#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import cgi import importlib import logging import os import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom from saml2.client_base import MIME_PAOS from saml2.sigver import SignatureError import six from six.moves.http_cookies import SimpleCookie from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs import saml2.xmldsig as ds from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, element_to_extension_element from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2 import ecp from saml2 import time_util from saml2.client import Saml2Client from saml2.ecp_client import PAOS_HEADER_INFO from saml2.extension.pefim import SPCertEnc from saml2.httputil import BadRequest from saml2.httputil import NotFound from saml2.httputil import NotImplemented from saml2.httputil import Redirect from saml2.httputil import Response from saml2.httputil import SeeOther from saml2.httputil import ServiceError from saml2.httputil import Unauthorized from saml2.httputil import get_post from saml2.httputil import geturl, make_cookie, parse_cookie from saml2.metadata import create_metadata_string from saml2.response import StatusError from saml2.response import VerificationError from saml2.s_utils import UnknownPrincipal from saml2.s_utils import UnsupportedBinding from saml2.s_utils import decode_base64_and_inflate from saml2.s_utils import rndstr from saml2.s_utils import sid from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT from saml2.samlp import Extensions logger = logging.getLogger("") hdlr = logging.FileHandler("spx.log") base_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)s:%(levelname)s %(message)s") hdlr.setFormatter(base_formatter) logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) SP = None SEED = "" POLICY = None def dict_to_table(ava, lev=0, width=1): txt = ['\n' % width] for prop, valarr in ava.items(): txt.append("\n") if isinstance(valarr, six.string_types): txt.append("\n" % str(prop)) txt.append("\n" % valarr) elif isinstance(valarr, list): i = 0 n = len(valarr) for val in valarr: if not i: txt.append("\n") if isinstance(val, dict): txt.append("\n") else: txt.append("\n" % val) if n > 1: txt.append("\n") n -= 1 i += 1 elif isinstance(valarr, dict): txt.append("\n" % prop) txt.append("\n") txt.append("\n") txt.append("
%s%s%s\n" % (len(valarr), prop)) else: txt.append("
\n") txt.extend(dict_to_table(val, lev + 1, width - 1)) txt.append("%s
%s\n") txt.extend(dict_to_table(valarr, lev + 1, width - 1)) txt.append("
\n") return txt def handle_static(environ, start_response, path): """ Creates a response for a static file. There might be a longer path then just /static/... - if so strip the path leading up to static. :param environ: wsgi enviroment :param start_response: wsgi start response :param path: the static file and path to the file. :return: wsgi response for the static file. """ try: data = open(path, "rb").read() if path.endswith(".ico"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "image/x-icon")]) elif path.endswith(".html"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "text/html")]) elif path.endswith(".txt"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]) elif path.endswith(".css"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "text/css")]) elif path.endswith(".js"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "text/javascript")]) elif path.endswith(".png"): resp = Response(data, headers=[("Content-Type", "image/png")]) else: resp = Response(data) except IOError: resp = NotFound() return resp(environ, start_response) class ECPResponse(object): code = 200 title = "OK" def __init__(self, content): self.content = content # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __call__(self, environ, start_response): start_response( "%s %s" % (self.code, self.title), [("Content-Type", "text/xml")] ) return [self.content] def _expiration(timeout, tformat=None): # Wed, 06-Jun-2012 01:34:34 GMT if not tformat: tformat = "%a, %d-%b-%Y %T GMT" if timeout == "now": return time_util.instant(tformat) else: # validity time should match lifetime of assertions return time_util.in_a_while(minutes=timeout, format=tformat) class Cache(object): def __init__(self): self.uid2user = {} self.cookie_name = "spauthn" self.outstanding_queries = {} self.outstanding_certs = {} self.relay_state = {} self.user = {} self.result = {} def get_user(self, environ): cookie = environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "") logger.debug("Cookie: %s", cookie) if cookie: cookie_obj = SimpleCookie(cookie) morsel = cookie_obj.get(self.cookie_name, None) if morsel: try: return self.uid2user[morsel.value] except KeyError: return None else: logger.debug("No %s cookie", self.cookie_name) return None def delete_cookie(self, environ): cookie = environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "") logger.debug("delete cookie: %s", cookie) if cookie: _name = self.cookie_name cookie_obj = SimpleCookie(cookie) morsel = cookie_obj.get(_name, None) cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie[_name] = "" cookie[_name]["path"] = "/" logger.debug("Expire: %s", morsel) cookie[_name]["expires"] = _expiration("now") return cookie.output().split(": ", 1) return None def set_cookie(self, user): uid = rndstr(32) self.uid2user[uid] = user cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie[self.cookie_name] = uid cookie[self.cookie_name]["path"] = "/" cookie[self.cookie_name]["expires"] = _expiration(480) logger.debug("Cookie expires: %s", cookie[self.cookie_name]["expires"]) return cookie.output().split(": ", 1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RECEIVERS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Service(object): def __init__(self, environ, start_response, user=None): self.environ = environ logger.debug("ENVIRON: %s", environ) self.start_response = start_response self.user = user self.sp = None def unpack_redirect(self): if "QUERY_STRING" in self.environ: _qs = self.environ["QUERY_STRING"] return dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in parse_qs(_qs).items()]) else: return None def unpack_post(self): _dict = parse_qs(get_post(self.environ).decode("utf8")) logger.debug("unpack_post:: %s", _dict) return dict([(k, v[0]) for k, v in _dict.items()]) def unpack_soap(self): try: query = get_post(self.environ) return {"SAMLResponse": query, "RelayState": ""} except Exception: return None def unpack_either(self): if self.environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET": _dict = self.unpack_redirect() elif self.environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST": _dict = self.unpack_post() else: _dict = None logger.debug("_dict: %s", _dict) return _dict def operation(self, _dict, binding): logger.debug("_operation: %s", _dict) if not _dict: resp = BadRequest("Error parsing request or no request") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) else: try: _relay_state = _dict["RelayState"] except KeyError: _relay_state = "" if "SAMLResponse" in _dict: return self.do( _dict["SAMLResponse"], binding, _relay_state, mtype="response" ) elif "SAMLRequest" in _dict: return self.do( _dict["SAMLRequest"], binding, _relay_state, mtype="request" ) def artifact_operation(self, _dict): if not _dict: resp = BadRequest("Missing query") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) else: # exchange artifact for response request = self.sp.artifact2message(_dict["SAMLart"], "spsso") return self.do(request, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT, _dict["RelayState"]) def response(self, binding, http_args): if binding == BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT: resp = Redirect() else: resp = Response(http_args["data"], headers=http_args["headers"]) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) def do(self, query, binding, relay_state="", mtype="response"): pass def redirect(self): """ Expects a HTTP-redirect response """ _dict = self.unpack_redirect() return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT) def post(self): """ Expects a HTTP-POST response """ _dict = self.unpack_post() return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_HTTP_POST) def artifact(self): # Can be either by HTTP_Redirect or HTTP_POST _dict = self.unpack_either() return self.artifact_operation(_dict) def soap(self): """ Single log out using HTTP_SOAP binding """ logger.debug("- SOAP -") _dict = self.unpack_soap() logger.debug("_dict: %s", _dict) return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_SOAP) def uri(self): _dict = self.unpack_either() return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_SOAP) def not_authn(self): resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attribute Consuming service # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class User(object): def __init__(self, name_id, data, saml_response): self.name_id = name_id self.data = data self.response = saml_response @property def authn_statement(self): xml_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( str(self.response.assertion.authn_statement[0]) ) return xml_doc.toprettyxml() class ACS(Service): def __init__(self, sp, environ, start_response, cache=None, **kwargs): Service.__init__(self, environ, start_response) self.sp = sp self.outstanding_queries = cache.outstanding_queries self.cache = cache self.response = None self.kwargs = kwargs def do(self, response, binding, relay_state="", mtype="response"): """ :param response: The SAML response, transport encoded :param binding: Which binding the query came in over """ # tmp_outstanding_queries = dict(self.outstanding_queries) if not response: logger.info("Missing Response") resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) try: conv_info = { "remote_addr": self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"], "request_uri": self.environ["REQUEST_URI"], "entity_id": self.sp.config.entityid, "endpoints": self.sp.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp"), } self.response = self.sp.parse_authn_request_response( response, binding, self.outstanding_queries, self.cache.outstanding_certs, conv_info=conv_info, ) except UnknownPrincipal as excp: logger.error("UnknownPrincipal: %s", excp) resp = ServiceError("UnknownPrincipal: %s" % (excp,)) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except UnsupportedBinding as excp: logger.error("UnsupportedBinding: %s", excp) resp = ServiceError("UnsupportedBinding: %s" % (excp,)) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except VerificationError as err: resp = ServiceError("Verification error: %s" % (err,)) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except SignatureError as err: resp = ServiceError("Signature error: %s" % (err,)) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except Exception as err: resp = ServiceError("Other error: %s" % (err,)) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) logger.info("AVA: %s", self.response.ava) user = User(self.response.name_id, self.response.ava, self.response) cookie = self.cache.set_cookie(user) resp = Redirect("/", headers=[cookie]) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) def verify_attributes(self, ava): logger.info("SP: %s", self.sp.config.entityid) rest = POLICY.get_entity_categories(self.sp.config.entityid, self.sp.metadata) akeys = [k.lower() for k in ava.keys()] res = {"less": [], "more": []} for key, attr in rest.items(): if key not in ava: if key not in akeys: res["less"].append(key) for key, attr in ava.items(): _key = key.lower() if _key not in rest: res["more"].append(key) return res # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REQUESTERS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SSO(object): def __init__( self, sp, environ, start_response, cache=None, wayf=None, discosrv=None, bindings=None, ): self.sp = sp self.environ = environ self.start_response = start_response self.cache = cache self.idp_query_param = "IdpQuery" self.wayf = wayf self.discosrv = discosrv if bindings: self.bindings = bindings else: self.bindings = [ BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT, ] logger.debug("--- SSO ---") def response(self, binding, http_args, do_not_start_response=False): if binding == BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT: resp = Redirect() elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: for param, value in http_args["headers"]: if param == "Location": resp = SeeOther(str(value)) break else: resp = ServiceError("Parameter error") else: resp = Response(http_args["data"], headers=http_args["headers"]) if do_not_start_response: return resp else: return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) def _wayf_redirect(self, came_from): sid_ = sid() self.cache.outstanding_queries[sid_] = came_from logger.debug("Redirect to WAYF function: %s", self.wayf) return -1, SeeOther(headers=[("Location", "%s?%s" % (self.wayf, sid_))]) def _pick_idp(self, came_from): """ If more than one idp and if none is selected, I have to do wayf or disco """ _cli = self.sp logger.debug("[_pick_idp] %s", self.environ) if "HTTP_PAOS" in self.environ: if self.environ["HTTP_PAOS"] == PAOS_HEADER_INFO: if MIME_PAOS in self.environ["HTTP_ACCEPT"]: # Where should I redirect the user to # entityid -> the IdP to use # relay_state -> when back from authentication logger.debug("- ECP client detected -") _rstate = rndstr() self.cache.relay_state[_rstate] = geturl(self.environ) _entityid = _cli.config.ecp_endpoint(self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) if not _entityid: return -1, ServiceError("No IdP to talk to") logger.debug("IdP to talk to: %s", _entityid) return ecp.ecp_auth_request(_cli, _entityid, _rstate) else: return -1, ServiceError("Faulty Accept header") else: return -1, ServiceError("unknown ECP version") # Find all IdPs idps = self.sp.metadata.with_descriptor("idpsso") idp_entity_id = None kaka = self.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "") if kaka: try: (idp_entity_id, _) = parse_cookie("ve_disco", "SEED_SAW", kaka) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: pass # Any specific IdP specified in a query part query = self.environ.get("QUERY_STRING") if not idp_entity_id and query: try: _idp_entity_id = dict(parse_qs(query))[self.idp_query_param][0] if _idp_entity_id in idps: idp_entity_id = _idp_entity_id except KeyError: logger.debug("No IdP entity ID in query: %s", query) pass if not idp_entity_id: if self.wayf: if query: try: wayf_selected = dict(parse_qs(query))["wayf_selected"][0] except KeyError: return self._wayf_redirect(came_from) idp_entity_id = wayf_selected else: return self._wayf_redirect(came_from) elif self.discosrv: if query: idp_entity_id = _cli.parse_discovery_service_response( query=self.environ.get("QUERY_STRING") ) if not idp_entity_id: sid_ = sid() self.cache.outstanding_queries[sid_] = came_from logger.debug("Redirect to Discovery Service function") eid = _cli.config.entityid ret = _cli.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp")["discovery_response"][ 0 ][0] ret += "?sid=%s" % sid_ loc = _cli.create_discovery_service_request( self.discosrv, eid, **{"return": ret} ) return -1, SeeOther(loc) elif len(idps) == 1: # idps is a dictionary idp_entity_id = list(idps.keys())[0] elif not len(idps): return -1, ServiceError("Misconfiguration") else: return -1, NotImplemented("No WAYF or DS present!") logger.info("Chosen IdP: '%s'", idp_entity_id) return 0, idp_entity_id def redirect_to_auth(self, _cli, entity_id, came_from, sigalg=""): try: # Picks a binding to use for sending the Request to the IDP _binding, destination = _cli.pick_binding( "single_sign_on_service", self.bindings, "idpsso", entity_id=entity_id ) logger.debug("binding: %s, destination: %s", _binding, destination) # Binding here is the response binding that is which binding the # IDP should use to return the response. acs = _cli.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp")["assertion_consumer_service"] # just pick one endp, return_binding = acs[0] extensions = None cert = None if _cli.config.generate_cert_func is not None: cert_str, req_key_str = _cli.config.generate_cert_func() cert = {"cert": cert_str, "key": req_key_str} spcertenc = SPCertEnc( x509_data=ds.X509Data( x509_certificate=ds.X509Certificate(text=cert_str) ) ) extensions = Extensions( extension_elements=[element_to_extension_element(spcertenc)] ) req_id, req = _cli.create_authn_request( destination, binding=return_binding, extensions=extensions, nameid_format=NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT, ) _rstate = rndstr() self.cache.relay_state[_rstate] = came_from ht_args = _cli.apply_binding( _binding, "%s" % req, destination, relay_state=_rstate, sigalg=sigalg ) _sid = req_id if cert is not None: self.cache.outstanding_certs[_sid] = cert except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) resp = ServiceError("Failed to construct the AuthnRequest: %s" % exc) return resp # remember the request self.cache.outstanding_queries[_sid] = came_from return self.response(_binding, ht_args, do_not_start_response=True) def do(self): _cli = self.sp # Which page was accessed to get here came_from = geturl(self.environ) logger.debug("[sp.challenge] RelayState >> '%s'", came_from) # If more than one idp and if none is selected, I have to do wayf (done, response) = self._pick_idp(came_from) # Three cases: -1 something went wrong or Discovery service used # 0 I've got an IdP to send a request to # >0 ECP in progress logger.debug("_idp_pick returned: %s", done) if done == -1: return response(self.environ, self.start_response) elif done > 0: self.cache.outstanding_queries[done] = came_from return ECPResponse(response) else: entity_id = response # Do the AuthnRequest resp = self.redirect_to_auth(_cli, entity_id, came_from) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SLO(Service): def __init__(self, sp, environ, start_response, cache=None): Service.__init__(self, environ, start_response) self.sp = sp self.cache = cache def do(self, message, binding, relay_state="", mtype="response"): try: txt = decode_base64_and_inflate(message) is_logout_request = "LogoutRequest" in txt.split(">", 1)[0] except: # TODO: parse the XML correctly is_logout_request = False if is_logout_request: self.sp.parse_logout_request(message, binding) else: self.sp.parse_logout_request_response(message, binding) return finish_logout(self.environ, self.start_response) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def not_found(environ, start_response): """Called if no URL matches.""" resp = NotFound("Not Found") return resp(environ, start_response) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def main(environ, start_response, sp): user = CACHE.get_user(environ) if user is None: sso = SSO(sp, environ, start_response, cache=CACHE, **ARGS) return sso.do() body = dict_to_table(user.data) body.append( "
".format( authn_stmt=cgi.escape(user.authn_statement) ) ) body.append("
logout") resp = Response(body) return resp(environ, start_response) def disco(environ, start_response, _sp): query = parse_qs(environ["QUERY_STRING"]) entity_id = query["entityID"][0] _sid = query["sid"][0] came_from = CACHE.outstanding_queries[_sid] _sso = SSO(_sp, environ, start_response, cache=CACHE, **ARGS) resp = _sso.redirect_to_auth(_sso.sp, entity_id, came_from) # Add cookie kaka = make_cookie("ve_disco", entity_id, "SEED_SAW") resp.headers.append(kaka) return resp(environ, start_response) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def logout(environ, start_response, sp): user = CACHE.get_user(environ) if user is None: sso = SSO(sp, environ, start_response, cache=CACHE, **ARGS) return sso.do() logger.info("[logout] subject_id: '%s'", user.name_id) # What if more than one data = sp.global_logout(user.name_id) logger.info("[logout] global_logout > %s", data) for entity_id, logout_info in data.items(): if isinstance(logout_info, tuple): binding, http_info = logout_info if binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST: body = "".join(http_info["data"]) resp = Response(body) return resp(environ, start_response) elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: for key, value in http_info["headers"]: if key.lower() == "location": resp = Redirect(value) return resp(environ, start_response) resp = ServiceError("missing Location header") return resp(environ, start_response) else: resp = ServiceError("unknown logout binding: %s", binding) return resp(environ, start_response) else: # result from logout, should be OK pass return finish_logout(environ, start_response) def finish_logout(environ, start_response): logger.info("[logout done] environ: %s", environ) logger.info("[logout done] remaining subjects: %s", CACHE.uid2user.values()) # remove cookie and stored info cookie = CACHE.delete_cookie(environ) resp = Response("You are now logged out of this service", headers=[cookie]) return resp(environ, start_response) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # map urls to functions urls = [ # Hmm, place holder, NOT used ("place", ("holder", None)), (r"^$", main), (r"^disco", disco), (r"^logout$", logout), ] def add_urls(): base = "acs" urls.append(("%s/post$" % base, (ACS, "post", SP))) urls.append(("%s/post/(.*)$" % base, (ACS, "post", SP))) urls.append(("%s/redirect$" % base, (ACS, "redirect", SP))) urls.append(("%s/redirect/(.*)$" % base, (ACS, "redirect", SP))) base = "slo" urls.append(("%s/post$" % base, (SLO, "post", SP))) urls.append(("%s/post/(.*)$" % base, (SLO, "post", SP))) urls.append(("%s/redirect$" % base, (SLO, "redirect", SP))) urls.append(("%s/redirect/(.*)$" % base, (SLO, "redirect", SP))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def metadata(environ, start_response): try: path = _args.path if path is None or len(path) == 0: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" metadata = create_metadata_string( path + "sp_conf.py", None, _args.valid, _args.cert, _args.keyfile, _args.id, _args.name, _args.sign, ) start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/xml")]) return [metadata] except Exception as ex: logger.error("An error occured while creating metadata: %s", ex.message) return not_found(environ, start_response) def application(environ, start_response): """ The main WSGI application. Dispatch the current request to the functions from above. If nothing matches, call the `not_found` function. :param environ: The HTTP application environment :param start_response: The application to run when the handling of the request is done :return: The response as a list of lines """ path = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "").lstrip("/") logger.debug(" PATH: '%s'", path) if path == "metadata": return metadata(environ, start_response) logger.debug("Finding callback to run") try: for regex, spec in urls: match = re.search(regex, path) if match is not None: if isinstance(spec, tuple): callback, func_name, _sp = spec cls = callback(_sp, environ, start_response, cache=CACHE) func = getattr(cls, func_name) return func() else: return spec(environ, start_response, SP) if re.match(".*static/.*", path): return handle_static(environ, start_response, path) return not_found(environ, start_response) except StatusError as err: logging.error("StatusError: %s" % err) resp = BadRequest("%s" % err) return resp(environ, start_response) except Exception as err: # _err = exception_trace("RUN", err) # logging.error(exception_trace("RUN", _err)) print(err, file=sys.stderr) resp = ServiceError("%s" % err) return resp(environ, start_response) class ToBytesMiddleware(object): """Converts a message to bytes to be sent by WSGI server.""" def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): data = self.app(environ, start_response) if isinstance(data, list): return ( d if isinstance(d, bytes) else d.encode("utf-8") for d in data ) elif isinstance(data, str): return data.encode("utf-8") return data if __name__ == "__main__": try: from cheroot.wsgi import Server as WSGIServer from cheroot.ssl import pyopenssl except ImportError: from cherrypy.wsgiserver import CherryPyWSGIServer as WSGIServer from cherrypy.wsgiserver import ssl_pyopenssl as pyopenssl _parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() _parser.add_argument( "-d", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="Print debug information" ) _parser.add_argument("-D", dest="discosrv", help="Which disco server to use") _parser.add_argument("-s", dest="seed", help="Cookie seed") _parser.add_argument( "-W", dest="wayf", action="store_true", help="Which WAYF url to use" ) _parser.add_argument("config", help="SAML client config") _parser.add_argument("-p", dest="path", help="Path to configuration file.") _parser.add_argument( "-v", dest="valid", default="4", help="How long, in days, the metadata is valid from " "the time of creation", ) _parser.add_argument("-c", dest="cert", help="certificate") _parser.add_argument( "-i", dest="id", help="The ID of the entities descriptor in the " "metadata" ) _parser.add_argument( "-k", dest="keyfile", help="A file with a key to sign the metadata with" ) _parser.add_argument("-n", dest="name") _parser.add_argument( "-S", dest="sign", action="store_true", help="sign the metadata" ) _parser.add_argument("-C", dest="service_conf_module", help="service config module") ARGS = {} _args = _parser.parse_args() if _args.discosrv: ARGS["discosrv"] = _args.discosrv if _args.wayf: ARGS["wayf"] = _args.wayf CACHE = Cache() CNFBASE = _args.config if _args.seed: SEED = _args.seed else: SEED = "SnabbtInspel" if _args.service_conf_module: service_conf = importlib.import_module(_args.service_conf_module) else: import service_conf HOST = service_conf.HOST PORT = service_conf.PORT # ------- HTTPS ------- # These should point to relevant files SERVER_CERT = service_conf.SERVER_CERT SERVER_KEY = service_conf.SERVER_KEY # This is of course the certificate chain for the CA that signed # your cert and all the way up to the top CERT_CHAIN = service_conf.CERT_CHAIN SP = Saml2Client(config_file="%s" % CNFBASE) POLICY = service_conf.POLICY add_urls() sign_alg = None digest_alg = None try: sign_alg = service_conf.SIGN_ALG except: pass try: digest_alg = service_conf.DIGEST_ALG except: pass ds.DefaultSignature(sign_alg, digest_alg) SRV = WSGIServer((HOST, PORT), ToBytesMiddleware(application)) _https = "" if service_conf.HTTPS: SRV.ssl_adapter = pyopenssl.pyOpenSSLAdapter( SERVER_CERT, SERVER_KEY, CERT_CHAIN ) _https = " using SSL/TLS" logger.info("Server starting") print("SP listening on %s:%s%s" % (HOST, PORT, _https)) try: SRV.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: SRV.stop()