement
+# -> "while" "(" log_exp ")" statement
+# return_statement
+# -> "return" num_exp ";"
+# compound_statement
+# -> "{" statement_list "}"
+# Comment: /* a comment */
+class Enumerate(dict):
+ """C enum emulation (original by Scott David Daniels)"""
+ def __init__(self, names):
+ for number, name in enumerate(names.split()):
+ setattr(self, name, number)
+ self[number] = name
+class SharedData(object):
+ """Data used in all three main classes"""
+ #Possible kinds of symbol table entries
+ #Supported types of functions and variables
+ #bit size of variables
+ #min/max values of constants
+ MIN_INT = -2 ** (TYPE_BIT_SIZE - 1)
+ MAX_INT = 2 ** (TYPE_BIT_SIZE - 1) - 1
+ #available working registers (the last one is the register for function's return value!)
+ REGISTERS = "%0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13".split()
+ #register for function's return value
+ #the index of last working register
+ #list of relational operators
+ RELATIONAL_OPERATORS = "< > <= >= == !=".split()
+ def __init__(self):
+ #index of the currently parsed function
+ self.functon_index = 0
+ #name of the currently parsed function
+ self.functon_name = 0
+ #number of parameters of the currently parsed function
+ self.function_params = 0
+ #number of local variables of the currently parsed function
+ self.function_vars = 0
+class ExceptionSharedData(object):
+ """Class for exception handling data"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ #position in currently parsed text
+ self.location = 0
+ #currently parsed text
+ self.text = ""
+ def setpos(self, location, text):
+ """Helper function for setting curently parsed text and position"""
+ self.location = location
+ self.text = text
+exshared = ExceptionSharedData()
+class SemanticException(Exception):
+ """Exception for semantic errors found during parsing, similar to ParseException.
+ Introduced because ParseException is used internally in pyparsing and custom
+ messages got lost and replaced by pyparsing's generic errors.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message, print_location=True):
+ super(SemanticException,self).__init__()
+ self._message = message
+ self.location = exshared.location
+ self.print_location = print_location
+ if exshared.location != None:
+ self.line = lineno(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ self.col = col(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ self.text = line(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ else:
+ self.line = self.col = self.text = None
+ def _get_message(self):
+ return self._message
+ def _set_message(self, message):
+ self._message = message
+ message = property(_get_message, _set_message)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """String representation of the semantic error"""
+ msg = "Error"
+ if self.print_location and (self.line != None):
+ msg += " at line %d, col %d" % (self.line, self.col)
+ msg += ": %s" % self.message
+ if self.print_location and (self.line != None):
+ msg += "\n%s" % self.text
+ return msg
+class SymbolTableEntry(object):
+ """Class which represents one symbol table entry."""
+ def __init__(self, sname = "", skind = 0, stype = 0, sattr = None, sattr_name = "None"):
+ """Initialization of symbol table entry.
+ sname - symbol name
+ skind - symbol kind
+ stype - symbol type
+ sattr - symbol attribute
+ sattr_name - symbol attribute name (used only for table display)
+ """
+ = sname
+ self.kind = skind
+ self.type = stype
+ self.attribute = sattr
+ self.attribute_name = sattr_name
+ self.param_types = []
+ def set_attribute(self, name, value):
+ """Sets attribute's name and value"""
+ self.attribute_name = name
+ self.attribute = value
+ def attribute_str(self):
+ """Returns attribute string (used only for table display)"""
+ return "{0}={1}".format(self.attribute_name, self.attribute) if self.attribute != None else "None"
+class SymbolTable(object):
+ """Class for symbol table of microC program"""
+ def __init__(self, shared):
+ """Initialization of the symbol table"""
+ self.table = []
+ self.lable_len = 0
+ #put working registers in the symbol table
+ for reg in range(SharedData.FUNCTION_REGISTER+1):
+ self.insert_symbol(SharedData.REGISTERS[reg], SharedData.KINDS.WORKING_REGISTER, SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE)
+ #shared data
+ self.shared = shared
+ def error(self, text=""):
+ """Symbol table error exception. It should happen only if index is out of range while accessing symbol table.
+ This exeption is not handled by the compiler, so as to allow traceback printing
+ """
+ if text == "":
+ raise Exception("Symbol table index out of range")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Symbol table error: %s" % text)
+ def display(self):
+ """Displays the symbol table content"""
+ #Finding the maximum length for each column
+ sym_name = "Symbol name"
+ sym_len = max(max(len( for i in self.table),len(sym_name))
+ kind_name = "Kind"
+ kind_len = max(max(len(SharedData.KINDS[i.kind]) for i in self.table),len(kind_name))
+ type_name = "Type"
+ type_len = max(max(len(SharedData.TYPES[i.type]) for i in self.table),len(type_name))
+ attr_name = "Attribute"
+ attr_len = max(max(len(i.attribute_str()) for i in self.table),len(attr_name))
+ #print table header
+ print "{0:3s} | {1:^{2}s} | {3:^{4}s} | {5:^{6}s} | {7:^{8}} | {9:s}".format(" No", sym_name, sym_len, kind_name, kind_len, type_name, type_len, attr_name, attr_len, "Parameters")
+ print "-----------------------------" + "-" * (sym_len + kind_len + type_len + attr_len)
+ #print symbol table
+ for i,sym in enumerate(self.table):
+ parameters = ""
+ for p in sym.param_types:
+ if parameters == "":
+ parameters = "{0}".format(SharedData.TYPES[p])
+ else:
+ parameters += ", {0}".format(SharedData.TYPES[p])
+ print "{0:3d} | {1:^{2}s} | {3:^{4}s} | {5:^{6}s} | {7:^{8}} | ({9})".format(i,, sym_len, SharedData.KINDS[sym.kind], kind_len, SharedData.TYPES[sym.type], type_len, sym.attribute_str(), attr_len, parameters)
+ def insert_symbol(self, sname, skind, stype):
+ """Inserts new symbol at the end of the symbol table.
+ Returns symbol index
+ sname - symbol name
+ skind - symbol kind
+ stype - symbol type
+ """
+ self.table.append(SymbolTableEntry(sname, skind, stype))
+ self.table_len = len(self.table)
+ return self.table_len-1
+ def clear_symbols(self, index):
+ """Clears all symbols begining with the index to the end of table"""
+ try:
+ del self.table[index:]
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ self.table_len = len(self.table)
+ def lookup_symbol(self, sname, skind=SharedData.KINDS.keys(), stype=SharedData.TYPES.keys()):
+ """Searches for symbol, from the end to the begining.
+ Returns symbol index or None
+ sname - symbol name
+ skind - symbol kind (one kind, list of kinds, or None) deafult: any kind
+ stype - symbol type (or None) default: any type
+ """
+ skind = skind if isinstance(skind, list) else [skind]
+ stype = stype if isinstance(stype, list) else [stype]
+ for i, sym in [[x, self.table[x]] for x in range(len(self.table) - 1, SharedData.LAST_WORKING_REGISTER, -1)]:
+ if ( == sname) and (sym.kind in skind) and (sym.type in stype):
+ return i
+ return None
+ def insert_id(self, sname, skind, skinds, stype):
+ """Inserts a new identifier at the end of the symbol table, if possible.
+ Returns symbol index, or raises an exception if the symbol alredy exists
+ sname - symbol name
+ skind - symbol kind
+ skinds - symbol kinds to check for
+ stype - symbol type
+ """
+ index = self.lookup_symbol(sname, skinds)
+ if index == None:
+ index = self.insert_symbol(sname, skind, stype)
+ return index
+ else:
+ raise SemanticException("Redefinition of '%s'" % sname)
+ def insert_global_var(self, vname, vtype):
+ "Inserts a new global variable"
+ return self.insert_id(vname, SharedData.KINDS.GLOBAL_VAR, [SharedData.KINDS.GLOBAL_VAR, SharedData.KINDS.FUNCTION], vtype)
+ def insert_local_var(self, vname, vtype, position):
+ "Inserts a new local variable"
+ index = self.insert_id(vname, SharedData.KINDS.LOCAL_VAR, [SharedData.KINDS.LOCAL_VAR, SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER], vtype)
+ self.table[index].attribute = position
+ def insert_parameter(self, pname, ptype):
+ "Inserts a new parameter"
+ index = self.insert_id(pname, SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER, SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER, ptype)
+ #set parameter's attribute to it's ordinal number
+ self.table[index].set_attribute("Index", self.shared.function_params)
+ #set parameter's type in param_types list of a function
+ self.table[self.shared.function_index].param_types.append(ptype)
+ return index
+ def insert_function(self, fname, ftype):
+ "Inserts a new function"
+ index = self.insert_id(fname, SharedData.KINDS.FUNCTION, [SharedData.KINDS.GLOBAL_VAR, SharedData.KINDS.FUNCTION], ftype)
+ self.table[index].set_attribute("Params",0)
+ return index
+ def insert_constant(self, cname, ctype):
+ """Inserts a constant (or returns index if the constant already exists)
+ Additionally, checks for range.
+ """
+ index = self.lookup_symbol(cname, stype=ctype)
+ if index == None:
+ num = int(cname)
+ if ctype == SharedData.TYPES.INT:
+ if (num < SharedData.MIN_INT) or (num > SharedData.MAX_INT):
+ raise SemanticException("Integer constant '%s' out of range" % cname)
+ elif ctype == SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED:
+ if (num < 0) or (num > SharedData.MAX_UNSIGNED):
+ raise SemanticException("Unsigned constant '%s' out of range" % cname)
+ index = self.insert_symbol(cname, SharedData.KINDS.CONSTANT, ctype)
+ return index
+ def same_types(self, index1, index2):
+ """Returns True if both symbol table elements are of the same type"""
+ try:
+ same = self.table[index1].type == self.table[index2].type != SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ return same
+ def same_type_as_argument(self, index, function_index, argument_number):
+ """Returns True if index and function's argument are of the same type
+ index - index in symbol table
+ function_index - function's index in symbol table
+ argument_number - # of function's argument
+ """
+ try:
+ same = self.table[function_index].param_types[argument_number] == self.table[index].type
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ return same
+ def get_attribute(self, index):
+ try:
+ return self.table[index].attribute
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ def set_attribute(self, index, value):
+ try:
+ self.table[index].attribute = value
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ def get_name(self, index):
+ try:
+ return self.table[index].name
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ def get_kind(self, index):
+ try:
+ return self.table[index].kind
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ def get_type(self, index):
+ try:
+ return self.table[index].type
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+ def set_type(self, index, stype):
+ try:
+ self.table[index].type = stype
+ except Exception:
+ self.error()
+class CodeGenerator(object):
+ """Class for code generation methods."""
+ #dictionary of relational operators
+ RELATIONAL_DICT = dict([op,i] for i, op in enumerate(SharedData.RELATIONAL_OPERATORS))
+ #conditional jumps for relational operators
+ "JLTU", "JGTU", "JLEU", "JGEU", "JEQ ", "JNE "]
+ #opposite conditional jumps for relational operators
+ "JGEU", "JLEU", "JGTU", "JLTU", "JNE ", "JEQ "]
+ #supported operations
+ OPERATIONS = {"+" : "ADD", "-" : "SUB", "*" : "MUL", "/" : "DIV"}
+ #suffixes for signed and unsigned operations (if no type is specified, unsigned will be assumed)
+ OPSIGNS = {SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE : "U", SharedData.TYPES.INT : "S", SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED : "U"}
+ #text at start of data segment
+ #text at start of code segment
+ def __init__(self, shared, symtab):
+ #generated code
+ self.code = ""
+ #prefix for internal labels
+ self.internal = "@"
+ #suffix for label definition
+ self.definition = ":"
+ #list of free working registers
+ self.free_registers = range(SharedData.FUNCTION_REGISTER, -1, -1)
+ #list of used working registers
+ self.used_registers = []
+ #list of used registers needed when function call is inside of a function call
+ self.used_registers_stack = []
+ #shared data
+ self.shared = shared
+ #symbol table
+ self.symtab = symtab
+ def error(self, text):
+ """Compiler error exception. It should happen only if something is wrong with compiler.
+ This exeption is not handled by the compiler, so as to allow traceback printing
+ """
+ raise Exception("Compiler error: %s" % text)
+ def take_register(self, rtype = SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE):
+ """Reserves one working register and sets its type"""
+ if len(self.free_registers) == 0:
+ self.error("no more free registers")
+ reg = self.free_registers.pop()
+ self.used_registers.append(reg)
+ self.symtab.set_type(reg, rtype)
+ return reg
+ def take_function_register(self, rtype = SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE):
+ """Reserves register for function return value and sets its type"""
+ reg = SharedData.FUNCTION_REGISTER
+ if reg not in self.free_registers:
+ self.error("function register already taken")
+ self.free_registers.remove(reg)
+ self.used_registers.append(reg)
+ self.symtab.set_type(reg, rtype)
+ return reg
+ def free_register(self, reg):
+ """Releases working register"""
+ if reg not in self.used_registers:
+ self.error("register %s is not taken" % self.REGISTERS[reg])
+ self.used_registers.remove(reg)
+ self.free_registers.append(reg)
+ self.free_registers.sort(reverse = True)
+ def free_if_register(self, index):
+ """If index is a working register, free it, otherwise just return (helper function)"""
+ if (index < 0) or (index > SharedData.FUNCTION_REGISTER):
+ return
+ else:
+ self.free_register(index)
+ def label(self, name, internal=False, definition=False):
+ """Generates label name (helper function)
+ name - label name
+ internal - boolean value, adds "@" prefix to label
+ definition - boolean value, adds ":" suffix to label
+ """
+ return "{0}{1}{2}".format(self.internal if internal else "", name, self.definition if definition else "")
+ def symbol(self, index):
+ """Generates symbol name from index"""
+ #if index is actually a string, just return it
+ if isinstance(index, str):
+ return index
+ elif (index < 0) or (index >= self.symtab.table_len):
+ self.error("symbol table index out of range")
+ sym = self.symtab.table[index]
+ #local variables are located at negative offset from frame pointer register
+ if sym.kind == SharedData.KINDS.LOCAL_VAR:
+ return "-{0}(%14)".format(sym.attribute * 4 + 4)
+ #parameters are located at positive offset from frame pointer register
+ elif sym.kind == SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER:
+ return "{0}(%14)".format(8 + sym.attribute * 4)
+ elif sym.kind == SharedData.KINDS.CONSTANT:
+ return "${0}".format(
+ else:
+ return "{0}".format(
+ def save_used_registers(self):
+ """Pushes all used working registers before function call"""
+ used = self.used_registers[:]
+ del self.used_registers[:]
+ self.used_registers_stack.append(used[:])
+ used.sort()
+ for reg in used:
+ self.newline_text("PUSH\t%s" % SharedData.REGISTERS[reg], True)
+ self.free_registers.extend(used)
+ self.free_registers.sort(reverse = True)
+ def restore_used_registers(self):
+ """Pops all used working registers after function call"""
+ used = self.used_registers_stack.pop()
+ self.used_registers = used[:]
+ used.sort(reverse = True)
+ for reg in used:
+ self.newline_text("POP \t%s" % SharedData.REGISTERS[reg], True)
+ self.free_registers.remove(reg)
+ def text(self, text):
+ """Inserts text into generated code"""
+ self.code += text
+ def prepare_data_segment(self):
+ """Inserts text at the start of data segment"""
+ self.text(self.DATA_START_TEXT)
+ def prepare_code_segment(self):
+ """Inserts text at the start of code segment"""
+ self.newline_text(self.CODE_START_TEXT)
+ def newline(self, indent=False):
+ """Inserts a newline, optionally with indentation."""
+ self.text("\n")
+ if indent:
+ self.text("\t\t\t")
+ def newline_text(self, text, indent = False):
+ """Inserts a newline and text, optionally with indentation (helper function)"""
+ self.newline(indent)
+ self.text(text)
+ def newline_label(self, name, internal=False, definition=False):
+ """Inserts a newline and a label (helper function)
+ name - label name
+ internal - boolean value, adds "@" prefix to label
+ definition - boolean value, adds ":" suffix to label
+ """
+ self.newline_text(self.label("{0}{1}{2}".format("@" if internal else "", name, ":" if definition else "")))
+ def global_var(self, name):
+ """Inserts a new static (global) variable definition"""
+ self.newline_label(name, False, True)
+ self.newline_text("WORD\t1", True)
+ def arithmetic_mnemonic(self, op_name, op_type):
+ """Generates an arithmetic instruction mnemonic"""
+ return self.OPERATIONS[op_name] + self.OPSIGNS[op_type]
+ def arithmetic(self, operation, operand1, operand2, operand3 = None):
+ """Generates an arithmetic instruction
+ operation - one of supporetd operations
+ operandX - index in symbol table or text representation of operand
+ First two operands are input, third one is output
+ """
+ if isinstance(operand1, int):
+ output_type = self.symtab.get_type(operand1)
+ self.free_if_register(operand1)
+ else:
+ output_type = None
+ if isinstance(operand2, int):
+ output_type = self.symtab.get_type(operand2) if output_type == None else output_type
+ self.free_if_register(operand2)
+ else:
+ output_type = SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE if output_type == None else output_type
+ #if operand3 is not defined, reserve one free register for it
+ output = self.take_register(output_type) if operand3 == None else operand3
+ mnemonic = self.arithmetic_mnemonic(operation, output_type)
+ self.newline_text("{0}\t{1},{2},{3}".format(mnemonic, self.symbol(operand1), self.symbol(operand2), self.symbol(output)), True)
+ return output
+ def relop_code(self, relop, operands_type):
+ """Returns code for relational operator
+ relop - relational operator
+ operands_type - int or unsigned
+ """
+ code = self.RELATIONAL_DICT[relop]
+ offset = 0 if operands_type == SharedData.TYPES.INT else len(SharedData.RELATIONAL_OPERATORS)
+ return code + offset
+ def jump(self, relcode, opposite, label):
+ """Generates a jump instruction
+ relcode - relational operator code
+ opposite - generate normal or opposite jump
+ label - jump label
+ """
+ jump = self.OPPOSITE_JUMPS[relcode] if opposite else self.CONDITIONAL_JUMPS[relcode]
+ self.newline_text("{0}\t{1}".format(jump, label), True)
+ def unconditional_jump(self, label):
+ """Generates an unconditional jump instruction
+ label - jump label
+ """
+ self.newline_text("JMP \t{0}".format(label), True)
+ def move(self,operand1, operand2):
+ """Generates a move instruction
+ If the output operand (opernad2) is a working register, sets it's type
+ operandX - index in symbol table or text representation of operand
+ """
+ if isinstance(operand1, int):
+ output_type = self.symtab.get_type(operand1)
+ self.free_if_register(operand1)
+ else:
+ output_type = SharedData.TYPES.NO_TYPE
+ self.newline_text("MOV \t{0},{1}".format(self.symbol(operand1), self.symbol(operand2)), True)
+ if isinstance(operand2, int):
+ if self.symtab.get_kind(operand2) == SharedData.KINDS.WORKING_REGISTER:
+ self.symtab.set_type(operand2, output_type)
+ def push(self, operand):
+ """Generates a push operation"""
+ self.newline_text("PUSH\t%s" % self.symbol(operand), True)
+ def pop(self, operand):
+ """Generates a pop instruction"""
+ self.newline_text("POP \t%s" % self.symbol(operand), True)
+ def compare(self, operand1, operand2):
+ """Generates a compare instruction
+ operandX - index in symbol table
+ """
+ typ = self.symtab.get_type(operand1)
+ self.free_if_register(operand1)
+ self.free_if_register(operand2)
+ self.newline_text("CMP{0}\t{1},{2}".format(self.OPSIGNS[typ], self.symbol(operand1), self.symbol(operand2)), True)
+ def function_begin(self):
+ """Inserts function name label and function frame initialization"""
+ self.newline_label(self.shared.function_name, False, True)
+ self.push("%14")
+ self.move("%15", "%14")
+ def function_body(self):
+ """Inserts a local variable initialization and body label"""
+ if self.shared.function_vars > 0:
+ const = self.symtab.insert_constant("{0}".format(self.shared.function_vars * 4), SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED)
+ self.arithmetic("-", "%15", const, "%15")
+ self.newline_label(self.shared.function_name + "_body", True, True)
+ def function_end(self):
+ """Inserts an exit label and function return instructions"""
+ self.newline_label(self.shared.function_name + "_exit", True, True)
+ self.move("%14", "%15")
+ self.pop("%14")
+ self.newline_text("RET", True)
+ def function_call(self, function, arguments):
+ """Generates code for a function call
+ function - function index in symbol table
+ arguments - list of arguments (indexes in symbol table)
+ """
+ #push each argument to stack
+ for arg in arguments:
+ self.push(self.symbol(arg))
+ self.free_if_register(arg)
+ self.newline_text("CALL\t"+self.symtab.get_name(function), True)
+ args = self.symtab.get_attribute(function)
+ #generates stack cleanup if function has arguments
+ if args > 0:
+ args_space = self.symtab.insert_constant("{0}".format(args * 4), SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED)
+ self.arithmetic("+", "%15", args_space, "%15")
+class MicroC(object):
+ """Class for microC parser/compiler"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ #Definitions of terminal symbols for microC programming language
+ self.tId = Word(alphas+"_",alphanums+"_")
+ self.tInteger = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda x : [x[0], SharedData.TYPES.INT])
+ self.tUnsigned = Regex(r"[0-9]+[uU]").setParseAction(lambda x : [x[0][:-1], SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED])
+ self.tConstant = (self.tUnsigned | self.tInteger).setParseAction(self.constant_action)
+ self.tType = Keyword("int").setParseAction(lambda x : SharedData.TYPES.INT) | \
+ Keyword("unsigned").setParseAction(lambda x : SharedData.TYPES.UNSIGNED)
+ self.tRelOp = oneOf(SharedData.RELATIONAL_OPERATORS)
+ self.tMulOp = oneOf("* /")
+ self.tAddOp = oneOf("+ -")
+ #Definitions of rules for global variables
+ self.rGlobalVariable = (self.tType("type") + self.tId("name") +
+ FollowedBy(";")).setParseAction(self.global_variable_action)
+ self.rGlobalVariableList = ZeroOrMore(self.rGlobalVariable + Suppress(";"))
+ #Definitions of rules for numeric expressions
+ self.rExp = Forward()
+ self.rMulExp = Forward()
+ self.rNumExp = Forward()
+ self.rArguments = delimitedList(self.rNumExp("exp").setParseAction(self.argument_action))
+ self.rFunctionCall = ((self.tId("name") + FollowedBy("(")).setParseAction(self.function_call_prepare_action) +
+ Suppress("(") + Optional(self.rArguments)("args") + Suppress(")")).setParseAction(self.function_call_action)
+ self.rExp << (self.rFunctionCall |
+ self.tConstant |
+ self.tId("name").setParseAction(self.lookup_id_action) |
+ Group(Suppress("(") + self.rNumExp + Suppress(")")) |
+ Group("+" + self.rExp) |
+ Group("-" + self.rExp)).setParseAction(lambda x : x[0])
+ self.rMulExp << ((self.rExp + ZeroOrMore(self.tMulOp + self.rExp))).setParseAction(self.mulexp_action)
+ self.rNumExp << (self.rMulExp + ZeroOrMore(self.tAddOp + self.rMulExp)).setParseAction(self.numexp_action)
+ #Definitions of rules for logical expressions (these are without parenthesis support)
+ self.rAndExp = Forward()
+ self.rLogExp = Forward()
+ self.rRelExp = (self.rNumExp + self.tRelOp + self.rNumExp).setParseAction(self.relexp_action)
+ self.rAndExp << (self.rRelExp("exp") + ZeroOrMore(Literal("&&").setParseAction(self.andexp_action) +
+ self.rRelExp("exp")).setParseAction(lambda x : self.relexp_code))
+ self.rLogExp << (self.rAndExp("exp") + ZeroOrMore(Literal("||").setParseAction(self.logexp_action) +
+ self.rAndExp("exp")).setParseAction(lambda x : self.andexp_code))
+ #Definitions of rules for statements
+ self.rStatement = Forward()
+ self.rStatementList = Forward()
+ self.rReturnStatement = (Keyword("return") + self.rNumExp("exp") +
+ Suppress(";")).setParseAction(self.return_action)
+ self.rAssignmentStatement = (self.tId("var") + Suppress("=") + self.rNumExp("exp") +
+ Suppress(";")).setParseAction(self.assignment_action)
+ self.rFunctionCallStatement = self.rFunctionCall + Suppress(";")
+ self.rIfStatement = ( (Keyword("if") + FollowedBy("(")).setParseAction(self.if_begin_action) +
+ (Suppress("(") + self.rLogExp + Suppress(")")).setParseAction(self.if_body_action) +
+ (self.rStatement + Empty()).setParseAction(self.if_else_action) +
+ Optional(Keyword("else") + self.rStatement)).setParseAction(self.if_end_action)
+ self.rWhileStatement = ( (Keyword("while") + FollowedBy("(")).setParseAction(self.while_begin_action) +
+ (Suppress("(") + self.rLogExp + Suppress(")")).setParseAction(self.while_body_action) +
+ self.rStatement).setParseAction(self.while_end_action)
+ self.rCompoundStatement = Group(Suppress("{") + self.rStatementList + Suppress("}"))
+ self.rStatement << (self.rReturnStatement | self.rIfStatement | self.rWhileStatement |
+ self.rFunctionCallStatement | self.rAssignmentStatement | self.rCompoundStatement)
+ self.rStatementList << ZeroOrMore(self.rStatement)
+ self.rLocalVariable = (self.tType("type") + self.tId("name") + FollowedBy(";")).setParseAction(self.local_variable_action)
+ self.rLocalVariableList = ZeroOrMore(self.rLocalVariable + Suppress(";"))
+ self.rFunctionBody = Suppress("{") + Optional(self.rLocalVariableList).setParseAction(self.function_body_action) + \
+ self.rStatementList + Suppress("}")
+ self.rParameter = (self.tType("type") + self.tId("name")).setParseAction(self.parameter_action)
+ self.rParameterList = delimitedList(self.rParameter)
+ self.rFunction = ( (self.tType("type") + self.tId("name")).setParseAction(self.function_begin_action) +
+ Group(Suppress("(") + Optional(self.rParameterList)("params") + Suppress(")") +
+ self.rFunctionBody)).setParseAction(self.function_end_action)
+ self.rFunctionList = OneOrMore(self.rFunction)
+ self.rProgram = (Empty().setParseAction(self.data_begin_action) + self.rGlobalVariableList +
+ Empty().setParseAction(self.code_begin_action) + self.rFunctionList).setParseAction(self.program_end_action)
+ #shared data
+ self.shared = SharedData()
+ #symbol table
+ self.symtab = SymbolTable(self.shared)
+ #code generator
+ self.codegen = CodeGenerator(self.shared, self.symtab)
+ #index of the current function call
+ self.function_call_index = -1
+ #stack for the nested function calls
+ self.function_call_stack = []
+ #arguments of the current function call
+ self.function_arguments = []
+ #stack for arguments of the nested function calls
+ self.function_arguments_stack = []
+ #number of arguments for the curent function call
+ self.function_arguments_number = -1
+ #stack for the number of arguments for the nested function calls
+ self.function_arguments_number_stack = []
+ #last relational expression
+ self.relexp_code = None
+ #last and expression
+ self.andexp_code = None
+ #label number for "false" internal labels
+ self.false_label_number = -1
+ #label number for all other internal labels
+ self.label_number = None
+ #label stack for nested statements
+ self.label_stack = []
+ def warning(self, message, print_location=True):
+ """Displays warning message. Uses exshared for current location of parsing"""
+ msg = "Warning"
+ if print_location and (exshared.location != None):
+ wline = lineno(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ wcol = col(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ wtext = line(exshared.location, exshared.text)
+ msg += " at line %d, col %d" % (wline, wcol)
+ msg += ": %s" % message
+ if print_location and (exshared.location != None):
+ msg += "\n%s" % wtext
+ print msg
+ def data_begin_action(self):
+ """Inserts text at start of data segment"""
+ self.codegen.prepare_data_segment()
+ def code_begin_action(self):
+ """Inserts text at start of code segment"""
+ self.codegen.prepare_code_segment()
+ def global_variable_action(self, text, loc, var):
+ """Code executed after recognising a global variable"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "GLOBAL_VAR:",var
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ index = self.symtab.insert_global_var(, var.type)
+ self.codegen.global_var(
+ return index
+ def local_variable_action(self, text, loc, var):
+ """Code executed after recognising a local variable"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "LOCAL_VAR:",var,, var.type
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ index = self.symtab.insert_local_var(, var.type, self.shared.function_vars)
+ self.shared.function_vars += 1
+ return index
+ def parameter_action(self, text, loc, par):
+ """Code executed after recognising a parameter"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "PARAM:",par
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ index = self.symtab.insert_parameter(, par.type)
+ self.shared.function_params += 1
+ return index
+ def constant_action(self, text, loc, const):
+ """Code executed after recognising a constant"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "CONST:",const
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ return self.symtab.insert_constant(const[0], const[1])
+ def function_begin_action(self, text, loc, fun):
+ """Code executed after recognising a function definition (type and function name)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "FUN_BEGIN:",fun
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ self.shared.function_index = self.symtab.insert_function(, fun.type)
+ self.shared.function_name =
+ self.shared.function_params = 0
+ self.shared.function_vars = 0
+ self.codegen.function_begin();
+ def function_body_action(self, text, loc, fun):
+ """Code executed after recognising the beginning of function's body"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "FUN_BODY:",fun
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ self.codegen.function_body()
+ def function_end_action(self, text, loc, fun):
+ """Code executed at the end of function definition"""
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "FUN_END:",fun
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #set function's attribute to number of function parameters
+ self.symtab.set_attribute(self.shared.function_index, self.shared.function_params)
+ #clear local function symbols (but leave function name)
+ self.symtab.clear_symbols(self.shared.function_index + 1)
+ self.codegen.function_end()
+ def return_action(self, text, loc, ret):
+ """Code executed after recognising a return statement"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "RETURN:",ret
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ if not self.symtab.same_types(self.shared.function_index, ret.exp[0]):
+ raise SemanticException("Incompatible type in return")
+ #set register for function's return value to expression value
+ reg = self.codegen.take_function_register()
+ self.codegen.move(ret.exp[0], reg)
+ #after return statement, register for function's return value is available again
+ self.codegen.free_register(reg)
+ #jump to function's exit
+ self.codegen.unconditional_jump(self.codegen.label(self.shared.function_name+"_exit", True))
+ def lookup_id_action(self, text, loc, var):
+ """Code executed after recognising an identificator in expression"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "EXP_VAR:",var
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ var_index = self.symtab.lookup_symbol(, [SharedData.KINDS.GLOBAL_VAR, SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER, SharedData.KINDS.LOCAL_VAR])
+ if var_index == None:
+ raise SemanticException("'%s' undefined" %
+ return var_index
+ def assignment_action(self, text, loc, assign):
+ """Code executed after recognising an assignment statement"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "ASSIGN:",assign
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ var_index = self.symtab.lookup_symbol(assign.var, [SharedData.KINDS.GLOBAL_VAR, SharedData.KINDS.PARAMETER, SharedData.KINDS.LOCAL_VAR])
+ if var_index == None:
+ raise SemanticException("Undefined lvalue '%s' in assignment" % assign.var)
+ if not self.symtab.same_types(var_index, assign.exp[0]):
+ raise SemanticException("Incompatible types in assignment")
+ self.codegen.move(assign.exp[0], var_index)
+ def mulexp_action(self, text, loc, mul):
+ """Code executed after recognising a mulexp expression (something *|/ something)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "MUL_EXP:",mul
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #iterate through all multiplications/divisions
+ m = list(mul)
+ while len(m) > 1:
+ if not self.symtab.same_types(m[0], m[2]):
+ raise SemanticException("Invalid opernads to binary '%s'" % m[1])
+ reg = self.codegen.arithmetic(m[1], m[0], m[2])
+ #replace first calculation with it's result
+ m[0:3] = [reg]
+ return m[0]
+ def numexp_action(self, text, loc, num):
+ """Code executed after recognising a numexp expression (something +|- something)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "NUM_EXP:",num
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #iterate through all additions/substractions
+ n = list(num)
+ while len(n) > 1:
+ if not self.symtab.same_types(n[0], n[2]):
+ raise SemanticException("Invalid opernads to binary '%s'" % n[1])
+ reg = self.codegen.arithmetic(n[1], n[0], n[2])
+ #replace first calculation with it's result
+ n[0:3] = [reg]
+ return n[0]
+ def function_call_prepare_action(self, text, loc, fun):
+ """Code executed after recognising a function call (type and function name)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "FUN_PREP:",fun
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ index = self.symtab.lookup_symbol(, SharedData.KINDS.FUNCTION)
+ if index == None:
+ raise SemanticException("'%s' is not a function" %
+ #save any previous function call data (for nested function calls)
+ self.function_call_stack.append(self.function_call_index)
+ self.function_call_index = index
+ self.function_arguments_stack.append(self.function_arguments[:])
+ del self.function_arguments[:]
+ self.codegen.save_used_registers()
+ def argument_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising each of function's arguments"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "ARGUMENT:",arg.exp
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ arg_ordinal = len(self.function_arguments)
+ #check argument's type
+ if not self.symtab.same_type_as_argument(arg.exp, self.function_call_index, arg_ordinal):
+ raise SemanticException("Incompatible type for argument %d in '%s'" % (arg_ordinal + 1, self.symtab.get_name(self.function_call_index)))
+ self.function_arguments.append(arg.exp)
+ def function_call_action(self, text, loc, fun):
+ """Code executed after recognising the whole function call"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "FUN_CALL:",fun
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #check number of arguments
+ if len(self.function_arguments) != self.symtab.get_attribute(self.function_call_index):
+ raise SemanticException("Wrong number of arguments for function '%s'" %
+ #arguments should be pushed to stack in reverse order
+ self.function_arguments.reverse()
+ self.codegen.function_call(self.function_call_index, self.function_arguments)
+ self.codegen.restore_used_registers()
+ return_type = self.symtab.get_type(self.function_call_index)
+ #restore previous function call data
+ self.function_call_index = self.function_call_stack.pop()
+ self.function_arguments = self.function_arguments_stack.pop()
+ register = self.codegen.take_register(return_type)
+ #move result to a new free register, to allow the next function call
+ self.codegen.move(self.codegen.take_function_register(return_type), register)
+ return register
+ def relexp_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising a relexp expression (something relop something)"""
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "REL_EXP:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if not self.symtab.same_types(arg[0], arg[2]):
+ raise SemanticException("Invalid operands for operator '{0}'".format(arg[1]))
+[0], arg[2])
+ #return relational operator's code
+ self.relexp_code = self.codegen.relop_code(arg[1], self.symtab.get_type(arg[0]))
+ return self.relexp_code
+ def andexp_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising a andexp expression (something and something)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "AND+EXP:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ label = self.codegen.label("false{0}".format(self.false_label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.jump(self.relexp_code, True, label)
+ self.andexp_code = self.relexp_code
+ return self.andexp_code
+ def logexp_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising logexp expression (something or something)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "LOG_EXP:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ label = self.codegen.label("true{0}".format(self.label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.jump(self.relexp_code, False, label)
+ self.codegen.newline_label("false{0}".format(self.false_label_number), True, True)
+ self.false_label_number += 1
+ def if_begin_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising an if statement (if keyword)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "IF_BEGIN:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ self.false_label_number += 1
+ self.label_number = self.false_label_number
+ self.codegen.newline_label("if{0}".format(self.label_number), True, True)
+ def if_body_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising if statement's body"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "IF_BODY:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #generate conditional jump (based on last compare)
+ label = self.codegen.label("false{0}".format(self.false_label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.jump(self.relexp_code, True, label)
+ #generate 'true' label (executes if condition is satisfied)
+ self.codegen.newline_label("true{0}".format(self.label_number), True, True)
+ #save label numbers (needed for nested if/while statements)
+ self.label_stack.append(self.false_label_number)
+ self.label_stack.append(self.label_number)
+ def if_else_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising if statement's else body"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "IF_ELSE:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #jump to exit after all statements for true condition are executed
+ self.label_number = self.label_stack.pop()
+ label = self.codegen.label("exit{0}".format(self.label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.unconditional_jump(label)
+ #generate final 'false' label (executes if condition isn't satisfied)
+ self.codegen.newline_label("false{0}".format(self.label_stack.pop()), True, True)
+ self.label_stack.append(self.label_number)
+ def if_end_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising a whole if statement"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "IF_END:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ self.codegen.newline_label("exit{0}".format(self.label_stack.pop()), True, True)
+ def while_begin_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising a while statement (while keyword)"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "WHILE_BEGIN:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ self.false_label_number += 1
+ self.label_number = self.false_label_number
+ self.codegen.newline_label("while{0}".format(self.label_number), True, True)
+ def while_body_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising while statement's body"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "WHILE_BODY:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #generate conditional jump (based on last compare)
+ label = self.codegen.label("false{0}".format(self.false_label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.jump(self.relexp_code, True, label)
+ #generate 'true' label (executes if condition is satisfied)
+ self.codegen.newline_label("true{0}".format(self.label_number), True, True)
+ self.label_stack.append(self.false_label_number)
+ self.label_stack.append(self.label_number)
+ def while_end_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Code executed after recognising a whole while statement"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "WHILE_END:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ #jump to condition checking after while statement body
+ self.label_number = self.label_stack.pop()
+ label = self.codegen.label("while{0}".format(self.label_number), True, False)
+ self.codegen.unconditional_jump(label)
+ #generate final 'false' label and exit label
+ self.codegen.newline_label("false{0}".format(self.label_stack.pop()), True, True)
+ self.codegen.newline_label("exit{0}".format(self.label_number), True, True)
+ def program_end_action(self, text, loc, arg):
+ """Checks if there is a 'main' function and the type of 'main' function"""
+ exshared.setpos(loc, text)
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ print "PROGRAM_END:",arg
+ if DEBUG == 2: self.symtab.display()
+ if DEBUG > 2: return
+ index = self.symtab.lookup_symbol("main",SharedData.KINDS.FUNCTION)
+ if index == None:
+ raise SemanticException("Undefined reference to 'main'", False)
+ elif self.symtab.get_type(index) != SharedData.TYPES.INT:
+ self.warning("Return type of 'main' is not int", False)
+ def parse_text(self,text):
+ """Parse string (helper function)"""
+ try:
+ return self.rProgram.ignore(cStyleComment).parseString(text, parseAll=True)
+ except SemanticException, err:
+ print err
+ exit(3)
+ except ParseException, err:
+ print err
+ exit(3)
+ def parse_file(self,filename):
+ """Parse file (helper function)"""
+ try:
+ return self.rProgram.ignore(cStyleComment).parseFile(filename, parseAll=True)
+ except SemanticException, err:
+ print err
+ exit(3)
+ except ParseException, err:
+ print err
+ exit(3)
+if 0:
+ #main program
+ mc = MicroC()
+ output_file = "output.asm"
+ if len(argv) == 1:
+ input_file = stdin
+ elif len(argv) == 2:
+ input_file = argv[1]
+ elif len(argv) == 3:
+ input_file = argv[1]
+ output_file = argv[2]
+ else:
+ usage = """Usage: {0} [input_file [output_file]]
+ If output file is omitted, output.asm is used
+ If input file is omitted, stdin is used""".format(argv[0])
+ print usage
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ parse = stdin if input_file == stdin else open(input_file,'r')
+ except Exception:
+ print "Input file '%s' open error" % input_file
+ exit(2)
+ mc.parse_file(parse)
+ #if you want to see the final symbol table, uncomment next line
+ #mc.symtab.display()
+ try:
+ out = open(output_file, 'w')
+ out.write(mc.codegen.code)
+ out.close
+ except Exception:
+ print "Output file '%s' open error" % output_file
+ exit(2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_program_example = """
+ int a;
+ int b;
+ int c;
+ unsigned d;
+ int fun1(int x, unsigned y) {
+ return 123;
+ }
+ int fun2(int a) {
+ return 1 + a * fun1(a, 456u);
+ }
+ int main(int x, int y) {
+ int w;
+ unsigned z;
+ if (9 > 8 && 2 < 3 || 6 != 5 && a <= b && c < x || w >= y) {
+ a = b + 1;
+ if (x == y)
+ while (d < 4u)
+ x = x * w;
+ else
+ while (a + b < c - y && x > 3 || y < 2)
+ if (z > d)
+ a = a - 4;
+ else
+ b = a * b * c * x / y;
+ }
+ else
+ c = 4;
+ a = fun1(x,d) + fun2(fun1(fun2(w + 3 * 2) + 2 * c, 2u));
+ return 2;
+ }
+ """
+ mc = MicroC()
+ mc.parse_text(test_program_example)
+ print mc.codegen.code \ No newline at end of file