#!/usr/bin/env python # """Contains classes and functions that a SAML2.0 Service Provider (SP) may use to conclude its tasks. """ import logging import threading import time from typing import Mapping from urllib.parse import parse_qs from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.parse import urlparse from warnings import warn as _warn import saml2 from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT from saml2 import BINDING_PAOS from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2 import SAMLError from saml2 import saml from saml2 import samlp from saml2 import soap from saml2.entity import Entity from saml2.extension import sp_type from saml2.extension.requested_attributes import RequestedAttribute from saml2.extension.requested_attributes import RequestedAttributes from saml2.mdstore import locations from saml2.population import Population from saml2.profile import ecp from saml2.profile import paos from saml2.response import AssertionIDResponse from saml2.response import AttributeResponse from saml2.response import AuthnQueryResponse from saml2.response import AuthnResponse from saml2.response import AuthzResponse from saml2.response import NameIDMappingResponse from saml2.response import StatusError from saml2.s_utils import UnravelError from saml2.s_utils import do_attributes from saml2.s_utils import signature from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT from saml2.saml import AuthnContextClassRef from saml2.samlp import AttributeQuery from saml2.samlp import AuthnQuery from saml2.samlp import AuthnRequest from saml2.samlp import AuthzDecisionQuery from saml2.samlp import Extensions from saml2.samlp import NameIDMappingRequest from saml2.samlp import RequestedAuthnContext from saml2.soap import make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SSO_BINDING = saml2.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT FORM_SPEC = """
""" LAX = False ECP_SERVICE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:ecp" ACTOR = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" MIME_PAOS = "application/vnd.paos+xml" class IdpUnspecified(SAMLError): pass class VerifyError(SAMLError): pass class SignOnError(SAMLError): pass class LogoutError(SAMLError): pass class NoServiceDefined(SAMLError): pass def create_requested_attribute_node(requested_attrs, attribute_converters): items = [] for attr in requested_attrs: friendly_name = attr.get("friendly_name") name = attr.get("name") name_format = attr.get("name_format") is_required = str(attr.get("required", False)).lower() if not name and not friendly_name: raise ValueError("Missing required attribute: 'name' or 'friendly_name'") if not name: for converter in attribute_converters: try: name = converter._to[friendly_name.lower()] except KeyError: continue else: if not name_format: name_format = converter.name_format break if not friendly_name: for converter in attribute_converters: try: friendly_name = converter._fro[name.lower()] except KeyError: continue else: if not name_format: name_format = converter.name_format break items.append( RequestedAttribute( is_required=is_required, name_format=name_format, friendly_name=friendly_name, name=name, ) ) node = RequestedAttributes(extension_elements=items) return node class Base(Entity): """The basic pySAML2 service provider class""" def __init__( self, config=None, identity_cache=None, state_cache=None, virtual_organization="", config_file="", msg_cb=None ): """ :param config: A saml2.config.Config instance :param identity_cache: Where the class should store identity information :param state_cache: Where the class should keep state information :param virtual_organization: A specific virtual organization """ Entity.__init__(self, "sp", config, config_file, virtual_organization, msg_cb=msg_cb) self.users = Population(identity_cache) self.lock = threading.Lock() # for server state storage if state_cache is None: self.state = {} # in memory storage else: self.state = state_cache attribute_defaults = { "logout_requests_signed": False, "logout_responses_signed": False, "allow_unsolicited": False, "authn_requests_signed": False, "want_assertions_signed": False, "want_response_signed": True, "want_assertions_or_response_signed": False, } for attr, val_default in attribute_defaults.items(): val_config = self.config.getattr(attr, "sp") val = val_config if val_config is not None else val_default if val == "true": val = True setattr(self, attr, val) if self.entity_type == "sp" and not any( [ self.want_assertions_signed, self.want_response_signed, self.want_assertions_or_response_signed, ] ): warn_msg = ( "The SAML service provider accepts " "unsigned SAML Responses and Assertions. " "This configuration is insecure. " "Consider setting want_assertions_signed, want_response_signed " "or want_assertions_or_response_signed configuration options." ) logger.warning(warn_msg) _warn(warn_msg) self.artifact2response = {} # # Private methods # def _relay_state(self, session_id): vals = [session_id, str(int(time.time()))] if self.config.secret is None: vals.append(signature("", vals)) else: vals.append(signature(self.config.secret, vals)) return "|".join(vals) def _sso_location(self, entityid=None, binding=BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT): if entityid: # verify that it's in the metadata srvs = self.metadata.single_sign_on_service(entityid, binding) if srvs: return next(locations(srvs), None) else: logger.info("_sso_location: %s, %s", entityid, binding) raise IdpUnspecified("No IdP to send to given the premises") # get the idp location from the metadata. If there is more than one # IdP in the configuration raise exception eids = self.metadata.with_descriptor("idpsso") if len(eids) > 1: raise IdpUnspecified(f"Too many IdPs to choose from: {eids}") try: srvs = self.metadata.single_sign_on_service(list(eids.keys())[0], binding) return next(locations(srvs), None) except IndexError: raise IdpUnspecified("No IdP to send to given the premises") def sso_location(self, entityid=None, binding=BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT): return self._sso_location(entityid, binding) def _my_name(self): return self.config.name # # Public API # def add_vo_information_about_user(self, name_id): """Add information to the knowledge I have about the user. This is for Virtual organizations. :param name_id: The subject identifier :return: A possibly extended knowledge. """ ava = {} try: (ava, _) = self.users.get_identity(name_id) except KeyError: pass # is this a Virtual Organization situation if self.vorg: if self.vorg.do_aggregation(name_id): # Get the extended identity ava = self.users.get_identity(name_id)[0] return ava # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @staticmethod def is_session_valid(_session_id): """Place holder. Supposed to check if the session is still valid.""" return True def service_urls(self, binding=BINDING_HTTP_POST): _res = self.config.endpoint("assertion_consumer_service", binding, "sp") if _res: return _res else: return None # XXX DONE sp create > _message def create_authn_request( self, destination, vorg="", scoping=None, binding=BINDING_HTTP_POST, nameid_format=None, service_url_binding=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, sign_prepare=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, allow_create=None, requested_attributes=None, **kwargs, ): """Creates an authentication request. :param destination: Where the request should be sent. :param vorg: The virtual organization the service belongs to. :param scoping: The scope of the request :param binding: The protocol to use for the Response !! :param nameid_format: Format of the NameIDPolicy :param service_url_binding: Where the reply should be sent dependent on reply binding. :param message_id: The identifier for this request :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :param sign_prepare: Whether the signature should be prepared or not. :param sign_alg: The request signature algorithm :param digest_alg: The request digest algorithm :param allow_create: If the identity provider is allowed, in the course of fulfilling the request, to create a new identifier to represent the principal. :param requested_attributes: A list of dicts which define attributes to be used as eIDAS Requested Attributes for this request. If not defined the configuration option requested_attributes will be used, if defined. The format is the same as the requested_attributes configuration option. :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments :return: either a tuple of request ID and instance or a tuple of request ID and str when sign is set to True """ args = {} # AssertionConsumerServiceURL # AssertionConsumerServiceIndex hide_assertion_consumer_service = self.config.getattr("hide_assertion_consumer_service", "sp") assertion_consumer_service_url = kwargs.pop("assertion_consumer_service_urls", [None])[0] or kwargs.pop( "assertion_consumer_service_url", None ) assertion_consumer_service_index = kwargs.pop("assertion_consumer_service_index", None) service_url = (self.service_urls(service_url_binding or binding) or [None])[0] if hide_assertion_consumer_service: args["assertion_consumer_service_url"] = None binding = None elif assertion_consumer_service_url: args["assertion_consumer_service_url"] = assertion_consumer_service_url elif assertion_consumer_service_index: args["assertion_consumer_service_index"] = assertion_consumer_service_index elif service_url: args["assertion_consumer_service_url"] = service_url # ProviderName provider_name = kwargs.get("provider_name") if not provider_name and binding != BINDING_PAOS: provider_name = self._my_name() args["provider_name"] = provider_name requested_authn_context = ( kwargs.pop("requested_authn_context", None) or self.config.getattr("requested_authn_context", "sp") or {} ) if isinstance(requested_authn_context, RequestedAuthnContext): args["requested_authn_context"] = requested_authn_context elif isinstance(requested_authn_context, Mapping): requested_authn_context_accrs = requested_authn_context.get("authn_context_class_ref", []) requested_authn_context_comparison = requested_authn_context.get("comparison", "exact") if requested_authn_context_accrs: args["requested_authn_context"] = RequestedAuthnContext( authn_context_class_ref=[AuthnContextClassRef(accr) for accr in requested_authn_context_accrs], comparison=requested_authn_context_comparison, ) else: logger.warning( { "message": "Cannot process requested_authn_context", "requested_authn_context": requested_authn_context, "type_of_requested_authn_context": type(requested_authn_context), } ) # Allow argument values either as class instances or as dictionaries # all of these have cardinality 0..1 _msg = AuthnRequest() for param in ["scoping", "conditions", "subject"]: _item = kwargs.pop(param, None) if not _item: continue if isinstance(_item, _msg.child_class(param)): args[param] = _item else: raise ValueError(f"Wrong type for param {param}") # NameIDPolicy nameid_policy_format_config = self.config.getattr("name_id_policy_format", "sp") nameid_policy_format = nameid_format or nameid_policy_format_config or None allow_create_config = self.config.getattr("name_id_format_allow_create", "sp") allow_create = ( None # SAML 2.0 errata says AllowCreate MUST NOT be used for transient ids if nameid_policy_format == NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT else allow_create if allow_create else str(bool(allow_create_config)).lower() ) name_id_policy = ( kwargs.pop("name_id_policy", None) if "name_id_policy" in kwargs else None if not nameid_policy_format else samlp.NameIDPolicy(allow_create=allow_create, format=nameid_policy_format) ) if name_id_policy and vorg: name_id_policy.sp_name_qualifier = vorg name_id_policy.format = nameid_policy_format or NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT args["name_id_policy"] = name_id_policy # eIDAS SPType conf_sp_type = self.config.getattr("sp_type", "sp") conf_sp_type_in_md = self.config.getattr("sp_type_in_metadata", "sp") if conf_sp_type and conf_sp_type_in_md is False: if not extensions: extensions = Extensions() item = sp_type.SPType(text=conf_sp_type) extensions.add_extension_element(item) # eIDAS RequestedAttributes requested_attrs = requested_attributes or self.config.getattr("requested_attributes", "sp") or [] if requested_attrs: req_attrs_node = create_requested_attribute_node(requested_attrs, self.config.attribute_converters) if not extensions: extensions = Extensions() extensions.add_extension_element(req_attrs_node) # ForceAuthn force_authn = str(kwargs.pop("force_authn", None) or self.config.getattr("force_authn", "sp")).lower() in [ "true", "1", ] if force_authn: kwargs["force_authn"] = "true" if kwargs: _args, extensions = self._filter_args(AuthnRequest(), extensions, **kwargs) args.update(_args) args.pop("id", None) # client_crt = kwargs.get("client_crt") nsprefix = kwargs.get("nsprefix") msg = self._message( AuthnRequest, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, sign_prepare, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, protocol_binding=binding, scoping=scoping, nsprefix=nsprefix, **args, ) return msg # XXX DONE sp create > _message def create_attribute_query( self, destination, name_id=None, attribute=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, sign_prepare=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs, ): """Constructs an AttributeQuery :param destination: To whom the query should be sent :param name_id: The identifier of the subject :param attribute: A dictionary of attributes and values that is asked for. The key are one of 4 variants: 3-tuple of name_format,name and friendly_name, 2-tuple of name_format and name, 1-tuple with name or just the name as a string. :param sp_name_qualifier: The unique identifier of the service provider or affiliation of providers for whom the identifier was generated. :param name_qualifier: The unique identifier of the identity provider that generated the identifier. :param format: The format of the name ID :param message_id: The identifier of the session :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the query should be signed or not. :param sign_prepare: Whether the Signature element should be added. :return: Tuple of request ID and an AttributeQuery instance """ if name_id is None: if "subject_id" in kwargs: name_id = saml.NameID(text=kwargs["subject_id"]) for key in ["sp_name_qualifier", "name_qualifier", "format"]: try: setattr(name_id, key, kwargs[key]) except KeyError: pass else: raise AttributeError("Missing required parameter") elif isinstance(name_id, str): name_id = saml.NameID(text=name_id) for key in ["sp_name_qualifier", "name_qualifier", "format"]: try: setattr(name_id, key, kwargs[key]) except KeyError: pass subject = saml.Subject(name_id=name_id) if attribute: attribute = do_attributes(attribute) try: nsprefix = kwargs["nsprefix"] except KeyError: nsprefix = None return self._message( AttributeQuery, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, sign_prepare, subject=subject, attribute=attribute, nsprefix=nsprefix, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, ) # MUST use SOAP for # AssertionIDRequest, SubjectQuery, # AuthnQuery, AttributeQuery, or AuthzDecisionQuery # XXX DONE sp create > _message def create_authz_decision_query( self, destination, action, evidence=None, resource=None, subject=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs, ): """Creates an authz decision query. :param destination: The IdP endpoint :param action: The action you want to perform (has to be at least one) :param evidence: Why you should be able to perform the action :param resource: The resource you want to perform the action on :param subject: Who wants to do the thing :param message_id: Message identifier :param consent: If the principal gave her consent to this request :param extensions: Possible request extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: AuthzDecisionQuery instance """ return self._message( AuthzDecisionQuery, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, action=action, evidence=evidence, resource=resource, subject=subject, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **kwargs, ) # XXX DONE sp create > self.create_authz_decision_query (FIXME pass sign/sign_alg/etc) > _message def create_authz_decision_query_using_assertion( self, destination, assertion, action=None, resource=None, subject=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, nsprefix=None, ): """Makes an authz decision query based on a previously received Assertion. :param destination: The IdP endpoint to send the request to :param assertion: An Assertion instance :param action: The action you want to perform (has to be at least one) :param resource: The resource you want to perform the action on :param subject: Who wants to do the thing :param message_id: Message identifier :param consent: If the principal gave her consent to this request :param extensions: Possible request extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: AuthzDecisionQuery instance """ if action: if isinstance(action, str): _action = [saml.Action(text=action)] else: _action = [saml.Action(text=a) for a in action] else: _action = None return self.create_authz_decision_query( destination, _action, saml.Evidence(assertion=assertion), resource, subject, message_id=message_id, consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, nsprefix=nsprefix, ) @staticmethod def create_assertion_id_request(assertion_id_refs, **kwargs): """ :param assertion_id_refs: :return: One ID ref """ if isinstance(assertion_id_refs, str): return 0, assertion_id_refs else: return 0, assertion_id_refs[0] # XXX DONE sp create > _message def create_authn_query( self, subject, destination=None, authn_context=None, session_index="", message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, nsprefix=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, ): """ :param subject: The subject its all about as a instance :param destination: The IdP endpoint to send the request to :param authn_context: list of instances :param session_index: a specified session index :param message_id: Message identifier :param consent: If the principal gave her consent to this request :param extensions: Possible request extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: """ return self._message( AuthnQuery, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, subject=subject, session_index=session_index, requested_authn_context=authn_context, nsprefix=nsprefix, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, ) # XXX DONE sp create > _message def create_name_id_mapping_request( self, name_id_policy, name_id=None, base_id=None, encrypted_id=None, destination=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=None, nsprefix=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, ): """ :param name_id_policy: :param name_id: :param base_id: :param encrypted_id: :param destination: :param message_id: Message identifier :param consent: If the principal gave her consent to this request :param extensions: Possible request extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: """ if not name_id and not base_id and not encrypted_id: raise ValueError("At least one of name_id, base_id or encrypted_id must be present.") id_attr = { "name_id": name_id, "base_id": (base_id if not name_id else None), "encrypted_id": (encrypted_id if not name_id and not base_id else None), } return self._message( NameIDMappingRequest, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, name_id_policy=name_id_policy, **id_attr, nsprefix=nsprefix, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, ) # ======== response handling =========== def parse_authn_request_response(self, xmlstr, binding, outstanding=None, outstanding_certs=None, conv_info=None): """Deal with an AuthnResponse :param xmlstr: The reply as a xml string :param binding: Which binding that was used for the transport :param outstanding: A dictionary with session IDs as keys and the original web request from the user before redirection as values. :param outstanding_certs: :param conv_info: Information about the conversation. :return: An response.AuthnResponse or None """ if not getattr(self.config, "entityid", None): raise SAMLError("Missing entity_id specification") if not xmlstr: return None kwargs = { "outstanding_queries": outstanding, "outstanding_certs": outstanding_certs, "allow_unsolicited": self.allow_unsolicited, "want_assertions_signed": self.want_assertions_signed, "want_assertions_or_response_signed": self.want_assertions_or_response_signed, "want_response_signed": self.want_response_signed, "return_addrs": self.service_urls(binding=binding), "entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters, "allow_unknown_attributes": self.config.allow_unknown_attributes, "conv_info": conv_info, } try: resp = self._parse_response(xmlstr, AuthnResponse, "assertion_consumer_service", binding, **kwargs) except StatusError as err: logger.error("SAML status error: %s", str(err)) raise except UnravelError: return None except Exception as err: logger.error("XML parse error: %s", str(err)) raise if not isinstance(resp, AuthnResponse): logger.error("Response type not supported: %s", saml2.class_name(resp)) return None if resp.assertion and len(resp.response.encrypted_assertion) == 0 and resp.name_id: self.users.add_information_about_person(resp.session_info()) logger.info("--- ADDED person info ----") return resp # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SubjectQuery, AuthnQuery, RequestedAuthnContext, AttributeQuery, # AuthzDecisionQuery all get Response as response def parse_authz_decision_query_response(self, response, binding=BINDING_SOAP): """Verify that the response is OK""" kwargs = { "entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters, } return self._parse_response(response, AuthzResponse, "", binding, **kwargs) def parse_authn_query_response(self, response, binding=BINDING_SOAP): """Verify that the response is OK""" kwargs = {"entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters} return self._parse_response(response, AuthnQueryResponse, "", binding, **kwargs) def parse_assertion_id_request_response(self, response, binding): """Verify that the response is OK""" kwargs = {"entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters} res = self._parse_response(response, AssertionIDResponse, "", binding, **kwargs) return res # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_attribute_query_response(self, response, binding): kwargs = {"entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters} return self._parse_response(response, AttributeResponse, "attribute_consuming_service", binding, **kwargs) def parse_name_id_mapping_request_response(self, txt, binding=BINDING_SOAP): """ :param txt: SOAP enveloped SAML message :param binding: Just a placeholder, it's always BINDING_SOAP :return: parsed and verified instance """ return self._parse_response(txt, NameIDMappingResponse, "", binding) # ------------------- ECP ------------------------------------------------ # XXX DONE sp create > create_authn_request (FIXME DONE sign/sign_alg/etc) > _message def create_ecp_authn_request( self, entityid=None, relay_state="", sign=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs, ): """Makes an authentication request. :param entityid: The entity ID of the IdP to send the request to :param relay_state: A token that can be used by the SP to know where to continue the conversation with the client :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: SOAP message with the AuthnRequest """ # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- my_url = self.service_urls(BINDING_PAOS)[0] # must_understand and act according to the standard # paos_request = paos.Request( must_understand="1", actor=ACTOR, response_consumer_url=my_url, service=ECP_SERVICE, ) # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- relay_state = ecp.RelayState( actor=ACTOR, must_understand="1", text=relay_state, ) # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- try: authn_req = kwargs["authn_req"] try: req_id = authn_req.id except AttributeError: req_id = 0 # Unknown but since it's SOAP it doesn't matter except KeyError: try: _binding = kwargs["binding"] except KeyError: _binding = BINDING_SOAP kwargs["binding"] = _binding logger.debug("entityid: %s, binding: %s", entityid, _binding) # The IDP publishes support for ECP by using the SOAP binding on # SingleSignOnService _, location = self.pick_binding("single_sign_on_service", [_binding], entity_id=entityid) req_id, authn_req = self.create_authn_request( location, service_url_binding=BINDING_PAOS, sign=sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **kwargs, ) # ---------------------------------------- # The SOAP envelope # ---------------------------------------- soap_envelope = make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(authn_req, [paos_request, relay_state]) return req_id, str(soap_envelope) def parse_ecp_authn_response(self, txt, outstanding=None): rdict = soap.class_instances_from_soap_enveloped_saml_thingies(txt, [paos, ecp, samlp]) _relay_state = None for item in rdict["header"]: if item.c_tag == "RelayState" and item.c_namespace == ecp.NAMESPACE: _relay_state = item response = self.parse_authn_request_response(rdict["body"], BINDING_PAOS, outstanding) return response, _relay_state @staticmethod def can_handle_ecp_response(response): try: accept = response.headers["accept"] except KeyError: try: accept = response.headers["Accept"] except KeyError: return False if MIME_PAOS in accept: return True else: return False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # IDP discovery # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def create_discovery_service_request(url, entity_id, **kwargs): """ Created the HTTP redirect URL needed to send the user to the discovery service. :param url: The URL of the discovery service :param entity_id: The unique identifier of the service provider :param return: The discovery service MUST redirect the user agent to this location in response to this request :param policy: A parameter name used to indicate the desired behavior controlling the processing of the discovery service :param returnIDParam: A parameter name used to return the unique identifier of the selected identity provider to the original requester. :param isPassive: A boolean value True/False that controls whether the discovery service is allowed to visibly interact with the user agent. :return: A URL """ args = { "entityID": entity_id, "policy": kwargs.get("policy"), "returnIDParam": kwargs.get("returnIDParam"), "return": kwargs.get("return_url") or kwargs.get("return"), "isPassive": (None if "isPassive" not in kwargs.keys() else "true" if kwargs.get("isPassive") else "false"), } params = urlencode({k: v for k, v in args.items() if v}) # url can already contain some parameters if "?" in url: return f"{url}&{params}" else: return f"{url}?{params}" @staticmethod def parse_discovery_service_response(url="", query="", returnIDParam="entityID"): """ Deal with the response url from a Discovery Service :param url: the url the user was redirected back to or :param query: just the query part of the URL. :param returnIDParam: This is where the identifier of the IdP is place if it was specified in the query. Default is 'entityID' :return: The IdP identifier or "" if none was given """ if url: part = urlparse(url) qsd = parse_qs(part[4]) elif query: qsd = parse_qs(query) else: qsd = {} try: return qsd[returnIDParam][0] except KeyError: return ""