#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """ Contains classes used in the SAML ECP profile """ import logging from saml2.client_base import ACTOR, MIME_PAOS from saml2.ecp_client import SERVICE from saml2 import element_to_extension_element from saml2 import samlp from saml2 import soap from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_PAOS from saml2.profile import paos from saml2.profile import ecp #from saml2.client import Saml2Client from saml2.server import Server from saml2.schema import soapenv from saml2.response import authn_response from saml2 import saml logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ecp_capable(headers): if MIME_PAOS in headers["Accept"]: if "PAOS" in headers: if 'ver="%s";"%s"' % (paos.NAMESPACE, SERVICE) in headers["PAOS"]: return True return False #noinspection PyUnusedLocal def ecp_auth_request(cls, entityid=None, relay_state="", sign=False): """ Makes an authentication request. :param entityid: The entity ID of the IdP to send the request to :param relay_state: To where the user should be returned after successfull log in. :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :return: AuthnRequest response """ eelist = [] # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- my_url = cls.service_urls(BINDING_PAOS)[0] # must_understand and actor according to the standard # paos_request = paos.Request(must_understand="1", actor=ACTOR, response_consumer_url=my_url, service=SERVICE) eelist.append(element_to_extension_element(paos_request)) # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- logger.info("entityid: %s, binding: %s" % (entityid, BINDING_SOAP)) location = cls._sso_location(entityid, binding=BINDING_SOAP) req_id, authn_req = cls.create_authn_request( location, binding=BINDING_PAOS, service_url_binding=BINDING_PAOS) body = soapenv.Body() body.extension_elements = [element_to_extension_element(authn_req)] # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- # idp = samlp.IDPEntry( # provider_id = "https://idp.example.org/entity", # name = "Example identity provider", # loc = "https://idp.example.org/saml2/sso", # ) # # idp_list = samlp.IDPList(idp_entry= [idp]) idp_list = None ecp_request = ecp.Request( actor=ACTOR, must_understand="1", provider_name=None, issuer=saml.Issuer(text=authn_req.issuer.text), idp_list=idp_list) eelist.append(element_to_extension_element(ecp_request)) # ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- relay_state = ecp.RelayState(actor=ACTOR, must_understand="1", text=relay_state) eelist.append(element_to_extension_element(relay_state)) header = soapenv.Header() header.extension_elements = eelist # ---------------------------------------- # The SOAP envelope # ---------------------------------------- soap_envelope = soapenv.Envelope(header=header, body=body) return req_id, "%s" % soap_envelope def handle_ecp_authn_response(cls, soap_message, outstanding=None): rdict = soap.class_instances_from_soap_enveloped_saml_thingies( soap_message, [paos, ecp, samlp]) _relay_state = None for item in rdict["header"]: if item.c_tag == "RelayState" and item.c_namespace == ecp.NAMESPACE: _relay_state = item response = authn_response(cls.config, cls.service_urls(), outstanding, allow_unsolicited=True) response.loads("%s" % rdict["body"], False, soap_message) response.verify() cls.users.add_information_about_person(response.session_info()) return response, _relay_state def ecp_response(target_url, response): # ---------------------------------------- #