# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import six """Contains classes and functions that a SAML2.0 Service Provider (SP) may use to conclude its tasks. """ from saml2.request import LogoutRequest import saml2 from saml2 import saml, SAMLError from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP import saml2.xmldsig as ds from saml2.ident import decode, code from saml2.httpbase import HTTPError from saml2.s_utils import sid from saml2.s_utils import status_message_factory from saml2.s_utils import success_status_factory from saml2.samlp import STATUS_REQUEST_DENIED from saml2.samlp import STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL from saml2.time_util import not_on_or_after from saml2.saml import AssertionIDRef from saml2.client_base import Base from saml2.client_base import SignOnError from saml2.client_base import LogoutError from saml2.client_base import NoServiceDefined from saml2.mdstore import locations import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Saml2Client(Base): """ The basic pySAML2 service provider class """ def prepare_for_authenticate( self, entityid=None, relay_state="", binding=saml2.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, vorg="", nameid_format=None, scoping=None, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, sigalg=None, response_binding=saml2.BINDING_HTTP_POST, **kwargs, ): """ Makes all necessary preparations for an authentication request. :param entityid: The entity ID of the IdP to send the request to :param relay_state: To where the user should be returned after successfull log in. :param binding: Which binding to use for sending the request :param vorg: The entity_id of the virtual organization I'm a member of :param nameid_format: :param scoping: For which IdPs this query are aimed. :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :param response_binding: Which binding to use for receiving the response :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments :return: session id and AuthnRequest info """ reqid, negotiated_binding, info = self.prepare_for_negotiated_authenticate( entityid=entityid, relay_state=relay_state, binding=binding, vorg=vorg, nameid_format=nameid_format, scoping=scoping, consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign, sigalg=sigalg, response_binding=response_binding, **kwargs, ) if negotiated_binding != binding: raise ValueError( "Negotiated binding '{}' does not match binding to use '{}'".format( negotiated_binding, binding ) ) return reqid, info def prepare_for_negotiated_authenticate( self, entityid=None, relay_state="", binding=None, vorg="", nameid_format=None, scoping=None, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, response_binding=saml2.BINDING_HTTP_POST, sigalg=None, **kwargs, ): """ Makes all necessary preparations for an authentication request that negotiates which binding to use for authentication. :param entityid: The entity ID of the IdP to send the request to :param relay_state: To where the user should be returned after successfull log in. :param binding: Which binding to use for sending the request :param vorg: The entity_id of the virtual organization I'm a member of :param nameid_format: :param scoping: For which IdPs this query are aimed. :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :param response_binding: Which binding to use for receiving the response :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments :return: session id and AuthnRequest info """ expected_binding = binding for binding in [BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST]: if expected_binding and binding != expected_binding: continue destination = self._sso_location(entityid, binding) logger.info("destination to provider: %s", destination) # XXX - sign_post will embed the signature to the xml doc # XXX ^through self.create_authn_request(...) # XXX - sign_redirect will add the signature to the query params # XXX ^through self.apply_binding(...) sign_post = (binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST and sign) sign_redirect = (binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT and sign) reqid, request = self.create_authn_request( destination, vorg, scoping, response_binding, nameid_format, consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign_post, sign_alg=sigalg, **kwargs, ) _req_str = str(request) logger.info("AuthNReq: %s", _req_str) http_info = self.apply_binding( binding, _req_str, destination, relay_state, sign=sign_redirect, sigalg=sigalg, ) return reqid, binding, http_info else: raise SignOnError("No supported bindings available for authentication") def global_logout(self, name_id, reason="", expire=None, sign=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ More or less a layer of indirection :-/ Bootstrapping the whole thing by finding all the IdPs that should be notified. :param name_id: The identifier of the subject that wants to be logged out. :param reason: Why the subject wants to log out :param expire: The latest the log out should happen. If this time has passed don't bother. :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. This also depends on what binding is used. :return: Depends on which binding is used: If the HTTP redirect binding then a HTTP redirect, if SOAP binding has been used the just the result of that conversation. """ if isinstance(name_id, six.string_types): name_id = decode(name_id) logger.info("logout request for: %s", name_id) # find out which IdPs/AAs I should notify entity_ids = self.users.issuers_of_info(name_id) return self.do_logout(name_id, entity_ids, reason, expire, sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) def do_logout(self, name_id, entity_ids, reason, expire, sign=None, expected_binding=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): """ :param name_id: Identifier of the Subject (a NameID instance) :param entity_ids: List of entity ids for the IdPs that have provided information concerning the subject :param reason: The reason for doing the logout :param expire: Try to logout before this time. :param sign: Whether to sign the request or not :param expected_binding: Specify the expected binding then not try it all :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments. :return: """ # check time if not not_on_or_after(expire): # I've run out of time # Do the local logout anyway self.local_logout(name_id) return 0, "504 Gateway Timeout", [], [] not_done = entity_ids[:] responses = {} for entity_id in entity_ids: logger.debug("Logout from '%s'", entity_id) # for all where I can use the SOAP binding, do those first for binding in [BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT]: if expected_binding and binding != expected_binding: continue try: srvs = self.metadata.single_logout_service(entity_id, binding, "idpsso") except: srvs = None if not srvs: logger.debug("No SLO '%s' service", binding) continue destination = next(locations(srvs), None) logger.info("destination to provider: %s", destination) try: session_info = self.users.get_info_from(name_id, entity_id, False) session_indexes = [session_info['session_index']] except KeyError: session_indexes = None req_id, request = self.create_logout_request( destination, entity_id, name_id=name_id, reason=reason, expire=expire, session_indexes=session_indexes) # to_sign = [] if binding.startswith("http://"): sign = True if sign is None: sign = self.logout_requests_signed def_sig = ds.DefaultSignature() sign_alg = def_sig.get_sign_alg() if sign_alg is None else sign_alg digest_alg = ( def_sig.get_digest_alg() if digest_alg is None else digest_alg ) if sign: if binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: srequest = str(request) else: srequest = self.sign( request, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg ) else: srequest = str(request) relay_state = self._relay_state(req_id) http_info = self.apply_binding( binding, srequest, destination, relay_state, sign=sign, sigalg=sign_alg, ) if binding == BINDING_SOAP: response = self.send(**http_info) if response and response.status_code == 200: not_done.remove(entity_id) response = response.text logger.info("Response: %s", response) res = self.parse_logout_request_response(response, binding) responses[entity_id] = res else: logger.info("NOT OK response from %s", destination) else: self.state[req_id] = { "entity_id": entity_id, "operation": "SLO", "entity_ids": entity_ids, "name_id": code(name_id), "reason": reason, "not_on_or_after": expire, "sign": sign, } responses[entity_id] = (binding, http_info) not_done.remove(entity_id) # only try one binding break if not_done: # upstream should try later raise LogoutError("%s" % (entity_ids,)) return responses def local_logout(self, name_id): """ Remove the user from the cache, equals local logout :param name_id: The identifier of the subject """ self.users.remove_person(name_id) return True def is_logged_in(self, name_id): """ Check if user is in the cache :param name_id: The identifier of the subject """ identity = self.users.get_identity(name_id)[0] return bool(identity) def handle_logout_response(self, response, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ handles a Logout response :param response: A response.Response instance :return: 4-tuple of (session_id of the last sent logout request, response message, response headers and message) """ logger.info("state: %s", self.state) status = self.state[response.in_response_to] logger.info("status: %s", status) issuer = response.issuer() logger.info("issuer: %s", issuer) del self.state[response.in_response_to] if status["entity_ids"] == [issuer]: # done self.local_logout(decode(status["name_id"])) return 0, "200 Ok", [("Content-type", "text/html")], [] else: status["entity_ids"].remove(issuer) if "sign_alg" in status: sign_alg = status["sign_alg"] return self.do_logout(decode(status["name_id"]), status["entity_ids"], status["reason"], status["not_on_or_after"], status["sign"], sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) def _use_soap(self, destination, query_type, **kwargs): _create_func = getattr(self, "create_%s" % query_type) _response_func = getattr(self, "parse_%s_response" % query_type) try: response_args = kwargs["response_args"] del kwargs["response_args"] except KeyError: response_args = None qid, query = _create_func(destination, **kwargs) response = self.send_using_soap(query, destination) if response.status_code == 200: if not response_args: response_args = {"binding": BINDING_SOAP} else: response_args["binding"] = BINDING_SOAP logger.info("Verifying response") if response_args: response = _response_func(response.content, **response_args) else: response = _response_func(response.content) else: raise HTTPError("%d:%s" % (response.status_code, response.error)) if response: # not_done.remove(entity_id) logger.info("OK response from %s", destination) return response else: logger.info("NOT OK response from %s", destination) return None # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def do_authz_decision_query(self, entity_id, action, subject_id, nameid_format, evidence=None, resource=None, sp_name_qualifier=None, name_qualifier=None, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False): subject = saml.Subject( name_id=saml.NameID(text=subject_id, format=nameid_format, sp_name_qualifier=sp_name_qualifier, name_qualifier=name_qualifier)) srvs = self.metadata.authz_service(entity_id, BINDING_SOAP) for dest in locations(srvs): resp = self._use_soap(dest, "authz_decision_query", action=action, evidence=evidence, resource=resource, subject=subject) if resp: return resp return None def do_assertion_id_request(self, assertion_ids, entity_id, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False): srvs = self.metadata.assertion_id_request_service(entity_id, BINDING_SOAP) if not srvs: raise NoServiceDefined("%s: %s" % (entity_id, "assertion_id_request_service")) if isinstance(assertion_ids, six.string_types): assertion_ids = [assertion_ids] _id_refs = [AssertionIDRef(_id) for _id in assertion_ids] for destination in locations(srvs): res = self._use_soap(destination, "assertion_id_request", assertion_id_refs=_id_refs, consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign) if res: return res return None def do_authn_query(self, entity_id, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False): srvs = self.metadata.authn_request_service(entity_id, BINDING_SOAP) for destination in locations(srvs): resp = self._use_soap(destination, "authn_query", consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign) if resp: return resp return None def do_attribute_query(self, entityid, subject_id, attribute=None, sp_name_qualifier=None, name_qualifier=None, nameid_format=None, real_id=None, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False, binding=BINDING_SOAP, nsprefix=None): """ Does a attribute request to an attribute authority, this is by default done over SOAP. :param entityid: To whom the query should be sent :param subject_id: The identifier of the subject :param attribute: A dictionary of attributes and values that is asked for :param sp_name_qualifier: The unique identifier of the service provider or affiliation of providers for whom the identifier was generated. :param name_qualifier: The unique identifier of the identity provider that generated the identifier. :param nameid_format: The format of the name ID :param real_id: The identifier which is the key to this entity in the identity database :param binding: Which binding to use :param nsprefix: Namespace prefixes preferred before those automatically produced. :return: The attributes returned if BINDING_SOAP was used. HTTP args if BINDING_HTT_POST was used. """ if real_id: response_args = {"real_id": real_id} else: response_args = {} if not binding: binding, destination = self.pick_binding("attribute_service", None, "attribute_authority", entity_id=entityid) else: srvs = self.metadata.attribute_service(entityid, binding) if srvs is []: raise SAMLError("No attribute service support at entity") destination = next(locations(srvs), None) if binding == BINDING_SOAP: return self._use_soap(destination, "attribute_query", consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign, subject_id=subject_id, attribute=attribute, sp_name_qualifier=sp_name_qualifier, name_qualifier=name_qualifier, format=nameid_format, response_args=response_args) elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST: mid = sid() query = self.create_attribute_query(destination, subject_id, attribute, mid, consent, extensions, sign, nsprefix) self.state[query.id] = {"entity_id": entityid, "operation": "AttributeQuery", "subject_id": subject_id, "sign": sign} relay_state = self._relay_state(query.id) return self.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % query, destination, relay_state, sign=sign) else: raise SAMLError("Unsupported binding") def handle_logout_request(self, request, name_id, binding, sign=None, sign_alg=None, relay_state=""): """ Deal with a LogoutRequest :param request: The request as text string :param name_id: The id of the current user :param binding: Which binding the message came in over :param sign: Whether the response will be signed or not :return: Keyword arguments which can be used to send the response what's returned follow different patterns for different bindings. If the binding is BINDIND_SOAP, what is returned looks like this:: { "data": "url": "", 'headers': [('content-type', 'application/soap+xml')] 'method': "POST } """ logger.info("logout request: %s", request) _req = self._parse_request(request, LogoutRequest, "single_logout_service", binding) if _req.message.name_id == name_id: try: if self.local_logout(name_id): status = success_status_factory() else: status = status_message_factory("Server error", STATUS_REQUEST_DENIED) except KeyError: status = status_message_factory("Server error", STATUS_REQUEST_DENIED) else: status = status_message_factory("Wrong user", STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL) if binding == BINDING_SOAP: response_bindings = [BINDING_SOAP] elif binding in [BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT]: response_bindings = [BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT] else: response_bindings = self.config.preferred_binding[ "single_logout_service"] if sign is None: sign = self.logout_responses_signed response = self.create_logout_response(_req.message, response_bindings, status, sign, sign_alg=sign_alg) rinfo = self.response_args(_req.message, response_bindings) return self.apply_binding(rinfo["binding"], response, rinfo["destination"], relay_state, response=True, sign=sign)