# # dhcpd_leases_parser.py # # Copyright 2008, Paul McGuire # # Sample parser to parse a dhcpd.leases file to extract leases # and lease attributes # # format ref: http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man5/dhcpd.leases.5.php # sample = r"""\ # All times in this file are in UTC (GMT), not your local timezone. This is # not a bug, so please don't ask about it. There is no portable way to # store leases in the local timezone, so please don't request this as a # feature. If this is inconvenient or confusing to you, we sincerely # apologize. Seriously, though - don't ask. # The format of this file is documented in the dhcpd.leases(5) manual page. # This lease file was written by isc-dhcp-V3.0.4 lease { starts 3 2008/01/23 17:16:41; ends 6 2008/02/02 17:16:41; tstp 6 2008/02/02 17:16:41; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:17:f2:9b:d8:19; uid "\001\000\027\362\233\330\031"; } lease { starts 1 2008/02/04 13:46:55; ends never; tstp 1 2008/02/04 17:04:14; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:72:d3:3b:98; uid "\001\000\023r\323;\230"; } lease { starts 3 2008/02/06 12:12:03; ends 4 2008/02/07 12:12:03; tstp 4 2008/02/07 12:12:03; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1d:09:65:93:26; } """ from pyparsing import * import datetime,time LBRACE,RBRACE,SEMI,QUOTE = map(Suppress,'{};"') ipAddress = Combine(Word(nums) + ('.' + Word(nums))*3) hexint = Word(hexnums,exact=2) macAddress = Combine(hexint + (':'+hexint)*5) hdwType = Word(alphanums) yyyymmdd = Combine((Word(nums,exact=4)|Word(nums,exact=2))+ ('/'+Word(nums,exact=2))*2) hhmmss = Combine(Word(nums,exact=2)+(':'+Word(nums,exact=2))*2) dateRef = oneOf(list("0123456"))("weekday") + yyyymmdd("date") + \ hhmmss("time") def utcToLocalTime(tokens): utctime = datetime.datetime.strptime("%(date)s %(time)s" % tokens, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") localtime = utctime-datetime.timedelta(0,time.timezone,0) tokens["utcdate"],tokens["utctime"] = tokens["date"],tokens["time"] tokens["localdate"],tokens["localtime"] = str(localtime).split() del tokens["date"] del tokens["time"] dateRef.setParseAction(utcToLocalTime) startsStmt = "starts" + dateRef + SEMI endsStmt = "ends" + (dateRef | "never") + SEMI tstpStmt = "tstp" + dateRef + SEMI tsfpStmt = "tsfp" + dateRef + SEMI hdwStmt = "hardware" + hdwType("type") + macAddress("mac") + SEMI uidStmt = "uid" + QuotedString('"')("uid") + SEMI bindingStmt = "binding" + Word(alphanums) + Word(alphanums) + SEMI leaseStatement = startsStmt | endsStmt | tstpStmt | tsfpStmt | hdwStmt | \ uidStmt | bindingStmt leaseDef = "lease" + ipAddress("ipaddress") + LBRACE + \ Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group(leaseStatement))) + RBRACE for lease in leaseDef.searchString(sample): print(lease.dump()) print(lease.ipaddress,'->',lease.hardware.mac) print()