#!/usr/bin/env python import copy import importlib import logging import logging.handlers import os import re import sys from logging.config import dictConfig as configure_logging_by_dict import six from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2 import BINDING_URI from saml2 import SAMLError from saml2.attribute_converter import ac_factory from saml2.assertion import Policy from saml2.mdstore import MetadataStore from saml2.saml import NAME_FORMAT_URI from saml2.virtual_org import VirtualOrg logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __author__ = 'rolandh' COMMON_ARGS = [ "logging", "debug", "entityid", "xmlsec_binary", "key_file", "cert_file", "encryption_keypairs", "additional_cert_files", "metadata_key_usage", "secret", "accepted_time_diff", "name", "ca_certs", "description", "valid_for", "verify_ssl_cert", "organization", "contact_person", "name_form", "virtual_organization", "only_use_keys_in_metadata", "disable_ssl_certificate_validation", "preferred_binding", "session_storage", "assurance_certification", "entity_attributes", "entity_category", "entity_category_support", "xmlsec_path", "extension_schemas", "cert_handler_extra_class", "generate_cert_func", "generate_cert_info", "verify_encrypt_cert_advice", "verify_encrypt_cert_assertion", "tmp_cert_file", "tmp_key_file", "validate_certificate", "extensions", "allow_unknown_attributes", "crypto_backend", "delete_tmpfiles", ] SP_ARGS = [ "required_attributes", "optional_attributes", "idp", "aa", "subject_data", "want_response_signed", "want_assertions_signed", "want_assertions_or_response_signed", "authn_requests_signed", "name_form", "endpoints", "ui_info", "discovery_response", "allow_unsolicited", "ecp", "name_id_format", "name_id_policy_format", "name_id_format_allow_create", "logout_requests_signed", "requested_attribute_name_format", "hide_assertion_consumer_service", "force_authn", "sp_type", "sp_type_in_metadata", "requested_attributes", ] AA_IDP_ARGS = [ "sign_assertion", "sign_response", "encrypt_assertion", "encrypted_advice_attributes", "encrypt_assertion_self_contained", "want_authn_requests_signed", "want_authn_requests_only_with_valid_cert", "provided_attributes", "subject_data", "sp", "scope", "endpoints", "metadata", "ui_info", "name_id_format", "domain", "name_qualifier", "edu_person_targeted_id", ] PDP_ARGS = ["endpoints", "name_form", "name_id_format"] AQ_ARGS = ["endpoints"] AA_ARGS = ["attribute", "attribute_profile"] COMPLEX_ARGS = ["attribute_converters", "metadata", "policy"] ALL = set(COMMON_ARGS + SP_ARGS + AA_IDP_ARGS + PDP_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + AA_ARGS) SPEC = { "": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS, "sp": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + SP_ARGS, "idp": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + AA_IDP_ARGS, "aa": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + AA_IDP_ARGS + AA_ARGS, "pdp": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + PDP_ARGS, "aq": COMMON_ARGS + COMPLEX_ARGS + AQ_ARGS, } _RPA = [BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT] _PRA = [BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT] _SRPA = [BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT] PREFERRED_BINDING = { "single_logout_service": _SRPA, "manage_name_id_service": _SRPA, "assertion_consumer_service": _PRA, "single_sign_on_service": _RPA, "name_id_mapping_service": [BINDING_SOAP], "authn_query_service": [BINDING_SOAP], "attribute_service": [BINDING_SOAP], "authz_service": [BINDING_SOAP], "assertion_id_request_service": [BINDING_URI], "artifact_resolution_service": [BINDING_SOAP], "attribute_consuming_service": _RPA } class ConfigurationError(SAMLError): pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------- class Config(object): def_context = "" def __init__(self, homedir="."): self.logging = None self._homedir = homedir self.entityid = None self.xmlsec_binary = None self.xmlsec_path = [] self.debug = False self.key_file = None self.cert_file = None self.encryption_keypairs = None self.additional_cert_files = None self.metadata_key_usage = 'both' self.secret = None self.accepted_time_diff = None self.name = None self.ca_certs = None self.verify_ssl_cert = False self.description = None self.valid_for = None self.organization = None self.contact_person = None self.name_form = None self.name_id_format = None self.name_id_policy_format = None self.name_id_format_allow_create = None self.virtual_organization = None self.only_use_keys_in_metadata = True self.logout_requests_signed = None self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = None self.context = "" self.attribute_converters = None self.metadata = None self.policy = None self.serves = [] self.vorg = {} self.preferred_binding = PREFERRED_BINDING self.domain = "" self.name_qualifier = "" self.assurance_certification = [] self.entity_attributes = [] self.entity_category = [] self.entity_category_support = [] self.crypto_backend = 'xmlsec1' self.scope = "" self.allow_unknown_attributes = False self.extension_schema = {} self.cert_handler_extra_class = None self.verify_encrypt_cert_advice = None self.verify_encrypt_cert_assertion = None self.generate_cert_func = None self.generate_cert_info = None self.tmp_cert_file = None self.tmp_key_file = None self.validate_certificate = None self.extensions = {} self.attribute = [] self.attribute_profile = [] self.requested_attribute_name_format = NAME_FORMAT_URI self.delete_tmpfiles = True def setattr(self, context, attr, val): if context == "": setattr(self, attr, val) else: setattr(self, "_%s_%s" % (context, attr), val) def getattr(self, attr, context=None): if context is None: context = self.context if context == "": return getattr(self, attr, None) else: return getattr(self, "_%s_%s" % (context, attr), None) def load_special(self, cnf, typ, metadata_construction=False): for arg in SPEC[typ]: try: _val = cnf[arg] except KeyError: pass else: if _val == "true": _val = True elif _val == "false": _val = False self.setattr(typ, arg, _val) self.context = typ self.load_complex(cnf, typ, metadata_construction=metadata_construction) self.context = self.def_context def load_complex(self, cnf, typ="", metadata_construction=False): try: self.setattr(typ, "policy", Policy(cnf["policy"])) except KeyError: pass # for srv, spec in cnf["service"].items(): # try: # self.setattr(srv, "policy", # Policy(cnf["service"][srv]["policy"])) # except KeyError: # pass try: try: acs = ac_factory(cnf["attribute_map_dir"]) except KeyError: acs = ac_factory() if not acs: raise ConfigurationError( "No attribute converters, something is wrong!!") _acs = self.getattr("attribute_converters", typ) if _acs: _acs.extend(acs) else: self.setattr(typ, "attribute_converters", acs) except KeyError: pass if not metadata_construction: try: self.setattr(typ, "metadata", self.load_metadata(cnf["metadata"])) except KeyError: pass def unicode_convert(self, item): try: return six.text_type(item, "utf-8") except TypeError: _uc = self.unicode_convert if isinstance(item, dict): return dict([(key, _uc(val)) for key, val in item.items()]) elif isinstance(item, list): return [_uc(v) for v in item] elif isinstance(item, tuple): return tuple([_uc(v) for v in item]) else: return item def load(self, cnf, metadata_construction=False): """ The base load method, loads the configuration :param cnf: The configuration as a dictionary :param metadata_construction: Is this only to be able to construct metadata. If so some things can be left out. :return: The Configuration instance """ _uc = self.unicode_convert for arg in COMMON_ARGS: if arg == "virtual_organization": if "virtual_organization" in cnf: for key, val in cnf["virtual_organization"].items(): self.vorg[key] = VirtualOrg(None, key, val) continue elif arg == "extension_schemas": # List of filename of modules representing the schemas if "extension_schemas" in cnf: for mod_file in cnf["extension_schemas"]: _mod = self._load(mod_file) self.extension_schema[_mod.NAMESPACE] = _mod try: setattr(self, arg, _uc(cnf[arg])) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: # Something that can't be a string setattr(self, arg, cnf[arg]) if self.logging is not None: configure_logging_by_dict(self.logging) if not self.delete_tmpfiles: logger.warning( "delete_tmpfiles is set to False; " "temporary files will not be deleted." ) if "service" in cnf: for typ in ["aa", "idp", "sp", "pdp", "aq"]: try: self.load_special( cnf["service"][typ], typ, metadata_construction=metadata_construction) self.serves.append(typ) except KeyError: pass if "extensions" in cnf: self.do_extensions(cnf["extensions"]) self.load_complex(cnf, metadata_construction=metadata_construction) self.context = self.def_context return self def _load(self, fil): head, tail = os.path.split(fil) if head == "": if sys.path[0] != ".": sys.path.insert(0, ".") else: sys.path.insert(0, head) return importlib.import_module(tail) def load_file(self, config_filename, metadata_construction=False): if config_filename.endswith(".py"): config_filename = config_filename[:-3] mod = self._load(config_filename) return self.load(copy.deepcopy(mod.CONFIG), metadata_construction) def load_metadata(self, metadata_conf): """ Loads metadata into an internal structure """ acs = self.attribute_converters if acs is None: raise ConfigurationError( "Missing attribute converter specification") try: ca_certs = self.ca_certs except: ca_certs = None try: disable_validation = self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation except: disable_validation = False mds = MetadataStore(acs, self, ca_certs, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=disable_validation) mds.imp(metadata_conf) return mds def endpoint(self, service, binding=None, context=None): """ Goes through the list of endpoint specifications for the given type of service and returns a list of endpoint that matches the given binding. If no binding is given all endpoints available for that service will be returned. :param service: The service the endpoint should support :param binding: The expected binding :return: All the endpoints that matches the given restrictions """ spec = [] unspec = [] endps = self.getattr("endpoints", context) if endps and service in endps: for endpspec in endps[service]: try: endp, bind = endpspec if binding is None or bind == binding: spec.append(endp) except ValueError: unspec.append(endpspec) if spec: return spec else: return unspec def endpoint2service(self, endpoint, context=None): endps = self.getattr("endpoints", context) for service, specs in endps.items(): for endp, binding in specs: if endp == endpoint: return service, binding return None, None def do_extensions(self, extensions): for key, val in extensions.items(): self.extensions[key] = val def service_per_endpoint(self, context=None): """ List all endpoint this entity publishes and which service and binding that are behind the endpoint :param context: Type of entity :return: Dictionary with endpoint url as key and a tuple of service and binding as value """ endps = self.getattr("endpoints", context) res = {} for service, specs in endps.items(): for endp, binding in specs: res[endp] = (service, binding) return res class SPConfig(Config): def_context = "sp" def __init__(self): Config.__init__(self) def vo_conf(self, vo_name): try: return self.virtual_organization[vo_name] except KeyError: return None def ecp_endpoint(self, ipaddress): """ Returns the entity ID of the IdP which the ECP client should talk to :param ipaddress: The IP address of the user client :return: IdP entity ID or None """ _ecp = self.getattr("ecp") if _ecp: for key, eid in _ecp.items(): if re.match(key, ipaddress): return eid return None class IdPConfig(Config): def_context = "idp" def __init__(self): Config.__init__(self) def config_factory(_type, config): """ :type _type: str :param _type: :type config: str or dict :param config: Name of file with pysaml2 config or CONFIG dict :return: """ if _type == "sp": conf = SPConfig() elif _type in ["aa", "idp", "pdp", "aq"]: conf = IdPConfig() else: conf = Config() if isinstance(config, dict): conf.load(copy.deepcopy(config)) elif isinstance(config, str): conf.load_file(config) else: raise ValueError('Unknown type of config') conf.context = _type return conf