import base64 import copy import logging import requests import six from binascii import hexlify from hashlib import sha1 from saml2.metadata import ENDPOINTS from saml2.profile import paos, ecp, samlec from saml2.soap import parse_soap_enveloped_saml_artifact_resolve from saml2.soap import class_instances_from_soap_enveloped_saml_thingies from saml2.soap import open_soap_envelope from saml2 import samlp from saml2 import SamlBase from saml2 import SAMLError from saml2 import saml from saml2 import response as saml_response from saml2 import BINDING_URI from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT from saml2 import BINDING_PAOS from saml2 import request as saml_request from saml2 import soap from saml2 import element_to_extension_element from saml2 import extension_elements_to_elements from saml2.saml import NameID from saml2.saml import EncryptedAssertion from saml2.saml import Issuer from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY from saml2.response import AuthnResponse from saml2.response import LogoutResponse from saml2.response import UnsolicitedResponse from saml2.time_util import instant from saml2.s_utils import sid from saml2.s_utils import UnravelError from saml2.s_utils import error_status_factory from saml2.s_utils import rndbytes from saml2.s_utils import success_status_factory from saml2.s_utils import decode_base64_and_inflate from saml2.s_utils import UnsupportedBinding from saml2.samlp import AuthnRequest, SessionIndex, response_from_string from saml2.samlp import AuthzDecisionQuery from saml2.samlp import AuthnQuery from saml2.samlp import AssertionIDRequest from saml2.samlp import ManageNameIDRequest from saml2.samlp import NameIDMappingRequest from saml2.samlp import artifact_resolve_from_string from saml2.samlp import ArtifactResolve from saml2.samlp import ArtifactResponse from saml2.samlp import Artifact from saml2.samlp import LogoutRequest from saml2.samlp import AttributeQuery from saml2.mdstore import destinations from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2 import VERSION from saml2 import class_name from saml2.config import config_factory from saml2.httpbase import HTTPBase from saml2.sigver import security_context from saml2.sigver import response_factory from saml2.sigver import SigverError from saml2.sigver import SignatureError from saml2.sigver import make_temp from saml2.sigver import pre_encryption_part from saml2.sigver import pre_signature_part from saml2.sigver import pre_encrypt_assertion from saml2.sigver import signed_instance_factory from saml2.virtual_org import VirtualOrg logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __author__ = 'rolandh' ARTIFACT_TYPECODE = b'\x00\x04' SERVICE2MESSAGE = { "single_sign_on_service": AuthnRequest, "attribute_service": AttributeQuery, "authz_service": AuthzDecisionQuery, "assertion_id_request_service": AssertionIDRequest, "authn_query_service": AuthnQuery, "manage_name_id_service": ManageNameIDRequest, "name_id_mapping_service": NameIDMappingRequest, "artifact_resolve_service": ArtifactResolve, "single_logout_service": LogoutRequest } class UnknownBinding(SAMLError): pass def create_artifact(entity_id, message_handle, endpoint_index=0): """ SAML_artifact := B64(TypeCode EndpointIndex RemainingArtifact) TypeCode := Byte1Byte2 EndpointIndex := Byte1Byte2 RemainingArtifact := SourceID MessageHandle SourceID := 20-byte_sequence MessageHandle := 20-byte_sequence :param entity_id: :param message_handle: :param endpoint_index: :return: """ if not isinstance(entity_id, six.binary_type): entity_id = entity_id.encode('utf-8') sourceid = sha1(entity_id) if not isinstance(message_handle, six.binary_type): message_handle = message_handle.encode('utf-8') ter = b"".join((ARTIFACT_TYPECODE, ("%.2x" % endpoint_index).encode('ascii'), sourceid.digest(), message_handle)) return base64.b64encode(ter).decode('ascii') class Entity(HTTPBase): def __init__(self, entity_type, config=None, config_file="", virtual_organization="", msg_cb=None): self.entity_type = entity_type self.users = None if config: self.config = config elif config_file: self.config = config_factory(entity_type, config_file) else: raise SAMLError("Missing configuration") for item in ["cert_file", "key_file", "ca_certs"]: _val = getattr(self.config, item, None) if not _val: continue if _val.startswith("http"): r = requests.request("GET", _val) if r.status_code == 200: _, filename = make_temp(r.text, ".pem", False) setattr(self.config, item, filename) else: raise Exception( "Could not fetch certificate from %s" % _val) HTTPBase.__init__(self, self.config.verify_ssl_cert, self.config.ca_certs, self.config.key_file, self.config.cert_file) if self.config.vorg: for vo in self.config.vorg.values(): vo.sp = self self.metadata = self.config.metadata self.config.setup_logger() self.debug = self.config.debug self.sec = security_context(self.config) if virtual_organization: if isinstance(virtual_organization, six.string_types): self.vorg = self.config.vorg[virtual_organization] elif isinstance(virtual_organization, VirtualOrg): self.vorg = virtual_organization else: self.vorg = None self.artifact = {} if self.metadata: self.sourceid = self.metadata.construct_source_id() else: self.sourceid = {} self.msg_cb = msg_cb def _issuer(self, entityid=None): """ Return an Issuer instance """ if entityid: if isinstance(entityid, Issuer): return entityid else: return Issuer(text=entityid, format=NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY) else: return Issuer(text=self.config.entityid, format=NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY) def apply_binding(self, binding, msg_str, destination="", relay_state="", response=False, sign=False, **kwargs): """ Construct the necessary HTTP arguments dependent on Binding :param binding: Which binding to use :param msg_str: The return message as a string (XML) if the message is to be signed it MUST contain the signature element. :param destination: Where to send the message :param relay_state: Relay_state if provided :param response: Which type of message this is :param kwargs: response type specific arguments :return: A dictionary """ # unless if BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT if response: typ = "SAMLResponse" else: typ = "SAMLRequest" if binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST:"HTTP POST") # if self.entity_type == 'sp': # info = self.use_http_post(msg_str, destination, relay_state, # typ) # info["url"] = destination # info["method"] = "POST" # else: info = self.use_http_form_post(msg_str, destination, relay_state, typ) info["url"] = destination info["method"] = "POST" elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT:"HTTP REDIRECT") sigalg = kwargs.get("sigalg") if sign and sigalg: signer = self.sec.sec_backend.get_signer(sigalg) else: signer = None info = self.use_http_get(msg_str, destination, relay_state, typ, signer=signer, **kwargs) info["url"] = str(destination) info["method"] = "GET" elif binding == BINDING_SOAP or binding == BINDING_PAOS: info = self.use_soap(msg_str, destination, sign=sign, **kwargs) elif binding == BINDING_URI: info = self.use_http_uri(msg_str, typ, destination) elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT: if response: info = self.use_http_artifact(msg_str, destination, relay_state) info["method"] = "GET" info["status"] = 302 else: info = self.use_http_artifact(msg_str, destination, relay_state) else: raise SAMLError("Unknown binding type: %s" % binding) return info def pick_binding(self, service, bindings=None, descr_type="", request=None, entity_id=""): if request and not entity_id: entity_id = request.issuer.text.strip() sfunc = getattr(self.metadata, service) if bindings is None: if request and request.protocol_binding: bindings = [request.protocol_binding] else: bindings = self.config.preferred_binding[service] if not descr_type: if self.entity_type == "sp": descr_type = "idpsso" else: descr_type = "spsso" _url = _index = None if request: try: _url = getattr(request, "%s_url" % service) except AttributeError: _url = None try: _index = getattr(request, "%s_index" % service) except AttributeError: pass for binding in bindings: try: srvs = sfunc(entity_id, binding, descr_type) if srvs: if _url: for srv in srvs: if srv["location"] == _url: return binding, _url elif _index: for srv in srvs: if srv["index"] == _index: return binding, srv["location"] else: return binding, destinations(srvs)[0] except UnsupportedBinding: pass logger.error("Failed to find consumer URL: %s, %s, %s", entity_id, bindings, descr_type) # logger.error("Bindings: %s", bindings) # logger.error("Entities: %s", self.metadata) raise SAMLError("Unknown entity or unsupported bindings") def message_args(self, message_id=0): if not message_id: message_id = sid() return {"id": message_id, "version": VERSION, "issue_instant": instant(), "issuer": self._issuer()} def response_args(self, message, bindings=None, descr_type=""): """ :param message: The message to which a reply is constructed :param bindings: Which bindings can be used. :param descr_type: Type of descriptor (spssp, idpsso, ) :return: Dictionary """ info = {"in_response_to":} if isinstance(message, AuthnRequest): rsrv = "assertion_consumer_service" descr_type = "spsso" info["sp_entity_id"] = message.issuer.text info["name_id_policy"] = message.name_id_policy elif isinstance(message, LogoutRequest): rsrv = "single_logout_service" elif isinstance(message, AttributeQuery): info["sp_entity_id"] = message.issuer.text rsrv = "attribute_consuming_service" descr_type = "spsso" elif isinstance(message, ManageNameIDRequest): rsrv = "manage_name_id_service" # The once below are solely SOAP so no return destination needed elif isinstance(message, AssertionIDRequest): rsrv = "" elif isinstance(message, ArtifactResolve): rsrv = "" elif isinstance(message, AssertionIDRequest): rsrv = "" elif isinstance(message, NameIDMappingRequest): rsrv = "" else: raise SAMLError("No support for this type of query") if bindings == [BINDING_SOAP]: info["binding"] = BINDING_SOAP info["destination"] = "" return info if rsrv: if not descr_type: if self.entity_type == "sp": descr_type = "idpsso" else: descr_type = "spsso" binding, destination = self.pick_binding(rsrv, bindings, descr_type=descr_type, request=message) info["binding"] = binding info["destination"] = destination return info @staticmethod def unravel(txt, binding, msgtype="response"): """ Will unpack the received text. Depending on the context the original response may have been transformed before transmission. :param txt: :param binding: :param msgtype: :return: """ # logger.debug("unravel '%s'", txt) if binding not in [BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_URI, BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT, None]: raise UnknownBinding("Don't know how to handle '%s'" % binding) else: try: if binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: xmlstr = decode_base64_and_inflate(txt) elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_POST: xmlstr = base64.b64decode(txt) elif binding == BINDING_SOAP: func = getattr(soap, "parse_soap_enveloped_saml_%s" % msgtype) xmlstr = func(txt) elif binding == BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT: xmlstr = base64.b64decode(txt) else: xmlstr = txt except Exception: raise UnravelError("Unravelling binding '%s' failed" % binding) return xmlstr @staticmethod def parse_soap_message(text): """ :param text: The SOAP message :return: A dictionary with two keys "body" and "header" """ return class_instances_from_soap_enveloped_saml_thingies(text, [paos, ecp, samlp, samlec]) @staticmethod def unpack_soap_message(text): """ Picks out the parts of the SOAP message, body and headers apart :param text: The SOAP message :return: A dictionary with two keys "body"/"header" """ return open_soap_envelope(text) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sign(self, msg, mid=None, to_sign=None, sign_prepare=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): if msg.signature is None: msg.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) if sign_prepare: return msg if mid is None: mid = try: to_sign += [(class_name(msg), mid)] except (AttributeError, TypeError): to_sign = [(class_name(msg), mid)]"REQUEST: %s", msg) return signed_instance_factory(msg, self.sec, to_sign) def _message(self, request_cls, destination=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False, sign_prepare=False, nsprefix=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): """ Some parameters appear in all requests so simplify by doing it in one place :param request_cls: The specific request type :param destination: The recipient :param message_id: A message identifier :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the request should be signed or not. :param sign_prepare: Whether the signature should be prepared or not. :param kwargs: Key word arguments specific to one request type :return: A tuple containing the request ID and an instance of the request_cls """ if not message_id: message_id = sid() for key, val in self.message_args(message_id).items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = val req = request_cls(**kwargs) if destination: req.destination = destination if consent: req.consent = "true" if extensions: req.extensions = extensions if nsprefix: req.register_prefix(nsprefix) if self.msg_cb: req = self.msg_cb(req) reqid = if sign: return reqid, self.sign(req, sign_prepare=sign_prepare, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) else:"REQUEST: %s", req) return reqid, req @staticmethod def _filter_args(instance, extensions=None, **kwargs): args = {} if extensions is None: extensions = [] allowed_attributes = instance.keys() for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in allowed_attributes: args[key] = val elif isinstance(val, SamlBase): # extension elements allowed ? extensions.append(element_to_extension_element(val)) return args, extensions def _add_info(self, msg, **kwargs): """ Add information to a SAML message. If the attribute is not part of what's defined in the SAML standard add it as an extension. :param msg: :param kwargs: :return: """ args, extensions = self._filter_args(msg, **kwargs) for key, val in args.items(): setattr(msg, key, val) if extensions: if msg.extension_elements: msg.extension_elements.extend(extensions) else: msg.extension_elements = extensions def has_encrypt_cert_in_metadata(self, sp_entity_id): """ Verifies if the metadata contains encryption certificates. :param sp_entity_id: Entity ID for the calling service provider. :return: True if encrypt cert exists in metadata, otherwise False. """ if sp_entity_id is not None: _certs = self.metadata.certs(sp_entity_id, "any", "encryption") if len(_certs) > 0: return True return False def _encrypt_assertion(self, encrypt_cert, sp_entity_id, response, node_xpath=None): """ Encryption of assertions. :param encrypt_cert: Certificate to be used for encryption. :param sp_entity_id: Entity ID for the calling service provider. :param response: A samlp.Response :param node_xpath: Unquie path to the element to be encrypted. :return: A new samlp.Resonse with the designated assertion encrypted. """ _certs = [] if encrypt_cert: _certs.append(encrypt_cert) elif sp_entity_id is not None: _certs = self.metadata.certs(sp_entity_id, "any", "encryption") exception = None for _cert in _certs: try: begin_cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" end_cert = "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" if begin_cert not in _cert: _cert = "%s%s" % (begin_cert, _cert) if end_cert not in _cert: _cert = "%s%s" % (_cert, end_cert) _, cert_file = make_temp(_cert.encode('ascii'), decode=False) response = self.sec.encrypt_assertion(response, cert_file, pre_encryption_part(), node_xpath=node_xpath) return response except Exception as ex: exception = ex pass if exception: raise exception return response def _response(self, in_response_to, consumer_url=None, status=None, issuer=None, sign=False, to_sign=None, sp_entity_id=None, encrypt_assertion=False, encrypt_assertion_self_contained=False, encrypted_advice_attributes=False, encrypt_cert_advice=None, encrypt_cert_assertion=None, sign_assertion=None, pefim=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Response. Encryption: encrypt_assertion must be true for encryption to be performed. If encrypted_advice_attributes also is true, then will the function try to encrypt the assertion in the the advice element of the main assertion. Only one assertion element is allowed in the advice element, if multiple assertions exists in the advice element the main assertion will be encrypted instead, since it's no point to encrypt If encrypted_advice_attributes is false the main assertion will be encrypted. Since the same key :param in_response_to: The session identifier of the request :param consumer_url: The URL which should receive the response :param status: An instance of samlp.Status :param issuer: The issuer of the response :param sign: Whether the response should be signed or not :param to_sign: If there are other parts to sign :param sp_entity_id: Entity ID for the calling service provider. :param encrypt_assertion: True if assertions should be encrypted. :param encrypt_assertion_self_contained: True if all encrypted assertions should have alla namespaces selfcontained. :param encrypted_advice_attributes: True if assertions in the advice element should be encrypted. :param encrypt_cert_advice: Certificate to be used for encryption of assertions in the advice element. :param encrypt_cert_assertion: Certificate to be used for encryption of assertions. :param sign_assertion: True if assertions should be signed. :param pefim: True if a response according to the PEFIM profile should be created. :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments :return: A Response instance """ if not status: status = success_status_factory() _issuer = self._issuer(issuer) response = response_factory(issuer=_issuer, in_response_to=in_response_to, status=status, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) if consumer_url: response.destination = consumer_url self._add_info(response, **kwargs) if not sign and to_sign and not encrypt_assertion: return signed_instance_factory(response, self.sec, to_sign) has_encrypt_cert = self.has_encrypt_cert_in_metadata(sp_entity_id) if not has_encrypt_cert and encrypt_cert_advice is None: encrypted_advice_attributes = False if not has_encrypt_cert and encrypt_cert_assertion is None: encrypt_assertion = False if encrypt_assertion or ( encrypted_advice_attributes and response.assertion.advice is not None and len(response.assertion.advice.assertion) == 1): if sign: response.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) sign_class = [(class_name(response),] else: sign_class = [] if encrypted_advice_attributes and response.assertion.advice is \ not None \ and len(response.assertion.advice.assertion) > 0: _assertions = response.assertion if not isinstance(_assertions, list): _assertions = [_assertions] for _assertion in _assertions: _assertion.advice.encrypted_assertion = [] _assertion.advice.encrypted_assertion.append( EncryptedAssertion()) _advice_assertions = copy.deepcopy( _assertion.advice.assertion) _assertion.advice.assertion = [] if not isinstance(_advice_assertions, list): _advice_assertions = [_advice_assertions] for tmp_assertion in _advice_assertions: to_sign_advice = [] if sign_assertion and not pefim: tmp_assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) to_sign_advice.append( (class_name(tmp_assertion), # tmp_assertion = response.assertion.advice.assertion[0] _assertion.advice.encrypted_assertion[ 0].add_extension_element(tmp_assertion) if encrypt_assertion_self_contained: advice_tag = \ response.assertion.advice._to_element_tree().tag assertion_tag = tmp_assertion._to_element_tree().tag response = \ response.get_xml_string_with_self_contained_assertion_within_advice_encrypted_assertion( assertion_tag, advice_tag) node_xpath = ''.join( ["/*[local-name()=\"%s\"]" % v for v in ["Response", "Assertion", "Advice", "EncryptedAssertion", "Assertion"]]) if to_sign_advice: response = signed_instance_factory(response, self.sec, to_sign_advice) response = self._encrypt_assertion( encrypt_cert_advice, sp_entity_id, response, node_xpath=node_xpath) response = response_from_string(response) if encrypt_assertion: to_sign_assertion = [] if sign_assertion is not None and sign_assertion: _assertions = response.assertion if not isinstance(_assertions, list): _assertions = [_assertions] for _assertion in _assertions: _assertion.signature = pre_signature_part(, self.sec.my_cert, 1, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) to_sign_assertion.append( (class_name(_assertion), if encrypt_assertion_self_contained: try: assertion_tag = response.assertion._to_element_tree( ).tag except: assertion_tag = response.assertion[ 0]._to_element_tree().tag response = pre_encrypt_assertion(response) response = \ response.get_xml_string_with_self_contained_assertion_within_encrypted_assertion( assertion_tag) else: response = pre_encrypt_assertion(response) if to_sign_assertion: response = signed_instance_factory(response, self.sec, to_sign_assertion) response = self._encrypt_assertion(encrypt_cert_assertion, sp_entity_id, response) else: if to_sign: response = signed_instance_factory(response, self.sec, to_sign) if sign: return signed_instance_factory(response, self.sec, sign_class) else: return response if sign: return self.sign(response, to_sign=to_sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) else: return response def _status_response(self, response_class, issuer, status, sign=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): """ Create a StatusResponse. :param response_class: Which subclass of StatusResponse that should be used :param issuer: The issuer of the response message :param status: The return status of the response operation :param sign: Whether the response should be signed or not :param kwargs: Extra arguments to the response class :return: Class instance or string representation of the instance """ mid = sid() for key in ["binding"]: try: del kwargs[key] except KeyError: pass if not status: status = success_status_factory() response = response_class(issuer=issuer, id=mid, version=VERSION, issue_instant=instant(), status=status, **kwargs) if sign: return self.sign(response, mid, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) else: return response # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @staticmethod def srv2typ(service): for typ in ["aa", "pdp", "aq"]: if service in ENDPOINTS[typ]: if typ == "aa": return "attribute_authority" elif typ == "aq": return "authn_authority" else: return typ def _parse_request(self, enc_request, request_cls, service, binding): """Parse a Request :param enc_request: The request in its transport format :param request_cls: The type of requests I expect :param service: :param binding: Which binding that was used to transport the message to this entity. :return: A request instance """ _log_info = _log_debug = logger.debug # The addresses I should receive messages like this on receiver_addresses = self.config.endpoint(service, binding, self.entity_type) if not receiver_addresses and self.entity_type == "idp": for typ in ["aa", "aq", "pdp"]: receiver_addresses = self.config.endpoint(service, binding, typ) if receiver_addresses: break _log_debug("receiver addresses: %s", receiver_addresses) _log_debug("Binding: %s", binding) try: timeslack = self.config.accepted_time_diff if not timeslack: timeslack = 0 except AttributeError: timeslack = 0 _request = request_cls(self.sec, receiver_addresses, self.config.attribute_converters, timeslack=timeslack) xmlstr = self.unravel(enc_request, binding, request_cls.msgtype) must = self.config.getattr("want_authn_requests_signed", "idp") only_valid_cert = self.config.getattr( "want_authn_requests_only_with_valid_cert", "idp") if only_valid_cert is None: only_valid_cert = False if only_valid_cert: must = True _request = _request.loads(xmlstr, binding, origdoc=enc_request, must=must, only_valid_cert=only_valid_cert) _log_debug("Loaded request") if _request: _request = _request.verify() _log_debug("Verified request") if not _request: return None else: return _request # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def create_error_response(self, in_response_to, destination, info, sign=False, issuer=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): """ Create a error response. :param in_response_to: The identifier of the message this is a response to. :param destination: The intended recipient of this message :param info: Either an Exception instance or a 2-tuple consisting of error code and descriptive text :param sign: Whether the response should be signed or not :param issuer: The issuer of the response :param kwargs: To capture key,value pairs I don't care about :return: A response instance """ status = error_status_factory(info) return self._response(in_response_to, destination, status, issuer, sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def create_logout_request(self, destination, issuer_entity_id, subject_id=None, name_id=None, reason=None, expire=None, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False, session_indexes=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ Constructs a LogoutRequest :param destination: Destination of the request :param issuer_entity_id: The entity ID of the IdP the request is target at. :param subject_id: The identifier of the subject :param name_id: A NameID instance identifying the subject :param reason: An indication of the reason for the logout, in the form of a URI reference. :param expire: The time at which the request expires, after which the recipient may discard the message. :param message_id: Request identifier :param consent: Whether the principal have given her consent :param extensions: Possible extensions :param sign: Whether the query should be signed or not. :param session_indexes: SessionIndex instances or just values :return: A LogoutRequest instance """ if subject_id: if self.entity_type == "idp": name_id = NameID(text=self.users.get_entityid(subject_id, issuer_entity_id, False)) else: name_id = NameID(text=subject_id) if not name_id: raise SAMLError("Missing subject identification") args = {} if session_indexes: sis = [] for si in session_indexes: if isinstance(si, SessionIndex): sis.append(si) else: sis.append(SessionIndex(text=si)) args["session_index"] = sis return self._message(LogoutRequest, destination, message_id, consent, extensions, sign, name_id=name_id, reason=reason, not_on_or_after=expire, issuer=self._issuer(), sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **args) def create_logout_response(self, request, bindings=None, status=None, sign=False, issuer=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ Create a LogoutResponse. :param request: The request this is a response to :param bindings: Which bindings that can be used for the response If None the preferred bindings are gathered from the configuration :param status: The return status of the response operation If None the operation is regarded as a Success. :param issuer: The issuer of the message :return: HTTP args """ rinfo = self.response_args(request, bindings) if not issuer: issuer = self._issuer() response = self._status_response(samlp.LogoutResponse, issuer, status, sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **rinfo)"Response: %s", response) return response def create_artifact_resolve(self, artifact, destination, sessid, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ Create a ArtifactResolve request :param artifact: :param destination: :param sessid: session id :param consent: :param extensions: :param sign: :return: The request message """ artifact = Artifact(text=artifact) return self._message(ArtifactResolve, destination, sessid, consent, extensions, sign, artifact=artifact, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg) def create_artifact_response(self, request, artifact, bindings=None, status=None, sign=False, issuer=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ Create an ArtifactResponse :return: """ rinfo = self.response_args(request, bindings) response = self._status_response(ArtifactResponse, issuer, status, sign=sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **rinfo) msg = element_to_extension_element(self.artifact[artifact]) response.extension_elements = [msg]"Response: %s", response) return response def create_manage_name_id_request(self, destination, message_id=0, consent=None, extensions=None, sign=False, name_id=None, new_id=None, encrypted_id=None, new_encrypted_id=None, terminate=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None): """ :param destination: :param message_id: :param consent: :param extensions: :param sign: :param name_id: :param new_id: :param encrypted_id: :param new_encrypted_id: :param terminate: :return: """ kwargs = self.message_args(message_id) if name_id: kwargs["name_id"] = name_id elif encrypted_id: kwargs["encrypted_id"] = encrypted_id else: raise AttributeError( "One of NameID or EncryptedNameID has to be provided") if new_id: kwargs["new_id"] = new_id elif new_encrypted_id: kwargs["new_encrypted_id"] = new_encrypted_id elif terminate: kwargs["terminate"] = terminate else: raise AttributeError( "One of NewID, NewEncryptedNameID or Terminate has to be " "provided") return self._message(ManageNameIDRequest, destination, consent=consent, extensions=extensions, sign=sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **kwargs) def parse_manage_name_id_request(self, xmlstr, binding=BINDING_SOAP): """ Deal with a LogoutRequest :param xmlstr: The response as a xml string :param binding: What type of binding this message came through. :return: None if the reply doesn't contain a valid SAML LogoutResponse, otherwise the reponse if the logout was successful and None if it was not. """ return self._parse_request(xmlstr, saml_request.ManageNameIDRequest, "manage_name_id_service", binding) def create_manage_name_id_response(self, request, bindings=None, status=None, sign=False, issuer=None, sign_alg=None, digest_alg=None, **kwargs): rinfo = self.response_args(request, bindings) response = self._status_response(samlp.ManageNameIDResponse, issuer, status, sign, sign_alg=sign_alg, digest_alg=digest_alg, **rinfo)"Response: %s", response) return response def parse_manage_name_id_request_response(self, string, binding=BINDING_SOAP): return self._parse_response(string, saml_response.ManageNameIDResponse, "manage_name_id_service", binding, asynchop=False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _parse_response(self, xmlstr, response_cls, service, binding, outstanding_certs=None, **kwargs): """ Deal with a Response :param xmlstr: The response as a xml string :param response_cls: What type of response it is :param binding: What type of binding this message came through. :param outstanding_certs: Certificates that belongs to me that the IdP may have used to encrypt a response/assertion/.. :param kwargs: Extra key word arguments :return: None if the reply doesn't contain a valid SAML Response, otherwise the response. """ if self.config.accepted_time_diff: kwargs["timeslack"] = self.config.accepted_time_diff if "asynchop" not in kwargs: if binding in [BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_PAOS]: kwargs["asynchop"] = False else: kwargs["asynchop"] = True response = None if not xmlstr: return response if "return_addrs" not in kwargs: bindings = { BINDING_SOAP, BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, BINDING_HTTP_POST, } if binding in bindings: # expected return address kwargs["return_addrs"] = self.config.endpoint( service, binding=binding, context=self.entity_type) try: response = response_cls(self.sec, **kwargs) except Exception as exc:"%s", exc) raise xmlstr = self.unravel(xmlstr, binding, response_cls.msgtype) if not xmlstr: # Not a valid reponse return None try: response_is_signed = False # Record the response signature requirement. require_response_signature = response.require_response_signature # Force the requirement that the response be signed in order to # force signature checking to happen so that we can know whether # or not the response is signed. The attribute on the response class # is reset to the recorded value in the finally clause below. response.require_response_signature = True response = response.loads(xmlstr, False, origxml=xmlstr) except SigverError as err: if require_response_signature: logger.error("Signature Error: %s", err) raise else: # The response is not signed but a signature is not required # so reset the attribute on the response class to the recorded # value and attempt to consume the unpacked XML again. response.require_response_signature = require_response_signature response = response.loads(xmlstr, False, origxml=xmlstr) except UnsolicitedResponse: logger.error("Unsolicited response") raise except Exception as err: if "not well-formed" in "%s" % err: logger.error("Not well-formed XML") raise else: response_is_signed = True finally: response.require_response_signature = require_response_signature logger.debug("XMLSTR: %s", xmlstr) if not response: return response keys = None if outstanding_certs: try: cert = outstanding_certs[response.in_response_to] except KeyError: keys = None else: if not isinstance(cert, list): cert = [cert] keys = [] for _cert in cert: keys.append(_cert["key"]) try: assertions_are_signed = False # Record the assertions signature requirement. require_signature = response.require_signature # Force the requirement that the assertions be signed in order to # force signature checking to happen so that we can know whether # or not the assertions are signed. The attribute on the response class # is reset to the recorded value in the finally clause below. response.require_signature = True # Verify that the assertion is syntactically correct and the # signature on the assertion is correct if present. response = response.verify(keys) except SignatureError as err: if require_signature: logger.error("Signature Error: %s", err) raise else: response.require_signature = require_signature response = response.verify(keys) else: assertions_are_signed = True finally: response.require_signature = require_signature # If so configured enforce that either the response is signed # or the assertions within it are signed. if response.require_signature_or_response_signature: if not response_is_signed and not assertions_are_signed: msg = "Neither the response nor the assertions are signed" logger.error(msg) raise SigverError(msg) return response # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_logout_request_response(self, xmlstr, binding=BINDING_SOAP): return self._parse_response(xmlstr, LogoutResponse, "single_logout_service", binding) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_logout_request(self, xmlstr, binding=BINDING_SOAP): """ Deal with a LogoutRequest :param xmlstr: The response as a xml string :param binding: What type of binding this message came through. :return: None if the reply doesn't contain a valid SAML LogoutResponse, otherwise the reponse if the logout was successful and None if it was not. """ return self._parse_request(xmlstr, saml_request.LogoutRequest, "single_logout_service", binding) def use_artifact(self, message, endpoint_index=0): """ :param message: :param endpoint_index: :return: """ message_handle = sha1(str(message).encode('utf-8')) message_handle.update(rndbytes()) mhd = message_handle.digest() saml_art = create_artifact(self.config.entityid, mhd, endpoint_index) self.artifact[saml_art] = message return saml_art def artifact2destination(self, artifact, descriptor): """ Translate an artifact into a receiver location :param artifact: The Base64 encoded SAML artifact :return: """ _art = base64.b64decode(artifact) assert _art[:2] == ARTIFACT_TYPECODE try: endpoint_index = str(int(_art[2:4])) except ValueError: endpoint_index = str(int(hexlify(_art[2:4]))) entity = self.sourceid[_art[4:24]] destination = None for desc in entity["%s_descriptor" % descriptor]: for srv in desc["artifact_resolution_service"]: if srv["index"] == endpoint_index: destination = srv["location"] break return destination def artifact2message(self, artifact, descriptor): """ :param artifact: The Base64 encoded SAML artifact as sent over the net :param descriptor: The type of entity on the other side :return: A SAML message (request/response) """ destination = self.artifact2destination(artifact, descriptor) if not destination: raise SAMLError("Missing endpoint location") _sid = sid() mid, msg = self.create_artifact_resolve(artifact, destination, _sid) return self.send_using_soap(msg, destination) def parse_artifact_resolve(self, txt, **kwargs): """ Always done over SOAP :param txt: The SOAP enveloped ArtifactResolve :param kwargs: :return: An ArtifactResolve instance """ _resp = parse_soap_enveloped_saml_artifact_resolve(txt) return artifact_resolve_from_string(_resp) def parse_artifact_resolve_response(self, xmlstr): kwargs = {"entity_id": self.config.entityid, "attribute_converters": self.config.attribute_converters} resp = self._parse_response(xmlstr, saml_response.ArtifactResponse, "artifact_resolve", BINDING_SOAP, **kwargs) # should just be one elems = extension_elements_to_elements(resp.response.extension_elements, [samlp, saml]) return elems[0]