path: root/src/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples/')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/ b/src/examples/
new file mode 100644
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+""" Test for bibparse grammar """
+from os.path import join as pjoin, dirname
+from pyparsing import ParseException
+from btpyparse import Macro
+import btpyparse as bp
+from import assert_true, assert_false, assert_equal, assert_raises
+def test_names():
+ # check various types of names
+ # All names can contains alphas, but not some special chars
+ bad_chars = '"#%\'(),={}'
+ for name_type, dig1f in ((bp.macro_def, False),
+ (bp.field_name, False),
+ (bp.entry_type, False),
+ (bp.cite_key, True)):
+ if dig1f: # can start with digit
+ assert_equal(name_type.parseString('2t')[0], '2t')
+ else:
+ assert_raises(ParseException, name_type.parseString, '2t')
+ # All of the names cannot contain some characters
+ for char in bad_chars:
+ assert_raises(ParseException, name_type.parseString, char)
+ # standard strings all OK
+ assert_equal(name_type.parseString('simple_test')[0], 'simple_test')
+ # Test macro ref
+ mr = bp.macro_ref
+ # can't start with digit
+ assert_raises(ParseException, mr.parseString, '2t')
+ for char in bad_chars:
+ assert_raises(ParseException, mr.parseString, char)
+ assert_equal(mr.parseString('simple_test')[0].name, 'simple_test')
+def test_numbers():
+ assert_equal(bp.number.parseString('1066')[0], '1066')
+ assert_equal(bp.number.parseString('0')[0], '0')
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.number.parseString, '-4')
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.number.parseString, '+4')
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.number.parseString, '.4')
+ # something point something leaves a trailing .4 unmatched
+ assert_equal(bp.number.parseString('0.4')[0], '0')
+def test_parse_string():
+ # test string building blocks
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_quotecurly.parseString('x')[0], 'x')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_quotecurly.parseString("a string")[0], 'a string')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_quotecurly.parseString('a "string')[0], 'a ')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_curly.parseString('x')[0], 'x')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_curly.parseString("a string")[0], 'a string')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_curly.parseString('a {string')[0], 'a ')
+ assert_equal(bp.chars_no_curly.parseString('a }string')[0], 'a ')
+ # test more general strings together
+ for obj in (bp.curly_string, bp.string, bp.field_value):
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('{}').asList(), [])
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('{a "string}')[0], 'a "string')
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('{a {nested} string}').asList(),
+ ['a ', ['nested'], ' string'])
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('{a {double {nested}} string}').asList(),
+ ['a ', ['double ', ['nested']], ' string'])
+ for obj in (bp.quoted_string, bp.string, bp.field_value):
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('""').asList(), [])
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('"a string"')[0], 'a string')
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('"a {nested} string"').asList(),
+ ['a ', ['nested'], ' string'])
+ assert_equal(obj.parseString('"a {double {nested}} string"').asList(),
+ ['a ', ['double ', ['nested']], ' string'])
+ # check macro def in string
+ assert_equal(bp.string.parseString('someascii')[0], Macro('someascii'))
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.string.parseString, '%#= validstring')
+ # check number in string
+ assert_equal(bp.string.parseString('1994')[0], '1994')
+def test_parse_field():
+ # test field value - hashes included
+ fv = bp.field_value
+ # Macro
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('aname')[0], Macro('aname'))
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('ANAME')[0], Macro('aname'))
+ # String and macro
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('aname # "some string"').asList(),
+ [Macro('aname'), 'some string'])
+ # Nested string
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('aname # {some {string}}').asList(),
+ [Macro('aname'), 'some ', ['string']])
+ # String and number
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('"a string" # 1994').asList(),
+ ['a string', '1994'])
+ # String and number and macro
+ assert_equal(fv.parseString('"a string" # 1994 # a_macro').asList(),
+ ['a string', '1994', Macro('a_macro')])
+def test_comments():
+ res = bp.comment.parseString('@Comment{about something}')
+ assert_equal(res.asList(), ['comment', '{about something}'])
+ assert_equal(
+ bp.comment.parseString('@COMMENT{about something').asList(),
+ ['comment', '{about something'])
+ assert_equal(
+ bp.comment.parseString('@comment(about something').asList(),
+ ['comment', '(about something'])
+ assert_equal(
+ bp.comment.parseString('@COMment about something').asList(),
+ ['comment', ' about something'])
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.comment.parseString,
+ '@commentabout something')
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.comment.parseString,
+ '@comment+about something')
+ assert_raises(ParseException, bp.comment.parseString,
+ '@comment"about something')
+def test_preamble():
+ res = bp.preamble.parseString('@preamble{"about something"}')
+ assert_equal(res.asList(), ['preamble', 'about something'])
+ assert_equal(bp.preamble.parseString(
+ '@PREamble{{about something}}').asList(),
+ ['preamble', 'about something'])
+ assert_equal(bp.preamble.parseString("""@PREamble{
+ {about something}
+ }""").asList(),
+ ['preamble', 'about something'])
+def test_macro():
+ res = bp.macro.parseString('@string{ANAME = "about something"}')
+ assert_equal(res.asList(), ['string', 'aname', 'about something'])
+ assert_equal(
+ bp.macro.parseString('@string{aname = {about something}}').asList(),
+ ['string', 'aname', 'about something'])
+def test_entry():
+ txt = """@some_entry{akey, aname = "about something",
+ another={something else}}"""
+ res = bp.entry.parseString(txt)
+ assert_equal(res.asList(),
+ ['some_entry', 'akey',
+ ['aname', 'about something'], ['another', 'something else']])
+ # Case conversion
+ txt = """@SOME_ENTRY{akey, ANAME = "about something",
+ another={something else}}"""
+ res = bp.entry.parseString(txt)
+ assert_equal(res.asList(),
+ ['some_entry', 'akey',
+ ['aname', 'about something'], ['another', 'something else']])
+def test_bibfile():
+ txt = """@some_entry{akey, aname = "about something",
+ another={something else}}"""
+ res = bp.bibfile.parseString(txt)
+ assert_equal(res.asList(),
+ [['some_entry', 'akey',
+ ['aname', 'about something'],
+ ['another', 'something else']]])
+def test_bib1():
+ # First pass whole bib-like tests
+ txt = """
+Some introductory text
+(implicit comment)
+ @ARTICLE{Brett2002marsbar,
+ author = {Matthew Brett and Jean-Luc Anton and Romain Valabregue and Jean-Baptise
+ Poline},
+ title = {{Region of interest analysis using an SPM toolbox}},
+ journal = {Neuroimage},
+ year = {2002},
+ volume = {16},
+ pages = {1140--1141},
+ number = {2}
+@some_entry{akey, aname = "about something",
+another={something else}}
+ res = bp.bibfile.parseString(txt)
+ assert_equal(len(res), 3)
+ res2 = bp.parse_str(txt)
+ assert_equal(res.asList(), res2.asList())
+ res3 = [r.asList()[0] for r, start, end in bp.definitions.scanString(txt)]
+ assert_equal(res.asList(), res3)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import nose
+ nose.main()