.. _example_idp: An extremly simple example of a SAML2 identity provider. ======================================================== There are 2 example IDPs in the project's example directory: * idp2 has a static definition of users: * user attributes are defined in idp_user.py * the password is defined in the PASSWD dict in idp.py * idp2_repoze is using repoze.who middleware to perform authentication and attribute retrieval Configuration ------------- Entity configuration is described in "Configuration of pysaml2 entities" Server parameters like host and port and various command line parameters are defined in the main part of idp.py Setup: ****** The folder [your path]/pysaml2/example/idp2 contains a file named idp_conf.py.example Take the file named idp_conf.py.example and rename it idp_conf.py Generate a metadata file based in the configuration file (idp_conf.py) by using the command:: make_metadata.py idp_conf.py > idp.xml Run IDP: ******** Open a Terminal:: cd [your path]/pysaml2/example/idp2 python idp.py idp_conf Note that you should not have the .py extension on the idp_conf.py while running the program