#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import os import sys from importlib import import_module from saml2.s_utils import factory from saml2.s_utils import do_ava from saml2 import saml, ExtensionElement, NAMESPACE from saml2 import extension_elements_to_elements from saml2 import SAMLError from saml2.saml import NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED, NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UnknownNameFormat(SAMLError): pass class ConverterError(SAMLError): pass def load_maps(dirspec): """ load the attribute maps :param dirspec: a directory specification :return: a dictionary with the name of the map as key and the map as value. The map itself is a dictionary with two keys: "to" and "fro". The values for those keys are the actual mapping. """ mapd = {} if dirspec not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dirspec) for fil in os.listdir(dirspec): if fil.endswith(".py"): mod = import_module(fil[:-3]) for item in _find_maps_in_module(mod): mapd[item["identifier"]] = item return mapd def ac_factory(path=""): """Attribute Converter factory :param path: The path to a directory where the attribute maps are expected to reside. :return: A list of AttributeConverter instances """ acs = [] if path: if path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, path) for fil in sorted(os.listdir(path)): if fil.endswith(".py"): mod = import_module(fil[:-3]) acs.extend(_attribute_map_module_to_acs(mod)) else: from saml2 import attributemaps for typ in attributemaps.__all__: mod = import_module(".%s" % typ, "saml2.attributemaps") acs.extend(_attribute_map_module_to_acs(mod)) return acs def _attribute_map_module_to_acs(module): """Scan an attribute map module and return any attribute maps defined :param: module: the python map module :type: types.ModuleType :return: a generator yielding AttributeConverter defintions :rtype: typing.Iterable[AttributeConverter] """ for item in _find_maps_in_module(module): atco = AttributeConverter(item["identifier"]) atco.from_dict(item) yield atco def _find_maps_in_module(module): """Find attribute map dictionaries in a map file :param: module: the python map module :type: types.ModuleType :return: a generator yielding dict objects which have the right shape :rtype: typing.Iterable[dict] """ for key, item in module.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith("__"): continue if isinstance(item, dict) and "identifier" in item and ( "to" in item or "fro" in item ): yield item def to_local(acs, statement, allow_unknown_attributes=False): """ Replaces the attribute names in a attribute value assertion with the equivalent name from a local name format. :param acs: List of Attribute Converters :param statement: The Attribute Statement :param allow_unknown_attributes: If unknown attributes are allowed :return: A key,values dictionary """ return list_to_local(acs, statement.attribute, allow_unknown_attributes) def list_to_local(acs, attrlist, allow_unknown_attributes=False): """ Replaces the attribute names in a attribute value assertion with the equivalent name from a local name format. :param acs: List of Attribute Converters :param attrlist: List of Attributes :param allow_unknown_attributes: If unknown attributes are allowed :return: A key,values dictionary """ if not acs: acs = [AttributeConverter()] acsd = {"": acs} else: acsd = dict([(a.name_format, a) for a in acs]) ava = {} for attr in attrlist: try: _func = acsd[attr.name_format].ava_from except KeyError: if ( attr.name_format == NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED or allow_unknown_attributes ): _func = acs[0].lcd_ava_from else: logger.info("Unsupported attribute name format: %s", attr.name_format) continue try: key, val = _func(attr) except KeyError: if allow_unknown_attributes: key, val = acs[0].lcd_ava_from(attr) else: logger.info("Unknown attribute name: %s", attr) continue except AttributeError: continue try: ava[key].extend(val) except KeyError: ava[key] = val return ava def from_local(acs, ava, name_format): for aconv in acs: #print(ac.format, name_format) if aconv.name_format == name_format: #print("Found a name_form converter") return aconv.to_(ava) return None def from_local_name(acs, attr, name_format): """ :param acs: List of AttributeConverter instances :param attr: attribute name as string :param name_format: Which name-format it should be translated to :return: An Attribute instance """ for aconv in acs: #print(ac.format, name_format) if aconv.name_format == name_format: #print("Found a name_form converter") return aconv.to_format(attr) return attr def to_local_name(acs, attr): """ :param acs: List of AttributeConverter instances :param attr: an Attribute instance :return: The local attribute name """ for aconv in acs: lattr = aconv.from_format(attr) if lattr: return lattr return attr.friendly_name def get_local_name(acs, attr, name_format): for aconv in acs: #print(ac.format, name_format) if aconv.name_format == name_format: return aconv._fro.get(attr) def d_to_local_name(acs, attr): """ :param acs: List of AttributeConverter instances :param attr: an Attribute dictionary :return: The local attribute name """ for aconv in acs: lattr = aconv.d_from_format(attr) if lattr: return lattr # if everything else fails this might be good enough try: return attr["friendly_name"] except KeyError: raise ConverterError("Could not find local name for %s" % attr) class AttributeConverter(object): """ Converts from an attribute statement to a key,value dictionary and vice-versa """ def __init__(self, name_format=""): self.name_format = name_format self._to = None self._fro = None def adjust(self): """ If one of the transformations is not defined it is expected to be the mirror image of the other. """ if self._fro is None and self._to is not None: self._fro = dict( [(value.lower(), key) for key, value in self._to.items()]) if self._to is None and self._fro is not None: self._to = dict( [(value.lower(), key) for key, value in self._fro.items()]) def from_dict(self, mapdict): """ Import the attribute map from a dictionary :param mapdict: The dictionary """ self.name_format = mapdict["identifier"] try: self._fro = dict( [(k.lower(), v) for k, v in mapdict["fro"].items()]) except KeyError: pass try: self._to = dict([(k.lower(), v) for k, v in mapdict["to"].items()]) except KeyError: pass if self._fro is None and self._to is None: raise ConverterError("Missing specifications") if self._fro is None or self._to is None: self.adjust() def lcd_ava_from(self, attribute): """ If nothing else works, this should :param attribute: an Attribute instance :return: """ name = attribute.name.strip() values = [ (value.text or '').strip() for value in attribute.attribute_value] return name, values def fail_safe_fro(self, statement): """ In case there is not formats defined or if the name format is undefined :param statement: AttributeStatement instance :return: A dictionary with names and values """ result = {} for attribute in statement.attribute: if attribute.name_format and \ attribute.name_format != NAME_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED: continue try: name = attribute.friendly_name.strip() except AttributeError: name = attribute.name.strip() result[name] = [] for value in attribute.attribute_value: if not value.text: result[name].append('') else: result[name].append(value.text.strip()) return result def ava_from(self, attribute, allow_unknown=False): try: attr = self._fro[attribute.name.strip().lower()] except AttributeError: attr = attribute.friendly_name.strip().lower() except KeyError: if allow_unknown: try: attr = attribute.name.strip().lower() except AttributeError: attr = attribute.friendly_name.strip().lower() else: raise val = [] for value in attribute.attribute_value: if value.extension_elements: ext = extension_elements_to_elements(value.extension_elements, [saml]) for ex in ext: if attr == "eduPersonTargetedID" and ex.text: val.append(ex.text.strip()) else: cval = {} for key, (name, typ, mul) in ex.c_attributes.items(): exv = getattr(ex, name) if exv: cval[name] = exv if ex.text: cval["value"] = ex.text.strip() val.append({ex.c_tag: cval}) elif not value.text: val.append('') else: val.append(value.text.strip()) return attr, val def fro(self, statement): """ Get the attributes and the attribute values. :param statement: The AttributeStatement. :return: A dictionary containing attributes and values """ if not self.name_format: return self.fail_safe_fro(statement) result = {} for attribute in statement.attribute: if attribute.name_format and self.name_format and \ attribute.name_format != self.name_format: continue try: (key, val) = self.ava_from(attribute) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass else: result[key] = val return result def to_format(self, attr): """ Creates an Attribute instance with name, name_format and friendly_name :param attr: The local name of the attribute :return: An Attribute instance """ try: _attr = self._to[attr] except KeyError: try: _attr = self._to[attr.lower()] except KeyError: _attr = '' if _attr: return factory(saml.Attribute, name=_attr, name_format=self.name_format, friendly_name=attr) else: return factory(saml.Attribute, name=attr) def from_format(self, attr): """ Find out the local name of an attribute :param attr: An saml.Attribute instance :return: The local attribute name or "" if no mapping could be made """ if attr.name_format: if self.name_format == attr.name_format: try: return self._fro[attr.name.lower()] except KeyError: pass else: # don't know the name format so try all I have try: return self._fro[attr.name.lower()] except KeyError: pass return "" def d_from_format(self, attr): """ Find out the local name of an attribute :param attr: An Attribute dictionary :return: The local attribute name or "" if no mapping could be made """ if attr["name_format"]: if self.name_format == attr["name_format"]: try: return self._fro[attr["name"].lower()] except KeyError: pass else: # don't know the name format so try all I have try: return self._fro[attr["name"].lower()] except KeyError: pass return "" def to_(self, attrvals): """ Create a list of Attribute instances. :param attrvals: A dictionary of attributes and values :return: A list of Attribute instances """ attributes = [] for key, value in attrvals.items(): name = self._to.get(key.lower()) if name: if name == "urn:oid:": # special case for eduPersonTargetedID attr_value = self.to_eptid_value(value) else: attr_value = do_ava(value) attributes.append(factory(saml.Attribute, name=name, name_format=self.name_format, friendly_name=key, attribute_value=attr_value)) else: attributes.append(factory(saml.Attribute, name=key, attribute_value=do_ava(value))) return attributes def to_eptid_value(self, values): """ Create AttributeValue instances of NameID from the given values. Special handling for the "eptid" attribute Name=urn:oid: FriendlyName=eduPersonTargetedID values is a list of items of type str or dict. When an item is a dictionary it has the keys: "NameQualifier", "SPNameQualifier", and "text". Returns a list of AttributeValue instances of NameID elements. """ if type(values) is not list: values = [values] def _create_nameid_ext_el(value): text = value["text"] if isinstance(value, dict) else value attributes = ( { "Format": NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT, "NameQualifier": value["NameQualifier"], "SPNameQualifier": value["SPNameQualifier"], } if isinstance(value, dict) else {"Format": NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT} ) element = ExtensionElement( "NameID", NAMESPACE, attributes=attributes, text=text ) return element attribute_values = [ saml.AttributeValue(extension_elements=[_create_nameid_ext_el(v)]) for v in values ] return attribute_values class AttributeConverterNOOP(AttributeConverter): """ Does a NOOP conversion, that is no conversion is made """ def __init__(self, name_format=""): AttributeConverter.__init__(self, name_format) def to_(self, attrvals): """ Create a list of Attribute instances. :param attrvals: A dictionary of attributes and values :return: A list of Attribute instances """ attributes = [] for key, value in attrvals.items(): key = key.lower() attributes.append(factory(saml.Attribute, name=key, name_format=self.name_format, attribute_value=do_ava(value))) return attributes